1、客运专线论文:客运专线牵引供电系统可靠性分析与评估【中文摘要】新形势下 , 我国高速客运专线正处于日新月异的跨越式发展阶段 , 到 2020 年将达到 1.6 万公里。牵引供电系统 (TPS)作为高速客运专线的重要子系统 , 为动车组的持续运行提供动力来源 , 所以牵引供电系统的可靠直接关系到铁路运输的稳定与安全。 牵引供电系统可靠性研究能够为铁路运营决策、 维修计划的制定提供重要的理论依据 , 进而能够为铁路的安全运营、稳定运输保驾护航。鉴于牵引供电系统可靠性研究的重要意义 , 重点围绕牵引供电系统的结构组成、维修因素、继电保护及软件开发四个主题展开关联研究 , 致力于发现维修和保护与牵引供
2、电系统可靠性的定量关系 , 以提高牵引供电系统的可靠性 , 更好地为客运专线服务。系统阐述了牵引供电系统可靠性的研究意义、研究现状 , 从现有文献中寻找了相关研究的重要切入点:考虑维修和考虑保护的牵引供电系统可靠性研究。 针对牵引供电系统的结构特点 , 将 3F 技术 ( 即综合故障模式及后果分析 (FMEA)、故障树分析 (FTA) 和故障报告、分析及纠正措施系统 (FRACAS)等三项技术 ) 引入到牵引供电系统的可靠性研究中 , 分别进行了 TPSFMEA、TPSFTA、TPSFRACAS等三项工作 , 论述了牵引供电系统 3F(3TPSF)技术的综合应用。 3TPSF技术是一个相互作用
3、的有机组合 , 可以理顺故障事件的前因后果 , 有效地积累系统的可靠性数据 , 防止类似事件的再现, 不失为一种研究牵引供电系统可靠性的实用方法。维修是影响牵引供电系统可靠性的重要因素之一 , 为说明维修对牵引供电系统可靠性的定量影响 , 选定以牵引变电所电气主接线为研究对象。首先 , 针对基本串并联系统的可靠性, 详细阐述了其理论分析过程及特征结果;然后 , 在基本系统分析的基础上, 建立了牵引变电所电气主接线的不可维修和可维修可靠性模型, 给出了两种模型的平均无故障工作时间(MTTF)和平均首次故障前工作时间(MTTFF)的计算策略;最后 , 通过对比分析不可维修与可维修两种模型的 MTT
4、F和 MTTFF的计算结果以及三种电气主接线的计算结果 , 得出如下结论:可维修模型的 MTTFF值始终大于可维修模型的 MTTF值, 可维修模型的 MTTFF值始终大于不可维修模型的 MTTFF值, 可维修模型的 MTTF值与不可维修模型的 MTTF 值的比较则取决于部件维修率的大小。 这些结论对牵引供电系统的可靠性规划、设计以及维修策略和标准的制定都有指导意义。 继电保护系统作为牵引供电系统安全运行的第一道防线 , 而且如今高速客运专线的继电保护都采用多功能数字保护装置。 为说明继电保护系统与牵引供电系统的内在联系 , 以数字保护的基本功能为出发点 , 考虑了保护系统故障的四种起因:硬件、
5、软件、辅助设备和人为失误 , 在此基础上建立了保护系统牵引供电系统部件可靠性模型 , 另外 , 还考虑了对系统起重要影响的检测和维修过程中的人为失误、定期检修效率、自检的不同可靠性水平、近后备保护误动和断路器失效 , 并区分了定检和自检分别在检测拒动和误动两种故障模式时的不同。 通过算例定量分析了硬、软件故障如何影响系统可靠性 , 定检周期、自检周期对系统可靠性的影响 , 计算了保持系统最大正常工作概率的条件下的最佳定检周期和自检周期。 所建立的模型能验证多种问题与系统可靠性的关系 , 满足了多种因素的分析需要。为了更方便、更快捷地进行牵引供电系统的可靠性分析, 以现有文献应用成熟的FMEA和
6、 FTA为理论依据 , 研制了一套“客运专线牵引供电系统可靠性评估和数据管理平台”, 可以实现牵引供电系统的FTA的建树分析和 FMEA的建表分析以及对相关设备的可靠性数据进行有效的管理。【英文摘要】 Under thenew situation,high-speeddedicatedpassenger line (DPL) is being quickly changing during a leapin the development stage,which willreach 16,000 km until2012.Traction power supply system (TPS) i
7、s part and parcel of DPL,which can provideelectricenergy formotor train-sets.So, thereliabilityof tractionpower supplysystem can guaranteeDPLs safe operationand steadytransportationand provideDPLwithaccurate theoretical foundation that is necessary to makeoperating decisions and maintenance strategi
8、es, which isdirectly related to railway transportation dependability andsafety. Due to the importance of traction power supply systemreliabilityresearch, thispaper concentrates on structureandelements, maintenance,relay and software development of TPS,in order to find the quantitative relationship b
9、etweenmaintenance,relayand TPS, to improve TPSreliability,toserveDPL better.Significance and situation of TPS reliability research has been stated. From existing references twoimportant points of penetrationTPS reliability analysisconsidering maintenance and relay.In allusion to structuralfeatures o
10、f TPS,3F(namely synthesis of Failure Modes andEffects Ananlysis(FMEA),Fault Tree Ananlysis(FTA),FailureReporting, Analysis & Corrective Action System(FRACAS) )technique has been introduced for analyzing TPSreliability, FMEA tables, FT models,FRACAS of TPS have beencreated,synthesis application o
11、f 3TPSF has beenconducted.3TPSF technique is an organiccombination that haveinteraction with each other, which can make cause and effectof failure events clear, accumulate system reliability data,and effectivelyprevent similarevents from reappearing.Thus,it is a practical way to TPS reliability rese
12、arch.Maintenanceis one of important factors which can affect TPS reliability.To illustrate the quantitative influence that maintenanceproduces on TPS reliability, traction substation mainconnectionwas chosen as objectof study.Firstly,theoreticalanalysis process,features and results of basic series a
13、ndparallel reliability system are stated in detail. And then,based on analysisof the basicseries and parallelreliabilitysystem, irreparable reliability models and reparablereliabilitymodels of tractionsubstationmain connectionhavebeen established, the ways of how to get mean time to failure(MTTF) an
14、d mean time to firstfailure(MTTFF) of two models areachieved. Subsequently, by comparative analysis of the valueof MTTF and MTTFF of traction substation main connectionreparable and irreparablemodels,and comparativeanalysisofthe value of MTTF and MTTFF among three kinds of tractionsubstation main co
15、nnection reparable and irreparablemodels.Lastly,the following conclusions are found:the valuesof repairable model s MTTFF is undoubtedly larger than itsMTTF,the values of reparable models MTTFF is undoubtedlylargerthan thatof irreparablemodels MTTFF, thecomparisonof the values of reparablemodels MTT
16、Fand irreparablemodels MTTFdepends on the value of component maintenance rate,thevalue main connection reparable model MTTF and MTTFF model isnot surely greater than that main connection reparable model.These conclusions gave useful guidances for TPS reliabilityplanning,design and establishing of ma
17、intenance strategy andstandard.Protectiverelayisthe firstdefense lineofTPS safeand dependable operation. However, high-speed DPL protectiverelayhas adopted digitaltechnologies with multifunction.Toillustrate the influence that digital protection produces onTPSreliability,based on functionofdigital p
18、rotection,a newreliability model is proposed that associates protectionsystem failuresto four main causes:1)relay hardware,2)relaysoftware,3) ancillary equipment, and 4) human error. Inaddition, this model can take other aspects of the protectionsystem into consideration,such as humanerrorduringtest
19、s andrepair actions, routine inspections effectiveness, level ofreliance on self-checking, local backup misoperation, andstuckbreakers.These considerationshave a significantimpacton thereliabilityof protection systems and some ofthathavebeen neglected in the existing research works. Variouscapabilit
20、ies of the model such as how relay hardware andsoftware failures, self-checking and routine inspectionsinterval affect reliability of TPS components and protectivesystem, how to get the best self-checking and routineinspections interval are demonstrated in the case studysection.This model can be use
21、d to check relationship betweenlots of questions and system reliabilityTo analyzing TPSreliability more conveniently and quickly, based on FMEA andFTA that have been appliedpopularlyinexistingresearchworks,“TPL TPS reliability evaluation and data managementsoftware“ has been developed, which can hel
22、p FTA modeling, FMEAtable creating and effective relevant reliability data managing.【关键词】客运专线牵引供电系统可靠性分析牵引供电系统3F 技术 平均无故障工作时间平均首次故障前工作时间继电保护【英文关键词】 dedicated passenger linetractionpower supply systemreliability analysis3TPSFtechniquemeantime to failuremeantime to firstfailureprotective relay【目录】客运专线
23、牵引供电系统可靠性分析与评估摘要6-8Abstract8-9第 1 章 绪论 12-181.1 课题的提出12 1.2 课题的研究意义 12-13 1.3 课题的研究现状13-16可靠性国内外研究现状电力系统可靠性国内外研究现状牵引供电系统可靠性国内外研究现状 14-16继电保护系统可靠性国内外研究现状161.4论文的研究内容16-18第2章基于3F 技术的牵引供电系统可靠性分析18-322.1引言182.2 3F技术概述182.3 牵引供电系统结构组成牵引变电所结构组成19-20接触网结构组成202.4 牵引供电系统FMEA20-222.4.1牵引变电所 FMEA20-222.4.2 接触网FMEA222.5牵引供电系统 FTA 22-282.5.1 牵引变电所FTA 22-262.5.2接触网 FTA 26-282.6牵引供电系统FRACAS28-292.7牵引供电系统 3F 技术的综合运用 29-312.8小结 31-32第 3 章 考虑维
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