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1、既定学案创新案例九年级 英语科 Module 3 Unit 1侯镇二中王东玲九年级 英语 科 Module 3 Unit 1 创新学案课型: 新授 听说课课前朗读: hold will be held ,allowwont be allowed defeatwas /were defeated ,choose-wasnt/werent chosen ,against competition, score, 学习目标:1. 知识与技能:1)掌握一般将来时、一般过去时的被动语态并能进行两种语态的转化; 2) 听懂关于篮球比赛的一些相关内容的话题;2. 过程与方法:1)通过自主互助与合作的方法,借助

2、听说结合favourite sports 这个话题解决问题;2)听的过程中学会捕捉关键词,3. 情感目标:让人分享体育运动带给人们的快乐,培养团队精神和竞争意识。学习重点难点: 能够听懂关于比赛的对话,并能通过流利的口语把比赛知识表达出来。能把一般过去时和一般将来时的两种被动语态的语句作为难点突破。学习过程:Step 1 导入新课以句型进行导入:What sports do you like ? Do you like playing basketball? Are you in the school basketball team?Which is your favourite basket

3、ball team? When will the School Basketball Match be held ? 先师生问答,然后学生两人一组进行模仿练习,提醒学生注被动语态。教师板书并点明本单元的语法。Step 2 听力处理了解听力素材:自己观察教材上的图片然后完成下列任务并同组内其他成员交流答案Talk about the photos on the book with the following questions in groups.1. What is it about? 2 .Who won the match ? 3. What was the score(比分)?听力实战1

4、. Listen and check the words you hear.2. Listen again and answer the question : What is Tonys team called?3. Listen for the third time and find the answer to the question : What was the score ?Step 3 对话处理 1. Listen and answer the questions : What are they talking about ?2. Listen again answer the qu

5、estions :1) When will the match be held ?2) Who won the last match ?3. Listen for the third time and complete the table 4 and Activity 5Step 4 听后读 Role-read 1 Read the dialogue by themselves and understand the meaning of it,2 Complete Activity 7 by working in pairs.2分解色朗读对话。Work in groups of four .S

6、tep5 读后学-解疑释惑(小组自助互助学习)1. Read the dialogue ,find out the difficulties and then discuss with groups and solve the difficulties. 2. 集中小组中的疑惑,老师适时点拨。知识拓展1) have got a chance to do, have a chance of doing 2). see do , seedoing ; 3)sothat, so that4)win & defeat, 5)play well, look good,6)be allowed/a

7、sked to do3学生自读课本对话,记忆重点短语和包含被动语态的句子。4 针对重点短语进行造句练习。Step6 分解色朗读对话。Work in groups of four .四人小组活动。Step7 达标测试。1根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1).Smoking is a_ the school rules.2).The result of the match was surprising .The strongest team was d_ at last.3)The boy isnt a_ to play computer games at school.4).What does SA

8、S s_ for?2变被动语态: 1) They defeated you last time .2) Teachers will allow us to watch the football match .组内比赛 小组比赛完成所给练习题。老师:纠正答案,评选优胜小组。学(教)后记本节课听力练习较多,题目设计起点低,多层次,效果较好,小组合作学习的开展学生参与的积极性较高,但实效性稍差,下一步本人需要多研究,多学习,规范小组成员的分工,进一步培养小组长,从而发挥小组长的模范带头作用。对话中的重点短语和包含被动语态的句子需要进一步巩固。学生评价:这一节课老师给我们设计了大量的听说练习,尤其是听

9、力练习,听前老师通过让我们仔细观察教材中所呈现的图片并回答相关问题,我对所听内容有了大体了解,并解决了一些词汇障碍,做好了听的准备,心里不那么紧张了,反复听而且每次都有不同的题目,老师所给的听力题和课本上的不大一样,我竟然都做对了。这对于听力能力较差的我来说简直不可思议。处理长对话时,老师并没有像以往那样把对话从头到尾翻译一遍,然后让我们背诵记忆;我们也是先进行听力练习,后理解对话意思和学习重点的词汇知识,而且多数知识点我们是小组讨论解决的。老师重点给我们讲了被动语态 、几个易混短语的区分,并要求我们反复进行造句练习。这节课上,我们学生听的多,自己支配和同学间交流的多,听得很轻松。附原学案 九

10、年级 英语 科 Module 3 Unit 1 教案课型: 新授 听说课课前朗读: hold will be held ,allowwont be allowed defeatwas /were defeated ,choose-wasnt/werent chosen ,againstcompetition, score, 【学习目标】:4. 知识与技能:掌握一般将来时、一般过去时的被动语态并能进行两种语态的转化;听懂关于比赛的一些相关内容的话题;5. 过程与方法:通过自主互助与合作的方法,借助favourite sports 这个话题解决本单元问题;6. 情感目标:增强学生不怕吃苦,勇于战胜

11、困难的决心。学习重点难点: 把favourite sports 这个话题作为重点来巩固,并能把一般过去时和一般将来时的两种语态的语句作为重点突破。【学习过程】:独立试航:英汉互译 :1)为训练_ 2)一场激烈的比赛_3)没机会_ 4)stand for_5)be mad at/with_Step 1 导入新课以句型进行导入:What sports do you like ? Do you like playing basketball? Are you in the school basketball team?Which is your favourite basketball team?

12、When will the School Basketball Match be held ? 先师生问答,然后学生两人一组进行模仿练习,提醒学生注被动语态。Step 2 Talk about the photos with the following questions in groups.1. What is it about? 2 .Who won the match ? 3. What was the score ?Step 3 Listening 1 .Listen and check the words you hear.2. Listen again and answer the

13、 question : What is Tonys team called?Step 4 Listen and read 1.Listen and answer the questions : What are they talking about ?2Listen again answer the questions :1) When will the match be held ?2) Who won the last match ?3 . Listen for the third time ,complete the table 4 and Activity 5Step 5 Role-r

14、ead 1 . Work in groups of four .in difficult roles.2. Listen for the fourth time and complete Activity 7 by working in pairs.Step 6 解疑释惑1 Read the dialogue ,find out the difficulties and then discuss with groups and solve the difficulties.【知识拓展】 1. have got a chance to do, have a chance of doing 2.

15、see do , seedoing ; 3. sothat, so that4. win & defeat, 5. play well, look good,6. be allowed/asked to do2 学生自读课本对话,记忆重点短语和包含被动语态的句子。Step7 达标测试。1根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1).Smoking is a_ the school rules.2).The result of the match was surprising .The strongest team was d_ at last.3)The boy isnt a_ to play computer games at sc


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