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1、出口模拟实训一 建立业务关系询盘信GUANGZHOU DAILY IMP. & EXP. CORP., LTD Add: NO. 53,Guangzhou panyu district NaCun Town in China Tel:02085473625 FAX:02285665679 JUNE 7TH 2016 GREGORY ASSOCS,INC United STATES#132,Great Rd ,Ste,203,Stow,MAFAX: 001 978 8978399TELE:001 978 8977899 EMAIL: N.A. Dear Sirs,We have your

2、 name and address from the Internet and are glad to learn that you are seeking for sports shoes. We specialize in the export of sports shoes and are pleased to enter into business relations with you.Our company was one of the leading Imp. & Exp. Companies in GUANGZHOU in this line. As the commod

3、ities we supply are of good quality and reasonable price, we have won a very good reputation from our clients all over the world. We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to establishing business relations with you and are sending you by separate post our illustrated catalogs for your refer

4、ence. We look forward to your early reply and trust that through our cooperation we shall be able to conclude some transactions with you in the near future.With best regardsYours faithfully,GUANGZHOU DAILY I/E CORP.Li XIAO FENG出口模拟实训二 出口报价核算及发盘出口报价核算进货费用:仓储费: 100 国内运杂费: 400 包装费: 300 港杂费: 600 商检费: 35

5、0 报关费: 50 出口内外包装费12/木箱 其他: 1200 国内费用(本币)3600 国际运费USD22001、出口报价核算 货号: 男运动鞋(40) 实际采购成本供货价格供货价格×退税率/(1+增值税率) 300-300×13%/(1+17%)305.37元/套国内费用400+350+50+600+1200+(12)×20/10002.84元/套出口运费3000×6.5/ 100019.5元/套CIFC3(305.37+2.84+19.5)/( 1-110%×0.90%-3.00%- 10.00% ) /6.553美元/套CIFC3=CF

6、R/(1-110%*保险费率-佣金率-利润率)/汇率 货号: 男运动鞋(42) 实际采购成本供货价格供货价格×退税率/(1+增值税率) 330-330×13%/(1+17%)335.907元/套 国内费用400+350+50+600+1200+(12)×20/10002.84元/套出口运费3000×6.5/ 100019.5元/套CIFC3(335.907+2.84+19.5)/( 1-110%×0.90%-3.00%- 10.00% ) /6.563.76美元/套CIFC3=CFR/(1-110%*保险费率-佣金率-利润率)/汇率 发盘函GU

7、ANGZHOU DAILY IMP. & EXP. CORP., LTD Add: NO. 53,Guangzhou panyu district NaCun Town in China Tel: 02085473625 FAX:02285665679 JUNE 10th 2016 GREGORY ASSOCS,INC United STATES #132,Great Rd ,Ste,203,Stow,MAFAX: 001 978 8978399TELE:001978 8977899EMAIL:N.A. Dear Sirs,Thank you for your enquiry of J

8、une 7th, 2015 . We are very glad to learn that you are interested in our products. Recently we have received a large number of orders from our clients and it seems that the demand is still increasing. We hope the same thing will happen in your market and are very glad to quote as follows:Commodity:

9、ART.NO sports shoes USD53/set CIFC3 ASEB Packing: All goods in wooden cases of 10 sets each and 20 wooden cases in one 20' FCL containerShipment: Shipment is to be effected within 30 days of the receipt f the relevant L/C, but not later than August 31, 2016.Insurance: To be covered by the seller

10、 for 110% of total invoice value against all risks and war risks subject to CIC, dated 1/1/1981.Payment: By irrevocable sight letter of credit for full amount of the invoice value.This quotation is valid for 7 days and we are looking forward to receiving you order.Best regards! Yours faithfully, GUA

11、NGZHOU DAILY I/E CORP. Li XIAO FENG19成交核算表出 口 成 本 预 算 表编号: 150601 日期: JUNE 7thth 2016 商品名称及规格: 男性运动鞋 40码 42码 成交数量: 800SETS 供货单位: 浙江匡业特鞋业有限公司 出口国家/地区: 美国 买 方:GREGORY ASSOCS,INC United STATES . 出口报价: USD52.80 53.00 64.30 68.23 收入栏J合同金额:USD 42240V汇率:6.5 (目前是6.5)S成交金额:RMB 274560成本栏收购价(含税进货价款) 274560 含增值

12、税率: 17 %扣除出口退税收入:30506.667 退税收入=收购价*退税率/(1+17%) 退税率:15%A.实际采购成本:RMB 244053.333 实际采购成本=收购价-退税收入费用栏进货费用:RMB仓 储 费: 100 国内运杂费: 400 包 装 费: 300 港 杂 费: 600 商 检 费: 350 报 关 费: 50 其 他: 1400 B.国内费用 RMB3600出口总成本C:(FOB成本)RMBC=A+B RMB 247653.333出口运费F:USD2400 = RMB 15600计算标准和费率: 20FCL CFR成本(本币):(C+F) RMB 263253.33

13、3出口保费I:(USD/RMB)400.954 /2606.207投保险别及相应保费率:一切险 0.6% 战争险 0.3% 总保费率: 0.9% CIF=CFR/(1-110%*保险费率)加 1成投保金额: 324802.5 I=CIF*110%*保险费率CIF成本(本币):(=C+F+I)265859.537佣金C:RMB 8858.25 佣金=含佣价*佣金率佣金率: 3 % 含佣价=净价/(1-佣金率)计佣基数: 295275 CIFC成本(外币/本币):(=C+F+I+C)271643.0125利润栏L成交利润额S-CIFC:23631.9875成交利润率:L/J/V:8% 复核:主管部

14、门意见: 财务部门意见: 总经理批示:出口模拟实训三 合同的签订 销售合同的缮制销 售 合 同SALES CONTRACT编号No. SC-150626 日期Date June 26th 2015the sellers:天津泰富进出口有限公司TIANJIN TIFERT IMP. & EXP. CORP., LTD.Add: NO. 56, ZHUJIANG ROAD, TIANJIN, CHINA Post Code: 300221buyers:TO MESSRS: AMENLI COMPANY, ETHIOPIA.ADD: #5054-7 KING STREET, ETHIOPIA

15、TEL: (+03)3434 FAX: (+03)3436兹确认售予以、你方下列货品,其成交条款如下:We hereby confirm having sold to you the following goods on the terms and conditions as specified below:(1)货物名称及规格Name of Commodity and Specifications(2)数量Quantity(3)单价Unit price(4)总值Total Amounthardware tools case article no.TC110 TC120TC130TC140CI

16、FC3 ASEB250SETSUSD18.07USD4517.50250SETSUSD32.34USD8085.00250SETSUSD46.60USD11650.00250SETSUSD60.47USD15117.50TOTALUSD39370.00(5)包装 Packing: All goods in wooden cases of 50 sets each and 20 wooden cases in one 20FCL container (6) 装运唛头:由卖方决定,除非在装运前得到买方的及时通知。Shipping Mark: To be designated by the sell

17、ers, unless otherwise advised by the Buyer in time before shipment.(7)装运期限 收到不可以转船及分批装运之信用证后2015年8月份前装出。Time of Shipment: in August 2015 after receipt of L/C, transshipment not allowedand partial shipment not allowed(8)装运口岸 目的地:Port of Shipment: TIANJIN destination: ASEB(9)付款条件 开给售方100%不可撤回即期付款及可转让可

18、分割并无追索权之信用证,并须注明可在上述装运日期后十五天内在中国议付有效。Terms of payment: By100% Confirmed, Irrevocable, Transferable, Divisible and without Recourse Letter of Credit to be available by sight draft and to remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the aforesaid time of shipment(10)保险 由卖方按发票金额的110%,

19、按照中国人民保险公司海洋运输货物保险条款(1981年1月1日)投保一切险和战争险。Insurance: to be covered by the seller for 110% of total invoice value against all risks and war risks as per the ocean marine cargo clauses of the peoples insurance company of china, dated Jan1st,1981.(11)买方须于2015年7月25日前开出本批交易的信用证(或通知售方进口许可证号码)。否则,售方有权:不经通知取

20、消本确认书,或接受买方对本销售合同未执行的全部或部分,或对遭受的损失提出索赔。The Buyer shall establish the covering Letter of Credit(or notify the Import License Number) before_July 25th,2007_failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice, or to accept Whole or any part of this Sales contract unfulfilled b

21、y the Buyer, or to lodge a claim for direct losses sustained if any(12)凡以CIF条件成效的业务,保额为发票价的110%,投保险别以本销售合同中所开列的为限,买方如要求增加保额或保险范围应以装船前经售方同意,因此而增长率加的保险费由买方负责。For transactions concluded on C.I.F basis it is understood that the insurance amount will be for 110% of the invoice value against the risks spe

22、cified in the Sales Contract, If additional insurance amount or coverage is required, the Buyer must have the consent of the Seller before shipment, and the additional premium is to be borne by the Buyer.(13)品质/数量异议:如买方提出索赔,凡属品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起2个月内提出。凡属数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起15天内提出,对所装货物所提任何异议属于保险公司,轮船公司及期货有关运

23、输机构所负责者,售方不负任何责任。QUALITY/QUANTITY DISCREPANCY:In case of quality discrepancy, clam Should be filed by the Buyer within 2 months after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination while for quantity discrepancy claim should by filed by the Buyer within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at

24、 the port of destination It is understood that Seller shall not be liable for any  discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company Shipping Company other transportation organization/or Post Office are liable.(14)本合同内所述全部或部分商品,如因人力不可抗拒的原因,以致不能履约或延迟交货,售方概不负责。The Sel

25、ler shall not be held liable for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or Portion of the good s under this Sales Contract in consequence of any Force Majeure incidents.确认签署Confirmed by 天津泰富进出口有限公司TIANJIN TIFERT IMP. & EXP. CORP., LTD. 买方 (the buyers) 卖方 (the sellers)成交函TIANJIN TIFERT IM

26、P. & EXP. CORP., LTD Add: NO. 56, ZHUJIANG ROAD, TIANJIN, CHINA Tel:02285665678 FAX:02285665679 JUNE 26th 2015 AMENLI COMPANY, ETHIOPIA.#5054-7 KING STREET, ETHIOPIAFAX:(+03)3436TELE:(+03)3434EMAIL:amenli Dear Sirs,Thank you for your order of June 22nd 2015. We are pleased to do business with yo

27、u and are sending you our signed Sales Confirmation No.SC-150626 in duplicate. Please return one copy with your counter-signature for our file.You can be assured that we will try our best to execute the order, and that the good quality of our commodities will meet your request. As the shipment date

28、is approaching, please open the relevant L/C to reach us before 25th July 2015 so that we can effect shipment on time.Best regards! Yours faithfully,TIANJIN TIFERT I/E CORP.Li An出口模拟实训四 出口货物报关出口货物报关单中华人民共和国海关出口货物报关单预录入编号: 海关编号: 出口口岸 新港海关备案号出口日期2015.08.15申报日期 2015.08.07经营单位 天津泰富进出口有限公司 运输方式江海运输运输工具名称

29、 DONGFENG V.208提运单号 DF-BL01发货单位 天津泰富进出口有限公司贸易方式一般贸易征免性质一般征税结汇方式信用证许可证号运抵国(地区)埃塞俄比亚指运港ASEB境内货源地河北批准文号 成交方式 CIF运费USD2200.00保费USD389.76杂费合同协议号SC-150626件数 20包装种类 木箱毛重(公斤)6875净重(公斤)6375集装箱号 TEXU786261随附单据B生产厂家河北五金设备有限公司标记唛码及备注 SC-150626AMENLYASEBNO.1-20项号 商品编号 商品名称、规格型号 数量及单位 最终目的地(地区) 单价 总价 币制 征免01 8205

30、900000 五金工具箱 250SETS 美国 18.07 4517.50 美元 照章征收02 8205900000 五金工具箱 250SETS 美国 32.34 8085.00 美元 照章征收03 8205900000 五金工具箱 250SETS 美国 46.60 11650.00 美元 照章征收04 8205900000 五金工具箱 250SETS 美国 60.47 15117.50 美元 照章征收用途:其它税费征收情况录入员 录入单位 兹声明以上申报无讹并承担法律责任报关员 申报单位(签章)单位地址天津市河西区珠江道56号邮编 300221 电话填制日期201

31、5.08.07海关审单批注及放行日期(签章)审单 审价征税 统计查验 放行装运通知Shipping AdviceContract No.:SC-150626 Date: AUGUST 11th 2015L/C No.:LC-1520To:AMENLI COMPANY, ETHIOPIA.#5054-7 KING STREET, ETHIOPIAFAX:(+03)3436TELE:(+03)3434EMAIL:amenli From: TIANJIN TIFERT IMP. & EXP. CORP., LTD NO. 56, ZHUJIANG ROAD, TIANJIN, CHINATe

32、l:02285665678 FAX:02285665679Commodity: HARDWARE TOOLS CASEPacking: 20 WOODEN CASESQuantity: 1000 SETSGross weight: 6875KGSNet weight: 6375KGSTotal value: USD39370.00Shipping Marks: SC-150626/AMENLY/ASEB/NO.1-20 Please be informed that these goods have been shipped from TIANJIN toASEB with MV D

33、ONGFEN V208 Shipment date 15-August-15 B/L No. DF-BL01 Yours faithfully,TIANJIN TIFERT I/E CORP.Li An出口模拟实训五 制单结汇商业发票IssuerTIANJIN TIFERT I/E CORP.No.56 Zhujiang Road TianJin CHINA商 业 发 票COMMERCIAL INVOICEToAMENLI COMPANY, ETHIOPIA.#5054-7 KING STREET, ETHIOPIANo.:INV0805Date:2015-AUG-05Transpo

34、rt DetailsFROM TIANJIN TO ASEBS/C No.SC-150626L/C No.LC-1520Terms of paymentL/C AT SIGHTMarks and numbers Number and kind of packages, Description of goods Quantity Unit price Amount SC-150626AMENLYASEBNO.1-20 Hardware tools case CIF ASEB TC110 5WCS 250SETS USD18.07 USD4517.50TC120 5WCS 250SETS USD3

35、2.34 USD8085.00 TC130 5WCS 250SETS USD46.60 USD11650.00 TC140 5WCS 250SETS USD60.47 USD15117.50 - TOTAL: 20WCS 1000SETS USD39370.00PACKING:50SETS IN ONE WOODEN CASES, 20 CASES IN ON 20 CONTAINER. TIANJIN TIFERT I/E CORP.装箱单IssuerTIANJIN TIFERT I/E CORP.No.56 Zhujiang Road TianJin CHINA装 箱 单PACKING L

36、ISTToAMENLI COMPANY, ETHIOPIA.#5054-7 KING STREET, ETHIOPIANo.:INV0805Date:2015-AUG-05Transport DetailsFROM TIANJIN TO ASEBS/C No.SC-150626L/C No.LC-1520Terms of paymentL/C AT SIGHTMarks and numbers, Number and kind of packages, Description of goods, Gross Weight Net Weight Measurement Hardware tool

37、s case SC-150626AMENLYASEBNO.1-20 TC110 5WCS 250SETS 1250KGS 1375KGS 5CBMTC120 5WCS 250SETS 1500KGS 1625KGS 5CBM TC130 5WCS 250SETS 1750KGS 1875KGS 5CBM TC140 5WCS 250SETS 1875KGS 2000KGS 5CBM - TOTAL: 20WCS 1000SETS 6375KGS 6875KGS 20CBMPACKING:50SETS IN ONE WOODEN CASES, 20 CASES IN ON 20 CONTAINE

38、R. TIANJIN TIFERT I/E CORP.货运委托书 货运代理公司经营单位(托运人)编号提单(B/L)项目要求发货人:Shipper:收货人:Consignee:通知人:Notify Party:海运费()Sea freight预付( )或到付( )Prepaid or Collect提单份数提单寄送地 址启运港目的港可否转船可否分批集装箱预配数20× 40×装运期限有效期限标记、唛码包装件数中英文货号Description of Goods毛重(千克)尺码(立方米)成交条件(总价)特种货物冷藏货危险品重件:每件重量内装箱(CFS)地址大 件(长×宽&

39、#215;高)门对门装箱地址特种集装箱:( )物资备妥日期外币结算账号物资进栈:自送( )或XX派送( )人民币结算单位账号声明事项托运人签章电话传真联系人地址制单日期集装箱货物托运单集装箱货物托运单Shipper(发货人)委托号:Forwarding Agents:B/L No.: 中国对外贸易运输总公司 第 集装箱货物托运单 二 船代留底 联 Consignee(收货人)Notify Party(通知人)Pre-carriage by(前程运输) Place of Receipt(收货地点)Ocean Vessel(船名) Voy.No.(航次) Port of Loading(装货港)

40、Date(日期) Port of Discharge Place of Delivery Final Destination for the Merchant's Reference (卸货港) (交货地点) (目的地)Container No. (集装箱号) Seal No.(封志号)Marks & Nos.(标记与号码)No.of Containers or P'kgs(箱数或件数)Kind of Packing;Description of Goods(包装种类与货名)Gross Weight(毛重)Measurement(尺码)(m3)Total Number

41、of Container or Package(in words)集装箱数或件数合计(大写)Container No.(箱号) Seal No.(封志号) P'kgs No. (件号) Container No.(箱号) Seal No.(封志号) P'kgs No. (件号) Received(实收)By Terminal Clerk/Tally Clerk(场站员/理货员签字)Freight & ChargesPrepaid at(预付地点)Payable at(到付地点)Place of Issue Booking Approved by(签发地点) (订舱确认)

42、Total Prepaid(预付总额)No.of Original B/L(正本提单的份数)货值金额Service Type on Receiving CY CFS DoorService Type on Delivery CY CFS DoorReefer TemperatureRequired(冷藏温度)Type of Goods(货物种类)Ordinary Reefer Dangerous Auto (普通) (冷藏) (危险) (裸装车辆)危险品Class:Property:Liquid Live Animal Bulk (液体) (活动物) (散装)IMDG Code Page: U

43、N No.发货人或代理地址:联系人:电话:可否转船 可否分批 装期 备注集装场站名称有效期制单日期海运费由 支付如预付运费托收承付,请填银行账户提单ShipperB/L No.DF-BL01TIANJIN TIFERT IMP. & EXP. CORP., LTD.NO. 56, ZHUJIANG ROAD, TIANJIN, CHINA中 国 外 运 天津 公 司SINOTRANS TIANJIN COMPANYOCEAN BILL OF LADINGSHIPPED on board in apparent good order and condition (unless other

44、wise indicated) the goods or packages specified herein and to be discharged at the mentioned port of discharge or as near thereto as the vessel may safely get and be always afloat. The weight, measure, marks and numbers, quality, contents and value, being particulars furnished by the Shipper, are no

45、t checked by the Carrier on loading. The Shipper, Consignee and the Holder of this Bill of Lading hereby expressly accept and agree to all printed, written or stamped provisions, exceptions and conditions of this Bill of Lading, including those on the back hereof. IN WITNESS whereof the number of or

46、iginal Bills of Lading stated below have been signed, one of which being accomplished the other(s) to be void.Consignee or orderTO THE ORDER OF COMMERCIAL BANK OF ETHIOPIANotify addressAMENLI COMPANY, ETHIOPIA.#5054-7 KING STREET, ETHIOPIAPre-carriage byPort of loadingTIANJIN ,CHINAVesselPort of transshipmentDONGFENG V.208Port of dischargeFinal destinationASEB , ETHIOPIAContainer. seal No. or marks and Nos.Number and kind of packageDescription of goodsGross weight (kgs.)Measurement (m3)SC-150626AMENLYASEBNO.1-2020 WOODEN CASESSAY TWENTY WOODEN CASES ONLYFREIGHT PREPAIDHARDWARE TOOLS


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