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1、Listen and RespondTask One Focusing on the Main IdeasChoose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage.1 The philosophy professor began his lesson by.A) asking the students to be well seatedB) playing a game with the st

2、udentsC) asking the students to do a test on philosophyD) filling a large and empty glass bottle with rocks2 The professor put the items into the jar in the order of.A) rocks, beer, sand and pebblesB) rocks, pebbles, sand and beerC) sand, rocks, beer and pebblesD) pebbles, rocks, beer and sand3 Acco

3、rding to the professor the rocks represent.A) different kinds of things in our lifeB) the things that matter in our life, like our job or our houseC) the most important things in our life, like our family or our healthD) the small stuff in our life4 The professor poured some beer into the jar becaus

4、e he wanted to.A) mix the beer and the sand togetherB) arouse his students' curiosity about natureC) draw his students' attention to the small things in their lifeD) prove that even if our life may seem very full, there is always room for some enjoyment5 The message the professor tried to pu

5、t across in his lecture is that.A) we should try our best to keep balance between our work and healthB) we should set priorities in our life and take care of the most important things firstC) we should pay attention to both the big things and the small stuff in our lifeD) no matter how full our life

6、 may seem, we can always enjoy a couple of beersTask Two Zooming In on the DetailsListen to the recording again and 1ll in each of the blanks according towhat you have heard.1 A philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the desk in front of him. When the final student was seated

7、 he picked up a large andempty glass bottle and filled it with rocks . He then asked the students if the jar was full . They agreed that it was.2 He then picked up a box of pebbles and added them to the jar, shaking it lightly. The pebbles, of course rolled into the open areas between the rocks. Aft

8、er that he poured some sand into bottle. The sand filled in everything else. Finally he took 2 cans of beer and poured it into the jar.3 Through this the professor wanted his students to recognize that this jarrepresents our life. The rocks are the important things in our life, like ourfamily, our h

9、ealth things that woemasn川even if everything else werelost, and our life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things thatmatter like our job or our house. The sand is thesmall stuff in our life. Ifwe put the sand into the jar first there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks.So he told h

10、is students to set their priorities and pay attention to things thatare critical to their happiness: their family, their healthThe else is juRead and ExploreTask One Discovering the Main Ideas1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in TextA.1) Why does Helen Keller think that

11、 it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow?Because she believes that such an attitude would emphasize sharply the value of life.2) According to Helen Keller, what is the right way to live each day?According to Helen Keller, we should live each day with a gentleness,

12、 a vigour, and a keenness of appreciation.3) What does Helen Keller mean by saying that most of us take life for granted?Although we all know that we will die sooner or later, we tend to picture that day as far in the future. So, we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude tow

13、ards life. In other words, we take life for granted.4) What does Helen Keller think of the attitude that most of us adopt towards our faculties and senses?She thinks that we tend to take our abilities to see and hear for granted and seldom make the fullest use of these blessed faculties. That is why

14、 we often fail to make our life fuller and richer.5) Why does Helen Keller think that it would be a blessing if each of us were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during our early adultlife?Because darkness would make us more appreciative of sight and silencewould teach us the joys

15、of sound.6) Text A can be divided into two parts with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of each part.Part: One; Paragraph(s): 1- 4; Main Idea: Most of us take life for granted. Theauthor suggests that we live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a

16、keenness of appreciation as if we should die tomorrow.Part: Two; Paragraph(s): 5 T0; Main Idea: We should also make full use of our faculties and senses so as to live a fuller and richer life.Task Two Reading Between the LinesRead the following sentences carefully and discuss in pairs what theauthor

17、 intends to say by the italicized parts.1) What events, what experiences, what associations, should we crowd intothose last hours as mortal beings? (Para. 2)Suppose we know we are to die in just a few hours' time. What should 'think about doing during our last hours?2) We know that one day w

18、e must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future . (Para. 4) but often we think of our death as something that will only happen many years later.3) Particularly does this observation apply to those who have lost sight and hearing in adult life . (Para. 5)This is especially true of th

19、e people who have become blind and deaf after they have grown up.4) To me the colorful seasons are a thrilling and unending drama, the actionof which streams through my finger tips . (Para. 8)It seems to me that the change of seasons is like an exciting drama and I can fully appreciate what is going

20、 on there just by my sense of touch.5) It is human, perhaps, to appreciate little that which we have and to long forthat which we have not . (Para. 9)Perhaps, it is human nature that we do not truly cherish the things we already have but are always eager to get what we do not have.Checking Your Voca

21、bularyWord Detective 1 Choose the definition in Column B that best matches each italicized word in Column A.1) b2)f3)d4) h5) j6) a7) i8) c2 The table below contains approximate synonyms and antonyms for some words from Text B. Complete the crossword puzzle that follows. If you have put in the correc

22、t words, you will discover a hidden vertical word that means "having or deserving great fame, honour, and admiration". What is the hidden word?1) STRAIGHTEN2) RELAXED3) LOWER4) INDIRECT5) RESPECTIVE6) OWE7) HOPEFUL8) CEASEThe hidden word is GLORIOUS.3 The italicized part in each of the fol

23、lowing sentences can be paraphrased by a phrase or idiomatic expression from Text B. Play detective and find it with the help of the clues.1) The waiting room is full of people travelling to the Maldives( 马尔代夫). (Para. 1) bound for2) He left without even thanking me for returning his lost wallet. (P

24、ara. 5) without so much as3) Laughter is fairly likely to be the best medicine. (Para. 9) may well4) It is much easier to owe money than to repay the debt. (Para. 11 / Para. 12) fall / get into debt5) We couldn ' t help laughing every time heehaved in a playful or comical manner in public . (Par

25、a. 13) played the fool6) All the troubles of life in the world will seem like a drop of salt water in a fresh water river when compared to life in Paradise. (Para. 14) on earth7) Harry wants to recommend me as a member of the tennis club. (Para. 27) put my name up for8) An award for poetry was given

26、 to Philip Levine for his collection( 作品集) “ What Work Is ” .(Pawia bestowed onChecking Your Comprehension1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text B.1) What was the author going to Stockholm for?She was to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature in Stockholm.2) How did s

27、he feel about being awarded the Prize?She was very happy and anxious. And she felt a deep sorrow that her father, to whom she owed her success so much, had passed away and couldn her happiness.3) Did the author really have a conversation with her father?No. Her father was no longer alive. She was ta

28、lking with her father in her imagination.4) According to the author, how would her father respond when she told him that she was in debt?He would say he couldn' t help her because there was no money in Paradise.5) What did the author mean when she said that she was in debt?She meant that she owe

29、d her success to a) her father who taught her to love reading and the country and human life; b) other people who told her wonderful stories and gave her deeds to write about; c) nature, from which she learned so many secrets; d) those who had formed and molded the language into a good instrument an

30、d taught her to use it; e) the great writers in the past who turned writing into art; f) her readers; and g) those who singled her out for the Prize.6) Read the following sentences carefully and discuss in pairs what the author intends to say by the italicized parts.1) I seem to have heard of such t

31、hings happening to other people why ,then, not to myself ? (Para. 5)I have heard of other people meeting their dead family members in Paradise, so why should I not do the same?2) The train went gliding on but it had a long way to go yet, and my thoughts raced ahead of it . (Para. 5)The train moved s

32、moothly forward. There was still a long way to go. So, I began to daydream and my thoughts sped even faster than the train.3) ,just as I am about tcbreak my news to him , I will decide to keep it backjust a while longer and try the indirect approach . (Para. 8),just before I am to tell him the news,

33、 I will decide to wait for a while and tell him indirectly.4) One may well say of this place that it has everything except money. (Para.9)One is likely to think that Paradise has everything except money.5) It is not too much to ask that you should help. (Para. 11)I have proper reasons to ask you for

34、 help.t be solved.6) I will not rack my brains about problems that no one in Heaven or on earth can solve. (Para. 28)I will not try so hard to solve problems that canEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions1 In the box below are some of the words you have lear

35、ned in this unit.Complete the following sentences with the words given. Change the form where necessary.1) Their experiment stretched over a period of ten years. At last, their efforts paid off.2) Communication is the only remedy against conflict within the family.t try to talk3) You ' d bettern

36、fine your summary to the main idea; don about the trivial things.4) Truly remarkable progress has been made in a short period of time, which is the result of the hard work of everyone involved.5) Thank you for your kind help I think I owe you a favour.6) When he sleeps by the window on hot summer af

37、ternoons, he tends to lower the curtain to keep out the sun.7) Joseph did give me a quick reply this time, but I wonder why he made no response to my last question.8) History will reveal the truth in the future and they will realize what a wrong thing they did.9) The camel is characterized by an abi

38、lity to go without water for days.10) It is hard to picture him as a government official because he looks so funny, but I bet he makes a good one.11) Men should open up their minds and adopt a correct attitude towards women.12) Since all of us were tired, Martin proposed that we take a short rest be

39、fore continuing our work.13) Seeing a big snake under the table, Sophia could not help trembling from head to foot.2 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use themin the proper context? Now check for yoursel

40、f by doing the blank-fillingexercise. Change the form where necessary.1) Rosa was singled out for praise by the teacher because her art project was so creative.2) Rebecca told us most of the story but kept back the bit about herself because she didn ' t want to make her good deed known.3) The lo

41、cal people tell me it is all but impossible to climb up to the top of the snowy mountain.4) Marilyn Monroe went to Hollywood in search of fame(名气)and fortune.5) In Heaven let us be two birds flying ever together, andon earth two treeswith branches interlocked( 连结)forever.6) Last but not least, I wou

42、ld like to thank all of you, andin particular theChairman, Dr. Rogers, for his full support over the last three years.7) Oliver is a respected engineer, manager and teacher, butfirst and foremosthe is a kind father and loving husband, which is something hetakes greatpride in.8) When he took in what

43、was happening and realized something was wrong, he decided to get away quickly.Increasing Your Word Power1 In English some adjectives cannot be used as pre-nominal modifiers. Instead, they can only follow link verbs and function as the predicative, e.g. alone, afraid, asleep, awake, alive, alike, un

44、able, ill, glad, sorry, fond. Hence, we can say a frightened girl or a sick boy, but it is wrong to say *an afraid girl or *an 川 boy.In each of the following sentences you are given two words in brackets.similar problem. (similar, alike)Choose the appropriate one to fill in the blank. Please note th

45、at for some sentences, both words are acceptable.1) I know how you feel, because I have a2) I think my mother and I are very much alike / similar in many ways. (similar,alike)3) She looked lovingly at the sleeping child. (asleep, sleeping)4) The little boy was so tired that he was sound asleep withi

46、n seconds. (asleep, sleeping)5) She greeted us with a cheerful smile. (glad, cheerful)6) She was glad that the birthday party was a success. (glad, cheerful)7) Don ' t bfraid / frightened . We ' re not going to hurt you. (afraid, frightened)8) Two frightened children were hiding in a corner

47、of the room. (afraid, frightened)9) A brother in Australia is Maryliving relativen lyalive, living)10) Not knowing whether he' aldeais orterrible feeling. (alive, living)2 Fill in each blank in the following sentences with a proper word or phrase in the table.1) If the angry workers are determin

48、ed to strike, they will do so regardless of what the law says.2) While / Though / Although she is a likable girl, she can be extremely difficult to work with.3) Try as she might, Mary couldn t get the door open.4) In spite of / Despite the slight improvement in sales, the company is still in financi

49、al difficulty.5) Though / Although / While there was no conclusive( 结论性的) evidence,most people thought he was guilty.6) The young man has shown a total disregard for the law and for public safety.7) The rate of contribution to the pension( 养老金 ) plan is the same for all employees, regardless of age.

50、8) We all went to see the film in spite of / despite the heavy rain.9) If you disregard the policeman s instruction, you may get arrested.10) Brave as she was, she trembled at the sight of the huge snake.3 Word BuildingIn English, there are some locative(表示位置的)prefixes, such as cross-,fore-, inter-,

51、 extra-, intra-, intro-. They are used to form new words, as is shown in the following table.Now match each of the English words in Column A with its Chinese meaning in Column B. You may consult a dictionary if necessary.1) o2) g3) i4) n5) b6) k7) h8) c9) d10) a11) l12) m13) e14) j15) fGrammar in Co

52、ntextTask 1: Study the following paragraphs from the texts in this unit, paying special attention to the sequence of tenses. Reflect on its grammatical function in each sentence.And then fill in each blank of the following passage with the proper form of the verb given in brackets, paying special at

53、tention to the sequence of tenses.One day my wife reminded me that I needed to spend time with the people I love. So I started dating another woman.The "other woman" my wife 1) was encouraging / encouraged (encourage) me to date is my mother, a 72-year-old widow who 2) has lived (live) alo

54、ne since my father died 20 years ago. Right after his death, I moved 2,500 miles away to California. There I 3) had worked (work) for 14 years before I moved back near my hometown. When I was back I promised myself that I 4) would spend (spend) more time with Mom. But with the demands of my job and

55、three kids, I never got around to seeing her much beyond family get-togethers and holidays.She was surprised and suspicious when I called and suggested the two of us 5) should go / go (go) out to dinner and a movie.What ' s wrong?she asked.I said.I thought it 6) would be (be) nice to spend some

56、time with you,Just the two of us.“ I ' d like that a lot." she replied.When I pulled into her driveway, she 7) was waiting (wait) by the doorwith her coat on. Her hair was curled, and she 8) was smiling (smile). “I toldmy lady friends I 9) was going (go) out with my son, and they were allim

57、pressed, “ she said as shego0 )(get) into my car." They can' t wait to hearabout our evening. ”We didn ' t go anywhere fancy(贵的),just a neighbourhood place wherewe could talk. We had a nice talk over dinner, just catching up with eachother ' s lives. We talked for so long that we 11) missed (miss) the movie.Now Mom and I 12) go (go) out for dinner a couple of times a month.Sometimes we take in a movie, but mostly we talk. I tell her about my work, the kids and Peggy. Mom tells me about her past. We also talk about


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