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1、Don t cry because it is over 勿因结束而哭泣01、Don t cry because it isver 勿因结束而哭泣I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am whe n I am with you.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。No man or woma n is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't makeyou cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。The w

2、orst way tomiss some one is to be sitt ing right beside themknowing you cant have them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。Never frown, eve n whe n you are sad, becauseyou n ever know who is falli ng in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知谁会爱上你的笑容。To the world you may be one person, but to one person you m

3、ay be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某人而言,你是他的整个世界。Don' t waste your time on a man/woma n, who isn ing to watswiltheir time on you.不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。Just because some one does n love you the way you want them to, doesn ' t mean they don ' t love you with all they have.爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式

4、爱你, 那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。Don' t tryso hard, the best thi ngs come whe n you least expect them to.不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeti ng the right one, so that whe n we fin ally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别人;在我们终于遇

5、见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。Don' t cry because it isver, smile because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。02、Maki ng San dcastles 堆沙堡A little boy is on his knees scooping and packing the sand with plastic shovels into a bright blue bucket. Then he upends the bucket on the surface and lifts it. And, to the del

6、ight of the little architect, a castle tower is created.男孩跪在那儿用塑料铲挖沙子,并把沙子装在一个鲜艳的蓝桶里。 然后他把蓝桶倒 扣在地上,把它提起。让这“小建筑师”高兴的是:一座城堡的塔楼就这样诞生了。All after noon he will work sco oping out the moat and p acki ng the walls.Bottle tops will be sen tries. Sticks will be bridges. A san dcastle will be built.他会干一下午:挖护城河

7、,建城墙,用瓶盖做岗哨,用木棍做桥,就这样,一座城堡建成了。Big city. Busy streets. Rumbling traffic.某个大城市,喧嚣的街道、川流不息的交通。A man is in his office. At his desk he puts papers into stacks and assig ns tasks. The phone is on his shoulder and he is knocking the keyboard with his fin gers. Con tracts are sig ned and much to the delight

8、 of the man, a p rofit is made.办公室里有一位男士。坐在办公桌前,他把文件堆叠在一起,布置任务。他将电话夹在肩头,手指敲击键盘。合同签字生效,让这位男士高兴的是,一笔盈利就这样到手了。All his life he will work, formulating the plans, forecasting the future.Pr ofits will be sen tries. Cap ital gains will be bridges. An empire will be built.他一生都会工作:制定计划,预测未来。红利就是岗哨,资本增加就是桥梁。一个

9、帝国就这样建成了。Two builders of two castles. They have much in com mon. They sha pe little p ebbles into grand buildi ngs. They are dilige nt and determ in ed. And for both the tide will rise and the end will come.这两座承包的建筑者有许多共同之处。 他们会把细小的沙石变成宏伟的建筑。他们很用心也很有决心,而对于他们两个而言,涨潮都会发生,一切都会结束。As the waves n ear, the

10、 wise child jumps to his feet and begi ns to cla p.There is no sorrow. No fear. No regret. He knew this would happen. He is not surp rised.然而,巨浪来临时,聪明的男孩欢呼,跳跃,没有痛苦,没有恐惧,没有遗憾。他知道这一切都会发生,他并不感到惊讶。And whe n the great breaker crashes into his castle and his master pi ece is sucked into the sea, he smiles

11、. He smiles, p icks up his tools, takes his father ' s hand, and goes home.当这巨大的破坏者击碎他的城堡,将他的杰作卷入大海,男孩笑了,收拾好他的工具, 拉着父亲的手,回家了。The grow nup, however, is not so wise. As the wave of year colla pses on his castle he is terrified. He tries to protect the sandy monument. He blocks the waves from the w

12、alls he has made. “ It ms castle, he p rotests.然而,这位成年人,当岁月的巨浪击毁他的承包,他害怕了,他试图保护这沙质纪念 碑。他试图阻止巨浪袭击他建的城墙。“这是我的城堡! ”他怒吼道。The ocea n n eed not respond. Both know to whom the sand bel on gs.海洋不需要回应。两者都明白沙子的归宿。I don t know much about san dcastles. But childre n do. Watch them and11s heart.learn. Go ahead a

13、nd build, but build with a child我对沙堡所知甚少,但男孩知道,他看着它们,学习着。走上前用心地建造。Whe n the sun sets and the tides take app laud.太阳升起了,潮水在为他鼓掌,向生命的过程敬礼,回家。Salute the p rocess of life and go home.03、The Dignity of Life 生命的尊严Once I sent off a frie nd to the railway statio n. We called a taxi and put several heavy sui

14、tcases in the trunk. Getting off, a middle-age man leaning on a crutch opened the door for us. After that, he stretched out a small dirty pot to us. On the pot were stacked with coins and bankno tes of one or two jiao.有一次,我去火车站送朋友。我们叫了辆出租车,把几个沉重的箱子放在车后面。下车时,一个拄着拐杖的中年人给我们打开了车门。接着,他向我们伸出一个肮脏的小盆。盆上堆满了一

15、毛两毛的硬币和纸币。I asked my frie nd if she had some cha nges. She shook her head. I had to give him two yua n used for buying the p latform ticket to the middle-age man. Shocked, he kept jerk ing the small pot, as if he received so much money for the first time.我问朋友是否有零钱。朋友摇了摇头。我只好把准备用来买站台票的两元钱都给了 那个中年人。中年

16、人大吃一惊,手不停地抖动着小盆子,好像他第一次收到这么多钱。Not cari ng, we went straight to the trunk to fetch the suitcases. My friend“ Let me do it. ” He p ickedtook out one suitcase with all her might .Just as she was about to p ick up ano ther, a dark stout hand stretched in.suitcase and in sisted on carry ing it for us to

17、the railway stati on en tra nee.'t give“ No, tha nk you. You are so comp assi on ."My friend and I did nheart. “ No, I must send you off.” He limped towards the stati on, his lefthand lea ning on a crutch and his light hand carry ing the large suitcase.我们没在意,径直往后车厢去拿箱子。朋友费了很大的力气,才拿出“我来! ”来一

18、个。刚要提起另一只时,一只粗壮黝黑的大手伸过来。他一把拿过那只箱子,坚持要帮我们把箱子提到车站门口。 “不用了,谢谢。你也不方便啊!”我和朋友都不忍心。“不行,一 定要送。”他左手拄着拐杖,右手提着大箱子,一瘸一拐地往车站方向走去。Comp assi on and dig nity have sublimated love.怜悯和尊严使爱心得到升华。04、Just for Today 就为了今天Just for today I will try to live through this day only and n ot tackle my whole life problem at once

19、. I can do something for twelve hours thatwould app all me if I had to kee p it up for a lifetime.就为了今天,我将尽力只度过今天而不立刻去解决终身的问题。 对一件令我沮丧而又必须坚持一辈子的事,我只能坚持十二个小时。Just for today I will be happy. This assumesto be true what AbrahamLincoln said, that“ Most folks are as hapy/make up their mindsto be. ”就为了今天,

20、我会很快乐。亚伯拉罕林肯说过,“大多数人都是决定想怎么高兴就怎么高兴。”这已经被认为是真理。Just for today I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjusteverythi ng to my own desires. I wil take my“luck ” as it comes.就为了今天,我会做自我调整适应事物本来的面目,而不是想方设法使每一件事满足自己的欲望。当机会来临的时候我会抓住它。Just for today I will try to stre ngthe n my min d. I will study

21、. I will lear nsomethi ng useful. I will not be a men tal loafer. I will read someth ing thatrequires effort, thought and concen trati on.就为了今天,我会尽力心强志坚。我会学习,学一些有用的东西。我不会做一个精神上的流浪汉。我会读一些需要努力、思考和注意力集中的东西。Just for today I will exercise my soul in three ways. I will do somebody agood turn and not get f

22、ound out If anybody knows of it, it will not count.I will do at least two things I don' t want to do-just for exercise. I will notshow anyone that my feelings are hurt they may be hurt, but today I willnot show it.就为了今天,我会用三种方法来磨炼我的灵魂。我会做对某人有利的事但不能被发 现,若有人发现了就不算数。我将会做至少两件我不愿做的事情一一只为了磨炼。我不会让任何人感到

23、我的感情受到了伤害:它们可能受到了伤害,但今天我不想表现出来。Just for today I will be agreeable. I will look as well as I can, dress becomingly,talk low, act courteously, criticize not one bit, and try not to improve or regulate an ybody but myself.就为了今天,我会过得很愜意。看起来我达到了最佳状态,穿着得体、讲话谦虚、行为 礼貌、一点不吹毛求疵,尽量改进和调节自己而不是别人。Just for today I

24、 will have a p rogram, I may not follow it exactly, but I willhave it. I will save myself from two p ests:hurry and in decisi on.就为了今天,我会制定一个计划,我也许不会严格地遵守它,但我一定要有计划。我 会避免两种错误:仓促行事和优柔寡断。Just for today I will have a quiet half hour all by myself and relax. During this half hour, sometime, I will try t

25、o get a better persp ective of my life.就为了今天,我将会独自静静地待上半小时放松。在这半小时里,某个时刻,我会在日后对我的生活有个更好的看法。Just for today I will be un afraid. Esp ecially I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful and to believe that as I give to the world, so the world will give to me.就为了今天,我将不再害怕。尤其我不会再害怕享受美丽的事物,并且相信我给予世 界的

26、,世界也会给予我。05、Suit Is the Best适合的才是最好的The proper force of words lies not in the words themselves, but in their app licati on. A word may be a fine sounding word, of an unu sual le ngth, and very imposing from its learning and novelty, and yet in the conn ecti on in which it is in troduced may be quite

27、 poin tless and irreleva nt.It is not pomp or pretension , but the adaptation of the expression to the idea, that cle nches a writer s meaning: as it is not the size or gloss in ess of the materials, but their being fitted each to its p lace, that gives stre ngth to the arch; or as the p egs and n a

28、ils are as n ecessary to the support of the building as the larger timber, and more so than the mere showy, un substa ntial orn ame nts. I hate anything that occ upies more sp ace tha n it is worth. I hate to see a load of ban dboxes go along the street, and I hate to see a p arcel of big words without any thi ng in them. A p ers on who dews not deliberately dimp les of all his thoughts alike in cumbrous dra peries and flimsy disguises may strike out twenty varieties of familiar everydayIan guage, each coming somewhat n earer to the feeli ng he wants to convey, and at l


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