



1、牛津模块二 Unitl Reading Boy missing police puzzled 课程教学设计模块2 Un it 1 Readi ng I教学设计译林牛津版高一英语必修二教案教学设计Un it 1 Tales of the un expla inedThe First PeriodInten sive Readi ng教材分析本单元话题是神秘事件或现象引发学生对一些神秘事件例如金字塔雪人巨石城外星人等的兴趣然后联系到课文中少年失踪与外星人有关让学生有兴趣去学习课文。教学步骤Step 1Lead-in 当 welcome to the unit作为 Reading为热身并且从互联网上

2、下载一些有关的图片让学生除了看教材以外还可以看多的图片更好的去了解那些神秘的事件。Step2:Fasti ng-read ing从分析标题入手引导学生思考文章内容 快速阅读教材回答3个问题1. What is the article about?The article is about a miss ing boy and alie ns.2. Who is miss ing? Just in Poster is miss ing.3. Do the police know what happe ned to Just in?No.Step3:Liste ning快速阅读重要了解了课文中的人物

3、和事件可以使在听力时让学不不会感觉很吃力。1. Why did Just ins mother go to bed early.Just ins mother went to bed early because of a headache.2. Does Justi n have any brothers and sisters?No.3. What were the alie ns like?They were white skinn ed, stra nge-look ing creatures with large black eyes.4. Who is in charge of th

4、e case?Detective Sam Peters on is in charge of the case.Step: 4careful read ing因为对于高一的学生来说听一遍课文然后对文章的主要内容的掌握还有一些难度。所以必须仔细的阅读才能够读懂文章。为了更好的理解所以把文章分为3部分。Match each part with its main ideasPart 1 (paras1-2)Justi n Foster went miss ing.Part 2 (para3-4)The police found that Just in retur ned home.Part 3 (

5、paras5-7)The boy was take n away by alie ns.细读各个部分Part 1考虑到湖南高考题中听力中有听材料填信息的题型平时多设计这方面的练习。对学生的听力的提高肯定有很大的帮助。1. Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year old boy _who went miss ing two days ago in Dover , New Hampshire.2. Justin Foster, a high school students, went missing Las

6、t Friday n ight.3. Justi n did not show up at the family lunch the n ext day.Part 2 Read part 2 (Paras3-4) carefully and decided whether thefollowi ng senten ces are true or false.仔细阅读训练学生对于教材细节的处理。(F )1. Just in left home to play football with two frie nds.( T )2. Wit nesses said that they saw Just

7、i n walk ing towards hishome at 10:45 p.m.( T )3. Kelly heard Just in put on his favorite CD after he went to hisroom.Part 3继续结合高考阅读文章处理文章信息。阅读文章第三部分并填表格。The _ 1_that Justi n was take n away by alie nsCon clusi onSupport ing detailsThe boy was taken away by aliens Kelly saw a large _ 2_ flying outsi

8、de Kelly saw lots of white siknned strange looking3_ with largeblack eyes.Kelly heard Justin _ 4_ Maris Wood said that the aliens took4 / 7牛津模块二 Unitl Reading Boy missing police puzzled 课程教学设计her away so that the aliens could do _ 5_ on her.Answers :1possibility 2 spaceship 3 creatures 4 shout 5 res

9、earchStep5: Lan guage points1step up: speed up, in creaseWhe n Joh n realized he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace.2,search,搜查搜寻search sp. for 搜查某地以寻找in search of = in ones search forThe police searched the man but found nothing.They searched the woods for the little boyBirds fly south in

10、 search of win ter sun.3 due应付的到期的The electricity bill is due tomorrow.预期的,应到达的The n ext train to London is due at 4:00 p.m.由于因为 because of , caused byDue to his rudeness, I didn t say one more word to him.5 / 7牛津模块二 Unitl Reading Boy missing police puzzled 课程教学设计His success is en tirely due to hard

11、 work.4 show upWe' ve been waiting for you to show up.arrive, appearThe marks on the wall show up in the sun light .to be easily and clearly see nWhen we go to parties, my husband always shows me up by telling rude jokes.to make sb feel embarrassed or ashamed5 rule out : get rid ofThe police ruled out the possibility that the boy had bee n murderedby his step mother.Step 6: Discussi on经过听力阅读学生对课文内容已经有了很好的了解而且也开始对Just in的失踪和外星人产生了好奇所以可以让他们讨论。If you


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