1、2019年12月四级考试貞题及答案第二套Part IWntiIIg(30 minutes)DireCtioils: For this pan. you (Ire allowed 30 minutes to Wnfe a Ietter to a foreign friend Who WanfS to Iearn C hine×e. PleaSe recommend a PhlCe to him. Yoll ShOIlId U h/e al IeaSl 12() words but no more than 18() W ordS.Part IILiSteIliIIg COmPreheI
2、lSiOlI(25 InilllIteS)SeCtiOIl ADireCtions: In IhiN section.Will hear Ihree HeU S re)orls. At Ihe encl OfeUCh HeU s report, you U ilI hear Iu o Or Ihree quesfions. BOlh Ihe news report Und then CllleStiOnS will be spoken Only once. A fteryOtl hear a CllIeStiolK you must ChooSe the best UnSwer fronl t
3、he four choices marked A). B)、C) andD) . Then mark Ihe ColTCSPonding Iener On AnSyvCr Sheet hvifh U SiHglC fine IhrOUgh Ihe CenfreQUeStiOIIS 1 and 2 JlI e based on the news report you IIaVe just hear<L1 A) The number Of nurses has dropped to a record low.B) There IS a growing ShOrtage Of medical
4、PerSonnelC) TheIe IS discrimination against Inale nurses.D) The number Of male nurses has gone down.2. A) CultUral bias.B) Inadeqllate PayC) EdUCatiOnal SyStem-D) WOrklng COndltIOnSQUeStiOlIS 3 and 4 are based on the IIeWS report you have just heard.3. A) He fell OUt Of a IifebOatB) He IOSt his Way
5、On a beach.C) He WaS almost drowned.D) He ejoyed SVVlInmIng In the Sea4. A) The beach is a POPUlar tourist resort.B) TIle emergency SerVFiCeS are efficient.C) The beach is a good PlaCe to WatCh the tideD) The IifebOatS PatrOl the area round the CIOCk-QUeStiOIlS 5 to 7 are based on the IIeWS report y
6、ou have just heard.5. A) It became an Onllne StarB) It broke IntO an OfTiCe room.C) It escaped from a IOCal zoo.D) It Climbed 25 StOreyS at One go.6. A) Send it back to the zoo.B) RCleaSe it IntO the wild.C) RetIlm it to its OWnerD) GiVe It a PhySICal CheCkUp.7. A) A raccoon CalI PertbrnI acts no hu
7、nu can.B) A raccoon Can ClImb IlHlCh higher than a cat.C) TIle raccoon became as famous as SOnIe politicians.D) The raccoon Clid SOnIething no POIitiCiall CoUldSeCtiOn BDireCtioils: In IhiS SeCtiolK you will hear hvo Ion COlnerSaIiOns. At Ihe end Of each COnVerSation. you WilI hear four questions. H
8、Oth the ConVerSation and the IlIIeShOnS U ill be SPOken OnIy OnCe After you hear U CJUeSIiO. you must ChOOSe the best UnSU er fro/n Ihe fdUr ChOiCeS marked A). B). C) Clnd L). Then mark the COITCSPOndin ICtfCr On AnSW er Sheet 1 W ith a SinMIC IinC through Ihe Centre.QlICStiOlIS 8 to 11 are based On
9、 the COIIVerSatiOII you have JlISt heard.8 A) She got a WeIl-paying job In a bankB) She received a bonus UneXPeCtedlyC She received her first montlly SalaIy.D) She got a Pay raise for her performance.9. A) SeVeral years a琴CKB) TWO (JeCa(JeS ago.C) Rlght after gradation.D) JuSt IaSt InOnth10. A) He S
10、ent a SmaIl CheCk to his parents.B) He took a few OfhiS friends to a gymC) He immediately deposited it in a bankD) He treated his ParentS to a nice Ineal.11 A) BUy SOIne PrOfeSSiOnal ClOtlleSB) BUdget her Salaryr CarefUIlyC) Join her CoIleagUeS fbr gym exerciseD) ViSit her former UnIVerSity campus.Q
11、ueStiOIlS 12 to 15 are based on the COnVerSatiOlI you have JuSt heard.12. A) He has a difficult CleCiSiOn to make.B) He has been OVerVVOrked recently.C) He has just quarreled With his girlfriend.D) Ue has just too many things to attend to.13. A) CriVe PnorinZ to things more urgent.B) Tllrn to his gi
12、rlfriend fbr assistance.C) TlIink twice before making Ihe decision.D) Seek advice from his family and advisor.14. A) HiS ParentS and advisor have different OPInIons.B) HelS IlOt Pal tICUlarIy keen On the job OneledC) He IaCkS Ihe InOney fbr his doctoral PrOgrain.D) HiS girlfriend does not SIlPPort h
13、is decision.15. A) I hey Ileed time to make PreParatlOnS.B) They Ileed to SaVe enough InOney for ItC) They haven't Started their CareerS yet.D) They haven't WOn their parents' approval.SeCtiOn CDirections: In this SeClion3 you M iIl hear three passages. At Ihe CnCl OI eaCh /)ClSSagef you
14、 WiIl hear three Or fOHr ClUeStions. Hofh Ihe passage CInd the CIUeSiionS WilI he SPOken OnIy OnCe Afferyou hear a question, you must ChooSe the best answer from IhefOUr ChOiCeS marked A). B)、C) and D). Then mark the corresponding Ietter On AnSM er Sheet I U ifh a single line IhrOUgh the Centre QIIe
15、StioIIS 16 to 18 are based on the PaSSage you IIaVe just hear<L16. A) ACquInng InibimatlOn and PrOfeSSiOnaI knowledge.B) USing InfbrmatiOn to UnderStand and SOlVe PrObleInSC) EnnChing SOCial and intellectual IiVeS.D) EKPreSSing ideas al OPiniOnS freely.17. A) ImPrOVing Inind-reading strategies.B)
16、 Reading ClaSSiC SCientifiC Ilteranire.C) PIaying games that ChalIenge One s mind.D) TraVeling to different PIaCeS in the WOrld18. A) GiVe OtherS fieedom to express themselves.B) EXlX)Se themselves to different CUltUreS.C) DISCard PerSOnal biases and PreJUdiCeSD) PartiCiPate In debates Or discussion
17、s.QlIeStiOnS 19 to 21 are based On the PaSSage you IIaVe just heard.19. A) he nature Of relationships between dogsB) The reason a great Inany PeOPle IOVe CiOgS.C) Why dogs CalI be faithful friends OfhumanS.D) HOW dogs feel about their bonds VVith IHlInanS.20 A) They have a UIHlSual SenSe Of responsi
18、bilityB) TIley Call respond to humans' questions.C) I hey Can fall In IOVeJUSt Iike InlmanS.D) They behave Ilke Other animals in Inany ways.2L A) They have their OVvn JOyS and sorrows.B) They experience true romantic love.C) Tlley help humans in VanOUS VVayS.D) They Stay Witll One Partller for I
19、ife.QueStiOnS 22 to 25 a*e based On the PaSSage you IIaVe just heard>22. A) A CoW honeB) Alare animalC) AhlStOriCal site.D) A PreCiOUS StOne.23. A) MeaSUring itB) PreSerVing it.C) Datlng it.D) Identifying it.24 A) The Site ShOllld have been PrOteCtedB) The boy,s family had acted COrreCtly.C) The
20、boy ShOUId IlaVe CalIed a expert.D) The ChalilIel needs to IntenieW the boy25. A) SearCh for SiInilar fossils elsewhereB) ASk the university to reward JUdeC) COnCkICt a InOre detailed SealCh)Seek additional funds for the SearChParl IIIReading COmPrehenSiOlI(40 IllilIUteS)SeCtiOII ADireCtioils: hi Ih
21、iS SeCtiothere is CI I)CISSWfith ten blanks. YoIl Ule rccrud to SClCCl one U ord fdr each blank from a IiSl Of ChOiCeS iVen In U word hank following the PUSSae RCad IhC I)(ISSCIC through CarCfulIy before making your ChorCes. EaCh ChOiCe in IhC hank is Kieiuif/ed hy Cl IeIfer PIeaSe mark Ihe ColTeSPo
22、ndln IelIerfbr CaCh IIenl On AnSWer Sheel 2 WIIh a SinIe IiHe Ihn)Uh the CenIre. You may not USe Uny of the WordS in IhC bank more than OnCeQIIeStiOnS 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.Finally. SOnIe good news about airplane travel. If you are On a PlalIe With a SiCk passenger you are IInh
23、keIy to get SiCk That is the 26 Of a new StUdy that IOOked at how respiratOryF Viruses 27 On airplanes. ReSearCherS found that Only PeOPle WhO VVere Seated in the Salne row as a PaSSenger With the flu, for example r One row in front Of Or behind that individualIIad a high risk Of CatChing the illnes
24、s. All Othel PaSSengerS had OnIy a Very 28 ChanCe Of getting sick, according to the findings. Medla reports IIaVe not necessarily PreSente(J 22 information about IlIe risk Of getting infected On an airplane in the past. Therefore. these new findings ShOUId help airplane PaSSengerS to feel I ess 30 t
25、o CatChillg IeSPiIatOry infections WhiIe traveling by airPnOr to the new study. Iitter WaS known about the risks Of getting _ 31 infected by COlnlnOn respiratory viruses. SUCh as the flu Or COInmOn cold, On an airplane, the researchers said. So. to 32 the risks Of infection, the StlIdy team flew On
26、10 (Jifferent 33 in the US. during the flu SeaSOn. The researchers found that PaSSengerS Sitting Within two SeatS On 34 Side Of a PerSOn infected With flu. as Wen as IhOSe SIttlng One row In front Of or behind this individual, had about an 80 PerSOn ChanCe Of getting SiCk BUt Other PaSSengerS Were 3
27、5 Safe from infection. They had a IeSS than 3 PerCent ChanCe Of CatChIng the flu.A) accurateB) COnClUSiOnC) directlyD) eitherE) evaluateF) explorationsG) flightsH) IargelyI) nearbyJ) respondK) SlimL) SPreadM) SUnImItN) ViVidIyO) VellerableSeCtiOIl BDireCtiOns: In IhiS SeCliOIL you Ure MOiHM to read
28、U PUSSaMC With Ien SkllenlentS attached to each Statemeuf COntainS information given in OnC Of the paragraphs. IdCnhfy the paragraph from WhiCh the information is derived. Yolf may ChOOSe a PurUrUPIl more IlUUl OHCe EUCh PUrUrUPh is marked Wilh a Ienen AnSWer Ihe questions by marking Ille ConVspondi
29、ng Ieuer On AnSWCr Sheel 2IS BreakfaSt ReaIIy the MOSt ImPOrtaIIt Meal Of the Day?A AlOng With Old ClaSSiCS Iike "carrots give you night vision' and "Santa doesn't bring toys to IniSbehaVing ChiIdref One Of the most Well-WOrn PhraSeS Of tired ParentS everyrwhere is that breakfast i
30、s the InOSt important meal Of the day. Many Of US grow UP believing that SkiPPIng breakfast is a SenOlIS mistakeeven if Only two thirds Of adults in the IJK eat breakfast regularly, according to the BntiSh DietetiC Association, and around three-quarters OfAinericans.B "The body IlSeS a IOt Of e
31、nergy StOreS for growth and repair through the night/* explains (Jiet SPeCIaliSt Sarall Elder. "Eating a balanced breakfast helps to UP OUr energy, as WeIl as Inake UP for PlOtein and CaICiUln USed throughout the night/' BlIt there's WldeSPread disagreement OVer Whether breakfast ShOIlI
32、d keep ItS top SPOt in the hierarchy Of meals. There have been COnCernS around the SUgar COntent Of Cereal ad the food industry's involvement in PrObekfast researchand even One Clailn from an academic that breakfast is "dangerous".C WhatWS the reality? IS breakfast a necessary Start to
33、 the day Or a Inarketing tactic by Cereal companies? The InOSt IeSearChed aspect Of breakfast (and breakfast-skipping) has been ItS IInkS to ObeSlty SCientiStS have different theories as to Why there's a relationship between the two. In One US Study that analyzed the health data Of 50.000 PeOpIe
34、 OVer SeVen years, researchers found that those VVhO Inade breakfast the IargeSt Ineal Of the day Were more Iikely to have a IOWer body InaSS index (BMl) than those WhO ate a Iarge IlInCh Or dinner. The researchers argued that breakfast helps reduce daily CalOne Intake and improve the quality Of OUr
35、 diet一SinCe breakfast foods are Oiten higher in fiber and nutrients.D BUt as With ay StUdy Of IhiS kind, it was UnCIear if that VVaS Ihe CaUSeOr if breakfast-skippers Were JllSt InOre IIkeIy to be OVerweight to begin with. TO find out, researchers designed a StUdy In WhICh 52 ObeSe WOnIeI) took PaIt
36、 In a 12VVeek Welght IOSS PrOgrain. AlI had the Salne IHllnbel Of CaIOrieS OVer the day, but Iialfhad breakfast, WhiIe the Other half did not What they Rnmd WaS that It VVaSn t breakfast itself that CauSed the PartICIPantS to IOSe weight: it VVaS Changing their normal routine.E If breakfast alone is
37、n t a guarantee Of Weight Ioss9 Why is there a Iink between ObeSity and SkiPPing breakfast9 AIeXandra JOhnStone, PrOfeSSOr Of appetite research at the IJniVersit>, Of AberdeeiK argues that it Inay SimPly be because breakfast-skippers have been found to be IeSS knowledgeable about IHItntiOn and he
38、al什i八ThCre are a IOt Of StUdieS On the relationship between breakfast eating and POSSlbIe health outcomes, but this may be because those WhO eat breakfast ChOOSe to habitually have healthenhancin琴 behaviors SUCh as not SInOking and regular exercise/* She SayS.F A 2016 review Of 10 StUdieS IOOklng mt
39、o tle relationship between breakfast and VVeIgIIt management COnCIUded there is IimIted evidence' SUPPOrtlng Or refuting Ihe argument that breakfast influences VVeight Or food intake, and InOre evidence is required before breakfast recommendations Can be USed to help PreVeIH ObeSity.G ReSearCher
40、S from the UniVerSity Of SUrrey and UniVerSity Of Aberdeen are halfway through research IOOking into the mechanisms behind how the time We eat influences body VVeight Early findings SllggeSt that a bigger breakfast is beneficial to Weight COntrOL BreakfaSt has been found to affect more than JUSt wei
41、ght. SkiPPIng breakfast has been associated WIth a 27% InCreaSed risk Of heart disease, a 21% IHgIler sk Of type 2 (JIabeteS men. and a 20% IUgher risk Of type 2 (JlabeteS in women. One reason Inay be breakfast s InltrItiOnal VaIUePallly because CeIeal is fortified With Vitamlns. In One Stlldy On th
42、e breakfast habits Of 1.600 young PeOPle in the UK researchers found that the fiber and micronutrient intake WaS better in those WhO had breakfast regularly. There IIaVe been SilniIar findings in AUStlalia, BraZiL Callada ad the USIHI BreakfaSt is also associated WItb ImprOVed brain function, includ
43、ing COnCentratiOn and IangUage use. A review Of 54 StUdieS found that eating breakfast Call ImPrOVe memory, thougl the eflects On Other brain functions Were inconclusive. However, One Of the IeVieW S researchers. Mdry Beth SPitZnageL SayS there is "reasonable" evidence breakfast does impro
44、ve COnCentratiOnthere JUSt needs to be InOre research. "Looking at StudieS that tested concentration, the number Of StUdieS ShOVVing a benefit WaS exactly the Same as the number that found no benefit/' She says. 44And no StUdleS found that eating breakfast WaS bad for concentration. '1
45、What s most ImPortant. SOme argue, is What We eat for breakfast. Hlgh-PrOtein breakfasts have been found PartiCIIlarly effective In reducing food and COnSIinIPtion Iater in the day. according to research hy rhe AlIStralian ConlmonVVealth Scientific and IIUIUStnal ReSealCh OrganiZatiOn While Cereal r
46、emains a firm favorite among breakfast COnSUInerS in the UK and US, a recent investigation into the SiIgar COntent OfadUI广 breakfast CerealS found that SOme CerealS Contain InOre than three quarters Of the recommended daily amount Of tree SllgarS In each portion, and SUgar WaS tle SeCOnd Or thid hig
47、hest ingredient in CerealS.JBUt SOme research SUggeStS if we're going to eat SUgary foods, it's best to do it early. One recruited 200 ObeSe adults to take Part in a 16-week-long diet. Where half added dessert to their breakfast, and half didn't ThOSe WhO added dessert IOSt an average Of
48、 40 POUndS InOreIlOWeVer. the StUdy WaS Unable to ShOW the IOilg-term effects A review Of 54 StUdieS found that there is no COnSenSlIS yet On What type Of breakfast IS healthier, and COnCIUded that the type OfbleakfaSt doesn't Inatter as InuCh as Sllnply eating SOInethIng.KUrhile there's no
49、COnClUSiVe evidence On exactly What We ShOllld be eating and when, the COnSenSUS is that We ShOUId IiSten to OUr OWn bodies and eat When VVe re hungry. "Breakfast is InOSt ImPOrtant for PeOPle who are hungry VVhen they Wake up/ JOhnStOne SayS EVery body StartS the day dfterentlyad those IndlVld
50、Ual differences need to be researched more closely, SPitZnagel says. "A balanced breakfast is really helpful, but getting regular meals throughout the day is more important to IeaVe blood SUgar StabIe through the day. WhiCh helps COntrOl Welght and hunger levels/' SayS Elderw "Breakfas
51、t isn't the Only Ineal We ShOUld be getting right."36. ACCOrding to One PrOfeSSOL ObeSity is related to a IaCk Of basic awareness Of nutrition and health.37. SOme SCientlStS CIaim that PeOple ShOUld COnSUme the right kind Of food at breakfast38 OPiniOnS diHer as to VVhetller breakfast is th
52、e InOSt important Ineal Of the day.39. It has been found that not eating breakfast is related to the incidence Of Certain diseases In SOme COUntrIeS40 Researchers found It VVaS a ChaIlge in eating habits rather than breakfast itself that induced Weight loss.41. TO keep OneSelf healthy, eating breakf
53、ast is InOre important than ChOOSing VVhat to eat42. It IS Wldely COnSidered WrOng not to eat breakfast.43 MOre reseach is Ileeded to PloVe that breakfast is related to Weight IOSS Or food intake.44. PeOPle WhO PnOntieS breakfasts tend to have IOWer CaIOne but higher nutritional intake45. Mally Stud
54、ieS reveal that eating breakfast helps PeOPle IneInOrieS and COnCentrate.SeCtiOII CDireCtioils: TIIere CIIV 2 PUSSaCS in IhiS section. EUVh PaSSCle is followed by Some questions or IInfiniShed statements. FOr CCICh of IhenI /here are four ChOiCeS marked A). B), C)Und I) You SholIld CleCide on the be
55、st ChoiCe Und mark the ColTeSI)Ondin Iener On AHSU Cr SheeI 2 U iIh CI Sinle Iine the CenIre.PaSSage OneQlIeStiOnS 46 to 50 are based On the following passage.Textbks represent an 11 billion dollar industry. UP from $8 billion in 2014. TeXtbOOk PUbliSher PearSOil is the IargeSt PUbliSher f ay kindin
56、 the WOIidIt COStS about $1 million to Create a new textbook. A freshman textbook Will have dozens Of COntribUtors, from SUbjeCt-matter experts through graphic and IayOUt artists to expert reviewers and CIaSSrOoIn testers. TeXtbOOk PUbliSherS COnneCt professors, instructors and StUdentS In WayS that
57、 alternatives, SllCh as OPen E-TeXtbOOkS and OPen EdUCatIOnal Resources. SlmPly do not. ThIS COnneCtiOn happens not Only by IneanS Of COllabOratiVe development, review and testing, but also at COnferenCeS VVhere IaClllty IegUIarly decide On their textbooks ad CUmCUla for Ihe COnling year.It is true
58、that textbook PUbliSherS have recently reported losses. Iargely CkIe to SnldentS renting Or buying IlSed Pnnt textbooks. BIit this Can be Chalked IIP to the exorbitant COSt Of their booksVVluCh has increased OVer LooO PerCent SinCe 1977. A reshuffling Of the textbook IneklStly may Well be In order. BUt this does not InealI tle end Of the textbook itself.While they Inay not be as dynamic as an iPad, textbooks are not PaSSiVe Or IifeIeSS FOr example, OVer the centuries, they have SilnUlated dialogue in a number Of WayS FroIn 1800 to the PreSent day. textbooks have done this by POS
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