压力管道陡坡段 施工安全措施_第1页
压力管道陡坡段 施工安全措施_第2页
压力管道陡坡段 施工安全措施_第3页




1、压力管道陡坡段 施工安全措施 压力管道陡坡段 施工安全措施之相关制度和职责,1.边坡顶部施工段设安全护栏。使用phi;48×3.5钢管制作,立柱间距3m,横杆用扣件固定,钢丝绳两端各6m,距边缘0.4m。非工作人员禁止进入护栏内,工作人员必须系安全带。safetyguardrailshould. 1.边坡顶部施工段设安全护栏。使用48×3.5钢管制作,立柱间距3m,横杆用扣件固定,钢丝绳两端各6m,距边缘0.4m。非工作人员禁止进入护栏内,工作人员必须系安全带。safety guardrail should be installed at the top section o

2、f side slope. 48×3.5 steel pipe, the space is 3m, the horizontal steel pipes are connected by fasters, the fencing shoud be 6m from the rope in each side ,and 0.4m from the edge of the slope. no authorized persons shouldn't enter the site. all workers must wear the safety belts. 2.进入吊篮时,必须挂

3、临时爬梯。temporary climbing ladder must be hung as entering into the bucket platform.3.日安全检查项目:1)吊篮;2)钢丝绳及附件;3)卷扬机安全保护装置;4)地锚;5)安全绳检查。items of daily safety inspection: 1) bucket platform; 2) wire cable and its accessories; 3) safety protection device of windlass; 4) anchor; 5) safety rope inspect.4.吊篮内底

4、面必须铺满钢筋网,边缘设100cm防护栏杆,底部设20cm的挡板。bottom of the platform must be placed with wire mesh. 100cm guardrail should be installed at the edge. 20cm baffle should be installed at the bottom.5.吊篮提升或下放设专人指挥,用倒链调节吊篮坚持水平。one person should be assigned to command the bucket platform lifting and dropping. the guid

5、ing chain should be used to keep level of the bucket platform.6卷扬机钢丝绳必须与卷筒垂直,钢丝绳必须支撑在托辊中间。the rope of the winch must be perpendicular to the drum. the rope must be supported in the middle of the ring7.吊篮就位后,应切断电源、锁上开关箱。after the bucket platform is in place, the power should be cut off and the switch

6、 board should be locked.8.严禁超载:吊篮载重量不得超过1吨,施工人员不得超过3人;不用的材料、物件应及时清理运至地面。forbid overloading: the bucket platform loading should not be over one ton, over 3 persons. any unused materials and goods should be sent to the ground in time.9.卷扬机地锚要求牢固可靠;钢丝绳安全系数不小于14倍。the anchor of windlass is required to be

7、 firm. the safety coefficient of cable wire should not less than 14 times.10.边坡上独立设置一条安全绳至吊篮,工作人员必须系好安全带并将其挂在安全绳上,严禁悬挂在吊篮或钢丝绳上。吊篮内工作人员安全绳必须固定在推土机上。a separate safety rope to bucket platform should be set on the slope. workers must fasten the safety belt and hang on the safety rope, forbidding to hang

8、 on the bucket platform or cable rope. the safety belts of workers who work on the platform must be tied to the bulldozer11.施工作业必须在白天进行,当碰到雷雨、雾或5级以上风力的天气时,不得进行作业。construction must be carried out in the day time, and not performed in thounderstorm, fog or above 5 grade wind.12.施工应符合高处作业规程。constructio

9、n should be performed in accordance to working regulation at high place.13.电焊作业时,不得用钢丝绳作地线。while welding, the cable rope should not be used as earthing line.14.作业中,发现运转不正常时,应马上停车,并采用安全保护措施。if abnormal running is found while working, should stop and take safety protection measure.15.吊篮投入使用前,应做荷载试验,要求升降正常,灵敏可靠。loading test should be done before the bucket platform is put into use, which is required to lift and drop normally, smoot


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