



1、三年级英语下册连词成句专项训练一、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1.meet to Nice you._2.are How you?_3.from I Canada am._4.have a friend I new._二、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1.to Nice see you again_.2.in Come_.3.you Here are_.4. knee your Touch _.5.is my This friend new_.三、连词成句。1. thatmanwho s( ?) _2. myshe smother( .) _3. ismythisfriend( .) _四、连词

2、成句。1. mymotherIlove (?) _2. beautifulhow( !) _3. sheissisteryour ( .) _4. meettoniceyoutoo ( .) _5. myisthis friend ( .) _五、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. the Look giraffe at_.2. has a tail It long_.3.deer short is The_.4.My is long ruler_.5. father is Your tall_.六、连词成句。1.Looktheatelephant ( .) _2. itahasnoselong

3、( .) _3. issoitfunny( .) _4.I bighaveeyes(.) _七、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1.The is tall giraffe_.2.has small It eyes_.3.The has tail elephant a short _.4.at deer Look the_.5.has It a long nose_.八、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. you are Where from_?2. that Who s man_?3. from I China am _.4.has a nose It long _.九、连词成句。1. itonis

4、thedesk ( .) _2. areyoutheunderbed ( .) _3. Ifindcan t you(.) _4. ismywherecar( ?) _十、连词成句。1. iswheremykite ( ?) _2. itinisdeskthe( .) _3. Imayuseruleryour ( .) _4. heresureareyou( ,) ( .) _十一、连词成句,注意标号符号和大小写。1. itisyourbookunder ( .) _2. isthewhereplane ( ?) _3. areyouhere ( !) _4. underchairit sth

5、e( .) _5. arewhereyou( ?) _十二、连词成句。1. aremypencilswhere ( ?) _2. inittheboxis( ?) _3. Icanyouruseruler ( ?) _4. theisballtheunderdesk ( ?) _5. myisbookin bag the ( .) _十三、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. you Do apples like_?2. about oranges What_?3. have Let s pears some _.4. very I like oranges much_.5. are you fr

6、om Where_?十四、连词成句。1. Iorangesomejuicecanhave(?) _2. somehavepears( .) _3. heresureareyou( !) (.) _4. likeIverymuchthem ( .) _5. dolikeoranges you(?) _十五、连词成句。1. likeyoudowatermelonsAmy (?) _2. havesomepearsandlet bananas ( .) _3. manwhoisthis ( ?) _4. giraffeisthetalldeertheisshort(.) ( ,) _5. somes

7、trawberrieshave ( .) _十六、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. you like peaches Do_?2. I Can some please have juice_?3.some fruits Have_.4. like I bananas don t _.十七、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. books You eighteen have_.2.It s beautiful so_.3.do have How many you pencils_?4.Look at new crayons my_.十八、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. balloons He tw

8、elve have_.2. do have How many you crayons_?3. Can count with you me_?4. kites see do Howmany you_?5. us race Let a have_?十九、连词成句。1. haveIkiteanew( .) _2. manycatshowdoseeyou (?) _3. manwhoisthis( ?) _4. arewhoyou( .) _5. onlyIthreehave( .) _二十、连词成句。1. Iusemayeraseryour( ?) _2. onchairthe( ?) _3. theistallgiraffe( .) _4. youyesrightare( .) _5. wheremybookis ( ?) _二十一、用序号给单词排队,组成句子。1. is Who girl that_?2. animals many you know do How_?3. from Where you are_?4. elephant big The eyes small and ears has _.二十二


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