1、牛津小学英语6B Unit5 The seasons第一课时教学改进案例宝应县泾河镇中心小学 于春梅初次教学设计:一教学内容:牛津小学英语6B Unit5 The seasons PartA二教材分析:本单元的主要话题是“季节及气候”。学习一些常用的与气象相关的一些词汇以及如何询问天气及应答。本课所教学的内容是A部分对话的教学,呈现的是SuYang 和Ben在谈论纽约的四季和气候,其主要内容一是询问天气,引出问题Whats the weather like in summer there及其回答;二是谈论喜欢什么季节,用Which season do you like best?征询对方的意见
2、。本篇对话篇幅较长,生词较多,涉及的语法现象也较多,学生学习有一定难度。因此,教师在教学时应理清课文思路,灵活处理本课的对话教学,在对话教学中教给孩子阅读的方法。三教学目标:A.知识目标:1. 能听懂,会说,会读,会拼写单词season,next,weather,best,spring,summer,autumn,winter2能听懂,会说,会读单词cool ,sunny, windy,countryside, rain/rainy, warm,most,because, snowy ,snowmen.3能听懂,会说,会读,会用句型Whats the weather like?Which se
3、ason in.do you like best? I like .best. Why? Because .4整体阅读理解课文A部分。B能力目标:培养学生的语言交际能力和表达能力。C情感目标:1.通过对天气的描述,培养热爱大自然的感情。2.通过各种活动培养对英语学习的兴趣。D文化目标:使学生初步了解纽约的季节特点及气候。四教学重点、难点:1学习并理解A部分,掌握文中出现的交际用语。2掌握文中出现的四会单词,正确区分各个季节的词汇,了解纽约各个季节的气候特征,并能用所学的语言描述。五教学具准备:多媒体课件六教学过程Step1.Free talk:T:What day is it today?S:
4、Its Thursday.T:What date is it today?S:Its the 13th of April.T:Whats the weather like today?S:Its sunny.T:How many days are there in a week?S:There are seven.T:How many months are there in a year?S:There are twelve.T:There are four seasons in a year.What are they?Do you know?Read after me:season,s-e
5、-a-s-o-n,season,weather,w-e-a-t-h-e-r,weather(从谈话入手,引出新知:学习语言的目的是会用语言,我用Free talk 的形式给学生使用语言的机会,温故而知新What date is it today? Whats the weather like today?自然将学生的思路引入到本课“weather,season”的学习中,导入新课,教学新知,使学生自然而然地掌握新知识。)Step2.Present and practice1.由上面的谈话引出season/four seasons,多媒体显示各个不同地方的四季的典型图片,让学生自己试着按读音规则
6、读一读。(培养学生的英语语感,使之掌握一定的语音规则,能够根据读音规则自然读出生词,从而形成良好的语音面貌。)2T:Look at the picture,which city is it?Ss:Its Yangzhou.T:Yes,its a picture of spring in Yangzhou.Its very beautiful in spring in Ynagzhou. I like spring best.Because its warm and beautiful.Do you like spring? T:Read after me:spring,warm,spell t
7、hem together. T:Whats the weather like in spring in Yangzhou? Answer together. Ss:Its warm. T:Does it often rain in spring in Yangzhou?(出示下雨的图片和相应的单词,让学生明白教师的意思) Ss:Yes. T:Yes,it often rains in spring. Its rainy in spring.(板书句型,试着让学生理解rain / rainy的用法) T:Look,Which city is it? Ss guess and say:Nanjin
8、g T:Yes,its summer in Nanjing.Whats the weather like in summer in Nanjing? S:Its hot. T:Yes,its usually very hot and sunny.Read after me:summer,hot,sunny T:Look,which city is it? Ss:Its Harbin. T:Whats the weather like there in winter there? Ss:Its very cold. T:Yes,its usually very cold.It often sno
9、ws.Children often go skating,go skiing and make smowmen. Ss read after the teacher and try to learn the words and phrases:winter,cold,snowy/snow,make snowmen T:Look,which season is it now?(出示秋季枫叶图) Ss:Its autumn. T:Read after me:autumn,its very cool in autumn.Its usually sunny and windy.Read the new
10、 words:sunny,windy Ss read after the teacher and spell the words.(联系生活,学习新知:由出示带有明显城市气候特征、地域特点的图片引出新词语的学习,然后再由表示该城市天气特征的图片猜出该城市。在趣味性的学习活动中,掌握新内容,并进行有效巩固,自然而且生动,使教学内容更贴近学生的生活,有效吸引学生的注意力,引起他们的学习兴趣。)3.Teach the drills:Which season do you like best?I like .best. T:In the four seasons, I like spring best
11、. Which season do you like best? S:I like summer best. T:Whats the weather like in summer? S:Its hot.I often go swimming with my father. Ss practice in pairs like this,then act the dialoguye.(营造氛围,掌握新知:我努力营造和谐的对话式的课堂氛围,将新内容的出现由谈话的形式引出,充分满足学生自我表现的欲望,让学生在和谐轻松的氛围中自然学会交流。)4. T:I like spring best.Because
12、 its warm and windy. I can fly kites with my daughter. Which season do you like best? S:I like winter best. T:Why? S:Because sometimes its snowy. I can make snowmen with my friends.Its great fun.5. Ss practice in pairs.Step3. Read the passsage.1. 看图回答问题,用电脑做出下列课件: 第一幅图是纽约的图片。问题:What city is it? 第二幅图
13、是纽约秋季大风的图片。问题:What's the weather like in autumn in New York? 第三幅图是纽约的人们在秋季的活动。问题:What do the Americans usually do in autumn?第四幅图是纽约冬季孩子们堆雪人的图片。问题:What do the children usually do in winter in New York? (阅读热身,引导阅读:让学生通过看图回答问题,学习文中出现的相关的新单词、短语及相应的表达。)2. Show the pictures of PartA,ask Ss to read the
14、 dialogue by themselves,then find the difficulties and draw lines under them.T:Look at the pictures and read the dialogue by yourselves, then find the difficulties and draw lines under them.(独立阅读,发现问题:让学生独立阅读课文,通过圈圈画画等阅读方式,发现阅读中出现的问题,培养独立阅读的能力。)3.听A部分录音,学生自己学习朗读,同时解决生词。 T:Listen to the tape and try
15、to read in whisper.4.T:Can you ask some questions? 学生小组合作分段学习课文,并试着提出一些问题,然后在全班共同解决。(合作阅读,解决问题:让学生在合作中进行阅读,学习课文,提出问题,解决问题,培养学生小组合作,发现并解决问题的能力)5Read and complete,then check the answer.6.T:Can you introduce the seasons in New York now? 1)学生在小组内练习说话:The seasons in New York 2)学生主动表达,练习说英语。(口语表达,拓展阅读:让学生
16、通过口语表达介绍纽约气候,将所学内容运用起来,使学生在这种表达中感受到成功的喜悦。)Step4.Assign homework1.画出你最喜欢的季节的图画,写一段英语介绍:“My favourite season”2.talk about the seasons in pairs.七板书设计Unit5 The seasonsWhats the weather like in ? most of the timeIts as hot as in Nanjing Which season do you like best? in the countrysideI like best. make s
17、nowmenWhy? Because its I can spring summer autumn winterwarm hot cool coldrain/rainy windy sunny sunny snow/snowy 改进教学设计:一教学内容:牛津小学英语6B Unit5 The seasons Part二教材分析: 本单元主要围绕“季节及气候”这个话题开展各项活动,学习一些常用的与气象相关的一些词汇以及如何询问天气及应答,所涉及的日常交际项目有介绍,询问,建议等,其中,以“询问天气”及其应答为重点内容。学生们在日常生活中对季节及气候并不陌生。本课所教学的内容是A部分对话的教学,呈现
18、的是SuYang 和Ben在谈论纽约的四季和气候,其主要内容一是询问天气,引出问题Whats the weather like in summer there及其回答;二是谈论喜欢什么季节,用Which season do you like best?征询对方的意见。本篇对话篇幅较长,生词较多,涉及的语法现象也较多,学生学习有一定难度。因此,教师在教学时应理清课文思路,灵活处理本课的对话教学,应在对话教学中教给孩子阅读的方法而不是仅仅停留在生词的教学上。三教学目标: 1.教学目标的确定及理论依据:基础教育阶段英语课程的目标是以学生语言技能、知识、情感态度的发展为基础,学生的发展是英语课程的出发
19、点和归宿。英语教学要采用活动途径,倡导体验参与,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。基于此,我确立本课的教学目标为:A.知识目标:1). 能听懂、会说、会读单词:season, next, weather, summer, autumn, best, spring, winter;cool, windy, countryside, rain, warm, most, because, snowman。2). 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语:Which seaso
20、n do you like best? I like . Why? Because its I can .3). 能听懂、会说和会读Whats the weather like ?4). 能初步感知、整体理解A部分对话。5). 培养学生能初步尝试运用“Whats the weather like ? Its . Which season do you like best? I like . Why? Because its I can .”来谈论气候或季节。B能力目标:培养学生的语言交际能力和表达能力。C情感目标:1.通过对天气的描述,培养热爱大自然的感情。2.通过各种活动培养对英语学习的兴趣
21、。3.教育学生要保护环境,注意生态平衡。D文化目标:使学生初步了解纽约的季节特点及气候四教学重点与难点:1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:season, next, weather, summer, autumn, best, spring, winter;cool, windy, countryside, rain, warm, most, because, snowman。2.培养学生能初步尝试运用“Whats the weather like ? Its . Which season do you like best? I like . Why? Because its I can .”3.正
22、确区分各个季节的词汇,了解纽约各个季节的气候特征,并能用所学的语言描述。4.能初步感知、整体理解A部分对话,并能尝试运用相关句型来谈论气候或季节。五教学具准备:多媒体课件六教学过程Step1.Free talk and check preview:1.T:Good morning, boys and girls. What date is it today?Whats the weather like today?(板书weather教学)Is it rainy, sunny or windy?(根据天气的实际情况教学:Its sunny and windy. / Its rainy toda
23、y. 学习sunny,windy, rainy)(从谈话入手,引出新知:学习语言的目的是会用语言,我用Free talk 的形式给学生使用语言的机会, What date is it today? Whats the weather like today?自然将学生的思路引入到本课的学习中,导入新课,教学新知,使学生自然而然地掌握新知识。又因为在平时的教学中,我和学生经常通过Free talk环节来谈论当天的天气,所以sunny,windy, rainy等有关于天气的词,学生基本已经会说、会读、会用,所以在这节课的开始,我就直接从Whats the weather like today?引出s
24、unny,windy, rainy,通过几句话的交流快速地调动起学生的记忆,启发学生的学习。)2. T:Today were going to talk about the seasons and the weather. (揭示课题:The seasons,教学seasons) First, lets check preview. Step2.Present and practice1.T:Well, How many seasons are there in a year? Look at the pictures. Are they beautiful? Yes. Theyre spri
25、ng, summer, autumn and winter. (出示ppt,板书spring, summer, autumn, winter).由上面的谈话引出season/four seasons,多媒体显示各个不同地方的四季的典型图片,让学生自己试着按读音规则读一读。(通过一个问题How many seasons are there in a year?引出四季的单词spring, summer, autumn, winter,再示以漂亮的富有季节特色的图片,吸引学生的注意力,调动起学生学习和交流的兴趣。同时在教学中注意培养学生的英语语感,使之掌握一定的语音规则,能够根据读音规则自然读出生
26、词,从而形成良好的语音面貌。)2.T:Look at the picture, which city is it? Ss: Its Baoying. T: Which season is it? Its spring(出图) Whats the weather like in spring in Baoying?(带读问句)Ss:Its warm and sunny.T:Is it always sunny?(在与学生的轻松交流中自然引出Its warm most of the time. It often rains in spring. Sometimes its windy.教学warm
27、,most of the time,英语的交际性得以很好的体现,学生的学习与理解水到渠成,不需要借助母语即能理解并学会运用。)T:What can we do in spring? (教季节的同时,教季节特征的词汇并且通过一个问题What can we do in spring?以旧带新引导学生快速复习适合该季节的活动并学会表达。)3.同法教授其余三个季节(联系生活,学习新知:由出示带有明显城市气候特征、地域特点的图片引出新词语的学习,然后再由表示该城市天气特征的图片猜出该城市。同时通过句型What can we do in spring/summer/autumn/wiinter?引出各个季
28、节的特色活动。使学生在趣味性的学习活动中,掌握新内容,并进行有效巩固,自然而且生动,也使得教学内容更贴近学生的生活,有效吸引学生的注意力,引起他们的学习兴趣。)4.Play a game:GuessT:In these four seasons,.Which season do I like best? Guess.You can say:Perhaps you likebest.Why? If you ask me,Ill tell you.Who can ask me?(营造氛围,运用新知:我努力营造和谐的对话式的课堂氛围,将新内容的出现由“猜一猜,问一问”的形式引出,充分满足学生主动提问
29、和自我表现的欲望,让学生在和谐轻松的氛围中自然学会交流,让学生在游戏的氛围中学会运用You like best.Because its You can,从而达到学以致用的目的。)Step3. Read the passsage. 1.T:Just now, we talked about the weather in different seasons in Baoying. Now Su Yang is asking Ben some questions about the weather in New York. Why?Read the introduction and find the
30、 answer. (阅读热身,引导阅读:让学生通过看阅读引言部分,对全文有个初步的概括印象,回答问题Why is SuYang asking Ben some questions about the weather in New York,从而引出对下面一句话的理解与学习:SuYangs Dad is going to Nea York next week.He is going to work there for one year.)2.T: There are four seasons in New York, too. Whats the weather like there in di
31、fferent seasons? Please open your books to Page38-39,read the dialogue quickly and find the answer,then complete the form. (快速阅读,寻求答案:让学生快速阅读课文,通过圈圈画画等阅读方式,找出关键词句,以此培养学生的阅读能力,然后通过语言来还原表格的内容,培养学生的语言表达能力。)3.T:Can you ask some questions? 学生小组合作分段学习课文,并试着提出一些问题,然后在全班共同解决。(合作阅读,解决问题:让学生在合作中进行阅读,学习课文,提出问题
32、,解决问题,培养学生小组合作,发现并解决问题的能力)4.Read and judge1) Its hotter in New York in summer than in Nanjing. 2) Autumn is the best season in New York. 3) Theres a lot of rain in New York in spring. 4) People in New York like to go to farms in spring.5.T; 同学们,我们一起了解了纽约四季的气候。一起来回顾一下吧:1)学生在小组内练习说话:The seasons in New
33、 York2)学生主动表达,练习说英语。(口语表达,拓展阅读:让学生通过口语表达介绍纽约气候,将所学内容运用起来,使学生在这种表达中感受到成功的喜悦。)6.T: In these four seasons, Q1: Which season in New York does Ben like best?Q2: Why? (Ss Listen and try to answer.)5. Lisen and learn to read. 听A部分录音,学生自己学习朗读,同时解决生词。 T:Listen to the tape and try to read in whisper.6.T: Now
34、lets read the passage in pairs.(通过听录音与读课文,再次走进文本,使学生解决朗读的问题,掌握正确的朗读的语音语调,使学生的口语打下扎实的基础。同时两人互助互相听读课文,再次培养学生的互助合作学习精神。)7Read and complete,then check the answer. T: OK. Su yang knows a lot about the weather in New York. And now she is telling her dad about the weather in New York. Complete the sentence
35、s with the correct words.(把口头的语言描述转化为书面的形式,既以书面形式总结了课文,又是对学生的写的能力的一个训练,是英语听说领先,读写跟上原则的一个贯彻与体现。)Step4.SummaryT:What have you learnt today?(Words and the sentences.)(总结环节是对学生学习掌握情况的一个检查,也是对学生的总结与概括能力的一个很好的训练。)Step5 Extending: In China, there are four seasons, too. In most places, spring is , summer is
36、 , autumn is and winter is . But now its changed in some places. 出示一些雪灾、干旱和洪灾的照片。 情感升华:We should protect the environment, then the world will be more beautiful!Step4.Assign homework1. 听读A部分对话,模仿正确的语音语调,能够熟练地有感情地朗读。2. 你了解中国各个地区的天气吗?可以通过网络或询问大人朋友来获得一些相关知识。3.画一幅你最喜爱的季节的风景图,并试着用几句话来描述。板书设计: Unit5 The se
37、asonsWhats the weather like in? Spring warm most of the timeIts rainyWhich season do you like best? Summer hotI like best.Why? Autumn cool sunny windyBecause its.I can pick apples in the countryside Winter cold make snowmen教后反思:本单元的主要话题是“季节及气候”。学习一些常用的与气象相关的一些词汇以及如何询问天气及应答。本课所教学的内容是A部分对话的教学,呈现的是SuYa
38、ng 和Ben在谈论纽约的四季和气候,其主要内容一是询问天气,引出问题Whats the weather like in summer there及其回答;二是谈论喜欢什么季节,用Which season do you like best?征询对方的意见。本篇对话篇幅较长,生词较多,涉及的语法现象也较多,学生学习有一定难度。因此,教学中有一定的难度,教师在教学时应理清课文思路,灵活处理本课的对话教学。根据本课教学内容,第一次的教学中,我是首先通过free talk,通过谈论当天的天气,自然引出有关于描述天气情况的词汇与句型,同时通过交流引出季节的话题,导入新课The Seasons,引出 spring,summer,autumn,winter四个季节。这样季节与天气的词汇一起进行,单词容量教大,教学时显得比较乱,而且在单词的机械朗读上花的时间太多。改进后的设计由于有平时的教学铺垫,再加上课前的预习,我首先通过free talk,通过谈论当天的
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