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1、the world to knowI选择1. The 2008 Beiji ng Olympic Games were such a good more about China. (Unit 1, Secti on4)A. time toB. time forC. time inD. time2. Do you believe that love could eve n whe n the beloved is away in theother world? (Unit 1, Sectio n4)A. con ti nues onB. con ti nue onC. con ti nue to

2、D. con ti nued to3. She iswith the salesma n because the p roduct is com pletely differe nt fromwhat he recomme nded. (Unit 4, Sectio n4)A. annoyB. annoyingC. annoyedD. anno iedto4. Many bus in essme n spend lots of money in advertis ing as they know itadvertise. (Unit 4, Sect ion4)A. paysB. payC. p

3、ay for D. spend5. Is Spring Festival a com mon holiday for theof Asia n coun tries? (Unit 7,Sectio n4)A. the mostB. moreC. majorityD. least6. My family makes it a rule that every member has to take part in theclea ning. (Unit 7, Section4)A. end of yearB. en d-of-yearC. end of year'sD. end yearof

4、7. In the 1950s, college graduates were in great dema nd and used to havejobs wait ing for them. (Unit 7, Sectio n4)theA. large choice B. a large choice C. a large of choice D. a large choices8. The Asia n Games were such a festive eve nt in China. Peoplehappin ess of every gold medal won by the Chi

5、n ese athletes! (Unit 7, Sectio n4)A. sharesB. sharedC. shari ngD. share9. If you move, you must inform us the change of your address. (2010年 6A. withB. forC. inD. oftele phone or email.10. If you n eed more in formati on, pl ease con tact us(2009年12月B级)A. inB. byC. onD. Foron the In ternet.B) go11.

6、 I nformatio n about the new system is easy toA) likeC) findD)open12. We talked for more tha n three hours withouta cup of tea.A) to haveB) hav ingC) haveD) had13. The big IT company willa new research cen ter in the city.A) set upB) break upC) get upD) turn up14. We had a(n)with him about this p ro

7、blem last ni ght.A) explan ati onB) imp ressi onC) exhibitionD) discussi on15. She told us briefly about how they succeeded inthe new p roduct.A) devel opB) to devel op1 B2 B3 C4 A5 C6 B7 B8 B9 D10 B11 C12 B13 A14 D15 DC) devel opedD) devel opingn填空1. U p to now, we3)2. As a school boy I already kne

8、w the sun(be) the cen ter of the solar system. (unit4 Section 3)3. Whe n she was here, she always(unit 4 Sectio n 3)4. The people there are more friendly andexp ected. (unit 7 Secti on 3)5. The weather is gett ing6. The earlier you start, the _7. Thomas was cheerful and6月B级)(not receive) any n ews f

9、rom her. (un it 4 Section(complain) about the liv ing con diti on.(humorous) tha n we_ (hot) and more humid. (unit 7 Sect ion 3)(so on) you'll finish the work. (unit Secti on 3) (help) and we soon became good friends. (10 年8. Gas prices are(high) here than in other parts of the count(.1O 年 6 月 B

10、 级)9. Now many young people spend several hours a day(talk) on a mobile phone.from the bank has already bee n p aid back.( 11 年(10年6月B级)10. The money (borrow)12月B级)11. The new (n ati on)museum will be open to the p ublic n ext week.12. This questi on is (difficult)tha n the one I have an swered.13.

11、The secretary has bee n work ing for the same (ma nage)for over 5years.100 years ago, still looks n ew.that a decisi on about the matter must be made at14. The hotel, (build)15. I want (point out)on ce.1 haven'received2 is3 com plained4 more humorous5 hotter6 sooner7 hel pful8 higher9 talking10

12、borrowed11 national12 more difficult13 manager14 built15 to po int outm .阅读Task 1Google, the Internet search-enginecompany, has announced it will give more than twen ty-five millio n dollars in money and inv estme nts to help the poor. The company says the effort invo Ives using the po wer of in for

13、mati on and tech no logy to help people imp rove their lives.Aleem Walji works for G - the part of the company that gives money to good causes. He said the company ' s first project will help idtaiefy w infectious (传染性的)diseasesare developing. In Southeast Asia and Africa, for exa mp le

14、, G will work with partners to stre ngthe n early-war ning systems and take acti on aga inst grow ing health threats.G's second project will invest in ways to help small and medium-sized bus in essesgrow. Walji says microfi nance (小额信贷)is gen erally small, short-term loans that

15、 create few jobs. In stead, he says G wants to devel op ways to bring in vestors and bus in ess owners together to create jobs and improve econo mic growth. G will also give money to help two climate-change programs announced earlier this year. One of these programs studies ways to

16、 make renewable (再生的) en ergy less costly tha n coal-based en ergy. The other is exam ining the efforts being made to in crease the use of electric cars.The creators of Google have promised to give G about one percent of company p rofits and one p erce nt of its total stock value every year

17、. Aleem Walji says this amount may in crease in the future.1. The purpose of Google ' s investments is to.A) help poor peopleB) devel op new tech no logyC) expand its own bus in essD) in crease the po wer of in formatio n2. According to Aleem Walji, the company' s first project is to.A) set

18、up a new system to warn people of in fectious diseasesB) find out where in fectious diseases devel opC) ide ntify the causes of in fectious diseasesD) cure p atie nts of in fectious diseases3. What kind of bus in esses will be Google.or' sec ond p roject?A) large enterp risesB) cross-n ati onal

19、companiesC) foreig n-fun ded corpo rati ons's money is also invested to helpD) small and medium-sized bus in esses4. From the fourth p aragra ph, we lear n that GoogleA) start more research p rogramsB) make more adva need electric carsC) devel op ren ewable and coal-based en ergyD) con duct stud

20、ies related to climate cha nges5. From the last p aragra ph we lear n that the inv estme nts by G come fromA) Google ' s profits and stock valueB) some intern ati onal IT companiesC) the company ' s own interestsD) local commercial banksTask 2Your boss holds your future prosp ects i

21、n his han ds. Some bosses are hard to get along with. Some have excelle nt qualificati ons but no idea whe n it comes to deali ng with people. Of course, not all bosses are like that.The relati onship you have with your boss can be a major factor in determ ining your rise up the career ladder. Your

22、boss is not only your leader, he is also the person best equipped to help you do the job you are p aid to do. He can inform you of company directi on that may affect your pro fessi onal devel opment.Your boss also n eeds you to p erform at your best in order to acco mp lish his objectives. He n eeds

23、 your feedback in order to pro vide realistic and useful rep orts to upper man ageme nt. But how does this help you establish a meanin gful work ing relati onship with your boss?The key is com muni catio n. Lear n and un dersta nd his goals and p riorities 优先的事). Observe and understand your boss s w

24、ork style.clear with his expectations, ask!Likewise, ask for feedback and acce pt criticism gracefully. And if he un dersta nds that you do not view your job as just someth ing to fill the hours betwee n 9 and 5, he may be more likely to hel p you.In short, gett ing along with your boss requires get

25、t ing to know his likes and dislikes and lear ning to work with his person ality and man ageme nt style.1. The mai n idea of the first p aragra ph is that.A) bosses are hard to deal withB) bosses have good characterC) bosses determ ine your career futureD) bosses must have similar person ality” (Lin

26、e 2) means2. In the sec ond p aragra ph,“rise up the career ladderA) going to work abroadB) cha nging jobs freque ntlyC) being pro moted in p ositi onD) pursuing an adva need degree3. In order to achieve his objectives, your boss exp ects that you willA) do your best in your workB) show your man age

27、me nt skillsC) get along with your colleaguesD) write rep orts to upper man ageme nt4. The most important factor for establishing a good working relationship with theboss is.A) high exp ectatio nsB) quick feedbackC) freque nt criticismD) effective com muni cati on5. The best title for the p assage m

28、ight be.A) How toB) How to Get Alo ng with Your BossC) How to Accept Your Boss' casCritiD) How to Accomplish Your Boss' s ObjectiveTask 3Directions: Find from the English equivalents to the signs given in Chinese and fill in the blanks.a. Dan gerb. Don 'disturbc. Don 'touch exhibitsd

29、. No Admissi one. Keep off the grassf. No Litteri ngg. No P arki ngh. No P hotogra phsi. No smok ingj. No tres pass ing1. 闲人免进2. 不准停车3. 危险4. 禁止入内()不准吸烟( 请勿踏入草坪请勿打扰禁止拍照)(请勿乱扔杂物 ()5. 请勿触摸展品Task 4Directions: After reading the following p assage, you are required to choose the correct answer and fill in

30、 the blanks.Thank you, Volunteers!November in the Un ited States brings the holiday of Than ksgi ving, and therefore it's in November that we tend to thi nk of a way in which we could show our tha nks to volun teers. Here are some of the ways p osted on li ne to tha nk volun teers who come to of

31、fer help.Potlucks for Staff and VolunteersI like to hold po tlucks at the office and in vite volun teers to make them feel like part of the team. The volun teers are asked to bring a big app etite.(P osted on 29 March, 2010 by Nazia Hossai n)Giving Thanks at ThanksgivingThis year I sent out Tha nksg

32、i ving cards to the volun teers. It's a great way toshow our tha nks toward the end of the year, and this makes our volun teers know we're grateful to them for what they've done in the busy year.(P osted on 14 February, 2008 by Traci Lato)Hats Off to VolunteersOur library volun teers rec

33、eived various baskets of goodies, boxes of chocolates, flowers and plan ts, etc. The staff wore hats all week and tipped them toward the volun teers as we saw them. The volun teers here seemed to app reciate the sile nt effort to recog nize them.(Po sted on 25 Ap ril, 2005 by Aimee Hepler)Afternoon

34、at the MoviesDuring Natio nal Volun teer Week we recog ni zed our volun teers by tak ing them to the movies.We had our recognition awards program before the moviestarted, followed by a 15-mi nute coffee break. The volun teers had a bag of popcorn and a drink wait ing for them. They also had their ch

35、oice of 2 movies. It was very well received and we will do it aga in n ext year.(Po sted on 2 April, 2005 by Lin da Bac on)Pat on the BackHere's a very inexpen sive idea that should work for any type of orga ni zatio n. I simply draw around my hand on a pi ece of paper, print“ Here's a pat o

36、n the back for” ,theiYou, Mr. / Ms.for all the hard work and effort you've made herecopy it onto colored paper. The tee ns at our church help me cut them out.(P osted on 25 May, 2000 by Karol Hay nes)1. The time for people to think more about show ing tha nks isA. Christmas B. Easter C. Hallowee

37、 n D. Than ksgi ving Day2. It is nowfor people to post online their thanks to the volunteers.A. very stra nge B. very in teresti ng C. very com mon D. very rudein3. What may give the volun teers a sense of bel onging归属感)is to holdthe office.A. meeti ngs B. a cerem ony C. con certs D. po tlucks4. Sen

38、ding out Thanksgiving cards could let the volunteers know that peopleareto them.A. grateful B. careful C. im polite D. joyfulthe staff's5. The volunteers working in the library seemed to sile nt way to recog nize them.D. ig noreD. alikeA. dislike B. app reciate C. hateB. dislikeC. fond ofTask 5D

39、irections: You should decide whether the following statements are true or false after reading the p assage. Write T/F accordingly.“I left them aorYou, like most peop le, p robably have bee n in such a situatio n where you are being asked for a bus in ess card, and while reachi ng for it . and . oops

40、 . I must be out at the moment ” or “ they must be in my other bag office, rm sorry, and the conversation continues on with some sort of story about how this “neverhappens to md' o r “I knew I was forgetting something this morni ng . ”Missed conn ecti ons are missed opportun ities for bus in ess

41、. Bus in ess cards are a useful market ing tool, and an easy one to have with you at all times. Not hav ing your cards can be see nas being unprep ared to market yourself and your bus in ess.D on't start that new con tact leav ing them thinking“ that person is already unprep ared“ Nevereave home

42、 without it . There are so many things we ofte n have to remember in this go-go world we are liv ing in but your bus in ess cards should ALWAYS be with you.Here are a few tips for you to go take care of this right now, so youdon't get caught in this situati on:? If you don't have a job, get

43、Network ing Cards.? If you are empio yed, and have n't had new cards in 2 or more years, itcould be time for an up date: info up date and p hoto up date .? P erha ps set a goal of handing out 5 cards a day.? Practice what you will say when handing them out. On a daily basis,there are so many opp

44、ortun ities to do so. Grocery store lin es, coffee shops, wait ing on your car wash, meeti ngs, and eve n the dog p ark!? Ask your n etwork to n etwork with and for you also by handing out afew!Work smarter, not n ecessarily harder!1. Busin ess cards are a useful marketi ng tool.()2. Not hav ing bus

45、 in ess cards can be see n as being prep ared for the bus in ess.()3. It is not hard for the author to hand the bus in ess cards out.()4. The author doesn' think it n ecessaryto always bring the bus in ess card with him.()5. Work smarter, not necessarily harde” in the last paragraph means you sh

46、ould work in a clever way: better work isn'n ecessarily harder.()Task 6Directions: After reading the following p assage, you are required to choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks.Christmas Celebrations Around the WorldIt would be wrong to assume that Christmas is only celebrated among

47、 the Christia ns. With the world beco ming a global village, Christmas is celebrated with high sp irits in various p arts of the world. Though the ways of celebrati on, the dates and the traditi ons vary, the sp irit rema ins the same everywhere. While most of us celebrate it as a festive seasonspre

48、ading over a week, for some it is a month long festival that starts on Sun day n ext to November 26 and ends on January 6.Christmas in MalaysiaIn Malaysia, Christmas is celebrated on a small scale. This is becauseoniy 10% of the popu lati on are Christia ns and the majority of people are Muslim. How

49、ever, in the last 10 years bus in esses have take n the opportunity to p romote more goods and to hold lots of end-of-year sales. Christmas Day is the only public holiday in Malaysia.Christmas in SwedenChristmas is a very imp orta nt holiday in Swede n because it is the celebrati on ofJesus' bir

50、th. Several weeks before Christmas Eve people beg in to decorate the streets and shops. Families decorate their houses by sett ing up stars and can dies in their win dows, pu tt ing out Santa Claus, and decorati ng everyth ing in red. EVERY family has a gree n Christmas tree in their house. People d

51、ecorate it and p lace p rese nts un der it. They sing Christmas carols and dance around the tree on Christmas Eve.Christmas in GermanyChristmas in Germany starts early. On the 6th of December they have St. Nicolau's Day, but they still have to go to work or school. The day before Christmas famil

52、ies decorate their own Christmas trees with can dles, balls and small lights. On the evening of the 24th December family members and friends give gifts to each other.Christmas in EnglandChristmas is celebrated in England with people giving presents to family members and friends. Many people share a

53、Christmas meal of roast turkey, roast po tatoes and a large choice of vegetables followed by Christmas p udd ing and mi nee p ies. They may also orga nize p arties, where beer, wine and sometimes cha mpagne is served. The day after Christmas, which is called Boxing Day, is mostly a time for people t

54、o rest after their big dinners and give presents to newspaper boys, milk delivery men and many others who bring services to peop le.Santa Claus is a very important part of the Christmas festivities and small children believe he brings their presents down the chimney on Christmas Eve.Nobody ever gets to see him in their homes, though, becausehe only comes whe n everybody is sound aslee p. Though most people know Santa is make-believe, they still love him, and his“ Ho, ho, ho! ”1. Christmas is celebrated


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