



1、美语情景对话5 / 5开始就与众不同,round instrument with aDiffere nt from the Start中英文本Five-year-old Albert Ein ste in stared at his hand as if it held magic. Cupped in his p alm was a small glass cover and a jiggli ng n eedle. Albert's father called it a comp ass. Albert called it a mystery. No matter how he m

2、oved the comp ass, the n eedle always poin ted to the n orth. Quietly Herma nnEin stei n watched his son. Albert was a chubby little boy with p ale, ro und cheeks and thick, black hair that was usually messy.His bright brow n eyes were wide with discovery.五岁的阿尔伯特爱因斯坦盯着他的手,仿佛手上掌控着魔法。他的掌心 托着一个小小的、圆形的仪

3、器,仪器带有一个玻璃罩和一根会摆动的针。阿尔伯特的父亲称它为指南针,阿尔伯特称它是一个谜。不管他如何移动 罗盘,指针总是指向北方。赫尔曼爱因斯坦静静地注视着他的儿子。阿 尔伯特是一个胖乎乎的小男孩,白白的脸颊圆乎乎肉嘟嘟的,黑色的头发 常常乱成一团。看到这一发现,他明亮的棕色眼睛睁得大大的。Somethi ng was in the room with him, Albert realized-somethi ng he could n't see or feel, but that acted on the comp ass just the same.Sp ellbo und, A

4、lbert liste ned to his father explain magn etism, the stra nge force that made the comp ass n eedle point n orth. But nothing his father said made the in visible po wer seem less mysterious or won derful. To many childre n the comp ass would have bee n just ano ther toy. To Albert the comp ass was a

5、 miracle he would n ever forget.阿尔伯特意识到,房间里有什么东西在他的身边-他无法看到或感觉到的 某种东西,同时也对指南针产生着作用。阿尔伯特入迷地听父亲解释磁 力,一股使罗盘的指针指向北方的奇特的力量。但是,不管父亲说什么, 也丝毫没有减少这股无形力量的神秘感和奇妙感。对许多孩子来说,指南 针本来只是一个玩具,对阿尔伯特来说,指南针却是一个他永远不会忘记 的奇迹。But the n Albert had always bee n differe nt from other childre n.Born March 14 , 1879,in Ulm, Germa

6、 ny, Albert had n't bee n looked like other babies. As she cradled her new son in her arms,P auli ne Ei nstei n thought the back of his head looked stra nge.Other babies did n't have such large, poin ted skulls. Was someth ing wrong with Albert? Although the doctor told P auli ne everyth ing

7、 was fine, several weeks p assed before the sha pe ofAlbert's head bega n to look right to her.然而,阿尔伯特总是不同于其他孩子。1879年3月14日他出生在德国的乌尔姆,出生时,他看上去就不像其他婴儿。当母亲波林爱因斯坦抚慰着 怀抱里的这个新生儿时,她觉得他的后脑勺看起来怪怪的,其他婴儿没有 那么突出的大头骨。阿尔伯特有什么问题吗?虽然医生告诉波林一切安 好,但几个星期之后她才觉得阿尔伯特的头形正常。Whe n Albert was one, his family moved to Muni

8、ch, where his sister,Maja, was born a year later. Look ing dow n at the tiny slee ping bun dle, Albert was pu zzled. Where were the baby's wheels? The disa ppoin ted two year old wan ted to know. Albert had exp ected a baby sister to be someth ing like a toy, and most of his toys had wheels.阿尔伯特

9、一岁时,全家搬到了慕尼黑,一年后妹妹玛雅出生了。看着襁褓 中熟睡的小婴儿,阿尔伯特感到疑惑不解。婴儿的轮子在哪里呢?这个失 望的两岁的孩子很想知道。阿尔伯特以为小妹妹应该是像玩具一样的东 西,并且他的大部分玩具都是有轮子的。Albert's parents were amused by his con fusi on. But any response at all would have delighted them. At an age whe n many childre n have lots to say, Albert seemed stra ngely backward.

10、Herma nn andP auli ne won dered why he was so late in talki ng. Was their son devel oping no rmally? As Albert grew older, he continued to have trouble pu tt ing his thoughts into words Eve n whe n he was nine years old, he spoke slowly, if he decided to say anything at all.P auli ne and Herma nn di

11、d n't know what to thi nk.阿尔伯特的父母被他充满疑惑的样子逗笑了,但孩子的可反应都令他们感 到快乐。在这个年龄,许多孩子都能讲不少话了,阿尔伯特在语言方面却 似乎异常落后。赫尔曼和波林不知道为什么他说话这么晚。他们的儿子生 长发育正常吗?阿尔伯特更大一些的时候,仍然难以用文字表述自己的思想。甚至在他九岁时,如果他决定说些什么,速度还是很慢。波林和赫尔 曼不知道该如何看待。But Albert was a good liste ner and a good thinker. Sometimes whe n he went hik ing with his par

12、ents and Maja, he thought about his father's comp ass and what it had revealed to him. The clear, open meadows were filled with more tha n the wi nd or the sce nt of flowers. They were also filled with magn etism. The very thought of it quicke ned Albert's pu Ise.但是,阿尔伯特非常善于倾听和思考。有时当他和父母还有妹妹

13、玛雅一起 去远足时,他会想到父亲的指南针,思考它向他揭示的秘密。清新开阔的 草地不仅充满着风声或花的香味,也充满着磁力,一想到这点阿尔伯特就 脉搏加速了。重点讲解1. no matter不论怎样;不要紧"No matter who point out our shortco ming, we will correct them."不管谁指出我们的缺点,我们都改正。2. differe nt from与不同,不同于The new plan is quite differe nt from the old.这个新方案与旧的大不相同。3. have trouble 在有困难Many users have trouble visualiz ing what a 1.2-inch left marg in looks like; the Preview con trol shows them.很多人都难


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