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1、付款委托书英文 篇一:授权委托书 - 中英文版 The Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney) I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. _ representing _(company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of _ _(region) and having its office at _ (address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned pers

2、ons Mr./Ms. _ , to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _ (company name)and _ (company name). Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and aut

3、hentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement. Signature to be authorized Date Print signature in English Print E-mail address Print full title of authorized Peron Print Tel Number Print name of Company Company c

4、hop/seal as applicable By SignatureDate Print signature in English Print E-mail address Print full title of executing officer Print Tel Number Print address 有权签字人委托书 兹全权委托 X X X 先生(女士)和 X X X 先生(女 士)代表本公司与贵公司签署货物买卖合同事宜,其代表本 公司签署的合同、订单以及其他文件,本公司确认其法律效 力。以上代理人的签名样本如下: X X X X X X (签字样本) X X X X X X (签

5、字样本) 以上代理人的签字在本公司送达贵公司有关变更通知 以前,本公司确认其法律效力。 X X X X 有限公司董事长: X X X (签字)(公司印章) 200X年X月X日 篇二:客户委托书 ( 英文版 ) THIS AGREEMENT(hereinafter called Party A ” ) of the one (hereinafter called Party B” ) of the other part WHEREAS Part A agrees to appoint Party B and Party B agrees to act as exclusive property

6、agent in accordance with the terms and conditions set out here below: I. II. Clause Party B agrees I) to adopt proper media to locate suitable properties, supply some information according to the requirements of tenant II) to report to Party A the progress and status whenever Party A inquires III) t

7、o assist to arrange transportation for Party A to view the property situated in the city. IV) to assist Party A to conclude letter of intent or tenancy/sale & purchase until party A check in the building. Party A agrees I) to notify Party B the exact usage of the property to be rented upon signi

8、ng this Agency Agreement. II) Party A will appoint Party B the exclusive agent of his leasing case and through Party B negotiate the item of Agency Agreement untilIV. contract sign. III) In the case of exclusive agency, Party A may be liable to pay commission to Party B which is month s rental/ Both

9、 parties shall keep the important contents herein contained confidential and shall not disclose to any uelated parties without having either party s consent or without business need. This Agency Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of People s Republic of China (PRC). In case of

10、uncertainty, both parties shall clarify in writing or shall refer to the interpretation of the related statutory regulations. Any dispute shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the arbitration of People s Republic of China. The applicable law shall be PRC law. /user6/e/Form/EAT Date:XX/

11、11/14 Appointment of Agent Type & Nature of Property to be Rented/Purchased (hereinafter called the property ” ) (both days inclusive)( “ Validity Period ” ) This Agency Agreement is made in duplicate and is deed at law from the time of signing by both parties. Party B:Property Services (Shangha

12、i) Co. Ltd. Address: Unit Plaza 66 1266 Nanjing Road (W) Telephone:Fax:/user6/e/Form/EAT Date:XX/11/14 【授权委托书】 英文版授权委托书样本 【授权委托书】 英文版授权委托书样本授权书 ( 或授权委托书 ) 在英文中有 两种形式,即 Letter of Authorization (LOA) 和 Power of Attorney (POA), 而且英文授权书在使用上是有一些区别的。 一般来说, Letter of Authorization 比较通用,几乎可以 用于各种形式和各种需求时的授权

13、 ; 而 Power of Attorney 的使用比较严格,被授权人应为律师 (Attorney) 。 在招标 投标书翻译时,一般应选用 Letter of Authorization 。 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION I, the name of legal representative, undersigned legal representative of the company name of the bidder, hereby authorize the undersigned the name of the duly authorized representa

14、tive to be true and lawful representative of the Companyfrom the date of this letter of authorization to act for and on behalf of the Company with legally binding effect for and in respect of to sign the bids. And I acknowledge all the contents contained in the bids signed by the authorized is hereb

15、y authorized. the Name of the Company: (official seal) Legal representative: (signature) Authorized representative: (signature) Date: 【授权委托书】工程项目授权委托书样本 【授权委托书】工程项目授权委托书样本 工程项目授权委托书 本授权委托书声明:我 ( 姓名 ) 系 ( 投标单位名称 ) 的 法人代表,现授权委托 ( 单位名称 ) 的 ( 姓名 ) 为我公司代理 人,以本公司的名义参加 工程项目的投标活动。代理人在 开标、评标、合同谈判过程中所签署的一切文件和

16、处理与之 有关的一切事务,我均予以承认。代理人: 性别: 年龄: 单 位: 部门: 职务: 代理人无转委权。特此委托。 投标单位: ( 盖章 ) 法定代表人: ( 签字或盖章 ) 日期 年 月 日 金融英语考试授权委托书中英模板 授权委托书 现授权 先生代表我 (公司)全权办理在昆山市 设立 之 相关审批事宜。授权时间至申办之公司取得工商部门核发的 营业执照之日为止。上述受权人在授权范围内签署的有关文 件我(公司)均予承认。 受权人有转委托之权利。 授权人: _ 年月日 Power of Attorney This is to authorize _ to be the attorney of

17、 me ( “ _ ” ) to execute any and all instruments for the purpose to complete the necessary registration for the establishment and operation of in New and Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone of Kunshan City. This power of Attorney shall come into effect from the date of execution and remain effective

18、 until the date when the business license of _ is issued. I recognize the documents executed by the Attorney on behalf of me within the scope of authorization. Company: _ Signed by: _ Date: _ 授权书 兹 _ ,现授权 _ 先生 / 女士全权负责我公司于 _ 土地拍 卖事宜。 法人代表: 盖章: 日期: Authorization Letter Hereof, Mr. / Ms _ is authorize

19、d by _ for the Land Auction _, Yushan Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province in China. Legal Representative: Stamp: Date: 篇四:授权委托书 ( 中英文对照 涉外法律实务中经常要用的好资料:授权委托书(中英 文对照 珍藏版) 在法律英语中, Power of Attorney 和 Proxy 均可用作 表示授权的委托书,区别在于 Power of Attorney 所指的被 委托人应为律师, 即具有律师身份, 而 Proxy 则无此种要求, 即被委托人一般不需具备律师身份。 GE

20、NERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY 一般授权委托书 I, _ _ ,of _ (2) _ ,hereby appoint _ (3) _ ,of _ (4) _ ,as my attorney in fact to act in my capacity to do every act that I may legally do through an attorney in fact. This power shall be in full force and effect on the date below written and shall remain in full forc

21、e and effect until (5) or unless specifically extended or rescinded earlier by either party. 我, (姓名), (地址等),在此指定 (姓 名), (地址或律师事务所名称等) ,为我的律师,以我 的身份履行一切实践中我通过律师所能从事的合法行为。本 权利在以下载明日期全权生效并一直持续到 或持续到 双方当事人规定的延展期或提前撤销期。 Dated (6) ,20 (7) . (8) STATE OF (9) (签名处) COUNTY OF (10) 日期: 地址: 州名和县名: _ PROX漫托书 BE

22、 IT DNOWN, that I, _(1) _ ,the undersigned Shareholder of _ (2) _ ,a _ (3) _ corporation, hereby constitute and appoint _ (4) as my true and lawful attorney and agent for me and in my name, place and stead, to vote as my proxy at the Meeting of the Shareholders of the said corporation, to be held on

23、 (5) or any adjournment thereof, for the transaction of any business which may legally come before the meeting, and for me and in my name, to act as fully as I could do if personally present; and I herewith revoke any other proxy heretofore given. 兹有我, (姓名) ,为 (公司名称及性质)的 以下署名股东,在此任命和指定 (姓名)为我的事实和 合法

24、授权代理人,为我和以我的名义、职位和身份,在上述 公司于 (日期) 召开的或就此延期召开的股东大会上作为我的代理人 对与会前合法提交大会讨论的任何事项进行表决,且为我和 以我的名义,在大会上全权履行我的职责;在此我撤销此前 所作的任何其他授权委托。 WITNESS my hand and seal this _ (6) _ day of _ ,20 _ (8) _ .于20 _ 年 _ 月 _ 日签字 盖章,特此为证。 篇五:委托书 ( 英文 ) 委托书 I, _ (Name), Passport/Identity Card 本 人, ( 姓名 ) 护 照/ 身 份 证 号 码 兹 委 托(姓

25、名) 护 照 / 身 份 证 号 码 代 表 我 递 交/ 领 取 my visa application 我 的 签 证 申 请。 on my behalf. Signature of Applicant Date 申 请 人 签 名 、加盖企业公章 日 期 篇六: XX 授权委托书中英文版 Power of Attorney 授权委托书 I, _ YOUR FULLat _ _ YOUR FULL ADDRESS, hereby _ appoint _ of _ _ as my Attorney-in-Fact (Agent). 我 , 您 的 合 法 全 名 , 住 所 为 您的地址 ,

26、在此委托 律 师 的 服 务 机 构 及 地 址 的 (律师姓名)作为LEGAL NAME, residing 我的代 理律师(“代理人”)。 I further appoint and empower the above-mentioned attorney to: Pursuant to the actual situation and 我授权上诉律师根据事实情况办理我的 。 Wehereby confirm that this Power of Attorney shall remain in full force from the date of signature to , XX(M

27、/D/Y). 委托期限自授权委托书签订之日起至 XX 年 月日。 IN WITNESSWHEREOIF cause this Power of Attorney to be duly signed. Page 1 of 2 作为证据,本人于此正式签订本授权委托书 Signature : 授权人签名: Date: 签订日期: XX October XX 年 月 日 Page 2 of 2 篇七:版权授权委托书 ( 中英文 ) 授权委托书 本人同意将本人所著述的论文 收入到 由 主编、出版社出版的论文集 中。并 委托与出版社洽谈该书的编辑、出版和发行事宜。 人同意,将上述论文授予版、发行的专有使用

28、权,且保证此 权利不侵害他人权益。若因以上权利的行使引起侵权纠纷, 则由本人文责自负、并承担由此给造成的一切损失。 特此授权。 授 权 人: 身份证号: 授权日期: 年 月 日 英文翻译版如下: The Letter of Authorization which is edited by and published by hereby appoint as my proxy to negotiate the matters of this book including editing, publishing and distributing with the Press. I agree to

29、 authorize the edit, publish and distribute the above thesis as a form of book, and insuring that this authorization will not invade other s right or benefit. Any infringement dispute or loss caused by the use of the above right shall be borne by myself. It is hereby authorized. Author: ID Number: D

30、ate: 篇八:授权委托书 ( 中英文 ) 授权委托书 本人李成效(姓名)系河南省路桥建设集 团有限公司(投标人名称)的法定代表人,现委托杨玫(姓 名)为我方代理人。代理人根据授权,以我方名义签署、澄 清、说明、补正、递交、撤回、修改前锋农场至嫩江公路伊 春至嫩江段建设项目伊春至北安段土建工程及北安至五大 连池景区段桥梁工程(项目名称)A1、A5标段施工投标文件、 签订合同和处理有关事宜,其法律后果由我方承担。 代理人无转委托权。 附:法定代表人身份证明 投标人:河南省路桥建设集团有限公司 法定代表人: 委托期限: 自投标人提交投标文件截止日期起计算 90 职务:总经理、董事长 身份证号码:

31委托代理人:杨玫 职务:经营部职员 身份证号码:XX年12月15日 Power of Attorney I, (name), am the legal representative of Henan Road & Bridge Construction Group Co., Ltd. (the bidder name), hereby appoint Yang Mei (name) as our agent. The agent is granted to sign, clarify, explain, su

32、pplement, submit, withdraw and amend the bidding documents sections (project name). The agent is also responsible for signing the contract and dealing with relevant matters in the name of our party, and we shall bear the legal consequences. Commission Period: 90 days from the expiration date for the

33、 bidding documents submitted by the bidder Wedont authorize our agent to appoint a sub-agent with the said power to act on our behalf. Attachment: Certificate of Identity of the Legal Representative Bidder: Henan Road & Bridge Construction Group Co., Ltd. (Seal) Legal Representative: Li Chengxia

34、o (Signature) Post: General Manager, Chairman of the Board ID card No.:Entrusted Agent: Yang Mei Post: Staff of Operating Department card No.:December 15, XX 篇九:代理委托书中英文版 这是律师出具的类似的授权书 POWER OF ATTORNEY 授权书 This is to authorize _ ( 人名) , _ ( 职 位 )of _ ( 公 司 )

35、to act as Legal Representative of the Companyto sign the agreement of with such powers, rights, duties and obligations as may be exercised and performed by the Legal Representative as per the Laws of PRC. 兹授权 _ 公司 _ ( 职位 ) _ (人名)为本 司法定代表人代理人,执行中华人民共和国法律规定下公司 法定代表人签署 _ 合同的权利责任及义务。 (法人代表) Legal Repres

36、entative (公司) (日期) SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY 特别授权书 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT下列为双方所议 定事项: Name of Taiwan Employer/Principal : 台湾雇 主本人 / 负责人名字(以下简称甲方) : Address 地址: Name of Representative (if applicable) 法定代理人 ( 若适用 ) : Position of Representative (if applicable) 职称(若适用 ): DO HEREBY NAME, CONSTITUT

37、E AND APPO在此 委托、 授权、指派 Name of Philippine Recruitment Agency 菲律 宾招募公司名字(以下简称乙方) GOLDEN HARVEST HUMAN RESOURCES & 代理人 MANAGEMENT Address 地址: Suite 406, 4/F, Building, 1563 F. Agoncillo St., Malate, ManilaName of Agency Representative 公司法定代理人: ANGIE Y. SANTIAGO Position in Agency 代理人职称: President

38、As its true and legal representative to act for and in my name and stead and to perform the following: 为甲方之法定代表人,以甲方之名义执行下列事情: To represent my name before any government and/ or private offices/ agencies in Taiwan and the Philippines for the purpose of recruiting, hiring and employment of Filipino w

39、orkers; 代表甲方在台湾及菲律宾两地,向其政府或私人单位, 执行菲律宾劳工就业招募,其招募相关文件作业及认证工作; To recruit Filipino workers in my behalf ; 代表甲方进行菲律宾招募程序工作; To execute, sign, seal, deliver, and present any all documents, and other pertinent papers, instruments and writings of whatever nature, kind and description, including employment

40、 contracts, necessary to accomplish the purposes for which this special power of attorney has been granted. 依此授权书效力作签署、鉴定、运送所有必要手续及办 理资料包括劳动契约书以完成招募劳工相关交易事项。 To bring suit, defend and enter into compromise in my name and stead in litigations and in all matters involving the employment of Filipino co

41、ntract workers, to appear at the pre-trial conferences and hearings of such cases against me; to engage, terminate, substitute and pay for the services of counsel; to submit to voluntary arbitration, to admit facts or documents or enter into stipulation thereof, to conclude amicable settlement or co

42、mpromise agreement and to file and receive pleadings, affidavits, position papers, motions, memoranda, appeals, petitions orders, decisions, resolutions and other papers in the course of litigation; 若甲方有任何涉及诉讼与抗辩之情事及之前法律程序 作业时,乙方必须代表负责协调在劳工就业契约期限内,出 席所有有关甲方之法庭聆讯或庭外和解;乙方必须参与、协 调、代理及支付相关咨询服务费用;以达成和平协议

43、或妥协 同意书;以接受诉愿书、切结书、仲裁文件、提议、公告、 上诉、请愿、决议、结论等程序办理其它有关诉讼文件; To assume jointly and solidarity with me any financial or civil liability or obligation that may arise in connection with the recruitment and / or employment of workers for me by virtue of any judgement or awards to such workers, subject to fu

44、ll indemnification and reimbursement by mein for whatever amount it may be forced or obliged to pay in my behalf, including attorney s fees and litigation expenses. 甲乙双方必须于劳工就业契约期限内,共同负担之任何 雇佣关系所产生任何财务或民事责任,包括因甲方于招募期 间与乙方所产生的劳资纠纷、争议之解决方法,如必要之律 师诉讼及服务费用。 HEREBYGRANTINGunto said representative full po

45、wer and authority to execute or perform whatsoever act, requisite or proper to be done in about the premises as fully to all intents and purposes as I might or could lawfully do if personally present, with power of substitution and revocation and; 特此,甲方授予上述代表人乙方全权执行、准许、确实 依法执行所代表之一切法律行为。 HEREBY RATIFYING AND CONFIRMINGall that said legal representative or substitute shall


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