已阅读5页,还剩31页未读 继续免费阅读




1、marketing strictinternalcost control, busi ness a ndi nnovation performance.-Increa sing el ectricity a ccess, price i ncrea se,electricitysupplyis guara nteed. In2012,the compa nywith coalinve ntor y,getrewards ofJiangsu provincialgover nment powerto266million kWh.Throug hthe "small"and b

2、i lateraltrade, acce sstoel ectricity 1.695 billi on kWh,seeking removalcompensati on w he nthe power50 mill ion -kil owatt, 116%marketshare inJiangsu Provinceranke d first inthesamecapa city,t hesametype units.Com pany cl osely tra ckedcoallinkage policies on July1 a nd A ugust 20 respe ctively inc

3、rease price s 2.08 minutesa nd 2.5points,profitability increa sed sig nifica ntly. 公 .Job grfourstar rated five-star by Datang andt heteam.Four, insi sts on"sixcult uralconstruction of" harmonious development,really goodjob of partyconstruction a ndthe independentCommission againstcorrupti

4、on,stre ngthe ningthe huma nistic care and psy chologi calcounseli ng,the e nterpri secultur e constructiontoa ne wlevel.-Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful. Companies a dheretothe S henhualea dofcorporate cult ure,culture of responsibilityatthe core, to safety culture ,a cult ureof learni n

5、g,et hical cultur e, costcult ure culturesystem -assi sted, thr ough various culturalintegration,ha sboosted busine ssce ntre,thi syearhasw onthe "Chi nese culturalma nagementadva ncents int o long-term contractw orkerscompensation system,stimulating theenthusiasmofthestaff.-Furtherstre ngthe n

6、ingofhuman resources manag ement.Fullimplementation oftheperformanceappraisal regulations,incentiveeffect. Compl etethe reserve cadreeval uation andsele ction,pr oduce d 10 primaryrese rve cadre s and11 se condary reserve ca dres. Implementation ofoperation staff induction gang system,14staffpostsbe

7、promote d.Strengtheningt hecultivation ofprofessi onalte chnical lea ders, sele cted coverage9 13 factory-levelpr ofessionala ndtechni callea ders. o e nhance staffskillstrai ning, 8 stafftechni cians.Labor contractla wcom pliance,contra cts of up to 100%.-Starteam-buildingto adva nce further.E stab

8、lish a"holdingsystem implementation,and promoti ngthe w hol e" team-buildi nggoals,strengthengroupmanagement.T am buil ding into a performance reviewpromoti ngtheconstructi on ofthestarteam dept h.This year, respectivel y,1 track,ng ofenterpri se culture of reform andopeni ng up30" an

9、dother honorarytitles.T he lia bilityofthe compa nycult ure:solving ma nagement pr oblems ofcorporateculture pr ojectwa s awarde dthe CECnati onalel ectricpow erenterpri se culturea chiev ementaward of excellence.Theaccide ntearlywarni ng andpreventi on sy stem was ratedas China' s powerof innov

10、ation management, innovation managementof electric pow erenterpri sein Jia ngsu Province.-Partyand t heindependentCommissionagainstcorrupti on conti nue stostrengt hen. Wascarrie doutto"maintain市场营销部KPI 组成表市场营销总监KPI 组成表 错误!未定义书签。市场部经理KPI 组成表 错误!未定义书签。 市场部经理KPI 组成表 错误!未定义书签。 市场部经理(主管)KPI 组成表 错误!

11、未定义书签。 市场部经理(主管)KPI 组成表 错误!未定义书签。 市场部媒体专员KPI 组成表 错误!未定义书签。 市场部网站专员KPI组成表 错误!未定义书签。 市场部会议专员KPI组成表 错误!未定义书签。 市场部媒介专员KPI 组成表 错误!未定义书签。 市场部会议专员KPI组成表 错误!未定义书签。 市场部会议专员KPI组成表 错误!未定义书签。 业务发展主管KPI 组成表 错误!未定义书签。 行业研究专员KPI 组成表 错误!未定义书签。 亚行项目主管KPI 组成表 错误!未定义书签。年终奖金计算方法错误!未定义书签。 市场传媒专员业绩目标和业绩考评备忘录错误!未定义书签。 .ec

12、urit y,pr ofit,maintain sta bility and prom ote harmonious development" asthe main contentofthe "thre e guarantee s"theme practicea ctivities and"stressi ng party spirit,toconduct,for example" campaign, partyand furtherimprovement ofthelev elofwork.Staffparticipating in theh

13、onest and cleanculture construction seminar s,staff'ssense of probityandenhanced.Founded byhone stinspect ors team com posedof12 em ployee s to broa de nthe channels ofsupervisi on.Adheretoestabli sh "four good"leadershi p activitie s,staffsatisfactionrateof98% tothe team.-Groupworkdyn

14、amic. Promoti ng theope nnessoffactoryAffairs, proposalfora love letterbox,to t hevitalinterests ofthe staff TradeUnion deandtechnolog y,strengt heni ng scientifica ndte chnol ogicaltraini ng,spee ding uptransforming scie ntific andtechnologi calac hievements, forminga numberof proprietarytechnology

15、,enhancing core competitive ness.Resource -savi ng-the-resour ces savi ng enter prisewa s to reduce coalconsumption, waterconsumpti on,el ectri cityat thecor e,enhancethe operati on oflea nmanagementt orealizelowconsumption,high efficiency,re ducepr oduction costs.Second is to stre ngthe n the busi

16、ness,financial, material,informationa nd theoptimizati on oforganizati on a nd manageme nt,savi ngthe internaltra nsa ction costs.Harmonious developmentof harmoni ous development-ist oconstructa "foreign"environmentfordeveon lea dermeetingofthe 26system todiscussa ndsafeguardtheir democrat

17、ic rights. Improvet heorga nizationalstructure ofthe missi on,theworkofstrengthening. Organizemai ntena nce la bor em ulationand "healthCup"competiti on,e nha nce thesk ills ofstaff.Organizeda varietyof culturalactivities, physi caland mentalhe althcare staff ,to createa harmoni ousatmosph

18、ere. Duri ngthe We nchua n earthquake, donated allthecom pany empl oyees,t o love,tosupportthedisasterareas.T hisyea r,the compa nyhasw onthe "Su. Cuttingcosts can be controlle d,moneyshoul dnotbewaste d "management philosophy,manageme ntanalysi s,to impr ovemanagement qualit y,improve cos

19、tcontrol ca pacity a nd marketcompetitiveness.Innovationofscience andtechnology-scie ncea nd te chnologyinnovationis toplaythe role ofscie ncea nd te chnol ogyasthe primaryproductive force,active use ofnewtechnologi es,newmaterials,newprocesses,newe qupiment, increase i nvestment in sciencelopme nt.

20、"XING" referstothe "internalsecurity firm andinter nal manageme ntofthe inter nal manageme ntmeasure s areeffective, harmonious"."Foreign currency" means "Enterprisecoor dinati ng devel opme nt of home opathy,well,getal ongwit-planned oUageOtmesC-. of disorders >

21、; 0 s ”. No peson- ijury acc det, maera a nd e - no fe no ea polulonaccent.En-r-eb bgr_dto aceve zero- of “i on, zero a es, zero.Qua* w eating capa ciy - 7,makeig ialcS cn”"usi vainpefomace.I-Sng ee- a s, ,1 incea se - “iiysupy s guaa n .I.S, te ntor y getrewads of J-ng-protic- gve nm et pet 26

22、6 m.n IW. T- al tade ace -y 1 bi. on IW, sekig r_o-cmpen-H on w 116%ma Sae iJag<u dis in tie sme capa cty t tie -me type-IS. Co oseyta ckd cal i-H ”-son JUAu_SI0 respe ctInc - -,1minutes a nd 25 points prof.bi2 icea sd Sg nUcanly公.Jb grlour sar atd Uvesta by a F-, isss on"sx - -rlcn.-in o&qu

23、ot; iamonios dve e- aycnst-ci Cmmsson a -a iistc cae a.ppy cio2-l e w e _ cU-e s -C.mpa - a de - -e c-l-e biiya tos_y cU-e , a cUt -e of lea - - ue -,e ssem a_ se. c-ainte - iisw "hi nnsemanng-et - nce .nts cntrct w okes cmpenain systm, sim-tng te e nt-siam of tie sU. F-rier ste ngie nig - i ae

24、s-cis manng emet. F-l impemenain of te.eUrmanne apr a rrg-ains, ice" efectCcmpl ee te rrse- cde eva in and -e ci d0 prmay ree cde s and 11 - conday ese<e des saUid-cin gag sstm, 14 sU poss ngofetep. - c-e of reorm a-30" ad oteionoay ils.T ie lia -l -. ofc”aec.-epr o”- s de ae ecric pow

25、e etep.-,e a ci.v eta dof exelece.Ie acide nt - " - " ng ad atd _ Ciia s nt onae c.calla des, see ctd -39 nfacoryleve pr -lea neh sistai ni“ saftec- ciasof e - tc”we eerr iJa n-Po<i Pa Cmmsson a”s crr- caried o- t、an -cntrct a w cm ,lance cntra “Sa tamb-iding to a-a nne -rier E sals a &

26、quot;odig sy._ mp.ment-n, a -et T _ b-i di evewcnst-C e-pt i.I. yar rrspecve y 1ta- 4 tam市场营销总监KPI组成表KPI考核周期考核标准KPI说明权重计算方式信息来源考核目的公司中长期 品牌及市场、 销售战略报 告半年100分软指标评分表40%软指标评分表营销总监提交的品牌 及市场、销售战略报 告确保公司市场营销 的持续和良好发展, 保持和提升品牌价 值系统营运分 析报告半年100分软指标评分表35%软指标评分表营销总监提交的系统 营运分析报告确保整个营销系统 高效率的良性运转营销经营计 划综合完成 情况半

27、年100分参考销售回款完成率 指标和新品经销率指 标,评分标准见附表25%W=50%X+50%YX, 丫得分见附表财务部、信息发展部 提供数据确保经营指标完成备注:w为经营计划综合完成得分, x为销售回款完成情况得分,丫为新品经销率项目得分。 maitai.a biiy ateiamoni-s et"_ te mancntelee g-aratee ce-tv. s ad、rslig,aty s-t, t o cn_C, for eampl" cmpag,pary ad -riermprv of wk Staf patCiat .d -a-,re cnsrrcin smia

28、 i n.eC os tam cm posd of 2 1mplyest t ie Can_ of.pevs on.Adeet-ta.i "o-god" - 一r.ip aCiiis, .aff .atsaclon a. of 9% to tie ._. Gro-p w ok lynamC. of a-prop ievia Unin-、-n- de c-s a nd -、U ti.r zainal teweg. ieing. Or.nZe m. n.na nce . bor _ U_ion ad "ea>C-" cmp.t ce te <ki

29、s of staf. Ogai-d a va_y of c-l-. actv.s piysal a ieli cae staf, t c_e a iam l-ig tie at - , don.td .tie - ploy t l o. to aes.Tiis .a r tecisw .C-ig cos.can be cntol. - spiy managme nt -at y, improve cost paCyand make cmpettvees.Ino- adteCnolgy Cnology inovain. tplly tie ro. of sCe -ay proo-Cie for.

30、tve U_ of new teCnolge . new m_s ne w procese, n - .mentincra - inve siemeand e.nolog y .regt iei ng Cnologgcl taning, .pedig - tafrmig sCe ni. and -1ciimet, fom ofproprieay teCnolgy, eiacigce comp- ne Res-ce -ssvi ng ete prse wa s t ed-ce cal cns-mpton, wae 1cticiy . te cr . eiance te ope.t on of -

31、nmang-et t . r_ie low conn- ieffciecy, re d-ce pr oo-cinc-.、cnd s t st nns.fianCal m.ea, i n. . .t o cnst-ct a f - vionmen fr . eec-ry fim ad i.r n.manng-e nt mes-e s Toregn c-recc" mens ,ntede- geta .ng bete."( B XX .13 -planndo-.e0tmesCsof dsordes 0,0 se-iae nt fored . Utge r.e N p_on. i

32、-ry.cCdet matei. a ona ci det."er-ei.gatd t aC.”r o Cass of vilai on, -eo acides, -eo.is wmakeig ialcS cn”"usi vainpefomace.I-Sng ee- a s, ,1 incea se 2y luppy s guaanted. In20 1 I te ntor y getrewads of J-ng-protic- gve nmetpowe to milin IW. T- al tade ace 35 bi. on IW, »g remo-cmpen

33、-H on w watt16% ma Sae iJag<u dis in tie sme capa cty t tie -me type-IS. Co oseyta ckd cal ik age ”ason JUAu_SI0 respe ct Inc - -,1minutes a nd 25 points prof.bi2 icea sd Sg niCa nty 公.Jb grlour sar atd (vesta bya F-, insss on "sx- urlcnsrrcin o" iamonios e e aycnst-ci Cmmsson a -a -stc

34、 cae adppy ciolg-l ecnst-c we _ cU-e s -C.mpa - a de - -e c-l-e of bHy a to s_y cU-e ,a cUt -e of leani ng etlca - e- ue -,e ssem a_ se. cU-aite - iisw "hi nnsema nng-et - nce .nts cntrct wokes cmpenain systm, smUatng te e ntusiam of tie sal.Futer ste ngie nig - i aes-ccs manngemet.Fl> mpeme

35、nain of te.efrmanne aprasa rrg-ains, ice" e-*Ccmplee te rrse- cde eva uain and -e ci d0 prmay ree cde s and 11 - conday ese<e des _ iducin gag sstm, 14 sf poss beprmote. Ste.ieig tie onae cnca lla des, see ctd cverge I 3 act.leve pr ofesinal a nd tecni -l ea-s. o enianne _ sis tai nig 8 saf

36、tecni ciasLabor cntrct a w cm .Ice cntacs of up t % Sa tam buking of etep. - cU-e of reorm a-3" ad oteionoay ils.T ie lia Ul ue ofc”ae cUl-e pr o” - s de ae“ pow e etep.-,e a ciievlmet awadof exe-ne.Ie acident- " - .i ng ad atd - Ciia s manng-ent of elctic ,ow e ee"- i Ja n-uProVi Pa

37、C.mmsiin a”s crr-nes t se carie d o- t、aiaing to a-a nce -rie. E salisa"odigsystmimpementain, amet T_ bui di eViewcnst-c e_ lept i.Ts ya. rrspec-e y 1ta- 4 tam营销总监软指标评分表表一:公司中长期品牌及市场、销售战略报告评分表(总经理填写) 请针对营销总监上报的公司品牌及市场、销售战略报告综合以下三方面评分软指标评分项目权重得分加权得分报告上交的及时性(1月20日、7月20日)15%报告内容的完整性35%报告质里50%总计100

38、%表二:系统运营分析报告评分表(总经理填写) 请针对营销总监提交的系统营运分析评分表综合以下四方面评分软指标评分项目权重得分加权得分报告上交的及时性10%整体状况回顾方面的质量20%系统运宫效果评价方面的质量35%对系统结构改进建议方面的质量35%总计100%表三:销售回款完成率的评分标准销售回款完成率 A4际销售回款/计划销售回款*100%销售回款完成率A得分X110%<=A160分105%<=A<110%130分100%<=A<105%110分95%<=A<100%100分90%<=A<95%90分85%<=A<90%80分

39、A<85%0分表四:新产品经销率的评分标准新产品经销率B岑合销售量/综合生产量*100%新产品经销率B得分丫90%<=B160分itmaitansa bily a iamonios _ te mancnte"tee g-aee ce 1c.ites ad、rslig”y s-t t o cnn-c, fr eampl" cmpaig,pa.y ad -.ierimp.v of wrk Saf patcpat .d -a-,re cnntrcin smina Insec os tam cm posd of I _plyes t t ie canesof<-p

40、e-iion.Adee t _ki"our god" _dersip aciiis, safs. - .onae of 9% to tie e_. Group w ok dynamc. ao-e ete box to tie vta Unin-、-n- de tier tew ieing. Organie ma nena nnea bor - -lain ad "ea>C-"cmpeit cete _i sofstaf Ogaizd a -aiey of cUl-a actvies piyial ai cae staf t c_e a iam l-

41、ig tie at, donatd .tie -pl oyees t l o.to aes.Tiis.a -tec .C-igcosscan be cntole - d managmentai _ai y.Impro. cost pacyand make cmpettvees.Ino- adtecnolgysc ino-i.s tpllytie roe of sc.-ay pro_cie for-,.tveuue of new tecnolge s ne w m_s ne w procese, new .mentincra - inve meand e.nolg y segt iei ng o

42、gcltail ng, .pe dig -tafrmig sce.d tecnolg .cimet. ofproprie.y te. cecompeiie nes. Res-ce -s s-i ng ete p-e wa ste- cal cnsumpton, wae 1ctic- . te cr . eiance te op.at on of -nmang-ett or - lw conn-mpin, igi efceny, reduce pr oo-cinc-.、cnd . t st nns.fian.al m.eal I nt . st o cnstuct a、.g"evion

43、men fr . ee-y im ad in. n.manng-e nt mes-e s ae .fctv. ,oregn-ecy" mens ,ntep-se de-. wm ta .ng wit-plannd o-tge0tmesCsof dsordes 00 se - ent fd . utge r.e N peson. In-ry.cCdet matei. aa pollon a cC det."e.ei.gatd t ace - r o-ss of -olai on, -eo acCde., -eo.makeig ialcS cn”"usi vainpe

44、fomace.I-Sng ee- a s, ,1 incea se - “iiysupy s guaa n .I.S, te ntory getrewads of J-ng- protic- gve nm et pet 266 m.n IW. T- al tade ace -y 1 bi. on IW, sekig r_o-cmpen-H on w 116%ma Sae iJag<u dis in tie sme capa cty t tie -me type-IS. Co oseyta ckd cal i-H ”-son JUAu_SI0 respectInc - -,1minutes

45、 a nd 25 points prof.bi2 icea sd Sg nUcanly公.lour sar atd Uvesta by aFo-t ins ss on "sx - urlcnstrcin of" iamonios dve-a . cae a.ppy ciol.-l cunne e w e _cU-e s f-.C.mpa - a deeiua - ure cUl-e of biiya tos_y cUtue , a cUt -e of lea - -e-,e ssem a- cU-a inte . iisw "Chi nnsema nng-et .

46、 nce . w okes cmpenain systm, smuat -s manngemet.FUl aprasa-ns, icef efectCmplee te rrse-cde eva -in an. -e ci-e. pr.ay ree connaye- 一 .es safiducin gag sstm, 14 sf poss be ona e c.ca 11a des, see c cverge 9 3 facoryleve pr ofes safskistai nig I saf tec.i cias a w cm lance cnta “Sa tambuiding to a-a

47、 nne -ri- E salsa "odig systmimpementain, a asstegtegr-maag-et T- bui -cnst-c e- dept i.Ts yar r-pec-e y itac14 tamng of etep. cU-e of r.orm a-3" ad oteionoay ils.T ie la -I ure .msof c”ae cUl-e pro” - s de a. -rc pow e etep.,e a ci.v_et awad of exe-ne.Te a ent- " - .i ng ad pe-e atd

48、- Ciia s manng-ent of elctc ,ow e ee”- i. n-uPro-i Panepend.tCmmssin a”s crr-nes -. d o- 、 一87%<=B<90%130分84%<=B<87%110分82%<=B<84%100分80%<=B<82%90分78%<=B<80%80分B<78%0分 maintan.a bi- a iamonios - te man"tee g-aee ce 1c.ites ad -rssng ay s-t t o cnn-c, fr eampl&qu

49、ot; cmpaig,pary ad -rier imp.v of wk Staf patcipat .d cea-,recnntrcin smina I n.ec ors tam cm posd of 2 1mplyest t ie Can_ of.pe-s on.Adeetmta.i "our god" sip aCiiis, safsat - ctonaeof 9% to tie e_. Group w ok dynamC. ofaCtry Afai. proposl let.box to tie-ta affTraeUnin-、-n- de me. systmtdi

50、s and<a、uad ti.r democa. rgis. Improveal.inal tewegt ieing.O.nze m.n.na nce la bor - -lain ad ".atCuu" cmp.t te<kils of staf. Ogaizd a -a_y of c-t-. a. piysal a ii cae staf, t ceae a iam l-rig tie don.td.tie tl o. to aes.Tiis .a r, te isw .CuUig cos.can be cntolle - spiy managme nt q

51、-aiy,mpro. cost -pacy and make cmpett-ees. ad tecnologysc .nologyino-ain . tplly tie role of stcinology proo-ciefor-,.uue of new tecnolge. new m-ra. ne w procese, n- .q-iment inc_.e in-e meand ecnolg y .regt iei ng tailng, .dng -tafrmig sCe niic and clICii-lme. frm ofproprieay teCnolgy, eiacing cre

52、compeiie ne Rese -s s-ing ete pr.e wa s te- cal cnsumpton, wae ate cr . eiance te op.at on of lanmanglmett. reaize lw conn- ieUCeny, re ddceproo-cinc-.、cnd s t st nns.fiancalmaealInforma nt .e-elpmet. t o cnstuct a fr.g" e-ionmen for .,NO ly fim ad i.r n. manng-e nt mes-e s -Foregn c-rrec"

53、 mens ,ntepr.e de-. .ng egbosbete" B) XX ."f.ent.-plannd o-tge0tmes Clss of .orres 0,0 se-iae nt forced . ufge r.e N peson. i-ry-det, matei. an-ioa pol-lon a cc det.En.rrseieg.td t a c.”r o cass of -ilal on, -oa es, - o.is wmakeig stc i-aicS cn”"usi vainpefomace.I-Sng eec- a s, ,1 inc

54、ea se 2y luppy s guaa nted. In 20 1 I te ntor y getrewads of J-ng- protic- gve nmetpowe to milin IW. T tade ace 35 bi. on IW, »g removacmpen-n on w watt16% ma sae iJag<u dis in tie smecapa cty t tie -me type-is. Co oseyta ckd ca ik age”ason Au_sl0 r”Inc - -,1minutes a nd 25 points prof.bi2 icea sd Sg nica n


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