1、六年级英语上册-lesson2-new-friend-jenny教案(2)lesson 2 new friend, jenny (part one)【教学目标】通过本节课的学习,使学生复习介词in 的用法以及一般过去时态中动词的变化(规则及不规则动词),并掌握否定疑问句。拓展学生的文化视野,加深学生对英语语言的理解,能够得体地使用语言, 了解世界各国文化,开阔视野 教学重难点:能够熟练、准确地掌握句型:“where did you live in ”“i lived in ”“isnt in the west/ east?”,并对过去的居住地及某地所在地进行问答,能根据实际对自己居住地方为进行
2、现场演练演练。方位词west, east学生第一次接触,意思易弄混;否定疑问句是教学的难点,学生难理解。【教学过程】 一、课前口语交际、热身free talkt: hello, boys and girls.ss: hello, miss dong . t: how was your day?ss: we were ok. and you?t: i was ok, too. oh. who is late today?s: i am late today.t: why are you late?s: because i woke up late.t: please be on time fro
3、m now on. sit down, please.s: thanks a lot.(英语课上,课前的热身和正常的交流是十分必要的。她给学生们创造出了一个轻松、愉快地学习氛围,使学生通过这种语言环境,自然而然地过渡到了课堂的下一环节,为下一步的学习奠定了良好的基础;而过去时态的复习,又为这节课的学习作了铺垫)二、巧设情景,导出新知t: today, there is a new friend in our class.who is she?ss: she is jenny brown.t: do you want to know her?ss: yes. we do.t: ok. lets
4、go!(学生们喜欢有悬念感,喜欢结识新的朋友,自然而然的进入到的本课的教学重点之中。)1. 猜词竞赛(show the pictures of new words: new friend, live, west, east )t: boys and girls, do you like to have a match now, lets come into the round lets see which group can read the most words. if you are wrong , your group will cut down one point. come on!p
5、lease look at the pictures and guess the meaning of these pictures. (ss look at the pictures carefully and guess them one by one.)(以竞赛形式出现,学生们会有一种紧迫感,有了竞争意识。通过小组合作和探究,初步拼读出了图片中的单词,为下文的读文和熟练表达作了铺垫)2. 拼读新词、生词,巩固新知t: well done. lets come into the round 2. (show these new words lent).spell and read the
6、words together. please put up your fingers(学生伸出一只手指,进行拼读,这样可以增强学生的注意力,环环相扣,为下一步的写奠定基础;而齐读、拍手读部分,强化了学生的记忆,增强了学习兴趣,为句子的诵读,说唱做好准备!)t: in our life will come out many friends: old friends or new friends. do you know “new friend” how to spell(show the picture)n-e-w f-r-i-e-n-d new friendss: n-e-w f-r-i-e-
7、n-d new friend (spell it together)t: ask 3 ss of three groups to write the word on the blackboard. (match)ss: have a match and write the words.t: l-i-v-e live/ e-a-s-t east/ w-e-s-t west(show the pictures) ss: spell and write.drills: round 4: read and spell the words. the fastest group will get two
8、points.(单词是基础,没有单词就不会出现句子和对话。所以这一环节的设计强化了学生的记忆,而且用match 的方式,激起了学生们的竞争意识。)三、情境中感受词汇、理解词汇、运用词汇到句子中1. 单词再次出现,为句子的学习作铺垫 a) to show the words ( take out the pictures of words) (男女生抢答:每队出一个代表)t: lets come into the round 3. s: new friend/ east/ west/ liveb) to teach the
9、sentences: -we have a new friend here.-where did you live in canada-i lived in ottawa.t: do you have friends?ss: yes. t: can you introduce your friends to me?ss: ok. (introduce their friends each other/ talking) t: today , i have a new friend here. look at her-jenny (my new friend, jenny)ss: my new
10、friend, jenny. ( read it together)t: show the picture of jenny.d) listen and have chant along.drills: round 5: read the sentences. the best group will get two points.(chant 节奏感强,使学生们喜欢的一种读文方式,琅琅上口,便于读记。用这种形式一方面激起学生的学习兴趣,另一方面为下面的内容作铺垫)2. 英语小贴示language notessouthwes
11、t: 西南 (south + west = southwest)northeast: 东北 (north + east = northeast)where did you 你在地方做了事?isnt + 地点 + 方位词?不是在吗(isnt = is not)(这是课内知识的一个拓展阶段,复合词、否定疑问句出现,通过这个小图表,将抽象化的知识简单化)四、巩固练习1. 听录音并跟读chant 练习t: listen to the tape and read along.ss: 1) listen, read and repeat.2) answer the questions.t: “where
12、did jenny live in canada?”ss: she lived in ottawa. t: yeah! jenny lived in ottawa. you are great! (make ss write this sentence on a paper)t: isnt it in the west?ss: no! its in the east.t: very good. drills: round 6: snatches answers. the fastest group will get five points.(让学生们带着问题听录音,可以培养学生们听和理解能力,
13、提高了学生们的学习效率。而在回答的过程中,又培养了学生们的口语表达能力。对于六年级的孩子来说,这一点是非常必要的。像这样长期积累下去,最终孩子们的听、说、读、写四项技能一定会有所提高。)2. 情景交际,根据实际情况按照所给例子进行会话练习1. 单词再次出现,为句子的学习作铺垫 a) to show the words ( take out the pictures of words) (男女生抢答:每队出一个代表)t: lets come into the round 3. s: new friend/ east/ west/ liveb) to
14、teach the sentences: -we have a new friend here.-where did you live in canada-i lived in ottawa.t: do you have friends?ss: yes. t: can you introduce your friends to me?ss: ok. (introduce their friends each other/ talking) t: today , i have a new friend here. look at her-jenny
15、 (my new friend, jenny)ss: my new friend, jenny. ( read it together)t: show the picture of jenny. d) listen and have chant along.drills: round 5: read the sentences. the best group will get two points.(chant 节奏感强,使学生们喜欢的一种读文方式,琅琅上口,便于读记。用这种形式一方面激起学生的学习兴趣,另一方面为下面的内容作铺垫)2
16、.英语小贴示language notessouthwest: 西南 (south + west = southwest)northeast: 东北 (north + east = northeast)where did you 你在地方做了事isnt + 地点 + 方位词不是在吗(isnt = is not)(这是课内知识的一个拓展阶段,复合词、否定疑问句出现,通过这个小图表,将抽象化的知识简单化)四、巩固练习1. 听录音并跟读chant 练习t: listen to the tape and read along.ss: 1) listen, read and repeat.
17、160; 2) answer the questions.t: “where did jenny live in canada”ss: she lived in ottawa. t: yeah! jenny lived in ottawa. you are great! (make ss write this sentence on a paper)t: isnt it in the west?ss: no! its in the east.t: very good. drills: round 6: snatches an
18、swers. the fastest group will get five points.(让学生们带着问题听录音,可以培养学生们听和理解能力,提高了学生们的学习效率。而在回答的过程中,又培养了学生们的口语表达能力。对于六年级的孩子来说,这一点是非常必要的。像这样长期积累下去,最终孩子们的听、说、读、写四项技能一定会有所提高。)2. 情景交际,根据实际情况按照所给例子进行会话练习例:-hi, this is my new friend, yan xin. -where did you live in china -i l
19、ived in harbin. -isnt harbin in the south? -no! its in the north.(通过情境对话的练习形式,列举实例来说明词及句型的用法,提供阅读材料。侧重以“任务型”教学途径,创造性地设计贴近学生实际生活,以便于培养学生综合运用语言的能力)五、拓展练习引导学生运用对居住地问答的句型在同学中进行交际(现在时态过去时态的相互转化关系明确,尤其是动词变化与运用),在句子中要强调方位词的使用:in (the east/south/west/north) 联系生活实际展开有关居住地问
20、答的练习活动t: show the pictures (canada-ottawa, america-new york, england-london, china-beijing)在黑板上贴有单词卡(canada/the england/ china/ east/ south/north/ west), 并按国家名称和方位分别放置在黑板两边)ss: think about and make the dialogue. t: isnt _ in the _yes, it is./ no, it isnt. (write the sentence patter
21、n)ss: look at these sentences carefully.drills: round 7: ask 3 ss of three groups to turn the cards, make sentences, read them and answer the questions. (the right group will get down 5 point, match)(这是师生互动环节,教者能够参与到这个环节之中来,也增强了学生的自信心。)六、homework1. listen, chant and recite2. use these sen
22、tences to make up the dialogues: “where did your friends/parents/ students live in she/he/they lived in” “ isnt it in the ” and write them down. (此环节的设计一方面是课堂知识点的再现、总结与回顾,可以帮助学生巩固新知,强化记忆。)附:板书设计:lesson 2 new friend, jenny.(i)north west east where did you live incanada?i li
23、ved in ottawa. southisnt it in the west(north)no. its in the east. (south) lesson two new friend,jenny(part two).一、教学目标1.认知目标:1)拓展学习和应用单词north, south,san francisco, england,london,science, art, scientist, math,player,artist.2)听懂会说并能灵活运用以下的句型
24、:where did you live in _i lived in _.isnt _in the _whats your favorite subject?whos your favorite player?2.情感目标:培养学生树立远大理想并向伟人学习的目标。3.能力目标:引导学生积极参与游戏,调查,竞赛等丰富多彩的活动,逐步提高综合语言运用能力。二、教学重难点:where did you live in _i lived in _.isnt _in the _whats your favorite subject?whos your favorite player?三、教学资源录音机,磁
25、带,调查表,图片、字卡等四、教学过程 . greeting:t: hello, everyone. ss: hello, miss jiang.t: how are you ss: we are fine, thanks. revision.t: lets have a match, ok ss: ok. ss play the cards. (用竞赛的形式树立学生用英语交际的自信心。). new teaching.1. introduction. lets listen to the tape to learn what they a
26、re talking.(创设情景,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。)2. let practice one.t : lets listen and learn some more. please look at p20. look at these cards. north, south,san francisco, england,london,who can say them ss say and spell the new words.(培养学生自主学习的习惯,教师适当指导,给学生发展空间。)t: now lets follow to the ch
27、ant,ok ss chant along.3. lets listen and choose the answer. 4. read and number the picture.s practice two.t: good job. now lets listen to the tape at page24carefully. ss listen carefully. ss try to learn science, art, scientist, math,player,artist by themselves.t let ss speak out. t: listen and circ
28、le the picture.ss listen and check. practicet : good. lets investigate in groups. sum up.t: today you all did a good job. what did you learn?ss say their harvest. homework.t: todays homework:1) listen to the tape twice.2) read the text twice.3) w
29、rite the new words, phrases, and sentences. ending.t: thats all for today. lets sing a song to end our study. goodbye.i am going to miss you. have a nice day!ss: see you!blackboard design:lesson two new friend,jenny(part two).g1 g2 g3 g4where did you live in _i lived in _.isnt _in the _whats your fa
30、vorite subject?whos your favorite player?lessontwo new friend,jenny(part three).一、教学目标1.认知目标:1)四会单词:calculating,pe,basketball,difficult, favorite , subject, player , 科目类词汇。2)听懂会说并能灵活运用以下的句型:im not good at _. whats your favorite subject?whos your favorite player?2.情感目标:以情感培育人,以兴趣吸引人,培养学生热爱学习,团结协作,友好竞
31、争的精神。3.能力目标:引导学生积极参与游戏,唱歌,对话,调查,竞赛等丰富多彩的活动,养成动脑、动手的好习惯,启迪思维,成为学习的主体,主动学习,教会学生学会学习。二、教学重难点:im not good at _. whats your favorite subject?whos your favorite player?三、教学资源录音机,磁带,调查表,图片、字卡等四、教学过程i. warm- up1. greeting. t: good morning, everybody.s: good morning, miss wang.t: how are you?s: fine, thank y
32、ou.t: nice to meet you.s: nice to meet you.2. sing a song。t: lets sing a song.ii. revisiont: boys and girls ,look at the mpc. whats the first class?s1: math. t: how many lessons do you have in one day?s; seven.t: what are they?ss; chinese /english /math/ computer/ music/art/ science /pe/iii. presentation1. lets have fun twot: lets listen to the tape and try to answer: whats jennys favorite subject?ss listen to the tape carefully.2. to learn the wo
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