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1、2020年昆明市英语中考试J第一部分听力第一节听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的图画。听音前你有10秒钟的读题时间,注意听两遍。/1-I LC.CMS4.A.B.C.B.C.第二节根据所听到的句子,选出最恰当的应答语,听音前你有10秒钟的读题时间,注意听两 遍。6. A. Yes, PleaSeB You,re nightC. NeVer mind7. A. Don't worry.B. OK. I will.C. Sorrr. I WOn,t.8 A. TWiCe a Week B. TllreC hoursC In five days9. A. Yes, She did.B. No.

2、 I didn*t.C. ShOrt hair.10. A. Sure, I1 do it. B No, not at all.C. Of course, good idea第三节听对话及问题,选择最佳答案,听音前你有10秒钟的读题时间,注意听两遍。11. A PIay tennis.B HaVe lunch.C. GO fishing.12. A. TO StUdy for a test. B. TO WatCh a SOCCer game C. TO finish a book report13. A. On JUIy 13th. B. On JUly 30th.C. On JUly 3I

3、st C. By plane.14. A By ship.B. By train.C. TeaCher and StUdent15. A. DOCtOr and nurseB. MOther and SOnC. TeaCher and student.第四W听短文,根据短文内容回答问题,听音前你有15秒钟的读题时间,注意听三遍。16. Where did the SCientiStS COnle from?A. Canada B. China C. FranCe17. FOr the children, how Were the books that they read?A. Easy.B D

4、iffiCUIt C. Boring.18. ThC Children COUld decide to read more Or StOP after they finishedA. the first Page B. the first bk C. half the book19. The Children feltWhen reading With a dog in the room.A. WiSeB. COnfident C. thankful20. ACCOrding to the passage, this StUdy tells US the following EXCEPTA.

5、dogs WOirt StOP ChildrCn from readingB. dogs WOlrt Care about Whether Children make mistakesC dogs WOIrt ShOW interest in Children Or UnderStand them第二部分英语知识运用第一节单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处或替换划线部分的最佳答案。1. EXCUSe me, is this AIice,s PenCil box?Yes, It is. It,s.A. mineB. OUrSC. hersD. theirs2. You are n

6、ot allowed to PIay With fire in the forest. Itkill PlantS animals and CVen PeOPleA. mightB. might notC. ShOUldD. ShOUld not3. My hometown. Kunming, is famousfresh flowers. NO matter When you ViSit it they Win CatCh your eye.A. asB. forC. OfD. by4.Since 1989, PrOjeCt HOPeInilIiOnS Of YOUng PeOPle fro

7、m POOr families achieve their dreams Of going toSChOOLA. Will helpB. helpsC. has helpedD. is helping5. Hello, may I SPeak to Gina?A. Hi, this is Gina SPeakingC. May I know your address?6. Garbage-sorting (垃圾分类)to IiVe in.A. a greenerB. the greenest7. Gd morning, Lily.?ThllrSday. It's the DragOn

8、BOat FeStlVal.A. HOW,s everything todayC. How's the Weatller todayB. H FmGlna.D. May I take a message for you?encourages PeOPle to IiVeIife than before .It makes the earth a better PlaCeC. a WiIderD. the WildeStB. What day is it todayD. What's die date today8. We Will never See KObe PIay ano

9、ther basketball game,We Will always remember him.A. becauseB. IlnlCSSC. butD. if9. A 12-year-old boy from HUnan invented a new kind Of WindOW because Of his.The WindOW Can PreVentChildren from falling out.A. CommUniCatiOnB. CelebratiOnC. honestD. CreatiVity10.It,s reported that the 2020 TOkyO OlymPi

10、C GameS have beenUntil JUly 23,2021 A. PUt UPB. PUt downC. PUt OnD. PUt Off11. As COmmOn people, the medical WOrkerS ChOOSe to Stand OUt andOtherS WithOUt thinking IWiCe Theyare the most beautiful angelsA. PrOteCtB. PrOteCtingC. admireD. admiring12. rapid PrOgreSS OUr COUntry is making in SCienCe an

11、d technology!SO it is We are enjoying the COnVenienCe Of modern technology.A. HOWB. WhatC. What aD. What an13. JaCk Will have a birthday Party tomorrow. DO you know?m not sure. Lets Call Cathy and She may know SOmetlllng about it.A. how Can I get thereB. What gift he PreferSC. Why didn,t he invite m

12、eD. Where the Party WaS held14.If you are going to be a COnIPUter programmer, you'd better Start With (he ABC Of COmPUterSA. EngIiSh grammarB. EngliSh IetterSC. the difficultiesD. the basic knowledge15.When We teenagers have PrOblemS in getting On Well With parents, it,s necessary to PUt ou>e

13、hws m parents' shoes.A. Wear parents* ShOeSB. get ParentS ShOeSC. COnSider in parents* POSitiOnD. PUt ParentS to trouble第二节完形填空从A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。DO you know What MPaying it forward0 means? Ifs not Paying for SOmething before you buy it, Paying it forward" is to do SOmething nice for

14、another PerSOn for no. Then that PCrSOn does SOmething nice forSOmeOnC else.YOU Inay think this doesn,t SeCm Iike much BUt this nice act Can SPread quite 7_.OnC day in DeCeInbCr 2015, a WOman WaS buying a meal at MCDOnald,s in FlOrida, US. She also 8_ a Ineal for the PerSOn Standing in Iine behind h

15、er. That PerSOn did the Same thing, and the next PerSOn did it. _19_SOOIL 250 PeOPle had done another PerSOn the act Of _20_!BUt you _21_ SPCnd money to Pay for it forward. There are examples Of Paying it forward every day Iike volunteering, giving food to _22_ Or doing SOmething nice for SOmeOne ar

16、ound you.Tryit OIlt for _23_ All you have to do is IOOk forthings that you COUld do make SOnleOne happy.TheIL ask them to SPread the WOrd and do three kind things for SOmeOne else And When SOmeOne does SOmethingnice for VoIk dot25to do the same.16. A. SPaCeB. actionC. reason17 A. fastB. SlOWlyC. har

17、dly1& A. madeB. boughtC. SOld19. A. tooB. eitherC. also20 A. InadneSSB. POIiteneSSC. kindness21. A. WOUld Iike toB. are SUPPOSed toC. don't need to22. A. the richB. the homelessC. the missing23. A. myselfB. yourselfC. itselfB. awfulC. StrangeC. decide24. A. Small25. A. agreeB. forget第三部分阅读理解

18、ARObOtS have built a big house in SWitZerland USing 3D-printcd materials.1( is the first house made by robots for PCOPle to IiVe in. Il is more environmentally friendly and Safer than man-made housesThe CreatorS Say the big house WiIl HlSPIre the fiture OfbUlIdmg. "This is a new Way Seeing arch

19、itecture (建 筑), SaId One Of the creators. MHOW you build is InIPOrtalt.The big house WaS built COmPleteIy from robot-made InaterialS .It USed 60% IeSS Cement (水泥)than a Inan-made house .Its CeiIingS (天花板)were Inade With a 3D printer. There are 35 PartS in the house and each One WaS built in 60 to 90

20、 minutes. It means that the robots built the full house in just 48 hoursIt is not the first time for robots to build houses. The ChineSe USed 3D PrinterS to build 10 houses in a day in 2014. They Created a building the next year. And IaSt year ItalianS built a house in just 48 hours.SCientiStS Say O

21、ne day they COUld Send robots to build houses On the InOOn. We arc CUriOUS about how ve,re building for the future 根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。26. ThC big house is the first house Inade by robots.27. The big house does IeSS harm to the environment than Inan-made ones.28. The 35 PartS Of the big house Were b

22、uilt from robot-made materials.29. ThC ChineSe Created a 3D-printed building in just 48 hours in 2014.30. RObOtS Were OnCe Sent to the moon to build houses.BNO One WantS to be in a Iife-Or-death SitUatiOn. However, if you are in a dangerous SitUation, What Will you do. fight Or flight?When 13-year-o

23、ld JOe ROWlandS and his dad Were in a kayak (皮艇)accident, the brave teenager ChOSe to fight. He not Only fought for his OWn life, but also SaVed his father'sOn that day, JOe and his father PaUl Were OUt On their kayak Off the COaSt Of AngleSey in the UK. SUddenly they noticed that the kayak WaS

24、Starting to fill With Water. Then they found OUt there WaS a hole in the flr Of the boat. WithOUt another choice, PalIl turned the boat over. He asked JOe to CIimb On top SO that he COUld PUSh the boat to a nearby islandHOWeVen the rough (汹涌的)WaVeS Inade it too hard for PaUl to PUSh the boat to land

25、. They had to SWim WithOUt the boat. Luckily, JOe Inade his Way to the island safely. BUt When he IOOked back. he found his dad WaS no IOnger SWimlning. RiSking his Iife.Joejuinpcd back into the COld Water and managed to drag (拽) his dad UP OntO SOnle rocks. Then JOe did CPR (心肺复苏)On his dad Until h

26、e CamC around.T know I Can never Pay him back for SaVing my Iife and m ver>r PrOUd Of him He acted With COUrage beyond his years. TaUl Said Of his SOn.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。31 What did JOe do that day?A. He Went kayaking With his dad.B. He Went kayaking all by himself.C. He WatChed a kayak raceat homeD.

27、He Walked along the COaSt Of Anglesey.32. When the boat StartCd to fill With water, how did PaUI deal With it?A. By fixing the boat up.B. By ShOUting for helpC. By turning the boat over.D. By PUShing the boat With JOe33. After finding his dad WaS no IOnger SWimming, JOeA. SWam to the island nearbyB.

28、 dragged the boat OntO rocksto SaVe hisdadC. did CPR On his dad at OnCeD. jumped back into theWaterto SaVe hisdad34. What does the Underlined PIlraSe "came around'' most PrObably mean?A. LOSt his life.B. Came back to life.C. Ran around the rockD. GaVe UP the boat.35. FrOm the passage, W

29、e Can infer (推断)that.A. PaUl and JOe SUCCeSSfUlly finished their kayakingB. JOe ShOWed the ability to face danger WithOut fearC. PaUl WaS angry because JOe risked his Iife to SaVe himD. JOe ChOSe to depend On his dad in the Iife-Or-death SitUatiOnCYUan LongPing, a great scientist, is the first PerSO

30、n to develop a kind Of hybrid rice (杂交水稻) WhiCh helps fight hunger in ChinaFOOd WaS a big PrOblem in China in the past. ThiS WaS because China had 22 PerCent Of the WOrId,s population, but Only 7 PerCent OfitS farmland .In the 1960s. China SUffered (遭受)SeriOUS hunger. MilIiOnS Of PeOPle died because

31、 they had no food. AS an agronomy (农学)teacher, YiIan WaS VerySad to See this. fcfcHow Call I help them have enogl food?'5 he thought. He decided to rork On a kind OfhybrId rice. It has a high OUtPUt (产量)At that time, Other SCientiStS didn,t think hybrid rice WaS WOrth StUdying BUt YUan and his t

32、eam WOrked On itevery day. They took Very good Care Of their rice SeedSAt last, in 1973, they grew a new kind Of hybrid rice ThiS rice is StrOng FalemCrS Can grow it in many different kinds Of farmland and also in bad weather. It Can also fight disease I(s OUtPUt WaS much greater than COmmOn kinds O

33、f nice. With the new kind, about 70,000.000 PeOPle COUld have food every year.YUan SOIVed the food PrObleln in China. BUt he is Still WOrking On rice BefOre he retires (退彳木),he hopes to grow rice in the sea!根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。36. Why WaS food a big PrOblem in China in the past?A. BeCaUSe farmers didn'

34、;t grow niceB. BeCaUSe fanners didn,t have rice SeedSC. BeCaUSe China had no money to buy Plenty Of foodD. BeCaUSe China had a Iarge POPUIatiOn but a Iittle farmland.37. HOW did YUan LOngPing help PeOPle have CnOugh food?A. He discovered another kind Of foodB. He borrowed enough food from Other coun

35、tries.C. He developed a kind Of hybrid rice With his team.D. He Started being an agronomy teacher to StUdy nice.3& WhiCh Of the following is NOT mentioned about the new kind Of hybrid rice?A. It is able to fight disease.B. 11 is grown across the world.C. Its OUtPUt is much higher.D. Il Can be gr

36、own in different farmland.39. YUan LOngPing WiSheS tobefore he retires.A. grow rice in the SeaB. have a good restC. keep SeVeral Pet CatSD. help PeOPle in AfriCa40. What does this PaSSage mainly talk about?A. The new kind Of hybrid rice is WOrth StUdying.B. The new kind Of hybrid rice WaS invented i

37、n China.C. YUan LOngPing grew the new kind Of hybrid rice for many years.D. YUan LOngPing has Played an important role in SOlVing China,s food problem.41YOU may have already forgotten the days When you had to Iearn how to USe ChOPStiCkS EVCry ChineSe kidStrUggIeS With them for SOme time. _42_ They C

38、Ome With their Own SPeCial rules and traditions._43_ Playing With ChOPStiCkS is Seen as bad manners, just as Inaking noise With forks and knives in a WeStCrn COUntry WOUId be rudeThere are also SOme SUPerStitiOnS (迷信)related to ChOPStiCkS FOr example SOme PCOPle believe thatChOPStiCkS ShOUld not be

39、Ieft Standing UPright in a bowl. It IOOkS Iike the incense (香)that ChineSe USe to honor the dead. _44_YOU ShOUId not tap ChOPStiCkS On the edge Of the bowl either, as beggars do this to ask for food. ParentS may get Inad if Children do this as they don,t Want their ChildrCn to be as POOr as beggars

40、in the futureAPart from being tableware, ChOPStiCkS Can also be a great gift. _45_ NeWlVWedS (新婚夫妇)SOmetimeS receive ChOPStiCkS as a Wedciing gift. SkilIed CraftSmen Paint beautiful images On ChOPStiCkS to make them IOOk Iike fine artworks.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选岀能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A. HOW ChineSe kids

41、 Iearn to USe ChOPStiCkSB. PeOPle ShOUld not make noise With ChOPStiCkSC. LCarn the IilleS and traditions behind ChOPStiCkSD DOing it at the dinner table is believed to bring bad IUCk.E. BIIt ChOPStiCkS are not just SinIPle tools to PiCk UP fdE We ShOUld Iearn the traditional CUltUre behind forks an

42、d knives WellG. Iii Climese, "chopsticks" IeadS fcfckaz' WhiCh means to hav已 babies soon.第四部分写作第一节单词填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使语篇意思完整,必要时请用否定式。Where m fron Were Pretty relaxed about time. We don,t Iike to rush around SO WC _46_(mind) if PeOPleare a IittIC Iate sometimes, If you tell a friend yo

43、re going to their house for dinner, it,s OK if you arrive a bit Iate WC _47_(real) enjoy OUr time slowly, We 48_(ValUable) the time We SPend With OUr family and friendsin OUr everday IiVeS We Often just drop by OUr friends* homes if We have time. _49_(besides), We don't USUallyhave to Inake PIan

44、S to meet OUr friends We OftenjUSt Walk around the town Centen Seeing as many Of OUr friends as We Can!In SWitZerland. its Very important _50_(is) On time We,re the CaPital Of ClOCkS and watches, after all! IfSOmeOne invites you to meet him Or her at noon then you 51_(expect) to be there at noon. If

45、 you're even 15minutes late. _52_(you) friend may get mad. SOI make an _53_(effort) to be On time When I meet myfriends I always IeaVe the house early to avoid heavy traffic because I think it,s impolite to keep OtherS(Wait) Also, We never ViSit a friend,s house WithOUt calling. _55_(One) We alm

46、ost always make PIanS to Seefriends We USUally Plan to do SOmething interesting Or go SOnleWhere together.第二节补全对话根据对话内容,在空白处写出恰当的句子,使对话意思连贯完整。所写句子应与所给的标点 符号一致。A: Ainy, youe Iearned EngIISh for half a year,_56_ ?B: I think it's SO hard. I can't Ieam it WelL _57_?A: WIth PleaSlire. What,s your problem?B: M


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