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1、1上海市青浦区 2013 届高三上学期期末教学质量调研英语试题扫描版含答案新人教版靑浦匿 2012 学年第一学期贡三期末质抽査考试英捂试:点舍爲命廿0莎;尤生时离I汕守+*)ie(其1脖分)(. I.isteninf Coniprehtn&ionStxlih AbiriLliiin: IESztian A, you will hca5 ten short onx crs-iLoni bctw xr. iv. u jiyicdkerti. Al the dne each coniunmticim u quHtitm willbe isle rd about w hai Uan sdid The匚

2、曲亡ruHim* und the will be spoken oi emptL After you hwr a ccjntrMturi tnd the aNttMtbuut iu rcJ the:bur possible answrra onJDUTpaper, and decide which one is the hcsl answer to the question vtu hue heard.1.A. SI33.B. S130.C S103.D.SII3.T_A. In別rrs-ittunuit.B. In a park.戶1 yfuhC. Ln a Ecnccrt hull.Ik

3、In hospita.1A. He will drive her home-曲肌油呂15. He ccwjsnt Like red wine.C. He is not supposed to drink my wine.D. HeKa dnm4,A. Tlira day.ti V, edncidiy.C, Th unday.U. Frilly.土A. A waiter.U A pu lie cmC. A iciuhcr.U. A diXtDi6.A. A movieB. A docunKnlaryC. A iMjccxr百a*.D Thank givingA. TQhave more xep.

4、H. To eat briklast nwC. To get up nt;ht du &y.D, Tu tbl bKokial cold, jell; tillScclipn ttLinH:lions:In Sectioi B, you will heirlup hurt pa&Mcs. arid yqu u iLl be anked thiec queatioru n cuch of lhe passars. Thepassagrii wi【】be read ricc. but the quntiDns will be 5poker only untc. AShenhear a questi

5、un read lhe rbur pwssiWeunswmt onyour paper and decide which one WDU:i br the best answer to Lhr qursticn yclu have huard-N. A. The envne is not difficult.匚.He dLhCusi believe itH Wnr.LJ. Al tJhc sports centerD. At the b函山n幫 北loLl枷.A. lutlDry tncrnkishjpi mn be ver*1drYiult io mii.nLuLrLB. On:hHK to

6、 be frsprudul nt other people tn order tu win rpcci.C It is hard iyr peopk Irom d i nGertnl bac kj;rDunU Ifl beenrC frienJi D- Social diMsions will break downif people其:to kn(w each uthrr.Scetwn C.DirtcHun; In Section C, you wilt hear two longer convenaiion. The m%ier!ialiuns will be read After yim

7、heareach canvcr&ulicn, veu air rt m Chirw ihi* ytmf22 .WWre do they prefer tu go、SjTnr hcrc baulitul hut豎 .edit Lhey呂曰rttoit intcmdticin !24 .IL Grammar and X (KftbulatAScciinn ADirwtiDDi: Ueneath each of the fbllawing sEiitencea there are four choices marled A, BTC and D. lh tme answerchit best com

8、pletes the、umrTt匕I I. A. OnEboai.12. A. 12:1 fL3. A. Rjijry. rlB. Un a p;&nr.B. 12)3.B.SncuA.C. On t train.C. 11:45.匚Fo霧DOnTV-D. 1l:.D. Suruiv32f. The Gfkhtnncn i【ltgdly ireited um scveml rrules_ the nonh eoni,an6. offC, alongD. by26.There is_酣gExxlASthe Taste of a fresh apple. cspcciaHy in lhe fall

9、.A,ncthmgB.cwythin*C,wmethingD-now27.They have卩mmisrd the monr; rollcctrd_be handed to thr chanr home.A. can0.mustC.winD.shallIt can neer be(CTL1 that_with a bi iknuly rc&iiEts in his quitlin schoo,-A. having bLirdened0.being burdenedUto burdenD.burdening29. Een thojyh she_ much, the Wiinuin mulhnii

10、llbonjirc山斤油茁un working ut* a strrdc.runsrrla sei herchildrcti百noc uxainpicLA. doejnLpajB- unt paidC, hmnt pmdD, hainl been paid3(1 Since it will tdJeu veini ic kno the cfleet iii uinftirally rr.fsditied Fnod” il rrnirSEMMCla give n a犹mn4lheughi bct(re we皿il._itA. isntB. itC, wontD. will3 . Mo Yan,

11、many of _ _waiis * rrr basrd on his cipcricTKc in his birth place* was amdedthe nbel Prize in Literature 20t2.;tAiiihA_VAKB. whomC. whoseD. hit32,The village ofBcial ipofnored the 7-ywr-old mphan_out of ha awkward utuadDO.A尅-gatC. tei getD. having gat33.Though_ of taking too many ritkt the elimber c

12、otitinued his chdtlenge.A. UTii accusedB.血3cmn百C. aznuicdD. la beuaru&edi4. Every passenger boarding the Trtanic . filled i*idl Confidence that the ship was unsinkable.A, uuB.had beenC- lw beenD” is3 1冶5 inybedv knew the dciintlian nl Srrdr,_thr hist seated in thr JTonlA.出diedEk judemC. oikD. tn uki

13、t. I料pirtcr to iLiir! eariy_ have亡 r号thing in the lMit minulc.A. in ddiiHjnB. in cticC. or elseD. rathdT thanV. h ti zultiirc more lhannyth】n羊rl_ dclenmnei hc)w电nlicni civiliziitiOFi rvdsici.A. thatB. whichC- whyD. a3*. Cdn jxm be hemest abcut_it * ouDJ take to dsftnJ弹njrse】f眉Mn訓3 gun atiack甩whether

14、B. kawC. wheD. whatI cuuJdni help Lin grgi_ J pul on the parachute and wa puLJpd off lhe bcach-A. n cn thoughB. whetherC. whileD. the nxinlcnlSection Ulirtrh): Cumplete the:詐I Lew in苴pu、紐筋uiting the vnrds in the box Eah word a.n nr.缺usjdiite tJidt tliere “ ure vi Dre morr UiLnncd.A. gcncnnuiU. Luhst

15、JCjiC.卜LJLkh関D. chanceE. addition押,Ws are deeply imprtised by lhe洋)al from the conference dnublr bvdir m 2U20.A. thatB-恤hichC. whniD_ whose40.4F. cuniribut;G HrthoyingH. iurrtni1. iurthcrJ. scrueturtAttmu-hng dondlins睥a chief concern ibr nonprofit r yunizatmm and prqjei:ts. An efleclive, profcssiori

16、aLdorLation-Tcqucsl; letter is a ncccssarj- tool伽fulidkraisilng. Rsearching poMibk dcnurift and 41datahiweofnamffiUK) oqpmiiZBiimfi ii unc key tubut the ability tow.Brite a doiuLLiDn-requci letter haas an even greater impact on生廿crt&sfii fujiLi-rHJSing-Research potential dnon via the Intemet- Rjesea

17、rch small impsiiics in 42 to large MimJatrnnsSromebmes a. small 1CX:MI company诵ill刖联)KUin reaching灿guaL A mpk appeal to a public-spintrdlocal firm may inspire a surpnsiTi|fly 4dnnatiDn.Find the卩卩roprinte contict prrDn. Address your kEtcr to aTCAI perenn whuIIAinMLa entitle a dlanatioiL Beginning ywi

18、* letum with To Whom It May CawtiTr or ”Dear Country NJarket1 stands litlk44of就也址tmg the attentsun uf the nght*诅讦memberAnd then. 45 the letter properly- Begin yiour letter with wiviT and rradabx description of your :inizdtiion,15work, and h唱hbght n recent success stor Ccntinur wnh u tew $sm=rdJ益凸to

19、impress the contact person withyour organiiaiion*! rfBcicncy and effectiveneM- Next, deuribe m full the 4亍pnyect w cffbrt for which a dknauemit needed and谢ha will benefit. Include all contact intbrmation. mcSudmg telephone fu and.CTTUIII and end byinviting the person Lo聖tmWrl yDu if any4豊jnfaTmatian

20、 i& needed. Fsnjilly, hajid on the letter IDCXJULu letter- DoiKim. Oiftenre willing lo 49i;ftheyarc shxT*H how their caminbiitiDn was put to use. Follow-up Irttcni carl assistin this Abrt.工hje皿:/ IB二zomIII. Heading CompreheiHlonSctian AIHreiium: For总uh blank in lhe folbwtng卩也稲戌血there盘亡fiyr牡也出富or ph血

21、料marked A,比C Mitdl IXFill in cLcih bJnk wdlh dir word cur phrstsc that best iitji thr iontrxtSigns沾门wmetimsi* be seen at the entrance of n house, express mg thal a聲期护(:駅嶷H)has passed.This special sign-Language is frequently 50 by- tramps infofm their 31谢hMur Lhc hail of a main huusie诣tnendlyor口ntrie

22、ndly, and to忙them lhe UDublc of makmg unnecesAan calli- jelJjfshQuite 53 one山巧.I came acrusiHreal tramp .Mt w such百rare lhc曲戸thut I stood some diiuncc Mway andu-atchcd him. He was dressed jusx ns a tramp shcnuld be in, old warn tnmsrrii, nod a jacket rnuny *izr暫loo bi tarhim ODhis h-triid their wu a

23、 battered old hat 5S- A. jAveB. lwnchedC wiD. nude5&. A. bj-TJytistiB. toC. inD. behind5rAr drawingB knsinfC. correctingD. siudjing竟.A. jiBkiB. strdr.cC runny11 rxcitinA. ciirillJcntAR, inncnllyC. comequcntly1) tiiriHciilUliA60. A. uidH. butC. haix ?vcrb. ihrretLjre61. A. cuficnidlionR. intinduciion

24、C. aruiYcniD pztin帘h2. A. h4ppjB.丘申:.忖C. cipehJcD, sorry63. A. Oi關砒B. StcjlinC PuttingD. Ltck吨64. A. icqB. pitiemC. paceD. situationDLrrrtiuni:Rr&d the Rillcuing three pasagcK. Eachm fbllnwcil了、wvcraJ qu*ixns orunfinished statcmcnls. For each of them there arr jour choi匸ru m&rkcd A. B, C and D” Chtx

25、jsr the line that flu bestaccurdiny lu the intcrrttiiiun yiven in th pussjiyc yuu have juM read.On ThurJa aftimnun Mrs. CJdJke, JTCJIIJJ iW yLtinj;“ut、took her hsndhug with her muns and hi:r kr init.PHUKI the Joor heHind her to ks:k il tuid wem lo the ner hds C.Jub. She wenl on】l凰mce “ut-旳hran “(J m

26、umn who hcJ al:jne.AlNIXo;:.0ciL sht mirir humr. .rt herseJ)r nJ *t cmzc Trntb ciarrttr smok,: Ciar:ltr strnok:? in her Iwm就、How1How! HH1 nomeont g“t in1She cheeked the bik JMFand the windows. Al were tuckrd ur fkEtenwl, uusn&l. There wat no sin uf forced enirj:Over a cup of lea. shr wandered whethe

27、r ijcmcn-Tic miht tuve a key that httrd her front door MUBTJfca-,Tperhaps. So she sajrd at bone dw ibllowin,g Thursday. Nothing happened It as iinyonc watzhLn her nw rmtnts1(Jn r Thursday after thaL bhu硏mt out al her usiLal time, dres&ed旷usual, but she didnt gn in the dub Insleddthe tx)k a shun cut

28、Iwrt again. Atting heriieJf in thruuh her JurLieniuid lhe bock Lloor. Shr Jictllcd dcn to wuLzhucq!亠lt3Lt rc,. ianij Mni. CJarkr*昭rnukin u cup f tea ul the time. Thehell rang 4gu)n. and Uitri业蜡hcud her cttcr-bx being piuhcd open. With thj krtl.c al hi)L:jir v.jtrr in her hiiind.sheTTW? cd quietly ti

29、W3Rh lilt from drLock. C lurke ra.sd the ke:tJc and ponied the wdter orrlhe hard. There d shLit und由亡ykin smidTOdrop efF the flri|;crs like a glove. The wire full to the tlcurhhand wdipulled皿k. ind Mri. C.diiif heardSDURJ i诃rurmr!i$ Ul.右取Mrs. Clarke looked thrwurd to Thunday becau_A.she w orked At a

30、. club on the dayB. hc had Msitara on ThimddC.she visitedHclub cn ThursdayD. a special isilor6came an Thursday处.匕Iidl山迫i, tht; expreskmn iir muxtrr krin EriruLph i rnaY prDhdbty rnean1A.A key to all the doon. ;ryshR. A key only to the mum ons door.C, A key only its jnaster can u*;e.D, A key not e en

31、e canUM.67. On the third Thursday Mrs. Clarke ivent out_A.because she dklnl wanL tu miss the cubB.Io see if the thkf was wandering outsideC.Lu the club but then chunked her mindD.Ln dn attrimpt to tnck the ihirfThe lock on thr front dewr u as unr Ahizh_.A. tirnkd a pteof艸ire kjpen itB. cuuld be )fwn

32、ed thm inaid; iihoul a keC. CDutdnt be Lipcncd without i keyD. uijd u hiirdlJ o: d kr(B)nchurlSato 1800 HKtaQBM MteryIn M* mhutoady4plua h nd dwg* your iPhorw qulckMJust :u RiEh.ArdSclu L! K) into jour iPhone nnee or twiceHdaj. far iiftrm ininum. und keep your iPhemecLtrjjtJ up Al desk or al dinner,

33、 plug Richardlo into iPhone to instantly transter criKTjjc. Nu mare battci womci.RicruirLiSolD will chjrgr iPhurc to lull L.5 limes, imd it is辭ad for 3-5 yemrs cf haTyes.Lsc th聲iPhtMic while chiTnjin it.匸cn charge the R.LhdrdSoJc iSik) and iPhone turthcr al the ujric tiiTic.Take only one charccr whe

34、n traveling and waku up in止匕rnomiiif with the RhurdSch the iPhcuie chaffed.RichiirJiDlo mis largest in Ll*E:ISand hoIcs its churc ibr jnonth*l -.irkv vri:= uLmnsl all iPhonrYQUIt& gumntcodn wiih unrreturn privilege- If sumrr nut KIItitled forin; Tracn well email you * pttpiiJ rrtum Intel.To nvr jour

35、 conipary CTthibit suchV(HM1 scrviEt is unbclm ably rrfreshLKg. This 15 uhal I cull great cusiumer support. wish nwre compaJiies uwtd figure this out ihtH days. Thank yotisc muzh. Q-You have providet! me one of the bfthone shopping. ou muiit have the fistnt proccsir iird shipping m lhe iniiiiEtry! T

36、his n the best customer wnice experience I hue had in a lonjj- time. If only we always h&d such oodrnjoTT:CTit! *厶lc rtdd inline ubmn your anuung cu*tomer sen ice. and t rust uy Im a trut be I is ver.一“Yi?ur ite s n at冷由讥dry ihut 1 evtn cant bdi c it. and I will inlnsJui沽ii tn m mends. J*K*ft9*. Wha

37、t川special aboul the buttery1A. It is built in an iPhone.BrLt也the smaJInt of its kind.C. It caii also be used as a charger.D. It keeps power ftr about 30 days.0. Who mentions the transporting of the battery诛A. PS.B B.LCMCDTK771The customer camments on the batterj- are mainly about;its_二A- qutthty0, w

38、ni iceC. funetkwD, the甲pingAt the heart ot the debase over ilkudl jmmignihon he erne key queNlion: arc imrm塔rut% gwxi or bad ter theecontmj1The American public ovcrAlwImmjfK thinks theyre had. Pet the igrcerncnl among most economists wthat LmmLriiitmn, both 1亡辭.I fcuni and insccuitiu瓦Theres wmr trut

39、h to oil these explanatioru, but they1arcn1 quite sutUcinL.Tn g a txrtlrr undrr&tandin of what11!on. cinsudcr the inj irnmiTjLtipn impact听8t:li. Though ill口、urall eOct may be positive, its栏口乩and bene fits ire distributed unevenly. Dii id Card, aneconiimisl. Mt LC Herk亡:cy notciSi that thr onITSwho p

40、rofit mDsli directlySTOTTIim mi grants* kiwost labor arcbu罰肚胖比und emphjncrs mcntkiny phni in Nebraska, fbr instance, these producers * sj.Yin|js pmbiblytrinslule in to lowei pri ces at the gTLKxry store, but how mmy cmisumcri make thtti nunlaj conticciion at thecheckout ccmntCT As fcwr the drauisBck

41、x of ilhgal imrnigratiwi,. these, twRare ceiKCTlriled-Icwt-idcilledworkersi suffer most fromthe coniprtiti.on of foreign Labor. AumrdEng to a study by George Banas.国Harvard EconomisL immigration hureduced lhe u-ages of American high-.bgcil dnpoul$ by护冷.Amcm妙hib-skillrcL bcticT-cducaled emplDyeM, hnw

42、ever, opposition was strangrst in sutc. ith bodi highnumben of immigTants ad relBtivcly generousKOCIBI semew.科hat worried them most in other wotds,U BJthefbuncial burden of iinmkgrEborL Thai conclusiic u as remfcirced by anotber findsn5: th凰t tbeix appositionappeared to soften w hen that fizianciBl

43、burdlcn dt:rc,as!:dras occurred with wclfajc:reform in the 1990s. whichcurbed imm曙rants acceisLQcenain benefits.The irony ii thal inr all the uit crrxcited debate, the net ctcct of immiyrataan n mminw. E%EHfor tho mitajcufely afYected say, louMkillod wavken, m Cahlucnh res kirn is :he isnt ill that

44、drarruitic.,fcThe unpJeiuiari.ivaiccs hive tended to dominate qur peixepijonji,Mnyi Dunifl TichcntK.己prCMor at the I nhcrsiiy of OrcgoiL Butwhen nil tho施 应tun are pul Uigelhcr and the tiexmom也店calculate the numbers. H endn up be5$ n net puiilive.,kit a iniall anr?* Too bad rnoit people don1! rcalLz

45、iit.72. Whfil u&n we irom the tifni pirajjaph?A. W hether :rLik! nulls arc tjoud or bdJ tar lhe CLDnorrtY ha been ptizzLinc ceonamiLi. El. TheAmerican cconcmy used to thrive an immigntLCKn but naw if & a di淀rent 5(017.匚-The agrermeni jrnong cconornjib is ihei imrigmtion should not be cncoumMlD.The g

46、enera public thinks dirYmrntiy ETUTTIrnrat KnnoTTiistii on thr impact ot imm 112ration.苛. * nzl is thr chirt concern nr r hgh-skLL:rid. trctlcr-rdijCHtrd en:ploiccs about出 uinfDVof immijj rants1A.3t mu chnr tn; existingSCKKI stnitkirc.8B.It may pose tkreai to ihetr ecoitomic ttahix.C.It nui%ctrcujic

47、 .their tinancidl bunlcnD.Il rrw place 1声util pressure on the slate budget4. hdl 15 the irony nbnut the driitrirnr.iLiTutictr:1功“:曲qi.;, b;;?mA.Even econum曲,cant an dgrmenL 3亦 Sih impauLB.Th use Vi ho arc opposed to it turn out to benefit most from :LC.People itTr rdking too a Ri將about Ktnxihintj of

48、 small imparl.D.Thjcre is no m?ntial difference between ttemLiilv cpjKJsiie opmitim.7f, Which al th totluiA-tng might be the be*t title of the呻记許;A_ A debatr about whether to unmigrate.B.A debaxe atwut the impact Millq翩immigranlsC.Thr great impazL nf immLrmits nn live, economy.D.OppMUDU to lminigrit

49、mn.Svviiun CDbvctUw*; Rud the fcllGwmj;text and chcxHe the moal siulibk hcadin| from lhe Uu A*F扫r fULt purdjfniD. Thereis unr cxru hejJipITAhich wu dGUTtrjchrr tor ttra hcp with anything you airdilFiculty inundersuriding, you wilJ have disns moil of the u&rk juu need lei pass the匚AHSEE. Ano止ler ccrj

50、dn V.AX tu ituJvLH to FCdd Jbr:un. Ths more youTCILI, the mre comlDrUri.c juu will be with the Enlivh UnyuiLg; Ulf isitilli vnuneed to dcmpnstriU!ntn takmj th er CAIISEE, remain calm and orginizrd. Ln the Enlijih:nngLiii占亡scctiunrread lhequeitiun and pasNdr carrtully and Tnukr wurt v;m undcrsCdndl叫h

51、al lhe questior血mjiking bcft you lr leanjwcr. For the esay, utc a few rmnuic、to culhne your ess*y betbee you sunwriiirijj. Roicw your werk and correct grammar, punehjtiun And spelling mistakes- In the jnalhritizii section, imrkthrough the qurslions on scrip paper mthcr thun trying IDdu th rm in jTMi

52、r head. TKe g no trick qusliani. If aquestion emi c曲fusing md it and thinkboutiir:L:s U)ihc suhftviji you ituciic.Svlipn DDirmiun、;Read lheiJIor:plcw lhe *14比men纽mthe twrsl pauiblr words.Onear-winning direcier Aug Lees new tpic Litc of Pi repeals OKiclitLoniLhip between a irrnr l.ndLim bayandABenija

53、.Hut m rcalily. the predujoj-s l食闵璟!七i art: underiticTrasin thredi tfttm BunLdiu Aiiimal rights jnoup PE TA ii hoping 10 u、 =thr p*)pulanh of the film, to tbcui people!ilttntion on the real lite。氐n呂ttrs.W ilh the ris.rig deinarid for tigtf parts弓Attid,hurting remdins i tremenduu.dunyci br th? remabn

54、in zH population. Lack in IW?. there were二l?H孔I kgeni in JnJu. but the number wixpcrirrLcingKsharp derlinr to lT*Wi crspitr zampains tu prutret Lhc iininuil.Rjg【n琴iinantTna coniid is a .so one cif thu .cadinu znusrs ol decline m ticr namDrrs. Ln Me ufnumeuHiH repined uitacks on lhc cndangTcd big fui

55、w.】如护 eneur the BPR琴】adch-Ind阳tender., armed withsticks and bcmt uars sei upon the animal suspected Ui ha attacked u lixal Mihcfmun tnJ bent it讪J弹山iinJitTthu miirih, SD甩r lhn venr. 5h tiger dtid】h he beenTCLFLCJ m :nc Liuntn. : TmThe first inEbnct when i ii|jcr is sputicd is tu jutt kill it,1grieved

56、 GiMTncd SBpalh wildlitc rtltrnrnker.n,Theeehng oP tear and rc*.tnge isK旳mg ihal n uhul* nut anj. ulhcr fmiiuon. hsl we darft realize i.$ that the dg;r10never attacki humans until it U (breed to,ndm has been &Liu$l:n呂lu dlop the timers decline m ths lacc oi lhc uf hatutat as uel that rncourjrts theunimzl tc lcar thr icrcsl for tood. The 1-15 nip id S rxhkiKlcd prr base :uunu、lhc prKlator to屮、all out lu gulHi food. Conseqrnt


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