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1、12 min 6q1主题2填句入空3 disposable选项可排除 排除法4例子不看考查的能力a指代b转呈厂逻辑关系c因果 指代关系75%数形一致只退不进 转呈因果10%转 but however although despite承 also因 because as果 so thus解题步骤1略读主题2分析选项3逐空填空4 遇难 move on详解1 instruction & titlebeyond paperwork 无纸化办公2划掉h多余的例子指代关系一标记转折因果关键词转中文没有指代关系就放在最后再看3胡桃夹子原则 只看空格前后的句子 逐项代入排除法nut cracker段首

2、末空可以最后做空前句判定选项空后句核实选项4万能的排除法扰人的d选项d很有可能是多余的career职业规划(elf analysiszchexperience enrichingload price 力口价 不用 increaseoddly 二 strangelycareer path at big fourassociate(月薪 5500) enior associate(9600-16000) manager (21000-30000) senior manager partner direc torcustomer satisfactionm allegiance & loya

3、ltydelightsat isfactiondissatisfactionboycott凯撒大帝著名的3v宣言拉丁语veni vedi vecii camei sawi conqueredaddress an issue处理问题market i ng市场营销the action of identifying , satisfying and increasing the buyers demand for a companys products; part of a company that deals with thisself marketing 自我营销4ppromotionprodu

4、ct、 marketingprice| 4 pplacej10 q 8 min难度适中=> 能力+词汇过关 主题已知的情况下考虑例子要不要看考查的能力: 单词辨义visual thesaurus /短语搭配/上下文句义upbeat上升的terminate = endthe court ruled that the contract must be terminatedculminate in/with = end witheg.a gun battle which culminated in the death of two police officers happened last n

5、ightmonths of hard work culminated in success.complete = finishapproach towith an emphasis on/uponcome to sb想出主意come to oneself恢复正常 苏醒come to sth总共总计达到致使解题步骤 抓住主题 instruction & title比拼实力逐句填空以句为单位分析补查遗漏喜旧厌新事不过三搭配词义句义signify signifaito be a sign of sth. to mean sth. 表示 预示 说明-to do sth to make your

6、 feeling intentions know 表达 显示-to be important or to matterhis presence no ion ger sign ified significantlarge or important enough to have aneffect or to be noticed重大意义的 显著的more often than not 往往 多半yes, but more often than not, it's the workers who are more capable of controlling overtime than t

7、he employers.是的,但是通常的情况是,更能够控制超时工作的是工人,而不是雇主at one, s disposalavailable for someone to usesecure 动词to obtain or achieve sth, especiallywhen this means using a lot of effortthe team man age to secure a place in the finals.she secured a place for herself at law school.(sth to sth.) to att ach or fas t

8、en firmly (sth against sth) to protect sth so that it is safe and difficuit to attack or damageto legally agree to give sb property orgoods that are worth the same account as the money that you have borrowed from them if you are unable to paythe money back抵押a short-term loan secured on the housesecu

9、re 形容词feeling happy and conf ident about安心有把握yourself or a particular situation.likely to continue or be successful可靠for a long timeguarded or made stronger so that it is牢固坚固把守严difficuit to enter or leave动词to obtain or achieve sth especiallywhen this means using a lot of efforts获得实现 sth to sth to at

10、tach or fasten sthfirmly拴牢扣紧sth against to protect sth so that itis safe and difficult to attack or damage 保护to legally agree to give someoneproperty or goods that are worth the same amount of money as the money that you have borrowed 抵押a short term loan secured on the houseattainto succeed in getti

11、ng something , usuallyafter a lot of efforts. 获得-to reach a particular age level or condition 达到hold value 保值add value 增值give the best value for money 最划算sen timen tai value 纪念价值the property has been valued at over 2 million dolarrecruitment procedure1 self introduction2 education and experience3 position awareness4 carrer plan respect5 random question压迫式提问 反应能力 表达能力connectto join together two or more things to bejoined together 连接to join sth to the main supply of equipment 连结接通水电to have a link with 有联系to form a good relationsh


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