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1、历年考研翻译词组-打印版历年考研英语翻译词组汇总1990 年1. be determ ined by 由所决定2. have somethi ng to do with 与有关3. be central to sth .是的核心4. in contrast/by contrast与此相反5. be due to由于(常做表语)6. be deprived of 被剥夺7. respond to对作出反应8. as the basis o依据 / 根据9. be born with天生具有10. In con trast 相比之下1991 年11. shut off关上,停止,切断12. i n

2、 any case=at any rat不管怎样,无论 女 M可;in no case决不13. or so大概,大约14. at the rate of以的速率15. take time花费时间16. be likely to可能;倾向于17. result in 导致18. not nearly远不能;远非19. head into走向;陷入(危机)20. in the matter of关于;就而言21. make-possible使成为可能22. combi newith把和结合起来;加上23. in the fashion of 以方式24. such-as 像一样1992 年25.

3、 refer to 提到;谈到26. agreeme nt or一致意见27. be comparable tc和相当;犹如28. in terms of根据;按照;在方面29. on the whole总体来说;大体上看30. draw a con clusion 得出结论31. have the attitude towards对的态度32. only if 只要33. the same as 与一样34. by lack of=for lack of 因为缺乏1993年35. nothi ng but 只不过是36. by means of通过;借助于37. by the help of

4、通过的帮助38. in a sort of sen se从某种意义上来说39. ma nage to do sth 设法做到40. extract -from 从提炼出41. out of起源;来源;根据42. build up建立;树立43. by no means绝不44. be compared with 与相比45. a sort of 某种46. setn motion 开始;47. differ in在方面不同48. go through经历;经受;仔细检查49. in the one case =on the one hand50. in the course of the da

5、y=duri ng the day51. a train of=a series of=a n array of=a variety of1994 年52. revolve arou nd围绕转;以为中心53. not so much-as与其说不如说54. because o由于55. move forward 向前发展56. in short简而言之;总之57. as we call it我们所谓的58. the reach of scie nc斜学能够到达的范围59. a series o一系歹 U60. over the years多 年以来61. turno n转向,朝向62. ra

6、ther than 而不是63. at the expe nse of=at the cost o以为代 价64. vice versa反 之亦然65. depe nd on取决于66. driving force 驱动力1995年67. social in equality 社会不公68. in doi ng sth在过程中69. divert-from把从转移70. lie with取决于;在于71. be validated by被验证/证实72. whether-or 是还是73. depe nd upon-a nd on取决于还取决于74. depe nd upon-a nd upo

7、n取决于还取决 于75. such-as例如,象这种的76. in gen eral通常;大体上;一般而言77. for example 比女口78. compe nsate for补偿;赔偿79. un derprivileged youn gster贫困的 / 下层社会的年轻人80. grow up 长大81. un der-circumsta nces在环境下1996 年82. be results of由于83. social needs社 会需求84. to some exte nt在一定程度上85. come to the con clusionW 出结论86. make dema

8、 nd o对提出要求87. scie ntific establishme nt 科研机构88. in detail 详细地89. a certa in amount o一定数量的90. n ot related to与没有关系91. immediate goals当 前目标92. be un able to de不能够93. in prin ciple原则上;基本上;一般而言94. deal with应付;解决;处理95. new forms of thought 新的思维方式96. as well as和97. new subjects for thought新的思维对象 /内容98. i

9、n the past过去99. give rise to sth导致;引起;使产生1997年100. scoial co ntract社会合同101. an agreed acco unt o 共识102. human rights 人权103. leads导致104. at the outse从 一开始;开始的时候105. i nvite sb. to do sth.使某人认为106. duties and en titleme nts权利和义务107. exte nd to 给与108. no-at all.根本不是109. argui ng from the view that 以的角度

10、 看110. different from与不同111. in every releva nt respec在所有相关的方面112. in actio n 起作用113. laugh at 嘲笑1998 年114. eve n more importa n更重要的是115. be able to能 够116. look into 洞察;观察117. put forward放出;拿出;提出118. work with与共事/合作;起作用119. close in on接近,差不多120. as expectec正如预期的121. a refin eme nt of种更为完美的1999 年122.

11、 as- as 和一样123. conform to 符合;遵照124. see- as把看作125. less-a nd more与其说不如说126. intellectual discipline 知识学科127. whether-or是还是128. refer to 指代129. peculiar to 特有的130. appropriate to适合的;恰当的131. apply to适合于;存在于132. view- as把看成;把当成133. equate-with把等同于;认为是2000 年134. speclialized scie ntists专家135. cen trali

12、zed con trol 中央控制136. un der-co nditio ns 在条件下137. such as比如138. it is obvious that 很明显139. be bound up with与联系在一起;与 有关系140. be directly bou nd up with 与直接相关141. in turn依此;轮流;又142. rest upon取决于143. of all ki nds所有种类的144. owing to 由于145. be exposed to sth暴 露于;接触到146. be forced to do sth 被迫做147. for t

13、he reas ons give n abov由于上述原 因148. far-reach ing意义深远的;影响很大的149. spread ove 遍布;覆盖150. arise from由产生的;由带来的151. migrati on moveme nt 人口流动152. moder n means of tran spor现代交通手 段153. population explosion人口爆炸2001 年154. pollution mo ni tor 污染监测器155. digital age数字时代156. be regarded as-被当成是157. piece togethe

14、拼合;汇聚;综合 158.hun dreds of数以百计的159. around the world 全世界160. key breakthroughs and discoveries!大突破与发现161. take place发生162. poi nt out 指出163. lead to 导致164. home 即 plia nces家用电器165. result in 导致166. man-machi ne in tegration人机一体化2002 年167. behavior scie nee行为科学168. human n ature人性169. natural selction

15、 自然选择170. a little more than a hundred yera一百多 年171. what is called 所谓的172. trace,to从寻找根源;从研究173. state of mind 心态174. and so or诸如此类175. partly because a nd partly because 部分 是因为部分是因为176. be held resp on sible for 被认为应该对负责177. be give n credit for 为受到称赞178. with it 随之2003年179. cross-cultrual perspec

16、tive跨 文化的角度180. con crete researcl具 体研究181. subject,to使服从于182. i nma nner以方式;用方法183. seek to力图;试图;设法184. combined with 加上;连同185. bring to加进;使用;采用186. defin e-as把定义为187. makes-possible使成为可能2004年188. la nguage and though 语言和思维189. have some connections with 与有联系;190. take root生根;被牢固树立191. be obliged t

17、o sb.感激某人192. die out 灭绝193. so-that- 如此以至于194. accuse sb. o指责某人干某事195. be interested in doing sth对感兴趣196. come to开始;逐渐;进而197. believe in 相信198. a sort of某种的199. habitual thought 习惯思维200. grammatical pattern语法结构2005 年201. publish ing houses出 版社202. as elsewhere像 其他地方一样203. bring together使 联合;使团结204.

18、 in relation to 有关205. one ano ther/each othe互 相206. out of在当中207. make up 组成208. no less than多 达;不少于209. take a loss亏损210. deal with 对付;处理211. on such a scales 此规模的212. it is no exaggerati on to say 毫不夸张地说213. the connecting fabric of the OldContinent欧洲大陆的联系网络/把欧洲大陆连成一个整体2006年214. defin e-as把定义为215. elect-as把当作216. be an alogous ter与类似;与相似216. con tribute to 有助于217. be charged with承担;负责218. dedicate。把献给;把用于219. make reflections on对进行思考220. rules of con duct行 为准则221. moral code 道德标准223. moral judgm


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