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1、Unit 4 How do you get to school?The first period一. 语言目标:1. 学会谈论如何到达某个地方.2. 学会谈论自己每天如何上学.3. 学会谈论自己的朋友,家人,如何上学工作.二. 语言结构:1How do you get to school? I take the bus .2.How does your father get to work? He walks.三. 词汇分类:take by subway walk train by bus on foot by bike by subway 等短语中间不能加任何冠词或代词。 forty fif

2、ty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred minute 重点1 How 的用法英语的特殊疑问句,通俗地讲是不用yes / no 来回答的疑问句,是由某些特殊疑问词引导的。具体说来即是有五个w-和一个h-,它们分别是what(什么), when(什么时候), who(谁), why(为什么), where(在哪里), how (怎么)。下面重点是本单元中出现的How的用法。例句:How do you get to school every day? 你每天是如何到达学校的? How 用来询问交通工具How long does it take?花多长时间呢? H

3、ow long 用来询问多长时间,指的是段时间,而不是点时间。(点时间即几点钟,几点几十分,有点象数学中射线上的任意一点;而段时间用数学号来表达,就是射线上的一节线段。)How far is it from your home to school?从你家到学校有多远?How far 用来询问距离,是几英里(mile), 还是几公里(kilometer)此外,表示时间有多长,还可以用How many hours / minutes (多少小时/分钟 )来提问。How are you?你好吗?(用于熟人之间的问候)How do you do?(用于初次见面的人之间的问候)How is the we

4、ather today / there ?今天 / 那里 的天气如何啊?用来询问天气情况。 任务设计任务I. How 知多少?请用上面提到的几种how的用法,完成下列对话。1 A:_?B: Pretty good!2.A: _? B: Oh, its too far. Its three miles.3.A;_ ? B: I take the subway, and then I walk.4. A:_? B: It usually takes about 30 minutes.5. A:_? B: Its really warm. How about you?6. A:_?B: H

5、ow do you do?课本任务:Section A 1a Answer: 1.take the subway 2. ride the bike 3. take the bus 4. take the train 5. walk 6. take the boat 7. take the car 8. take the taxi Pair work 1cHow does Bob get to school?He takes the train.Listening:1b 1. Bob: takes the train 2. Mary : takes the subway. 3. Paul: wa

6、lks4. Yang Lan : walks 5. John: takes the bus 重点2 : 交通工具的表达任务设计任务I. Transportation Guessing Game (交通工具猜谜游戏)任务II. 你会犯这样的错吗?请先看下面几组句子,从语法角度判断正误。T / F1. ( ) I by bike to the bus station.2. ( ) I ride my bike to the bus station.3. ( ) She walks to the zoo.4. ( ) She on foot to the zoo.你判断得正确吗?为什么呢? 解释:“

7、by / on + 交通工具”是个表示方式的介词短语,在句中作状语,不能做谓语,因为谓语只能由动词或动词短语充当。所以第1句应该改成第2句,或者还可以是什么呢?对了,还可以是 I get to the bus station by bike. 那么第4句应该改成第3句,且还可以改成 She goes to the zoo on foot.重点3 到达某地的表达表示到达某地可以有不同的动词短语。要注意动词后面的搭配。go to + 地名 (表示去某地)The second period Listening :2a 2c: 1. f 3. a 4. e 5. c2d: Pair work:How

8、do you get to school?Well, I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus.How long does it take?It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus.重点4 花多长时间的表达1. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花某人多长时间Eg. It takes me 15 minutes to walk.It takes him 20 minutes to ride a bike.It takes me 20 min

9、utes to get to the hospital.2. It takes sb. some time + 交通方式Eg. It takes her 15 minutes by bus.3. sth. takes some time 某种方式花多长时间(eg. the bus ride, the bicycle ride, that etc.)eg. The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.任务设计任务I. 请翻译几个句子1.   坐地铁花了我将近半个小时的时间。2. 我花了10分钟步行到公交站,又花了15分钟乘公交车。3

10、. 坐船通常要花一天的时间。4.大约花了25分钟。拓展 几个“花”的区别下面要介绍的是动词take, spend, cost的联系和区别。这三个动词的联系是它们都是“花”,它们的区别在于谁“花”,和“花”什么。take 是事物花,花的是时间。It takes sb. some time to do sth.sth. takes sb some timespend 是人花,既可以花钱,又可以花时间sb. spend(s) some money on sth. 某人买某物花了多少钱sb. spend(s) some time (in) doing sth. 某人做某事花了多少时间 cost 是物花

11、,花的是钱sth. cost(s) sb. some money任务II. 请翻译下列句子1              It _ me 2 hours _the mountain.2             _does it _ you to ride a bike ?3      

12、60;      The mobile phones are cheaper than before. This one only _me less than 800 yuan.4             She hardly ever _ time_ with my friends now.5           &

13、#160; Would you like to _two dollars on this book?参考答案及分析重点1 任务I1              How are you?2             How far is it?3         &

14、#160;   How do you get to school? ( 可根据实际情况变化)4             How long does it take?5             How is the weather there?6        

15、     How do you do? 重点2 任务Ion foot, by boat, by bicycle / bike, by skateboard, by air/airplane/plane, by car, by sea, by subway, by school bus,任务II F T T F重点4 任务I1.  It takes me almost half an hour to take the subway.2.It take me ten minutes to walk to the bus station, and f

16、ifteen minutes to take the bus.3.It usually takes one day to take the boat.4.It takes about 25 minutes.拓展1.  takes, to get to / to arrive at/to arrive in2.How long, take3.costs4.spends, playing5.spendThe third period:课本任务:3a :grammar 1. leave for 离开去某地e.g. I left for Beijing yesterday .我昨天去了北京。

17、2大约:about =around 3.ride ones bicycle to sp. 骑车去某地e.g. My sister rides her bicycle to the school every morning.4.take sb. to sp. 把某人带到某地e.g. The bus takes me to the park.How long and how farText :read or listen to the tape then answer the questions:1. How does he get to school?2. How long does it ta

18、ke?3. How far is it from his home to school?Pair work: 3bgame: 4 fill in the chant. Section B 1a 1. b 2. a 3 c 4.dPair work: 1b How do you get to school? Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway Listening:2a : The first and forth items should be checked 2b : picture 2 should be checked 2c Group work:use next and then in the dialogueThe fourth period :3a :read the article .then write T or F.


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