



1、陕旅版四年级英语上册知识要点归纳整理Unit 1 What is your father?(你的爸爸是干什么的?)【单词】 家庭成员类 :grandpa grandma fathermotherbrother sisteraunt (阿姨)职业类:farmer workerdriver nurse doctorteacher student cook policeman形容词:great(伟大的)kind (慈祥的)I am a .He/She is a My father is a?s.( 职业加S)【句型】1、问职业用特殊疑问词“ what”:What are you ?What is h

2、e/ she?What is your father?What are your andMy and areAre you a?Is he/she a2、询问职业一般疑问句:Yes , I am. / No, I am not.Yes, He/she is. / No, he/she is not.3、问人称用特殊疑问词“wh6 :Who is he/she ?He/ she is。(家庭成员类)。4、“XX想为一名什么”:I want to be a 4职业)He wants to be a 一(职业).< 单数人称别忘记加s>Unit 2 What do they have o

3、n the farm?(在农场上他们有什么?)【单词】动物园动物:lion tiger elephantpanda monkey农场动物:cat dog rabbit horse cowsheep(不力口 S)goathen duck介词短语:on the farm in the box/classroom/bedroom【句型】1、问“有什么”用特殊疑问词“ what” :What do you/they have on the farm?I /They have on the farm.What does he/she have on the farm?He/she has on the

4、farm. 2、否定句:I/ theydon' t have any horses. He/she doesn' t have any horses. 3、一般疑问句:Does he have any balls in his box?Yes, he does./ No, he doesn' t.4、There be 句型:There is a/an 介词短语 。There are many ( 复数) 介词短语【语法】1、变否定句:在句中找be、can.有be、can在be、can后添 not ;没有 be、can ,在主语人称后添 don' t 或 does

5、n' t.(I you wethey 复 数人称添don' t, he she it 单数人称添doesn' t)2、变一般疑问句:在句中找be、can.有be、can把be、can提前;没 有be、can ,在句子开头添 do或does ,动词变回原形.(I you we they 复 数人称添do, he she it 单数人称添does)3、have / has 用法:I you we they 复数人称用have, he she it 单数人称 用 has.Unit3 W hat' s for breakfast?(早餐吃什么?)【单词】 一日 三餐:b

6、reakfast lunch dinner (supper)食物类:rice noodles dumplings meatchickensoup (全部不可加S)【短语】very much (非常) at home(在家)【句型】1、问“早餐吃什么?”What is for breakfast?What do you have for breakfast?What does he/she have for breakfast?2、一般疑问句:(你早餐吃吗?)Do you have for breakfast?Does he have _for breakfast? 3、Dinner is re

7、ady.(晚餐准备好了very little( 很少)welcome (欢迎)I have for breakfast.I have for breakfast.He/she has for breakfast. Yes, I do./No , I don' t.Yes, he does./No, he doesn' t)Unit4 When do you have classes?(你们什么时候上课?)【单词】 动词短语: 日三餐 have brealfast/ lunch/ dinner/ supperget up -go to bedgo home - go to sch

8、oolhave classes (have a class)play gameswatch TV反义词:big -smalllong- shortearly-late介词短语:in the morning / afternoon/ eveningat night(在几点钟也用 at) at school at home【句型】1、问“你什么时候做什么事”用特殊疑问词“when :When do you play games?I play games at seveno' clock .When does he play games?He plays games at seven o&#

9、39; clock . 结构形式: When do you动词短语 ? I动词短语 at 时间。2、一般疑问句: Do you play games at school? Yes, I do./ No, Idon' t.Does she go to bed early? Yes, she does./ No, shedoesn' t.3、Early to bed and early to rise.( 早睡早起身体好)Unit5 Our school.(我们的学校。)【单词】 场所类介词短语: at the school gatein the classroomin the t

10、eachers ' officeinthelibrary/toilet/gardenon the playground名词:computer desk chair短语:of course( 当然了)【句型】1、询问“在你的学校有什么?” :what is in your school/ classroom?There is/are 2、There be句型一般疑问句:Is there a ?Yes ,there is. / No, there isn ' t.Are there any ?( 复数) Yes ,there are. / No, there are n'

11、t.【语法】1、There be句型be的用法:There be句型人称在be的后边,be 的用法采取就近原则。单数人称用is ,复数人称用are.如:There is a pen and two rulers.There are two rulers and a pen.2、some和 any 用法:some手口 any 者B表示些,some用于肯定句,any 用于否 定句和一般疑问句。Unit6 What subjects do they have this morning?(他们早晨上什么课?)【单词】 科目类:(subjects ) Chinese Math EnglishPE Mus

12、ic Art Science ME反义词:tall-shortbig-small long- short短语:Let me see.(让我想一想)【句型】1、问“你有多少门科目?”用特殊疑问词 Hw many subjects:How many subjects do you have?I have subjects.How many subjects does he have? He has subjects. 2、问“你有什么科目? ”用特殊疑问词 What subjects:What subjects do you have?I haveWhat subjects does he hav

13、e? He has 3、问“你喜欢什么科目?”What subjects do you like?I likeWhat subjects does he like?He likes 4、一般疑问句:Do you like ? Yes, I do . / No Idon' t.Does he like ? Yes, he does . / No he doesn' t.5、“你擅长于它么? " : Are you good at it? Yes, I am. / No, I am not.Unit7 It ' s Tuesday.(今天星期二。)【单词】 星期类

14、(Week: Sunday Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursday Friday Saturday短语:draw some pictures( 画画)every day ( 每天)【句型】1、问“今天星期几?”用特殊疑问词“ What day” :What day is it today?It ' s.(星期)What day is today?It ' s.(星期)I 动词短语2、问“你做什么? " What do you do?What does he do?He动词短语(力口 s)。【语法】1、介词in on at 用法:在早晨、在中午、

15、在晚上用in ,在夜晚,在几点钟用at ,在星期几用on.2、一般时态:一般时态构成形式主语人称+动词,动词随人称发生变化,I you we they 复数人称动词用原型(不变),he she it 单数人称动词加s 或es.Unit8 Boy like to play ball.(男孩子喜欢玩球。)【单词】 动词短语:play basketballsing songsdraw a pictureswimdance短语:after school after classWait for me(等我)play footballjump roperunevery morning be late(迟到)【句型】1、问“你喜欢做什么? ”用特殊疑问词 What:


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