英语演讲稿 地震(多篇)_第1页
英语演讲稿 地震(多篇)_第2页
英语演讲稿 地震(多篇)_第3页
英语演讲稿 地震(多篇)_第4页




1、英语演讲稿 地震(多篇) 第一篇:英语演讲稿 地震 since ore then 40075 inhabitants deaths and countless injured up to18:00 may 20th. the 8-day search-and- rescue efforts have put more strain on people"s nerves. many chinese spent the agonizing ind since the deadly quake hit sichuan province. after all, only a pic year

2、. this year, any chinese spent the agonizing ind since the deadly quake hit sichuan province. after all, only a pic year. this year, ,and salution to survivor. micheal jarkson s song, morning till night to see ay 12 before the dull, busy, hope , disappointed, sad, happy those beutiful days.today&quo

3、t;s blor "tembl?美语,seism "saiz?m, -s?m; 余震-aftershock ":ft?k, "?f-; 海啸-tsunami tsu"n:mi;打击、袭击-hit,strike;破坏-destroy,devastate; 粉碎、摧毁-shatter; 灾难性的-devastating; 颠簸、摇动-jolt; death toll 死亡人数; survivors 幸存者; victims 受灾者 英语中表示地震的名词有: earthquake、quake、shake、shock、tremor和temblor 此词

4、为美语 英语中表示地震的动词即意为“地震发生于.的动词有: hit 袭击,打击,使遭受 strike 突然发生 shake 摇(来自好范 文网age 损害,损伤;口语伤害,毁坏 destroy 毁坏,破坏;摧残 shatter 破坏;捣毁;破灭 devastate 蹂躏,破坏;使荒废;毁灭 level 推倒,夷平 flatten 夷为平地 哀悼 national day of mourning 全国哀悼日 mourning ceremony 哀悼仪式 national flags fly at half-mast 降半旗致哀 silent tribute 默哀 online tribute 网

5、上悼念 赈灾 earthquake relief 赈灾 post-disaster reconstruction 灾后重建 altitude sickness 高原反应 quake victims 遇难者 relief work 救援工作 tibetan treatment 藏医疗法 medical team 医疗队 relief goods 救援物资 slide-proof rug 防滑垫 cold-proof coat 防寒大衣 heat sensor 生命探测仪 signs of life 生命迹象 plague prevention 防疫 plague prevention 鼠疫防疫

6、oxygen deprivation 缺氧 oxygen supply 氧源,供氧 oxygen mask 氧气罩 募捐 gala devoted to quake relief赈灾晚会 telethon 为募捐播放的长时间的电视节目 campaign-style donation activity 大型募捐活动 charity donor 慈善捐赠者 donation agreement 捐赠协议 charity sale 义卖 giveaway buffet "b?fit 慈善餐会 地震 aftershock 余震 epicenter "episent? 震中 magnitude "m?nitju:d 震级 earthquake monitoring "m?nit?ri? 地震监控 earthquake wave / seismic wave 地震波 earth tremor "trem? 稍微地震 richter "rikt? scale(1-10) 里氏震级 at a sc


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