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1、小学英语可数名词单数变复数规律1一般情况下,直接加 S,如:apple-apples pig-pigsbook-bookspencil-pencils2.如果单词以 s sh、ch、x 结尾的名词,加 es女口: bus-buses 公车)class-classes 班级)watch-watches 手表)box-boxes 盒子)fox-foxes(狐狸)3以 y 结尾的单词,元音字母+y 的,直接加 s:女口: boys、babys;以辅音字母+y 结尾的名词,把 y 改成 i 加 es女口: family-families(家庭) strawberry-strawberries 草莓)

2、story-stories(故事)4. 如果单词以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词,把 f 或 fe 改成 v 加 es,女口: wife-wives, knife-knives5. 如果单词以”结尾:(1)有生命的,力卩 es,女口: potato-potatoes,tomato-tomatoes,hero-heroes(2)无生命的,力卩 s,女口: photo-photos 照片),radio-radios(收音机)6. 将 00”改为 ee的名词,女口: tooth-teeth(牙),foot-feet(脚),goose-geese 鹅)7单复同形的名词:fish-fishsheep-she

3、ep 绵羊)paper-paper 纸氏)people-people(peoples 表示民族”)8不规则变化的名词:(1)man-men, woman-women延伸:policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen(2)child-children (孩子)(3) mouse-mice 老鼠)(4)根据中文意思变化的名词,lO.Themeeti ng room is n ear the readi ng room.如:l-we(我-我们),you-you(你-你们),this-these 这个-这些),that-those 那 个-那些)he/she

4、/it-they(他 / 她/ 它-他们),lO.Themeeti ng room is n ear the readi ng room.巩固练习1.ora nge2.class3.text4.mon key5.pia no6.child7.shelf8.bed9.co untry1O.family11.toy12.foot13.Japa nese14.radio15.photo16.army17.tomato18.fox19.woma n20.k nife22.sheep23.watch24.baby24.pe n二、选择填空1.Thereon the wall .They are very

5、 beautiful.A. are photoesB. are photosC. is a photoD. is photos2. This ki nd of carmade in Sha nghai.A. isB .areC .wereD .has3. here are fourand twoin the group.A. Japa nese, Germe n B Japaneses, Germen C. Japanese,German4. That sart book.A. anB. aC. theD are5. The boys have gotalready.A. two breadB

6、. two breadsC. two pieces of breadD. two piece of bread6. The old man wantsA. six boxes of applesB. six boxes of appleC. six box of applesD. six boxs of apples7. Theresomein the river.A. is ,fishB. are, fishsC. is, fishsD. are ,fish8. Theretwoin the box.A. is watchB.are watchesC. are watchD. is watc

7、hes9. We should clea ntwice a day.A .our toothB.our toothsC.teethD.our teeth、写出下列名词的复数形式lO.Themeeti ng room is n ear the readi ng room.C.Japa nese. GermansA.teacher B.teacher sC.teachersD.teachersC. forty minu tes walkD. forty minu tes walk11. In Britai n_are all pain ted red.12._They come from diff

8、ere ntA. countryB. coun triesC. a countryD. coun trys13._ How manydo you see in the picture?A. tomatos B. tomatoes C. tomatoD. the tomato14._ They areA. SheepsB. a sheep C.sheepD.sheepes17._ There are some new books inthe school library. They are_ books.A. childB. childre nsC. childre n D. childre n

9、s18. I have worn out my shoes, so I want to buy a new_.A. pairB. oneC. onesD. trousers19. Meimeis han dwriti ng is better tha n any other_ in his class.A. stude nts B. stude ntsC. stude nts D. stude nts20. The hospital is a bit far from here. Its about_ .A. forty minu tess walk B. forty mi nutes wal

10、kA.l etter boxesB.l etters boxesC.letter boxD.l ettersboxA . woma n teachersB. wome n teachersC. wome n teacherD. woma n teacher15._ There are some_A.k nifespen eboxesC.knivespencboxin these_.B.knivespenc-boxD.k nivespen ci-boxeson the hill.三填入所给名词的正确形式1.I have two_ (knife)2.There are many_here. (bo

11、x)3.There are many_on the road. (bus)4.A few_are draw ing on the wall. (boy)5.The_are playi ng football now. (child)四、请用括号中名词的复数形式填空1. Look at those_ . (child)2. I can see a_ sta nding n ear the door. (policema n)3. Do you want some_for dinner? (potato)4. In autu mn, you can see a lot of_ on the groun d.(leaf)5. He has two_ .One is blue , the other is yellow.( box)6. Two_ live in this buildi ng .( family )五选择正确的词形1 How many (radioes, radios) can you see?2 There are 36 (boys, boies) in my class.3 Look at those (sheeps, sheep).4


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