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1、初三英语复习学案(9a unit 1)重点短语:1 be divided into 被分为。2. argue with others 与别人争吵3. come up with new ideas 有新主意4. worry about not doing sth. 为。(做不到某事)而担心5. share similar characteristics 有相似的性格6. give up ones plan/dream 放弃某人的计划、梦想 give up doing sth.7. pay no attention to details 不注重细节8. get along/on well with

2、 sb. 与某人相处的很好9. forgive(forgave, forgiven) sb for his/her faults /,mistakes 原谅某人的过失10. have a good sense of humour / directions 有很强的幽默、方向感11. be successful/ have success at school or at work 在学校活工作中取得成功12. be energetic=be full of energy 活力四射、充满能量13. travel to different places 到不同的地方去旅行14. should be

3、patient enough to do sth. 做某事应该有足够的耐心15. wait without getting angry 不生气地等16. hate to be like anyone else 讨厌和别人一样17. try everything just to be different 把每件事试着变得不一样18. dream about doing sth. 梦想做某事19. make friends with someone who likes telling different jokes与喜欢讲笑话的人交朋友20. explain to someone 给别人解释事情2

4、1. show off 炫耀22. have problems with sth. / doing sth. 关于.有困难23. be afraid of doing sth. 做某事感到害怕24. get full marks once in an english exam 在一次英语测验中得到满分25. make a speech 做演讲26. help sb get more organized 帮助某人变得更井井有条27. recommend someone as the new chairperson 推荐某人为新的主席28. try/do ones best to do sth 尽

5、某人最大的努力做某事29. hard-working , curious , outgoing , confident , fair, generous ,easy-going ,creative ,imaginative 30.be (the most ) suitable for (最) 适合 重点句型:语法指南a “it is/was +adj+ of/for sb. to do”句型译成“对某人来说,做某事是(样子的)。”for sb.的句型通常使用表示客观情况的形容词,of sb.的句型是一般用表示主观感情或态度的形容词。对这个孩子来说,举起这么重的盒子是比较难的。 it is qu

6、ite _ such a heavy box. 对于一个跳舞的人来说,保持健康是重要的。 it is _ healthy.那女孩把包留在了出租车上,真是太粗心了。 it was _ her bag on the taxi.对于他来说,在那种时刻说声再见是明智的。 it was_ good-bye at that time.其次,of sb.句型一般都可以转换成带一个不定式作状语的句子,而for sb.的句型则不可以这样转换。你帮助我,真是太好了。it was very_ me. = you were very_ me.后面能够接for sb.的常见形容词有:hard,difficult,eas

7、y,important,interesting,necessary , impossible . 后面能够接of sb.的常见形容词有:good , kind , nice , clever ,right ,careful ,rude ,wise ,foolish  ,selfish , careless ,silly , honest , generous. b. “sb.+ be/do + adj./adv + enough to do”句型 “某人在某方面已经能够达到做某事的程度”。enough修饰前面的形容词或副词,位置在被修饰词的后面。如:careful

8、 enough / fast enough注意 : 形容词或副词前没有任何诸如very,quite等之类的修饰词。andy身体很强壮,能够当运动员。 andy is _ a player.这个房间很大,够住20个人。 the room is _ 20 people. 1.be able to can 能,会 be able to 可用于各种时态 can 只有一般现在时,一般过去时 she has _(be able to, can) explain it in english. _ (be able to, can, could) you help me? i make a pen that

9、has a machine in it, so i _ (be able to, can) write faster. i cant swim, but i will _ (be able to, can) swim in three months. keep 的用法: 保守秘密_keep + adj. 表示“继续保持某种状态” 保持健康 _ 安静! _ keep + 宾语 + 形容词/分词/介词短语 “使保持某种状态”我累得连眼睛都睁不开了。 i was too tired _.对不起,让你在外面久等了. im sorry. i _ outside so long.她一直把食品锁在冰箱里。

10、she kept the food _. keepaway (from),意为“不让靠近”。接介from短语时,表示“妨碍”或“免遭”他们生火是使动物不靠近。 they made fire to _ the animals _ near. keep + doing的形式,表示“持续做某事”“不间断地做某事”。课上不要一直讲话。 dont _ in class. 6. powerful作形容词,意为“健壮的”“强壮的”。你个性强烈,精力充沛。 you are_ and have_. powerful作形容词,有“权势的”“有影响力的”的意思。中国现在是世界上最具有影响力的国家之一。 china

11、is one of _in the world.(9a unit 1)一.词汇1he is an _ (充满活力的) boy. 2he is very_(大方) with money.3jim is a_(谦虚的) person.4sometimes he is_(心灵手巧的).5a_(好奇心的) person wants to know about everything.6we are _ in that _ story. (interest)7she often makes mistakes. she is a _ girl. (care)8im much_ now. (hungry)9t

12、om is an_ man and you can find him in many school_. (act)10she is one of the _(success) businessmen in the world.二.选择题( ) 1. do you mind _ ?a. i smoking b. my smoking c. my smoke d. me to smoke( ) 2. dont be _ , this is not a _ traffic.a. surprise, surprising b. surprise, surprisec. surprised, surpr

13、ising d. surprising, surprised( ) 3. you each _ good sense of humour.a. with b. has c. have d. are( ) 4. the room is safe to _ .a. live in b. living in c. live d. live with( ) 5. hobo has lots to eat and drink. “lots” is _.a. subject b. object c. attributive d. predicative( ) 6. its _ for us _ polit

14、e in class.a. interesting, to become b. important, toc. good, to d. necessary, to be( ) 7. when you feel _ to watch tv by then, you are all right.a. enough good b. enough wellc. well enough d. good enough( ) 8. if it isnt yours, it must be _ .a. somebody else b. somebody elsesc. else somebody d. els

15、es somebody( ) 9. some people _ that people born under the same star sign _ share.similar characteristics.a. dont believe; / b. believe; dontc. dont hope; / d. believe; doesnt( ) 10. thanks for _ the new chairperson.a. recommend me as b. recommending me asc. recommend me for d. recommending me for(

16、) 11. “do you mind if i sit here?” “_ .its for mr. brown.”a. not at all b. never mind c. better not d. of course not( ) 12. “are these enough for you all?” “_.”a. much more b. many more c. more many d. too much( ) 13.it is very kind _ you to help me with my lessons. it is hard _me to learn them well

17、.a. of; for b. of; of c. for; of d. for; for( ) 14. simon often _, “i am generous. i like to _ nice presents to my friends when i go to visit them.”a. tells; carry b. speaks; bring c. says; talk d. says; get( ) 15. dont eat _ meat. if you do so, youll get _ fat.a. much too; too much b. too much; muc

18、h tooc. much too; much too d. too much; too much( ) 16. i cant decide _ .a. to buy which one b. which one to buyc. to buy which d. which to buy one( ) 17.he is businesslike and is often _ . i hope he will have more _ at his business.a. success; successful b. successful; successc. successfully; succe

19、ssful d. successful; successful( ) 18. _ of them felt very tired but quite happy after _ sports meeting.a. everyone; a two days b. every one; the two daysc. every one; the two-day d. none; a two-day( ) 19.dont worry. all the children will _ arrive at school on time tomorrow.a. are able to b. can c.

20、be able to d. can be able to( ) 20.“simon wants to know if the class 3 students_ hiking tomorrow.” “yes, but if it _ , theyll visit the museum instead.”a. go; will rain b. go; rains c. will go; rains d. will go; will rain( ) 21. the ice was too thin for them _.a. to skate on it b. skating on it c. to skate on d. skating on( ) 22. this pair of jeans looks nice_ sandy ,b


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