1、山东交通学院毕业设计(外文翻译)外文译文自动变速器 对于现代的汽车,自动变速器是一个复杂的组件,这种传递动力的方式,是液力变矩器充当离合器来连接发动机和变速器。 两个基本类型的自动变速器基于该车辆是否是前驱动或后驱动。对发动机前置后驱动的汽车,变速器通常安装在发动机后底盘中心与油门配合。变速器输出轴连接到后桥,把发动机的动力传递到后轮,动力传输系统是直线的,从发动机,通过液力变矩器、变速器、传动轴、最后直接到到达车轮。 对于发动机前置前轮驱动的汽车,变速器通常和差速器装在一起。对于前驱动的汽车,变速器安装在发动机一侧,前车轴直接连接到差速器上,把动力传递给前轮。
2、在这个布置中,动力来自于发动机,通过液力变矩器、变速器输出的动力通过了一个180度大转弯,经过变速器沿发动机侧边通过传动轴输出到前轮。 还有其它的一些布置,发动机前置前驱动,发动机横向布置,装设一个分动器可以实现四轮驱动。但这种形式目前是最常用的:发动机中置后驱动,可以使重量均匀的分布在前、后轮之间,改善了操作性能;发动机后置后驱动,发动机、变速器、驱动轮都在后方,这种后置式的发动机的安排,是最满意的。 现代的自动变速器包括了许多组件和系统的协同工作,有行星齿轮组、液压系统、密封件和垫圈、变矩器、调节器、节气门拉线、计算机控制这些都是多年来由机械式演变过来的。这里用简单、通
3、用的解释,描述一下这些系统。 (1)行星齿轮组 自动变速器箱体内有很多齿轮,有各种不同的组合,在一个变速箱内,齿轮的滑动沿轴线从一个位置到另一个位置,对各种大小齿轮的要求,有正确的传动比。在一个自动变速箱,至始至终,不是齿轮的机械移动来达到这一点的,通过行星齿轮组来完成。 基本的行星齿轮组成由一个太阳轮、一个齿圈、并且有两个或两个以上的行星齿轮,全部齿轮都是常啮合。行星齿轮的相互联系通过一个共同的载体,使齿轮相互啮合在一起。一个传递方式,这个系统可以从发动机的输出连接到齿圈作为主动件,连接行星轮作为从动件,并锁定太阳
4、轮,使起不能转动。在这情况下,当我们把齿圈、行星齿轮,沿太阳轮转动,主动件与从动件就同向转动,从动件的转速慢,齿轮减速就类似汽车的一挡。 如果解开太阳轮和锁定其它两个元素,这就会使这三个要素以同样的速度转动,齿轮的传动就类似于汽车是第三或高挡位。另一个方式是,把行星架锁定,使太阳轮作为主动轮,齿圈作为从动件,这时它们的转动方向就相反,就类似以汽车的到挡。 上面所说的,在实际的传动过程是如何控制。齿圈为输入轴,行星架为输出轴,都是通过盘式离合器控制。太阳轮一个单向离合器,一个制动器,当制动器作用时,太阳轮只能从一个方向转动。 在这情况下,离合器的使用,锁定行星架与太
5、阳轮迫使它们以相同的转速转动。如果它们的离合器和制动器都被释放,该系统在自由状态。变速器的行星齿轮组太阳轮是自由的,比输出动力。在一挡位,制动器制动太阳轮跟随转动,从第一挡到高挡制动器释放和离合器使用到输入轴,它们以同一个速度转动。 使用两个或两个以上的行星齿轮组以各种方式连接,可提供不同的前进速度和扭矩,普遍的使用以现代的自动变速器。 (2)片式离合器 片式离合器主要由若干交替排列的离合器盘和离合器片组成。每片离合器盘上有伸出的突线,勾住离合器鼓,以输入轴连接。离合器片内的键槽与离合器壳互相啮合,离合器壳与中间轴键槽连接,中间轴又与后行星排内齿圈用键槽连接。因此
6、,离合器盘和离合器片分别与输入轴和湖行星排内齿圈连接。操作离合器的活塞安装以离合器鼓上,离合器鼓亦称做为活塞缸。 (3)单向离合器 单向离合器是一种只可以使元件在一个方向转动,如把齿圈自由在一贯方向,而不能反向转动,这种作用就象是,自行车踏板转动时,可以带动车轮转动,当车轮转动或向另一个方向转动是自由的 一个单向离合器用于一挡时,在驱动方向是,当从停止开始加速,在第一个齿轮输出动力,如果继续加速,不在一挡位?汽车继续加速,他就是一个方向自由的。此时,单向离合器不在输出动力,当车速慢下来时,转速慢,它就可以起作用。这一个现象由于,在提供力的时候它才起作用,在高速时,
7、是自由的。 (4)液力变矩器 对于自动变速器,液力变矩器取代离合器装于车上。它的作用是:当车停下来,发动机还可以继续运转。传递扭矩的原理,比如,把一个风扇吹向另一个,另一个不用插电也能跟它一起转动,如果你压住扇片,它就不会转动,但你一放手,它就开始加速,直到速度接近动力风扇。它们两者的差异就是:变矩器不是利用空气,而是利用油液,以使他的传递更加准确。 液力变矩器是一个较大的盆壮装置,安装在发动机与变速器之间。它包含三个部件,协同工作,为变速器提供动力,液力变矩器的三要素是:泵论、涡轮、导轮,泵论是通过螺栓直接安装在发动机的曲轴上,转速与发动机的相同,涡轮连接到变速
8、器的输入轴上,为汽车提供动力,导轮上装有一个单向离合器,使他只可以在一个方向转动,而在另一方被固定,每一个要素之间通过液流传递扭矩。 发动机启动后,输入轴开始旋转,带动泵轮旋转,因旋转产生的离心力使泵轮叶片间的液流沿叶片从外缘向外甩出;接着又由于泵轮和涡轮转速差引起泵轮叶片外缘与涡轮叶片外缘产生了压力差,液流从液压高的泵轮叶片外缘流进涡轮叶片外缘,同时,泵轮的旋转也使得其叶片带动液流随工作轮旋转,这一旋转就使液流流进涡轮时方向改变,从而冲击涡轮叶片推动涡轮绕泵轮同一方向旋转。从涡轮流出的液流进入固定不动的导轮,经导轮叶片改变方向后回流至泵轮。如果涡轮的速度大大低于泵轮转素时,导轮仍锁
9、住不动。导轮停止,液流通过导轮时重新进入泵轮,促使泵轮旋转起到扭矩增大的作用。由于泵轮和导轮的转速增加,液流开始改变方向流向泵轮叶片背面,也可以产生增矩的作用。由于车速的提高,这三要素句以相同的转速旋转,为了提高燃油经济性,在液力变矩器上装了一个锁止离合器,车速达到4050英里的时候,锁止离合器就把三要素连为一体,这种控制是计算机控制。 (5)液压系统 液压系统是一个复杂的迷宫壮通道,液流压力控制变速器扭矩的输出,。液流有若干用途,包括:换挡控制、润滑、冷却。不象发动机,它只用来润滑,每一个流动,是依赖于不断提供的液体压力。为了使油液在一个正常的温度工作,部分液流从散热器中
10、流过以便散热。液体通过此通道被冷却,然后返回到传输通道。液里变矩器和散热器,是用来给液流散热的。事实上大部分的摩擦表面都淹没在油液中,比如:离合器盘、离合器片,也能正常的工作。 (6)油泵 油泵主要是负责提供油液传输过程中的压力,油泵安装在前面的泵轮上,并且以发动机的曲轴相连,当发动机转动时,带动油泵运转,产生压力,提供足够的油。油进入油泵时通过一个空气滤清器,安装在油底壳的底部。压力调节器、调压阀、压力修正阀调节后送到各个管路。 (7)阀体 阀体是自动变速器的控制中心。它包含一个迷宫壮的通道输送液压油,在每一个工况下控制离合器和其它伺服机构,顺利的控制
11、齿轮传动情况。 最重要的阀门一个直接控制的手动阀。手动阀是直接连接到齿轮变速箱里面的,根据它所在位置打开或关闭各种通道,控制换挡节奏。用齿轮变速传动来举例说明,监控车辆的速度和油门的位置,以便它能确定最佳的换挡时间,。计算机的控制,通过电磁阀控制油压压力,控制离合器或制动器,以更精确的控制换挡点。 (8)密封垫和垫圈 一个自动变速器有许多的密封件和垫圈,以控制流动的液压油,使它不外泄。主要有两个外部密封垫:前油封和后油封。前油封安装到变速器的变矩器,这使得油底壳到变矩器的油液能自由流动,而不外泄。后密封垫使游液不泄漏到输出轴。 密封垫通常用橡胶(类似汽车
12、挡风玻璃雨刮器叶片),它是用来保持不泄漏到其它部分,如旋转轴。在有的情况下,用一个弹簧和橡胶在一起,如用在花键轴。 垫圈是一种用来密封两个固定部分,使其连接在一起。一些常见的衬垫材料是:硬纸、软木、橡胶、有机硅和软金属。 除了主要的密封垫,也有一些其它的密封垫和垫片,因使用条件而定,有的从轴到轴的连接。一个常见的例子是橡胶O型密封圈用来密封换的挡轴。就是说,你所操作的边速杠在转动时,另一个例子是大部分常见的油底壳垫片,事实上,密封垫是随时进行更换,防止油不泄漏。 (9)计算机控制 计算机控制是利用传感器对发动机和变速器提取数据,因为节气门位置、汽车行驶速
13、度、发动机转速、发动机负荷等是变数。利用这些数据可以精确控制换挡点,以便换挡平顺。一些电脑数据,能了解行驶条件,并不断的适应行驶条件的变化,使汽车稳定的行驶。 由于计算机的控制,通过一个特殊的元素代替了手动控制,在每一个工况都是安全的。计算机的控制,确保发动机转速不至于过高而使发动机损坏。 另一个好处是,这些精确的数据输入系统,有一个自诊断系统,以便能使我们及时的发现问题,当有问题时,故障指示灯就闪烁。维修人员就可以根据检测设备检测出的故障码,很快的找到问题所在部位。翻译原文Automatic transmissionFor modern automobile automa
14、tic transmission is a complex component, this method of transmission power, is to connect the engine and hydraulic torque converter ACTS as a clutch transmission. Two basic types of automatic transmission based on whether the vehicle is driven drive before or after. After the engine front driv
15、e car, the transmission is usually installed in the center of the engine chassis after cooperate with throttle. The gearbox output shaft connected to the rear axle, the engine to the rear wheels of the power of the power transmission system is a straight line, from the engine, through the hydraulic
16、torque converter, gearbox, drive shaft, the last to reach the wheels directly. For front wheel drive car engine, transmission and differential usually packed together. For car front drive, transmission is installed at the side of the engine, the front axle directly connected to the differentia
17、l, convey power to the front wheels. In this arrangement, the power from the engine, through the hydraulic torque converter, transmission output power through a 180 degree turn, after transmission along the engine side through the output shaft to the front wheels. There are some other arrangem
18、ent, the engine before the front drive, horizontal layout engine, furnish a transfer can realize the four-wheel drive. But this form is the most commonly used at present: engine drive after, can make the weight evenly distributed between the front and the rear wheels, improve the operating performan
19、ce; Drive after the rear engine, engine, gearbox, drive wheels are in the rear, the rear of the arrangement of the engine, is the most satisfactory. The modern automatic transmission includes many components and systems work together, a planetary gear set, hydraulic system, seals and gaskets,
20、torque converter, controller and throttle pull, computer control all of these are mechanical evolved through the years to come. This in a simple, general explanation, a description of the system. 1) planetary gear set.There were lots of gear automatic transmission box, there are a variety of differe
21、nt combinations, in a transmission, gears slideMove along the axis from one location to another location, for a variety of gear size according to your request, has the correct gear ratio. In an automatic transmission, to the beginning to end, not gear mechanical movement to achieve this, through the
22、 planetary gear set to complete. Basic planetary gear composed of a sun wheel and a ring gear and two or more than two planetary gear, gear are all constant mesh. Planetary gear contact each other through a common carrier, make the gears mesh together. A transfer mode, the system can be output
23、 from the engine is connected to the ring gear as active parts, connecting the planet wheel as a follower, and lock round the sun, make up can't turn. In this case, when we put the ring gear, planetary gear, the sun wheel rotation, synthetic turns active pieces with follower, follower speed is s
24、low, gear reduction is similar to a block of car. If untied the sun wheel and other two elements of locking, this will make the three elements in the same rotation speed, gear transmission is similar to the car is the third or high gear. Another way is that the planet carrier locking, make sol
25、ar rotation wheel, gear ring, as a follower, then they, by contrast, the rotation direction of is similar to the car to stop. What is said above, in the actual transmission process is how to control. Ring gear as the input shaft, planet carrier for the output shaft, is through the disc clutch
26、control. The sun round a one-way clutch, a brake, when brake function, the sun wheel can only from one direction. In this case, the use of the clutch, lock planet carrier with the sun wheel force them to the same speed. If they all of clutch and brake is released, the system in the free state.
27、 The transmission planetary gear set round the sun is free, than output power. In a block, brake wheel to follow the sun, from the first block to high quality brake release and use of the clutch to the input shaft, which rotate at the same speed. Use two or more planet gears in a variety of wa
28、ys to connect, can provide different speed and torque, widely used in modern automatic transmissions. (2) type clutchPlate clutch is mainly composed of a number of alternate permutation of clutch disc and clutch plate. On each piece of clutch disc is out of line, hook the clutch drum, to the
29、input shaft connection. Intermesh keyway within the clutch plate and clutch shell, clutch shell and intermediate shaft keyway connect, intermediate shaft and with the planetary gear ring with keyway connect within. Therefore, clutch disc and clutch plate respectively to the input shaft and lake plan
30、etary gear ring joint. Operation of the clutch piston mounted to the clutch drum, drum of the clutch is also called for the piston cylinder. (3) one-way clutchOne-way clutch is a kind of can only make element in one direction, such as the ring gear in a consistent direction freely, but cannot
31、 reverse rotation, this effect is like, bicycle pedal rotation, can drive the wheel rotation, when the wheels turn or to another direction is free.A one-way clutch is used in a block, in driving direction, when stop from start to accelerate, in first gearThe output power, if continued to accelerate,
32、 not a place? The car continued to accelerate, he is a direction of freedom. At this point, a one-way clutch is not the output power, when the speed slow down, speed slow, it can play a role. Due to this phenomenon, in the provision of force when it works, at high speed, is free. (4) hydrauli
33、c torque converterFor automatic transmission, hydraulic torque converter to replace clutch is installed on the car. Its role is: when the car stop, the engine can also continue to work. The principle of torque, for example, blow a fan to another, another without plug can rotate with it, if you pin f
34、an, it wouldn't turn, but you let go, it begins to accelerate, until nearly power fan. Both the difference is: torque converter does not use the air, but the use of oil, in order to make his passing is more accurate. Hydraulic torque converter is a larger basin zhuang device, installed bet
35、ween the engine and transmission. It consists of three parts, work together, to power transmission, hydraulic torque converter is the three elements: theory of pump, turbine, idler pulley, theory of pump is installed directly by bolts on the engine crankshaft, speed and engine of the same, the turbi
36、ne is connected to the transmission input shaft, provide power for cars, a one-way clutch, mounted on the wheel turns, he can only in one direction, and on the other side are fixed, through flow between each element transfer torque. After the engine starting, input shaft begins to spin, pump i
37、mpeller rotates, because of the centrifugal force produced by the rotation of wheel vane pump flow along the blade from the outer edges outward; Then caused by pump wheel and turbine speed difference pump impeller blade tip and the turbine blade tip produced differential pressure, fluid flow from th
38、e high hydraulic pump impeller blade tip flow in turbine blade tip, at the same time, the rotation of the pump wheel makes the blade flow along with the wheel rotates, the rotation will cause the liquid flow in turbine direction change, thus impact turbine blade turbine pump wheel in the same direct
39、ion. Flowed from the turbine's flow into the fixed guide roller, the roller blade change direction after the return to the pump impeller. If the turbine is much lower than the speed of the pump rotation element, idler pulley is still locked. Wheel stop, fluid flow through the idler pulley back i
40、nto the pump wheel, prompting pump wheel rotation torque increases. Because of the pump impeller and the guide wheel rotation speed increases, the flow starts to change direction of flow to the pump impeller blade on the back, also can produce increase torque. Because of the increase in the speed of
41、 the three elements of a sentence at the same rotate speed, in order to improve the fuel economy, the hydraulic torque converter with a locking clutch, the speed of 40-50 miles, locking clutch is the three elements is an organic whole repeatedly, this control is a computer control. (5) hydrau
42、lic systemHydraulic system is a complicated maze strong channel, the output of the transmission torque, flow pressure control. Flow has a number of ways, including: shift control, lubrication and cooling. Unlike the engine, it is only used to lubrication, every flow, is constantly provide depends on
43、 the liquid pressure. In order to make the temperature of the oil in a normal job, part of the fluid flows through the radiator to heat dissipation. Liquid through this channel is cooling, and then returns to the transmission channel. Fluid torque converter and the radiator, which is used to hot flu
44、id diffusing. In fact most of the friction surface are submerged in the oil, for example, clutch disc, clutch plate, also can work normally. (6) the oil pumpOil pump is mainly responsible for providing the oil pressure in the process of transmission, the oil pump installed in front of the pum
45、p impeller, and to the engine crankshaft is linked together, when the engine turns, drive the oil pump operation, and generate pressure, provide enough oil. Oil into the oil pump through an air filter, installed in the bottom of the oil sump. Pressure regulator, pressure regulating valves, pressure
46、fixed valve adjusted to each line. (7) the bodyThe body is the control center of automatic transmission. It contains a maze of channel transmission hydraulic oil, under the working condition of each control clutch and other servo mechanism, control gear drive smoothly. The most importan
47、t of a manual valve directly control valve. Manual valve is directly connected to the inside of the gear transmission, according to its location on or off a variety of channels, control of shifting rhythm. To illustrate with gear transmission, monitoring of the vehicle speed and throttle position, s
48、o that it can determine the optimal shift time,. Computer control, the solenoid valve control hydraulic pressure control clutch or brake, in a more precise control of shift points. (8) gasket and washerAn automatic transmission has many seals and gaskets, to control the flow of hydraulic oil,
49、 make it not leak. There are two main external seal: seal before and after the oil seal. Before oil seal installed in the transmission of torque converter, which makes the oil sump to torque converter oil can flow freely, without leakage. After seal the liquid does not leak to the output shaft. Gasket is usually with a rubber (similar to a car windshield wiper blade), it is used to keep no lea
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