1、上海市高级口译第一阶段笔试分类模拟笔记题( 四)( 总分: 100.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、 Note-taking and Gap-Filling( 总题数: 0,分数: 0.00)二、 A( 总题数: 1,分数: 50.00)I"ll start my 1 by telling you a story. A young woman from 2 came to New York and got a job ata factory 3 by a Chinese. One day, her Chinese boss handed her a red envelope w
2、ith 20 dollars.She threwtheenvelopeback atherboss.Why? Itis 4 to givemoney toyoung 5 peopleon theChineseNew Year. However, from her viewpoint, giving her money meant that he was asking her for sexual6 . This storyshows an actioncan have totally7 meanings indifferentcultures.I"llsay somethingmor
3、e to 8 my point.First, in most Western countries, 9 often 10 some sort of 11 , such as a 12 or a kiss. But mostAsian people don"t feel as 13 touching in public. Another different behavior is the use of 14 .Americans are quick to use people"s first names, but people in most cultures prefer
4、to be 15 as"Mr.Brown" or"Ms. Honda",forexample. Now Iwant todiscusseating16 . Insome cultureseatingeverything on your plate is considered 17 . However, Americans consider a 18 plate a sign of 19with the food. Finally, I want to say something about gift-giving, which in many cultu
5、res hasstrictrules.Forexample, nevergive 20 flowersto peoplefrom Iran,which meansyou hate them!I"ll start my 1 by telling you a story. A young woman from 2 came to New York and got a job ata factory 3 by a Chinese. One day, her Chinese boss handed her a red envelope with 20 dollars.She threwthe
6、envelopeback atherboss.Why? Itis 4 to givemoney toyoung 5 peopleon theChineseNew Year. However, from her viewpoint, giving her money meant that he was asking her for sexual6 . This storyshows an actioncan have totally7 meanings indifferentcultures.I"llsay somethingmore to 8 my point.First, in m
7、ost Western countries, 9 often 10 some sort of 11 , such as a 12 or a kiss. But mostAsian people don"t feel as 13 touching in public. Another different behavior is the use of 14 .Americans are quick to use people"s first names, but people in most cultures prefer to be 15 as"Mr.Brown&q
8、uot; or"Ms. Honda",forexample. Now Iwant todiscusseating16 . Insome cultureseatingeverything on your plate is considered 17 . However, Americans consider a 18 plate a sign of 19with the food. Finally, I want to say something about gift-giving, which in many cultures hasstrictrules.Forexamp
9、le, nevergive 20 flowersto peoplefrom Iran,which meansyou hate them!(分数: 50.00)解析: lecture解析: Mexico 听力原文 Good afternoon, class. I want to start my lecture by telling you a story. Once there was a youngwomanfromMexiconamed Consuelawho came to New York to learnEnglish.She got a job ata factoryowned b
10、y a Chinese.One day,as Consuelacame towork,her Chinese bosshanded hera redenvelope.Consuela looked inside and saw 20 dollars. She became very upset and threw the envelope back ather boss. Her boss was shocked. Well, he had given her the red envelope and the money becauseitwas theChineseNew Year.And
11、on theChineseNew Year, itistraditionaltogivemoney to youngsinglepeopleforgood luck.However,from Consuela"spointofview,herewas an olderman givinghermoney in an envelope which meant thathe was askingher for sexual favors.Naturallyshe refusedto take the money.Now, what does this story show us? It
12、shows that an action can have totally opposite meaningsin different cultures. Every culture has its own rules for what is appropriate and what is notappropriatebehavior.And toillustratemy pointtodayI"mgoing to giveexamples fromfourareas.First,the way people greeteach other indifferent cultures.
13、 Second,theway they usenames andtitles. Third, the way people eat. And finally, the way they exchange gifts.OK, let"s start with greeting customs. First of all, I"m sure you know that in the United Statesand inmost Western countries,greetingsofteninvolvesome sortoftouching,such as a handsh
14、ake,a hug, or a kiss if people know each other very well. On the other hand, people from most Asiancountries don"t usually feel as comfortable touching in public. Although handshakes betweenbusinesspeople are common, many Japanese prefer a bow, while people from Thailand normally holdtheir hand
15、s together in a kind of prayer position. So imagine how embarrassing it would be ifan American was invited to someone"s home in Japan or Thailand and she tried to hug the host!Now, another behaviorthatdiffersfromculturetocultureistheuse of names.Have you noticedthat Americans are quick to use p
16、eople"s first names, even if they have just met? For instance,visitors to the United Statesare alwayssurprised tohear employeesspeak totheirbosses usingfirstnames. In contrast,peoplein most otherculturesaremore formaland prefertobe addressedas "Mr.Brown" or "Ms. Honda", fore
17、xample. In addition,in some countries,such as Italy orKorea,peoplelikeyou to includetheirtitleorpositionwiththeirfamilynames,especiallyifthey"reuniversity graduates or owners of a business.Now I want to look at eating customs. I"ll talk about the behaviors connected with eating thatvary fr
18、om culture to culture. One of these is the use of utensils. You probably know that peoplein many Asian cultures use chopsticks but in some countries, it is customary to eat with yourfingers.It"simportanttobe aware ofdifferentdiningcustoms. Here"sanotherexample:Insomecultures eating everyth
19、ing on your plate is considered impolite. In Egypt and China, you shouldleavesome food in yourdishat the end of themeal. This istoshow thatyourhostswere generousand gave you more than enough to eat.However,Americans generally considera cleanplate asignof satisfaction with the food.Finally, what I wa
20、nt to mention today is gift-giving, which you may think is a universal customwith not much variation from culture to culture. But the rules of gift-giving can be verycomplicated. In the United States, if you"re invited to someone"s home for dinner, bring wineor flowersor a smallitem as a p
21、resent.On the otherhand, theJapanese give giftsquitefrequently,often to thank someone such as a teacher or doctor. In the Japanese culture, gift-giving is averyancienttraditionand ithas many detailedrules.Another interestingfactaboutgift-givingis thatmany cultures have strict rulesaboutgifts youshou
22、ldnot give. Forexample, nevergiveyellow flowers to people from Iran, which means you hate them!解析: owned解析: traditional解析: single解析: favors解析: opposite解析: illustrate解析: greetings解析: involve解析: touching解析: hug解析: comfortable解析: names解析: addressed解析: customs解析: impolite解析: clean解析: satisfaction解析: yel
23、low三、 B( 总题数: 1,分数: 50.00)Scientists have found a cheap and easy way of 1 a condition from recordings of people sleeping.Severe snoring is the sound of a sleeper fighting for 2 . Lots of people snore, but the loud and3 snoring caused by a condition known as 4 sleep apnea, OSA, can leave a sufferer 5
24、 and fuddledduring the day.OSA is costly and 6 to diagnose, and it"s difficult to distinguish genuine OSA from 7 snoring.But a team in Brazil has a simpler solution: they have found a way of analyzing snore recordingsthat is able not only to 8 OSA but can distinguish between mild and 9 cases.Di
25、agnosing OSA from snore sounds is not a new idea. The question is how the clinical conditionis revealed by the 10 . In 2008, a team in Turkey showed that the statistical 11 of snores hasthe 12 to discriminate ordinary sleepers from OSA 13 .Scientists looked for 14 patterns in OSA and the snore 15 ca
26、n be used as a pretty reliable 16for the AHI (the apnea-hypopnea index). And "snore 17 " is measured by a Hurst exponent, whichreveals18 patternsina seriesof events.An 19 computeranalysisof the snore seriescould "learn"to use the Hurstexponent todistinguish19 from severecasesofOS
27、A, making the correctdiagnosisfor 16 of 17 patients.Scientists have found a cheap and easy way of 1 a condition from recordings of people sleeping.Severe snoring is the sound of a sleeper fighting for 2 . Lots of people snore, but the loud and3 snoring caused by a condition known as 4 sleep apnea, O
28、SA, can leave a sufferer 5 and fuddledduring the day.OSA is costly and 6 to diagnose, and it"s difficult to distinguish genuine OSA from 7 snoring.But a team in Brazil has a simpler solution: they have found a way of analyzing snore recordingsthat is able not only to 8 OSA but can distinguish b
29、etween mild and 9 cases.Diagnosing OSA from snore sounds is not a new idea. The question is how the clinical conditionis revealed by the 10 . In 2008, a team in Turkey showed that the statistical 11 of snores hasthe 12 to discriminate ordinary sleepers from OSA 13 .Scientists looked for 14 patterns
30、in OSA and the snore 15 can be used as a pretty reliable 16for the AHI (the apnea-hypopnea index). And "snore 17 " is measured by a Hurst exponent, whichreveals18 patternsina seriesof events.An 19 computeranalysisof the snore seriescould "learn"to use the Hurstexponent todistingu
31、ish19 from severecasesofOSA, making the correctdiagnosisfor 16 of 17 patients.(分数: 50.00)解析: detecting 听力原文 Scientists say they have found a cheap and easy way of detecting a condition from recordings ofpeople sleeping. Snoring is no joke for partners, but it"s not much fun for the snorer eithe
32、r.Severe snoring is the sound of a sleeper fighting for breath, as relaxed muscles in the pharynx(the top of the throat) allow the airway to become blocked. Lots of people snore, but the loudand irregular snoring caused by a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea, OSA, can leave asufferer tired
33、and fuddled during the day, even though he or she is rarely fully awoken by thenight-time disruption.OSA is costly and laborious to diagnose, and it"s difficult to distinguish genuine OSA, whichafflicts between 4% and 10% of the population, from ordinary snoring. Often a snorer will needto slee
34、punderobservation ina laboratorywired uptoinstruments that monitor brainwaves, eyemovement and other sleep-related activities. But a team in Brazil that brings together medicsand physicistshas a simplersolution:they say theyhave found a way of analyzingsnorerecordingsthat is able not only to spot OS
35、A but can distinguish between mild and severe cases.Diagnosing OSA from snore sounds is not a new idea. The question is how, if at all, the clinicalconditionis revealedby thenoises.Does OSAaffectthetotalnumber of snores, ortheirloudness,or their acoustic quality, or their regularity or several or al
36、l of these things? In 2008, ateam inTurkey showed thatthe statisticalregularityof snores has the potentialto discriminateordinarysleepersfrom OSAsufferers.And lastyear a group inAustraliafound thata rathercomplexanalysisofthe sound characteristicsof snores,suchas thepitch,might be capable of providi
37、ngsuch a diagnosis, at least in cases where the sound is recorded under controlled and otherwisequiet conditions.A person who snores but does not suffer from OSA typically does so in synchrony with breathing,with successive snores less than about ten seconds apart. In these cases the obstruction of
38、theairway that triggers snoring comes and goes, so that snoring might stop for perhaps a couple ofminutes or more before resuming. So for "healthy snoring", the spacing between snores tends tobe either less than ten seconds or, from time to time, more than about 100 seconds.OSApatients,mea
39、nwhile,have snoreintervalsthat fallwithinthistimewindow. The snores followone anotherin train,butwith a spacingdictatedby themore seriousrestrictionof airflowratherthan the steady in-and-out of breathing.Scientists looked for unique patterns in OSA by measuring what they call a snore time intervalin
40、dex, which is a measure of how often the time between snores falls between 10 and 100 seconds.They compared this with a standard clinical measure of OSA severity called the apnea-hypopneaindex, AHI, which is obtained from complicated monitoring of a sleeping patient"s airflow in alaboratory.Hypopnea isthe milder formof OSAinwhichtheairwaybecomes only partiallyblocked.They found that the higher the val
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