



1、Foreign automobile marketing mode rare reference to the research for the automobile marketingmode, and also rare. After the existing data collection and found that foreign automobile marketingmode of literature concentrate on franchising (4S monopoly) in the field. John S Kiff (2000) view isthat the

2、 car manufacturers, franchise model represents a low input, low-risk and control channel forthe market. Franchise modeon the car because franchisees have many requirements, such as theminimum level of sales and service capabilities. Car manufacturers do not need to sell part ofinvestment capital and

3、 management, these tasks borne by the dealer. Johny K JohanssonMcCrane / shaker (1998) that the franchise model is the most important features of manufacturersand distributors from the zero-sum race into a mutually supportive relationship between thewin-win relationship.Abell, Mark (1993) found that

4、 consumers store to buy a car through the license, especially high-endcars, not only the purchase of the product itself, but more importantly a symbol of status, peerrecognition and the reality of mans spirit so that if The expensive high-end cars with poor carmarket crowded together on the show, wi

5、ll greatly reduce the value of the former.On automobile marketing mode, many of our scholars from different angles, using differentmethods to make their respective contributions, mainly in the following areas: Sized EnterprisesJiang-hui, Multinational Automobile Marketing Models (2004) proposed: the

6、 current modeof thegeneral framework of the car market is divided into three main elements: marketing ideas,marketing organizations and marketing. Construction of the network from the marketing point ofview, the network marketing model into construction mode, and network by network models andpattern

7、s; from the marketing organizations point of view, the agent system into marketing mode,auto trading market system, distribution system of licensing, multi-brand specialty forms, etc.; fromthe marketing point of view, the agents and direct marketing model into other ways. Hanxue Chunin System of Chi

8、nas auto sales and auto sales market structure model (2002) that: a reasonablemodel would be automotive products as the main distributor for the leading all aspects of servicefeatures, the user at the core to the Automotive enterprises, automobile products (vehicles, partsand components), car dealer

9、s, car product users, car repair services, auto finance services, carinsurance services, and business management together. He Jihong Yu country side and theReform and Reconstruction of automobile marketing mode, (2006), the proposed guidancebased on ecological theory, marketing models of new cars: c

10、ar sales Ecological Park. The park, carmanufacturers, dealers, consumers and stakeholders to realize the value of the transfer and for thepurpose of forming a value chain and value network, build a living system the interests of thecommunity. WANG Yi Jun Wu submerge cases and the development pattern

11、 of Chinas auto salesmodel the dynamic features of analysis (2005) to construct a development pattern of Chinasautomobile marketing mode of the system dynamics model, marketing model analyzes thedynamic evolution of various characteristics, and prediction within the next few years, Chinasoverall veh

12、icle sales model pattern trends. Mu Xiaoli and Li Yuan in emerging automobilemarketing mode, (2002) presented a paper on Cultural Marketing Model: Dalian University ofarrest and Zhoukuai Bin Yu Duo also E-commerce will be applied in the automotive marketing(2002) article, detailed analysis of the e-

13、commerce applications in the automotive industryopportunities and difficulties, and e-business transformation ofChinese auto industry made a preliminary study. Bear Country Dr. Qian Zaiqi thesis based on thevalue of transferring the system modeselection of the Chinese car market evaluation (2006), t

14、heuse of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, from value creation, value added, value deliveryand value of collaborative 4 categories 30 transferring the system to establish the value ofindicators competitiveness evaluation index system of the car on the five main marketing modewere evaluated. In s

15、ummary, the present theoretical model of vehicle service marketing research islagging behind, the discussion on the practical level, more, there is a certain lack of theoreticaldepth; from a local point of view of many, but a comprehensive systematic infrequent. The rapiddevelopment of practice, an

16、urgent need for our automotive service marketing model features,performance and its future pattern of running in-depth, Ji Tong analysis and research, so as toChinas automotive industry to provide the sound development of the future theory of Jian Yi ZhiDao and useful.原文:国外少有汽车营销模式的提法,对于 汽车营销模式的研究也并

17、不多见。经过对现有 资料的收集和整理发现,国外 汽车营销模式的文献集中在研究特许经营(4S 专卖) 领域。John S Kiff (2000)的观点是对汽车制造商来说,特许经营模式代表着一种低投入、低风险和针对市场的可控渠道。因为特许经营模式对汽车特许经销商有许 多要求,诸如最低销售水平和服务能力等。汽车制造商不必对销售环节投入资金和管理,这些任务由经销商承担。Joh ny K Joha nsson McCra ne/shaker(1998)认为特许经营模式最重要的特点是制造商和经销商从“零和竟赛”的关系转化为相互支持的“双赢”关系。Abell,Mark(1993)研究发现,消费者通过特许专卖

18、店购买汽 车特别是高档车,不仅是购买产品本身,更重要的是一种地位的象征、同龄人的认 同以及现实男子汉的气概等,如果这些昂贵的高档车同低劣的车一同放在拥挤的市 场中展示,会大大降低前者的附加值。关于汽车营销模式,我国许多学者从不同的角度,利用不同的方法,做出了各自的 贡献,主要表现在以下几个方面:康灿华、姜辉在跨国公司在华汽车营销模式研究(2004)中提出:目前一般把 汽车营销模式的框架划分为三大要素:营销理念、 营销组织和营销手段。并从营销网络的构建角度,把营销模式分成建网模式、借网 模式和并网模式;从营销组织的角度,把营销模式分成总代理制、汽车交易市场制、 特许经销制、多品牌专卖形式等;从营

19、销方式的角度,把营销模式分成代理和直销 等几种方式。韩学春在中国汽车营销体系和汽车销售市场结构模式的探讨(2002) 中指出:合理的模式应该以汽车产品为主体、经销商为主导、全方面服务为特点、 用户为核心地把汽车制造企业、汽车产品(整车、零部件)、汽车经销商、汽车产品用户、 汽车维修服务、 汽车金融服务、 汽车保险服务和工商管理联系在一起。 俞国 方和贺继红在 汽车营销模式变革与重构(2006)中,提出了基于生态学理论为指导的新型汽车营销模式:汽车营销生态园。园区内,汽车生产商、经销商、消费 者及相关利益者以价值转移和实现为目的,形成了价值链和价值网,构建了 “类生 物”的利益共同体。吴泅宗和王

20、奕俊在中国汽车营销模式发展格局的动态特征分析(2005)中,构建了中国 汽车营销模式发展格局的系统动力学模型,剖析了各 种营销模式的动态演化特征,并且预测了未来几年内中国汽车营销模式格局的总体发展趋势。牟晓莉和袁理在新兴 汽车营销模式探讨(2002) 一文中介绍了文化 营销模式:大连理工大学的逮宇铎和周会斌也在电子商务将在汽车营销中得到应用(2002)一文中详细分析了电子商务在汽车工业中应用的机会和困难,并对中 国汽车工业的电子商务改造进行了初步的探讨。熊国钱在其博士论文基于价值让 渡系统的中国轿车营销模式选择的评价(2006)中,借助模糊综合评价模型,从价值创造、价值增值、价值交付和价值协同

21、4 大类 30 个指标建立了价值让渡系统竞争力的评价指标体系,对五种主要的轿车营销模式进行了评价。综上所述,目前 有关汽车服务营销模式理论上的研究相对滞后,实际操作层面上的讨论较多,有一 定理论深度的探讨不够;从某个角度出发的局部研究多,但全面的系统性研究较少。实践的迅速发展,迫切需要对我国汽车服务营销模式特征、运行绩效及其未来格局 进行深入、系统的分析和研究,从而为我国汽车产业未来的良性发展提供理论指导 和有益的建议。相似文献:-我国汽车营销 模式的现状与创新标的目的Current Situation andInn ovation Trend of Chello nas Automotive

22、 Market ing Modes笔者:龚洁,期刊 上海汽车 SHANGHAI AUTO 200 年 第 07 期-国外汽车企业营销模式对于我国的启示 TheEnlightenment of the Marketing Modes of the Foreign Automobile Enterprises on OurCountry 笔者:张建英,期刊 科技谍报开发与经济 SCI/TECH INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT &ECONOMY 20(年第 11 期-汽车营销模式成长分析 笔者:陈翩然,期刊-焦点期刊 汽车 工业研究AUTONDUSTRYRESEARC0O8

23、年 第 07 期-我国汽车市场营销模式探讨 笔者:白玉,程莎,期刊 神州团体经济 CHINA COLLECTIVE ECONOMY 2 年 7 第 30 期-国表里汽车企业营销模式的比较性研究 Comparative An alysis on the Market ing Mode Betwee n Domestic andForeign Auto Enterprises 笔者:宋晓冰,秦维娟,李晓燕,武双林,期刊 上 海汽车 SHANGHAAUTO2OO5年第 08 期-我国汽车营销模式的现状及对于策 笔者:邢伟,期刊天津职工现代企业管理学院学报JOURNAO FTIANJIN MODERENTERPRISM ANAGEMENT COLLEGE FOR STAFF AND WORKERS年 0 第


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