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1、三帆中学2022届初一英语第二学期阶段检测(5月13日)试卷时间:60分钟满分:100分姓名 学号 班级(此问卷星打开后只能做一次!)注意:请将第一大题至第三大题的答案,先在试卷上留痕,再在问卷星上作答,以免出现错选、漏选情况!、单项选择:从下列各题的选项中选择一个最佳选项。(每小题 1分,共35分)第一部分:音标知识,选出每道题目中划线部分域H与其它三项不同的一项。1. A. taxiB. eraserC. crayonD. tape2. A. tennisB. ChineseC. sheD. we3. A. picnicB. policeC. fitD. silly4. A. beachB

2、. cheapC. heavyD. easy5. A. usuallyB. rulerC. computerD. use6. A. fanB. landC. canD. plane7. A. chairB. machineC. chooseD. teach8. A. nothingB. thirdC. thenD. think第二部分:模块基础,从下列各题选项中选择一个最佳选项。9. Is this your book? No, it 'not mine. Jenny is looking for her English book. Maybe it s.A. herB. mineC.

3、 hisD. hers10. the morning of my birthday, I usually find many gifts on my bed.A. InB. DuringC. OnD. At11. 一 dictionary is this? ItniC e.s very一I think it is Mary .' sA. Who' sB.WhoC. WhomD.Whose12. My birthday day is coming. My mother promises a cake for me.A. to makeB.makingC. makeD.makes1

4、3. Tom, we are goingto have a party tonight.Would youlike to joinus?A. Yes, I like it.B. No, I won t.C. Yes, I ' love to. D. Yes, please.14. - Can' t you see the signNo smoking " ? here.' t smoke7C. can ' doD. don' t-Sorry, I that again.A. am not doingB. won' do15. - Wha

5、t are you good at, Jeremy?-.I want to take part in the basketball game this year.A. Playing all kinds of balls; That ' becauseB. Play all kinds of balls; That why' sC. Playing all kinds of balls; That ' whyD. Play all kinds of balls; That ' because16. My dad is going to take me to Di

6、sneyland this summer holiday. Wow, that wonderful. Enjoy!A. oneselfB. ourselvesC. myselfD. yourself17. -Are you ready for the coming math exam?-Never! Math is too difficult and I sure I ,m pass it.A. don' tB. won' tC. aren ' tD. didn ' t18. After staying at home for three months, all

7、 of us are looking forward to to school.A. goB. to goC. wentD. going19. Let ' hope in the near future, there special drugs and vaccines(疫苗)for this terribe disease.A. areB. will haveC. will beD. have20. Hundreds of people their belongings on the train as they are always.A.leave ; hurry up B. for

8、get; in a hurryC. leave; in a hurry D. forget; hurry up21. Molly, can you swim?一Yes, I. I do it really well!A. canB. can ' tC. needD. must22. Maggie is popular among us because she gets on well every one and is always ready others.A. for; to helpB. with; to helpC. with; helpingD. for; helping23.

9、 It is getting dark and we'd better hurry up. I don to bet wana Moomus.A. worryB. worryingC. worriesD. worried第三部分:文章词汇,从下各题选项中选择一个最佳选项。24. She was involved in a serious car last week and lost her legs unfortunately.A. accidentB. exhibitC. sculptureD. profit25. At birth, most babies between 6 an

10、d 8 pounds(磅).A. weightB. weighC. highD. height26. Taking down notes is no trouble at all; on the, it will be helpful for you to review.A. obviousB. dominantC. contraryD. aggressive27. The crocodile (鳄鱼)is a kind of fierce and strange-looking .A. featureB. factorC. creatureD. sculpture28. Climate ch

11、ange could 20% of the world's lizard(蜥蜴)species by 2080, according to a study.A. wipe downB. wipe upC. wipe offD. wipe out29. His words might not sound to the ear, but he meant well.A. terribleB. pleasantC. oppositeD. tropical30. Tonysitting in an office all day, so he is going to leave the comp

12、any.A. tired ofB. tired toC. is tired ofD. is tired to31. If you don't lace up(系好带子)your shoes, you'll.A. trip downB. trip onC. trip offD. trip over32. Heavy drinking can permanent damage(永久性伤害 )to the brain.A.causeB. ownC. earnD. cling33. I like all kinds of sports, swimming.A. especialB. e

13、speciallyC. specialD. specially34. We Chinese people usually clean and our houses before Spring Festival.A. decorateB. decorationC. decoratesD. decorating35. The of the word is still obscure( 尚不清楚);people believe it was first used from the 17 th century.A.surfaceB. mediumC. aquariumD. origin二、完形填空:阅

14、读短文,从各题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(每小题1分,共10分)Modern inventions, such as trains and lights, make our everyday lives easier, 36 many of these inventions cause troubles also. One thing is they use up natural resources ( 资源).Cars burn gas to get us where we want to go. This pollutes( 污 染 )the air. Electric heat a

15、nd light make our homes 37_ , but they also burn up coal and oil. We need factories, but factory waste pollutes our waterways. It seems terrible, right? However, experts ( 专家)believe that 38 the way we live may be good for our planet ' s health in the fiWeean use cleaner energy and less chemical

16、s as we build the towns of tomorrow. Here are some ideas and predictions (猜测)that will probably _39_our planet a cleaner place to live in.Work and Transportation(交通)More and more people will be working in their 40 using computers and satellite receivers, without going outside.Today, more electric tr

17、ains are being built, and new hydrogen-power ( 氢动力 )and electric cars are being developed. In the future, most cars will probably use this. Shopping and entertainment may be as close as a ride _41 _an Earth-friendly bicycle. FoodWe will grow 42 ,_grains, and vegetables close to our home, either in o

18、ur gardens or on nearby organic ( 有 机的)farms. The farms _43_use chemicals (化 学 物质 )to control pests. Instead, different kinds of insects will stop harmful bugs. That will help keep chemicals out of our food.EnergyEnergy from windmills ( 风车)and solar panels (太阳能电池板 )is available now to some homeowner

19、s. In the future, every home will probably use this kind of energy. Rooftop (屋顶)solar panels will help make hydrogen(氢 )from_44. Our appliances (电器)will run on this gas. At 45 _, hydrogen will be turned into electricity or light.36.A. soB. butC. becauseD. and37.A. colorfulB. darkC. coldD. warm38.A.

20、followingB. makingC. changingD. giving39.A. makeB. helpC. letD. ask40.A. schoolsB. homesC. townsD. cities41.A. byB. inC. ofD. on42.A. plantsB. flowersC. fruitsD. trees43.A. don ' tB.won ' tC. willD. can ' t44.A. sunlightB. windC. waterD. gas45.A. morningB. nightC. afternoonD.noon、阅读理解:阅读

21、文章,从各题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(每小题2分,共24分)A应急消防程序 If you see aflre or smell smoke, don't wait. Every room in the school has got a tire alarm switch. Use something hard, like a shoe, to break the glass and start the alarm system, If you hear the nre alarm, move quickly but don*t run. Don't stop to ge

22、t your coursGbooks and notes. Leave your ba in the room. Don't run! Walk qLtlckiy to the parking area. Re member to follow the arrows on the fire escape map, Don't go home! Wait for your teacher to call your name and be sure that you are safe. Be care fill. Don't go back Into the school

23、buildings until a teacher has told you that it is safe.46. Where can you see the Emergency Fire Procedures above?A. At a school.B. At a hotel.C. At a cinema.D. At home47. According to the procedures, if you see a fire or smell smoke, what should you do first?A. Run quickly to the toilet.B. Find the

24、fire alarm in the room and start it.C. Take everything you have and leave quickly.D. Run quickly to the parking lot.48. According to the map and procedures, what should you follow when walking to the parking area?A. The school teachers o rders.B. The course books and notes.C. The arrows on the fire

25、escape map.D. The parents ad vice.49. According to the procedures, when can you go back into the school buildings?A. When you hear the fire alarm.B. When you see your classmates do that.C. When firefighters arrive at your school.D. When a teacher has told you that it is safe.How would you feel if a

26、stranger bought you something to eat or drink? Would you like to buy another stranger some food or drinks?Do you know what “ paying it forward “ means? It ' s not paying for something before you buy it. do something nice for another person for no reason. Then that person does something nice for

27、someone else.You might think that this doesn' t seem like much. But this kind act canFsfpreadreally fast. In December 2015, awoman was buyi ng a meal at McDonald ' s in Florida, US. She also bought a meal for the person standing in line behind her. Well, that person did the same thing, and t

28、he next person did too. Soon, 250 people had bought meals for another person!But you don' n eed to spend money to pay it forward. There are examples of paying it forward every day like volunteering (做义工),giving food to the homeless or doing something extra nice for someone around you.Try it out

29、for yourself. All you have to do is look for little things you could do to make a person ' s Taien, ask them to spread the word and do three kind things for someone else. And when someone does something nice for you, don the same!50. What is " payingotward " ?A. Paying beforebuying.B.P

30、aying without taking your things.C. Asking othersto pay for you.D.Doing nice things for others.51. What happened after the woman bought food for the next person in line?A. 250 people asked her to pay for them.B.Many other people did the same as her.C. McDonald 's gave hefree meal.D.The last pers

31、on paid for her meal.52. The underlined phrase “make a person ' s d<ay." means ”B. give somebody a day offD. make friends with somebodyB. spend money freelyD. save some money for ourselvesA. make somebody happyC. ask somebody to do a small thing 53. The writer encourages(鼓 励 )us to .A. g

32、et our money backC. do kind things for othersCEvery year on April 22, the world celebrates Earth Day. It day to help peop1e soaremember to protect our planet. This year, Earth Day is falling during the COVID-19 pandemic.The focus (焦点)of this year ' s Earth Day is climate change. You might ask: h

33、ow can climate change be bad for our health? Many studies show that the rise of temperatures will lead to more bad weather and natural disasters, such as heat waves (酷热),floods and droughts (干旱).All of these can be bad for us in different ways. Let ' take a look.Increase of disease-carrying inse

34、ctsMany diseases are spread by mosquitoes (文字).Climate change will lead to higher temperatures and more rain. It means there will be more mosquitoes. This will increase the spread of diseases like malaria (疟 疾).At the same time, when temperatures rise, insects like mosquitoes and fleas might fly fro

35、m the equator ( 赤道)to the north. They carry diseases and the diseases might move into new places, such as Europe.Wild animals lose homesPeople are cutting down many trees around the world. That not only causes climate change, but also causes epidemics ( 流 行病).For example, in Central and West Africa,

36、 lots of bats are losing their homes. They have to live in places closer to humans. Because bats carry many viruses like Ebola, they increase the risk of Ebola and other virus outbreaks.Other problemsHeat waves can make people sick. They can cause dizziness (头晕),headaches or even heatstroke (中暑).Chi

37、ldren and oldpeople are affected more easily. Around the world, many people dont have air kcondi aioneherTheyof dyingfrom heat. In India, for example, heat waves killed 1,300 people in 2010, 1,500 in 2013 and 2,500 in 2015.Climate change also means more bad weather. Floods and typhoons can hurt peop

38、le or make people die. Droughts can make people not have enough food to eat.What can we do to“ coarthi ?Climate change happens because we use too much energy, like burning coal, oil, and gas. We should take action to save energy. Here are what we can do.Turn off computers and TVs when you are n; t u

39、sing them.Take a walk, ride a bike or take public transportation as much as you can.Save water and don ' t waste food.Buy things that use clean energy, such as wind and solar energy (太阳能).54. People celebrate Earth Day to.A. remember the disease B. learn more knowledge C. protect the planetD. ma

40、ke people healthy55. According to the passage, why can climate change increase the spread of diseases?A. Because climate change will lead to more mosquitoes and they can spread diseases.B. Because climate change will make many bats lose their home and leave humans.C. Because climate change will make

41、 people get sick easily and people can spread diseases.D. Because climate change will cause more bad weather and it can hurt or kill people.56. Which of the following sentence is TRUE?A. The rise of temperatures will only lead to more bad weather.B. Heat waves only affect children and old people.C.

42、In Central and West Africa, lots of bats donh6 me haveD. To cool the earth, we shouldn' t use energy like om gas any57. What's the best title for the passage?A. Earth DayB. Climate ChangeC. Know DiseasesD. Save Energy温馨提示:以上题目答案,请在 问卷i上作答,注意题号一一对应。以下题目答案,请在 筌嵯w作答,注意题号一一对应。四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(

43、每小题 2分,共10分)Holiday Brochure(手册)Are you between 12 and 16 years old? Are you looking for the perfect holiday? Would you like fun, new friends and a new adventure? We have the answer!Join a Paradise Cycling Adventure Holiday!And all you need is a bike! You will join a group of up to 12 teenagers and

44、one or two leaders. You'll see mountains, the sea, pretty country villages and lakes. You'll cycle (骑行) about 20 km on most days, but don' worry-you don't need to cycle up any mountains and you can go quite slowly if you need to. On the days when you don' cycle, you can have a go

45、 at some different sports, like swimming and caving, and you'll move to a different hotel most nights. At the end of your holiday, you'll find you are fitter, more energetic and have more friends! It is really the perfect holiday.Places are limited, so book your place now. Phone/p>

46、 or visit our website: www.P. Welcome to Cultural Exchange Holidays!We have been the leaders in short exchange holidays between Chinese and American schoolchildren since 1995. Cultural Exchange Holidays offers programmes in more cities than ever before -New York, Washington DC Houston, Dallas, San F

47、rancisco, Chicago and New Orleans. In addition to English classes, you go to a real American school with children of your age, and live with an American family. In return, an American school girl or boy lives with your family and goes to your school. Weekends are spent with the American family, but

48、on Sundays, cultural visits are also offered to places of interest and on these visits you will meet other exchange students. Our group leaders are fully qualified and experienced(有经验的)tour guides.You can even enter our competition and win a free Cultural Exchange Holiday!Want to know more? Fancy (想要)win


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