九年级英语组复习学案( Unit6)人教版_第1页
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1、九年级英语组复习学案(8a unit1)一、词组或短语序号chineseenglish1喝(吃)的东西something to drink/eat2更多一些食物some more food3没有任何别的东西nothing else4一个八年级学生a grade 8 student5写信给某人(有关有事/某人)write to sb. (about sth./sb.)6举办一次写作/绘画比赛hold a writing/drawing competition7愿意/乐意做某事be willing to do sth. = be ready/glad to do sth.8任何时候any time

2、9给需要座位的人让座give seats to people in need10环球旅行travel around the world11和. 一样as +(形容词或副词原级) + as .不如not as/so+ (形容词或副词原级) + as .= less + (形容词或副词原级) +. than.12保守秘密keep a secret / keep secrets13使我快乐make 作使役动词make me happy (make + 宾语 + 形容词)让我笑make me laugh (make sb. do sth.)14走过walk past . =pass15把.撞翻knoc

3、k over (代词放中间)16告诉某人某事tell sb. sth.告诉某人有关某事tell sb. about sth.17讲笑话tell (funny) jokes开某人的玩笑play a joke on sb18说某人的坏话say a bad word about sb.19视力差have poor eyesight20(富)有幽默感have a (good) sense of humour21因为/由于because of(+名词/代词/名词性短语)22感到无聊/不开心feel bored/ unhappy23与.混合在一起get mixed up with . 24对某人很大方be

4、 generous to sb.25投票给某人/投票选举某人vote for sb.26努力(不)做某事try (not) to do sth.尽力做某事try/do ones best to do sth.27a和b两者都.both a and b.28所有的这些户外活动all of these outdoor activities29倾听人们的难题listen to peoples problems帮助人们解决难题help people solve problems30一个社会工作者a social worker31与某人交朋友make friends with sb.32高兴做某事be

5、happy to do sth.33分享某人的快乐share ones joy34面带微笑wear a smile on ones face35同意某人的意见(或所说的话)agree with sb.同意某件事(计划,安排等)agree to sth.经过协商在某件事在达成一致agree on sth.同意做某事agree to do sth.36在左边的那个男孩the boy on the left37希望做某事hope to do sth.38在将来in the future39你们杂志的一个读者a reader of your magazine40在午餐期间during lunchtim

6、e41给某人提意见give sb. advice42对.很了解know very well43在某事上有困难have some problems with sth.做某事有困难have some problems (in) doing sth.44在隔壁next door = in the next room/flat/house45因.而出名be famous for.作为.而出名be famous as.二重点语法:形容词的比较级a构成(1)单音节词末尾加er或est (2)以e结尾的双音节词,只加r或st(3)以辅音加y结尾的双音节词,把y改为i,再加er或est(4)闭音节单音节词如末

7、尾只有一个辅音字母,须双写这个辅音字母,再加er或est(5)其他双音节词和多音节词在前面加上more或most(6)不规则变化的有 good-better-best well-better-best many-more-most much-more-most little-less-lest farther-farthest 表距离 far further-furthest 表程度b.用法(1)两者间比较用比较级,用than连接两个比较的对象(2)三者或三者以上进行比较用最高级,用of 或in来加比较范围(3)特殊用法:原级 asas 和一样 eg. bill is as tall as i

8、. not asas not so as 和不一样不如 eg. tom is not as tall as jack=jack is taller than tom. 一词汇:1.betty is _ (苗条) than me , i think.2.li yuchun is one of the best _(歌手) in china.3.ill buy a pair of glasses because of my poor _(视力)。.5.i hate the _(广告)when i watch tv.6.my friend is always willing _(share ) th

9、ings and help others.7.max _(not do ) any computer work after school yesterday.8.-is jack good at _(tell) jokes ? -no, hes honest.9.the man put on his hat and _(go ) away.10.-what about _(drink) some tea ?11.my cat ,mimi looks l_ ,i like it very much.12.many visitors come to tiananmen s_ every day.1

10、3.-i dont think liu dehua is _(英俊)。 i really dont agree with you.14.my daughter has a _(圆的) face like an apple.15.im sure she is just _ (适合)for the job.16.david is _, duff is _than david, diff is _ of the three. (thin)17.whos the _(slim), lucy or lily?18.david is as _(tall) as daniel.19.which is _(c

11、lose) to the sun, the earth or the moon?20.i think your bag is smaller than _ (me).21.-how long did you spend s_ this problem ? -about half an hour.22.-i want to be a doctor in the _(将来)。-so do i .(我也是)23.your idea is great, so i_ (同意) with you.24.jim is the _ (高) one of the twin brothers.25.china i

12、s f_ for the great wall. would you like to go there with me ?二单选题:( )1.-can i have _? - of course .here you are.a.some more cakes b.a few food c.quite a few food d. a little eggs( )2.-_ honest boy you are ! -thank you!a.what an b. what c. how an d.what a( )3.-which word cant describe (描述)appearance(

13、外貌)? -_.a. beautiful b. helpful c. pretty d.good-looking( )4.millie is very_,so we all want to make _ with her.a. friends friendly b. friendly friends c. friendly friendly d.friends friends( )5.-where _ will you go,children? -lets go to binhai ,a nice and modern city.a.place b.other c. else d. the o

14、ther( )6.i think jim is as _ as i am.a.fater b.fatter c.fat d.fattest( )7.the man left the office angrily without _ “goodbye”!a.says b.said c.saying d.speaking( )8.the boy didn't go to school _his illness(疾病)。a.because b.because of c. if d.but( )9.mr li often makes us_in his class, so we all lik

15、e him.a.laugh b.to laugh c.laughing d.laughed( )10.“two butterflies” was one of _ songs of 2005.a.popular b.more popular c.popularest d. the most popular( )11.david is taller than _ in his class.a.any student b.the students c. any students d. the other students( )12.im not sure whether (是否)kate dances_ jane.a.so good as b.as well as c. as better as d. as best as( )13.he is _ of the three.a.taller b.the taller boy c. the tallest boy d.the tall boy三翻译下列句子:1. -他为人怎么样?-他友善且乐于助人。-_ he _? -hes_ and _.2.他对同学们很大方,大家都喜


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