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1、仁爱版九年级上册英语UIIit4第四单元导学案(含12个课时)Unit 4 AmaZing SCieIICe导学案:TOPiC 1 WheIl WaS it invented?SeCtiOn A学习目标:1. 复习一般现在时的被动语态。2. 感知与学习一般过去时的被动语态。3. 学习关于发明物的材料和用途等句型。4. 通过感知被动语态的句型,加深印象,了解常用电子产品的发展史等情况。【自主导学基础过关】生词集中营,根据音标拼读单词,掌握以下重点词汇1汉译英:宇宙飞船:锁:手提电脑;数码的、数字的:2.英译汉rocketmetalSatenite-【知识链接】点拨释疑I .短语互动译出下列短语I

2、. 被允许做某事2 be bad for3. 花费.在某物上4. be made Of5. be USed for6. 实现II. 语言知识1. BeCaUSe m not allowed to PIay COmPUter games. 因为我不可以玩电脑游戏。allow “允许、准许”的意思。常用于以下几种形式:(1) allow +n.prep 如:We Cant allowSUCh a thing.我们不容许这种事情发生。allow sb. to do Sth 允许某人做某事如:She allowed me to go fishing.她允许我去钓鱼。allow +doing Sth允许

3、做某事如:We donlt allow SmOking in the reading-room.我们不允许在阅览室吸烟 °(4) be allowed to do Sth 被允许做某事如:The StlIdentS are allowed to Play games On the PIay ground after SChOOL 放学后学生们被准许在操场上做游戏。2. ItS made from wood.它用木材做的。(1) be made in在.地方制造,后接表示地点的夕词。be made Of用.制造的,表示原材料未经化学变化,仍可看得出原材料。(3) be made fro

4、m用.制造的,表示原材料经过化学变化,已看不出其原样。be made by由(被).(人)制作,后接表示人的名词或代词。be made into (某物)被制成(6) be made UP Of 由组成如:The TV SetiS made in Japan.这台电视机是日本生产的。TheSe houses are made Of stones.这些房子是由石头建造的。PaPer is made from wood.纸是木头造的 CWaS this Cake made by your mother?这蛋糕是你妈妈做的吗?Metal Can be made into all kinds Ofth

5、ings.金属可以制成各种 0样的物品 QThe medical team is made UP Of ten doctors.这支医疗队由 10 位大夫组成。3、 It's USed for Sending SatelIiteS Or SPaCeShiPS into SPaCe(1) be USed fbr+vingbe USed to do (被)用来做.强调用途或作用(2) be USed as(被)作为.而用,强调被当作工具或手段来用。be USed by被 使用,by后跟人/物,强调使用者。: PenS are USed for writing.钢笔被用来写字。WOOd is

6、 USed to make paper.木材被用来造纸。EngIiSh is USed as a foreign IangUage in China.英语在中国被当作外语使用<>Rerders are Often USed by EngIiSh teachers.英语老师经常使用录音机QIII.语法讲解:一般过去时的被动语态谓语部分的基本形式是be的过去式waswere+及物动词的过去分词。如:When it (make)?它是什么时候制造的?It (make) in 1980它是 1980 年制造的。When the digital Camera (invent)?数码像机是什么

7、时候发明的?It (invent) in 1975.它是 1975 年发明的3【当堂检测】被动语态(一般过去时)专项练习:1. My COUSin bought a COIOr TV set.2. My brother mended his WatCh IaSt night3. Mother made a big Cake for US yesterday4. They Painted the table green IaSt week.5. They found SOme money Iying On the floor.6.She ShOWed me her new skirt.7.His

8、 mother made him do his homework carefully.Unit 4 TOPiC 1 SeCtiOn B一、学习目标:掌握:(1) DO you know When it WaS invented7(2) It WaS invented in 1879.二、学习重点:掌握一般过去时的彼动语态三、学习过程:(-)导入:自学la:汉译英;1. _个电灯: 2.二千多3. 在某人的_生中4.在他的一生中5. 和.不同6.往这边走7.被某人发明 8.at that time(二)自学指导:l.It,s Said that he invented more than two

9、 thousand things during his life. 据说他一生中发明了 2000多个东西。点拨:ItS Said that. 据说 ItrSrePOrtedthat据报道练习:乩据说上个星期他去北京出差了。heBeijingIaSt week.点拨:invent 发明,创造(动词);发明(可数j) invention;发明家inventor练习: He is a great(invent),and Ile has many(invent)LaSt year IIea new kind Ofbike(三)自我检测:选择合适短语填空,并注意苴适当形式。be different fr

10、om, take PhOtOSJ be SinIilar tof SO fa the Same.as1. The Weather in the USAthat in AUStraIia2. The StUdent has mademistakes he did IaSt time3. Digital Camera is USed for .生, more and more teenagers in AnIeriCa have ShOWed great interest in IeamingChineSeours.5. GrOUP ThreeS OPiniOnS用所给单词的适当形式填空。6. I

11、t WaS USed in OUrStUdy.( day )7. The airplane is different from(today)8. Edison, an AmeriCanI Created many things, (invent)Unit 4 TOPiC 1 SeCtiOn C一、学习 目标: 掌握:invention CrayOn thought Silly balloon gn robot keyboard二、学习重点、难点:掌握一般过去时的被动语态三、学习过程:(-)导入:自学la:英汉互译:1出现,发生 2.H朝笑 3.share.with.4.大多数时彳I 5.在发明

12、过程中6. 以许多方式 7.做一个.模型 (二) 自学指导:1 MOSt Of the time, inventions IIaPPen because SOmeOne WOrkS to SOIVe a PrOblem 大多数时候,有人为了解决问题而工作,发明就偶然发生了。点拨:SOIVe a PrObIem 解决一个问题。SOIVe的宾语多为PrOblemf answer的宾语多 为 question.2. NOne Of these tilings WaS PIanted in elds.这些物品没有一个是种在田地里的。 点拨:no one与none都表示否定,但用法有所不同,它们的区别是

13、:a. no one用来指人,其后不能与Of连用,用作主语时,谓语动词用用单数。E.g.NO One IikeS a PerSOII With bad manners.b. Hone不仅指人也可指物,其后常接Of短语,构成“none of+名词/代词”结构,当名词 是复数时,谓语动词用单复数均可。当none Of后接代词宾格时,谓语动词用单数。E.g. NOne Of the houses has / IlaVe a Iarge garden in SOme big CitieSNOne Of US IikeS POnUtiOn3. InVellting is interesting and

14、exciting.发明是有趣和令人兴奋的。此句中 inventing 是 动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。(三) 自我检测:1. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.1 hope OUr difficulties Will SOOn (appear)2. The boss is SO(friendly) to his WOrkerS that none Of them Want to WOrk for himfor IOng 3. Hearing thenews, all Of US felt(excite)4. The U.S.A. is(develop) than any Other COUntry

15、 in the world.2, 选择正确的答案()1 The POnUtiOn PrOblem is Very SeriOUS now. ItiS difficult toit.A. answerB. SOlVeC. UnderStandD brainstorm()2._Of the StUdentS are PIaying outside, for it's raining. A. NO One B. NOne C.SOmeOne()3 The IittIe boyWhen he SaW his mother.A. Cried any IOnger B. didn t Cry an

16、y more C. Cry no more()4. We are _ to hear the newsA. surprised; SUrPriSedB. SUrPrising; SUrPriSedC. surprised; SUrPriSing()5.Studentstheir hair When they are at SdIOOLA.don t allow to dye(给 染色)B.are not allowed to dyeC.arenlt allowed to dyingD.aren t allowed dying( J 6. WlIen WaSUmbrelIa?A. /; inve

17、nted B.a; discovered C.an; discovered D.the; invented()7. HelPing OtherSa happy thing, SO you ShOUId Often help others.A. amB. isC. areD WaS()8.-HOW many SnldentS are there in your school? 一 AbOUt.A. two thousands B. thousand OfC. two thousand D thousands Of()9. A Iight blbby ThOmaS EdiSOn in 1879A.

18、 inventedB. is invented C. WaS invented D inventUnit 4 AmaZing SCienCe导学案:TOPiC 1 WIIen WaS it invented?SeCtiOn C学习目标:1. 让学生了解一个发明物所要经历的过程,鼓励学生动手动脑,热爱科学,进一步升华本单元的话题"Amazing Science"。2. 通过为段落选择小标题的活动训练学生的阅读策略,掌握重点词汇和句型。3. 通过写作练习,巩固对被动语态的掌握。【自主导学基础过关】短语互动译出下列单词和短语1、发生2、绝大多数时候3、发明发明家4、没有一个(件)

19、5、疯狂想法6、与某人一起分享某物【知识链接】语言知识1. InVentiOnS COme about in many ways.发明有多种产生方式。COme about意为"发生、产生如:Can you tell me how the accident Came about?你能告诉我事故是怎样发生的吗?2. SOmetimeS inventions are the result Of accidents.有时发明正是由于偶然发生和碰巧的原因。the result of.的原因。3. ThiS is the time to brainstorm for ideas and to e

20、valuate thembrainstorm意为"集思广益:集体献计Mo如:BrainStOrm as many ideas as people.大家尽虽:动脑筋想办法。4. See if your invention WOrkS as it is PIanned If not ,do more research, redesign it, and test it again.检查一下你的发明是否是按计划运转的,如果不是的话,多做调査,重新设计,并再次 检测。Ifnot如果不.的话.【当堂检测】被动语态一般过去时一、选择题()1. A SmallVillageby flood IaS

21、t Week A. WaShed away B. is WaShed awayC. WaS WaShed away D WaSheS away()2. OUr SChOOl ten years ago A. built B. has built C. WaS built D. is building()3. SimOnthat his bikejust now A. WaS told, WaS found B. told, foundC. told, WaS found D WaS told, found()4. HOW many PeOPIeOUt Of fire yesterday A.

22、SaVed B. WaS SaVed C. Were SaVed D Were SaVing()5. MOSt Of the WOrk, WaSnrt it ?A. finishes B. WaS finishing C. finished D.was finished二、根据要求完成下列句子。1. They CiiSCUSSed the PrOblem this morning (改为被动语态)2. The robbers Were CaUght by the POIiCe this morning (改为否定句)3. Did your ParentS SPare you any time

23、yesterday?(改为被动语态)4. Were the ChiIdren taken to the ZOO by Mr WU IaSt Sunday?(改为主动语态)5. HiS CarWaS SOld because he needed money.(对划线部分提问)6他的邻居上个月被谋杀了。(翻译句子)Unit 4 AmaZing SCienCe导学案:TOPiC 1 When WaS it invented?SeCtiOn D学习目标:1引导学生进一步总结一般过去时的被动语态的构成及用法,并进行整理和归纳。2. 通过阅读科普文章,激发学生的兴趣,训练把握文章细节的能力,同时拓展学 生

24、的知识面。【自主导学基础过关】短语互动译出下列短语和单词1. 发现2. 只要3. 被用来做4. 起作用、奏效5. 其余时候6. 找出,查处7. 人造的、非天然的8. GPS9. at anytime【知识链接】语言知识1. ThiS method WOrked Well at night as IOng as the Weather WaS good and :the StarS COUld be seen.在夜间只要天气晴朗,能看见星星,这种方法就能很好地发挥作用。WOrkWen 有效; as IOng as 只要2、本话题日常交际用语:What,s it made Of /from?WlI

25、en/where WaS it made?It WaS invented in 1879.I hope your dream WiIl COme true重点语法:1、一般过去时的被动语态谓语部分的基本形式是be的过去式waswere+及物动词的过去分词。 如: When WaS it made?它是什么时候制造的?It WaS made in 1980.它是 1980 年制造的。WlIen WaS the digital Camera invented?数码像机是什么时候发明的?It WaS InVented in 1975.它是 1975 年发明的。2、时间前所用介词的速记歌年月周前要用i

26、n,日子前面却不行。遇到儿号要用on,上午下午艾是in。要 说某日上下午,用On换in才能行。午夜黃昏须用at,黎明用它也不错。at也 用在时分前,说“差”可要用上to。说“过”只可使用past,多说多练牢牢记,莫让 岁月成蹉足它。【当堂检测】1. 完成 PrOjeCtDeSCribe YOUr InVention.2. 阅读短文并完成下列的句子 LOng ago, PeOPle found OUt their directions by ThiS Wayif the WeatherenoUgh. BUt it WaS ain the daytime Or the Weather WaS. N

27、ow; PeOPle USeto explore Where they are. PeOPIe Can USe itanyr anyand any. SO We Can Say the GPS is one Of the greatestin modern timeUnit 4 AmaZing SCienCe导学案:TOPiC 2 I am excited about the things that Will be discovered in the futureSeCtiOn A学习目标:1. 学习一般将来时态的被动语态。2. 训练学生的听说能力,为语言的输岀提供范例。3. 通过练习日记的形

28、式,培养学生运用语言的能力。4. 通过具体听力题型的训练,培养学生用问题进行推测的能力。【自主导学基础过关】生词集中营,根据音标拼读单词,掌握以下重点词汇:1. 汉译英:显示,显露:描写,描述2. 英译汉SCreenalienOUter SPaCe【知识链接】点拨释疑I .短语互动译出下列短语1将有2.在将来 3.能做某事4.迫不及待II.语言知识1.1 donlt think aliens Can be found in SPaCe当think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect等动词后的宾语从句含有表否上时,该否泄应 移至主句,即否定主句的谓语动词,我们称

29、为否左前移,但要翻译成中文时否左要后移。eg: I don,t think it Will rain tomorrow.我认为明天不会下雨如果主句的主语是第二、三人称,否定式一般不转移。 如:He SUPPOSeS they WOntWin the game.他猜想他们贏不了 比赛。2. can +be +过去分词,是情态动词构成的被动语态。如:ThiS can,t be done in a ShOrt time.这 不是短期内能完成的。3.1 won,t believe there are aliens Until I See them With my OWn eyesnot.until.译

30、成:直到.才,它常用在主句为一般将来时,从句为一般现在时的时间状语从 句中。eg: MOStSnldentS (没有停止讲话)Until Mr Lin(进来 )【当堂检测】1根据3的对话内容,你能说说你对-是否有外星人-的看法I think BeCaUSe2. 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1 HUndredS OfjObSif the factory CIOSeSA. IOSe B. WiIl be IOSt C. are IOSt D. Will IOSe2. Aftera fire broke OUt in the lab, a IOt Of equipmentA. is damaged

31、 B. had damagedC. Will be damaged D WaS damaged3.1 need One more StamP before my COlleCtiOnA. has COmPleted B. COmPleteSC. is COmPIeted D Will be COmPIeted4. YbUrjObOPen for your return.Thanks.A. WiIl be kept B. Will keep C. had kept D. had been kept5. Why donrt you PUt the meat in the fridge? It Wi

32、nfresh for SeVeral days. A. be Stayed B. Stay C. be Staying D have Stayed6. The new PIaynext week.A. PUt On B. WaS PUt On C. Will PUt On D Will be PUt On7. The Wet Weather Will COntinUe tomorrow When a COld frontto arrive A. is expecting B. expects C. is expected D Win be expected8. KeeP WOrking har

33、d,be rewarded With SUCCeSSA. and you are to B. andyourll C. you are going to D .you will9. Will you go ShOPPing W让h me this weekend?-ItA. is all depended B. is all depending C. all depends D WiIl be depended10. The number Of deaths from heart disease Will be reduced greatly if PeOPleto eat more fnit

34、 and VegetableSA. PerSUade B. Will PerSUade C. Will be PerSUaded D are PerSUadedUnit 4 AnIaZing SCiellCe导学案:TOPiC 2 I am excited about the things that WiIl be discovered in the futureSeCtiOlI B学习目标:1. 复习一般将来时的被动语态,培养和提高学生的听说能力。2. 让学生了解更多关于UFO的科学知识。3. 训练学生对句子重读和语调的发音以巩固本课的重要句型。【自主导学基础过关】短语互动译出下列单词和短语

35、I. 加入;2.宇航员:3.钦佩、羡慕4.掌握,精通:5.意识到,领会,实现6长大成人;7宇宙 8.in the future; 9.dancer 10.喜欢 胜过 II. Something new; 12.on the stage; 13.work hard; 14将被实现:【知识链接】I. 语言知识1. HaVe you heard the news On TV about the SPaCe flight to Mars?the SPaCe fliglt to.意为"到 的太空之旅"2 BUt I Prefer SCienCe to dancePrefer AtOB

36、意为"与B相比更喜欢A:相当于Iike B betterPrefer +n to +n 如:I Prefer red to bluePrefer +v-ing to +v-ing如:She PreferS going OUt for a Walk to Staying at home,3. m excited about the things that Win be discovered in the future此句为一般将来时态的被动语态will+be+vpp;同时初步了解左语从句II. 语法讲解一般将来时的被动语态的结构和用法一、一般将来时的被动语态的构成一般将来时的被动语态的

37、构成为:will/Shal1+ be done,苴中Shall常用于第一人称,Will 用于各种人称。二、一般将来时的被动语态的用法1. 表示根据计划或者安排将要发生的被动性动作。如:ThiS WOrk Will be done at once.这项工作将立即完成。ThOSe books WilIbe PUbIiShed next month那些书将于下月出版O2. 表示有固左性条件就有规律性被动结果。如:Heated to 100Cj Water Will be turned into Steam 加热到100度时,水将会变成蒸汽。IfyOU SPeak in class, you Will

38、 be PUniShed如果你在课堂上讲话,你将会受到惩罚。三、一般将来时的被动语态的否定式以及疑问式一般将来时的被动语态由肯左式变成否左式、疑问式时均应借助于助动词will/ Shall 来完成,如构成否左句时直接在will/ Shall后加not;构成一般疑问句时将will/Shall提前, 其简略回答保留Wil1/ ShaIL如:ThiS bridge Will be built soon, won,t it?这座桥很快将被建成,是吗?Won,t Water be turned into ice, if it is below freezing?如果气温在冰点一下,水难道不会变成冰吗?【

39、当堂检测】1. 阅读Ia,完成WOrkaIOne IC (注意用一般将来时态的被动语态)2. 阅读“并完成下列的句子 There Will be three nationsPart in the SPaCe flight to SOmething newabout Mars. Kangkang WantS to be an When heup. MariaSCienCe to dance, SO her dream job is to be a in the fiiture.Unit 4 AmaZing SCienCe导学案:TOPiC 2 I am excited about the thi

40、ngs that Wiil be discovered in the future.SeCtion C学习目标:1. 以图片形式预测火星的有关知识,激发学生的阅读兴趣,同时以阅读短文方式训练学生 的阅读能力。2. 以种题型的训练方式训练学生对文章细节的捕捉能力和批判性阅读的能力。3. 以写作(电邮)形式,巩固所学句型和语法知识,加强学生综合语用能力的训练。 【自主导学基础过关】短语互动译出下列单词和短语1. IOOk like; 2.be named after; 3.at a distance of; 4.be COVered by;5. be ClOSed to; 6. journey;

41、7.limit; 8.excitement; 9.limit;10.与.一样.;12.进展顺利:13.生活条件;14.值得:15.围着.转;16.太阳系;17.直径:18.风暴:19.重力、引力;20重,有重;【知识链接】语言知识.1. ItS diameter is 53% as Wide as that Of the earth.以上The gravity On the SUrfaCe Of MarS is about two-fifths as StrOng as it is On the earth.两句译成:英语中倍数的表达法是:A+be+(数+as+adj原+as+BA+be+ Z

42、H 数+adj 比 +than+Beg:ThiS treethat one.这颗树是那棵树的两倍高2. MarS goes around the SUn at a distance Of about 228 million kilometers.恒星在相隔大约228000000千米的地方绕着太阳转动。(l)ata distance Of 相隔(2)at a distance 在远处。如:The moon goes around the earth at a distance Of 38000Okm月球在距地球38万千米的地方绕地球旋转。The POIiCe followed him at a

43、distance.警察远远地跟着他3.It takes a SPaCeShiP about eight months to reach MarS from the earth Whenthe two PlanetS are ClOSeSt to each Other上句译成:take表“花费”时的用法的句型是:.eg: (每天我花费一小时读英语).4. It has been two days SinCe We Ianded On MarS自从我们登上火星以来已经两天了。it用作主语谈论时间,常与SinCe连用。女口: It is(或 has been) three years SinCe W

44、e Ieft SChOOL自从我们离开学校以来已经三年了。5 WIIatS WOrSel OUr Water SUPPIieS Were Very low.更糟糕的是,我们的水供给是非常有限的。WIlafS WOrSe更糟糕的是。类似结构还有:WhafSmOre更有甚者:更为重要的是。 【当堂检测】根据句尾括号里单词的提示,补全下列句子,每空一词。1 DOnt WOrry YOUr bikein a moment, (repair)2. OnCe OUr ParentS are away all the houseworkto me. (IeaVe)3. The football matchi

45、n OUr SChOOlnext Week(hold)4. Iflmore time, I WinViSit more PlaCeS in this beautiful City (give)5. Mary and IWhat to do next if We Cananswer his question, (tell)Unit 4 AmaZing SCienCe导学案:TOPiC 2 I am excited about the things that Wiil be discovered inthe future.SeCtiOn D学习目标:1. 进一步引导学生总结归纳与复习一般将来时态被

46、动语态的结构与 用法。2. 通过阅读有关太阳系的的短文及完成相关练习,训练学生对短文 大意的理解和把握以及将文字转化为图形的能力。3. 畅想外星人出现的种种可能,充分发挥学生的想象力,培养学生 与人友善的品质。【自主导学基础过关】短语互动译出下列单词和短语1. 成百上千万;2.在地球上;3. launch; 4.beyond; 5.发送到.【知识链接】语言知识SOme SPaCeShiPS have gone beyond the SOIar system.一些飞船己到了太阳系以外的地方。beyond意为“在(向)较远的一边;超出;除之外;晚于,迟于”。女CI: OUr SUCCeSS WaS

47、 far beyond What We thought.我们的成功远远超出我们的预想。【当堂检测】1. 翻译下列Fl常交际用语:SOUnd great!What is it about?What fun!I CaiVt wait.YOU think man Can IiVe in SPaCe One day?I Think so. I hope I Can IiVe there One day.2. 阅读13并完成下列句子is the Only One PIaCe Where there are IiVe s.The earth and Other PIanetS all arOUnd the

48、 sun. Andand its are CalIedSOIar SyStem AIthOUgh SCientiStS have many SPaCeShiPS to explore the SPaCe, they discovered in SPaCeUnit 4 AmaZing SCienCe导学案:TOPiC 3 China is the third nation that Sent a PerSOn intospace.SeCtiOn A 学习目标:1. 感知和学习定语从句的用法,并学习使用表示感叹的有关表达。2. 通过听力练习,训练学生理解对话大意、获取和捕捉关键信息的 能力。3.

49、进一步学习巩固关系代词WhO, which,that在定语从句中分别充当 主语或宾语的用法。【自主导学基础过关】一、生词集中营,根据音标拼读单词,掌握以下重点词汇:太空漫步(Il);里程碑,陆标;独立地,自主地;LUnar probe(n); PrOVe; Iegend;SignifiCanCe;(不会读的单词做标记)二、翻译单词、短语或句子。l.Hero; 2.travel around; 3.must be; 4.be PrOUd (Of);5.what's more;6.in the PaSt few years; 7.travel into; 8.travel to;9.mak

50、e great progress;10.send .into.;【知识链接】.语言知识1 HeiS OUr national hero WhO traveled around the earth in ShenZhOUV for 21 hours in 2003 China is the third nation to Send a PerSOn into SPaCe注意介词in, for,并通过这两句逐步讲解定语从句简单的相关知识。2. It PrOVeS that China has made great PrOgreSS in its SPaCe industry.那证明中国已在航天事业

51、上取得了巨大的进步。PrOVe意为“证明;证实”。常用于以下两种形式:(1) Prove+ (that)从句意为“证明”。如:ThiS PrOVeS that I WaS right.这证明我是对的。(2) Prove.to.意为“向证明;给证实”。女口: JUSt give me a ChanCe and ll PrOVe it to you.只要给我个机会,我就会证明给你看。【当堂检测】阅读Ia完成文章China is the nation to Send a PerSOn to SPaCe And YangLiWei is theChineSe to travel into space.

52、 Ithim 21hours to travel around the earth. WhatS more, China hasanother two SPaCeShiPS into the SPaCe in the Pfew years ThatP that China has made great P in its SPaCei.Kangkang hopes he Can to the mOne day. And MiChael thinks Kangkang Can ahis dream in theUIIit 4 AmaZiIIg SCienCe导学案: TOPiC 3 China i

53、s the third IIatiOn that Sent a PerSOn into space.SeCtiOn B学习目标:1. 巩固对于定语从句的理解和运用。2. 加强对左语从句理解的同时,学习句子朗读中的停顿、弱读以及语音、语调。3. 再次训练学生预测的能力、对知识的整理总结能力和利用关键词进行进行推测及捕捉关 键词的能力。【自主导学基础过关】短语互动,译出下列单词和短语1. 告诉某人关于某事2. 对.了解甚少3. 建议某人做某事4 electronic5. SPaCeSUit6. telescope【知识链接】语言知识宾语补足语:宾语补足语用来补充说明宾语,与宾语一起构成复合宾语。可

54、作宾语补足语的 有名词、形容词、副词、介词和动词不泄式等。动词不立式作宾语补足i耳可分为三种情况:1. 跟带to的不定式作宾语补足语。常见的这类动词有:ask, tell, get, teach, WantJ invite, advise, except, allow; WiShJ encourage 等 。如:TenJane (to Sing) US a song.叫简给我们唱支歌。Tenthem (not to talk) loudly.叫他们不要大声讲话。2. 跟不带to的不左式作宾语补足语。常见的这类动词有“一感(feel)、二听(IistentoJiear), 三让 (make, I

55、etJ have)'四看 (IOOk at, see, WatCK notice )如:LetrS (have) a rest.让我们休息一会儿O但这种结构变成被动语态时,to必须加上。女口: He WaS Seen to (IeaVe) the room With a book in his hand有人见他手拿着一本书离开这个房间。3. 跟带to或不带to的动词不泄式作宾语补足语。这类动词只有help O 如:Can you help me (to) wash my CIOtheS ?你能帮我洗衣服吗?4. 找出Ia中动词不泄式当宾补的句子并抄出来1. 2.【当堂检测】.单项选择(宾语补足语):1. The missing boy WaS IaSt Seennear the riverA Playing B. to be PIaying C. P


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