1、小学四年级英语下册(PEP)复习资料重点对话(24段)This is m y com puter. That is your com puter.Is thisa teacher sdesk ? X.p a r计is:、123456789101112131415161718192021222324W hattim e is it?Tt,s tw oOclock.Its9:45. It stim eforma thclassIts7:05. It stim etogotoschoolIsthis your T-shirt?计,Qnot.Is that your skirt?,“工2爲_it_is
2、.W hat cobur is it ? _k _white.”W hose is it ? Tt u myTkh 时These are your baby pantsThose are m y shoesIt s cool in LhasaC an Iw earm y new shirt today?乂 盅_IC_.It s w am today. Let s pay fbotbaUWhat s the w eather like in Beijing?Tt uTAinYtcrlRy. HewNaw Yciik?It s coolIs it co Id?It s sunny and w ar
3、m总.scqJd-aoud_sgMh.”施Look at that dress. It scolourfblHow m uch is it? JtJ_ste”n_y”u.an“H ow m uch are they? Th-C an I help you ?- .W hat size?.Are they ducks ? No, they aren t.-How m any horses are there ?丁“4曲,&、W hat are these? They re-.Are those cucum bers ?”工辭“厂-也*- 四会单词(84个)computer计算机board
4、写字板fan风扇light灯this这is是my我的that那your你的teacherfs desk讲台picture图画;照片wall墙壁floor地板yes是it它one two二three三four四five五six六seven七eight八nine九ten十whdt什么time时间math数学Chinese语文English英语P.E.体育music音乐for为class课程jacket夹克衫shirt衬衫skirt裙子dress连衣裙T-shirtT恤衫red红色的blue蓝色的yellow黄色的green绿色的white白色的no不not不是的colour颜色warm暖和的col
5、d寒冷的cool凉爽的today今天jeans牛仔裤pants长裤socks袜子shoes鞋子play玩football足球snowy下雪的sunny晴朗的how much多少钱big大的small小的long长的short短的apple苹果banana香蕉pear梨oninge橙子watermelon西瓜are是they它(他、她)们horse马cat猫rabbit兔子pig猪duck鸭子dog狗eleven *twelve十二thirteen十三fifteen十五twenty二十how many多少there那儿music room音乐教室gym体育馆TVroom电视机房lunch午餐En
6、glish class英语课music class音乐课breakfast早餐dinner晚餐P.E. class体育课get up起床go toschool上学go home回家go tobed上床睡觉ready准备好sweater毛衣shorts短裤so hot炎热的weather天气rainy卜雨的windy有风的cloudy hello喂hi喂bye再见cheap便宜的expensive昂贵的sandals凉鞋boots靴子forsheep绵羊hen母鸡lamb一、句子回答练习:I. W here is the canteen? It s on the firstfbor.2Th is
7、 is the teachers T hatoffice is. m y classroom .三、三会单词(61个)playground操场garden花园teacher s canteen食堂welcome欢迎our我们的art room绘!ffll教室computer room教师办公室Hbrary图书馆officemany很多的class班级please请 计算机教室washroom卫生间如此 多云的 色彩丰富的pretty漂亮的sneake rs球鞋slippers拖鞋好的them它(他、她)们cow奶牛fat胖的tomato洋葱carrot胡萝卜西红柿cucumber黄瓜potat
8、ocolourfulhelp帮助 为all right小羊goat山羊 土豆onion3. H ow m any students are there in your chss? Forty hive.4. Do you have a library? Yes !5. The canteen is on the firstfbor.6. Th is is m y com puter. That is your com puter.7.3s th is a teacher,s desk? No.计iz t8. Is that the art room ?_Nq t9. W hattim e is
9、 it? It s nine o clock.10. It stim e fbrEnglish classB reakfhst is ready!II. S choo 1 is over. Let s go to the playground12. Let s go hom el m ready.13. It s 7 :05It s tim e to go to school14. It s 8:30 .It s tim e form usic class15. I like the w h ite sw eater w ith the green skirt16.1 like the blu
10、e dress17. W here is m y skirt?18. W hatcohur is it?19. Is th is your skirt ?工_it-isu-.20. Is that your T-shirt?.一_ot21. W hose is it? H2_.22. W hose is th is? k s,s !23. W hat are they?TheaR刁作yciirh刁by p刁nta. They re so sm all24. Are those m y shoes? Yes.Butwhatfbr?25. 0 urneighbourhas a new baby!2
11、6. Th is is the w eather report It s coolin Lhasa.27. C an I w ear m y new shirt today?NCfyciir*门匸/VaUrycii q曰n ,28. It s w arm todayYou. can w earyournew shirt29. C an Iw earm y T-shirt? Yes, you can.30. W hat are you do ing? N o t m uch.31. W hatJs the w eather Eke in B eiiing?It s rainy today. 32
12、How aboutN ew York? It s sunny.233. W hat s the m atter?34. It s w indy now Ihave to close the w indow .35. Look at that dress .It scobrfollt svery .pretty36. C an Ihelp you? _37. H ow m uch is this dress? Tt s n inetyF ine Yuen.38. W hat size?39. Are they allright? Yes, they are.40. H ow m uch are
13、they?They re thirtyhive Yuan.41. W hat are they?工.42. A re they sheep?仕1血氛盅盂金n_ats.43. A re they h O rs e S ? NCfthayRran tTh ay KTQnkQyudc一44. Look atthe hensThey are fet45. H ow m any cow s do you have? One hundred.46. W hat do you see in the p icture? Isee five cats.47. A re these tom a toes?YRJt
14、hvRTP- NC.十hv刁rpn,t4.该是上英语课的时候了。Its tim e for English class. 5.这是我们的教室。This isw e cassroom .6.那是教师办公室。That is teachers desk它是。Is this a com puter? Yes,it is 8.那是一匹马吗?不,它不是。Is this a horse.No,its not10他们是什么颜色?它们是黑白色。12.它们是多少钱?它们是三十三元。48. W hat are these?忑rm.ts 二、连词成句练习I. is, m y, th is, com puter C)3
15、. teacher s desk, th is, is, a (?)5. o cbck, it s, tw o ()7. this, is, your, Trhirt C?)9. w arm , it s, today C)II. m uch, how , it, is (?)13. they, m uch, how , are (?)15. they, ducks, are (?)三、把下列句子译成英文。1.现在几点钟。Whattineis it? 2.现在九点钟。Its nineoclock时候了o Itstine for go to school2.your, is, that, com puter ()4. is, it, tim e, w hat (?)6. tim e, m a th, for, it s, class C)8. cohur, it, is, w hat (?)10. play, let s, football C)12. yuan, it
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