1、unit 1 friendship speaking教学设计与反思(一)学生分析本节课教授的对象是高一刚入学的学生。因此,本模块的内容对他们有很强的吸引力,学生有话想说,利于口语教学的开展,但他们的词汇还很有限,口头表达能力不高,尤其是缺乏多样的表达结构和交际策略。(二)教材分析本节课内容选自人教版高中新课标英语教材必修1 unit 1Friendship。该模块主要谈论人际关系中非常重要的元素友谊,引入了与此有关的词汇,设计了与此相关的听说读写等活动以增进学生对友谊的认识,并让学生结合自己已有的社会知识,亲身体会及所学的语言知识和技能,深刻理解友谊的意义,培养学生积极的友谊观,并学会描述自己
2、对好朋友的要求及如何帮助朋友解决烦恼。本节课整合模块内的Vocabuloary and speak, Function and speaking以及 Reading practice等环节,补充了适当的口语训练材料,重点进行表达个人看法的口语训练。(三)教学目标分析1语言知识目标掌握和运用与友谊有关的词汇和表达结构:2语言能力目标能使用所学的词汇和句型描述好朋友的品质,能围绕“朋友”这一话题展开讨论,做一个简短的有条理的发言。3情感目标深刻体会友谊的含义,培养积极的友谊观以及帮助朋友解决困难。4学习策略目标注重引导学生在一定程度上形成自主探究,合作学习的能力。在交际方面, 能够积极参与小组活动
3、的讨论,利用情景进行交际,表达自己的想法。(四)教学策略1教学思路经过整合教材,本节课安排在第一课时进行。首先,播放英文歌曲Auld Lang Syne 引入友谊这一话题,然后用头脑风暴的方式对以前所学知识进行激活。接着呈现语言练习和材料,之后,循序渐进地开展口语练习( question-individual work-question-pair work-question-group work;words-sentences-dialogues-discussions-speeches)。2教学方法采用任务型教学法与合作学习法相结合的方式。围绕“友谊”这一话题,学生通过讨论、交谈等活动完成一
4、系列的任务,达到提高口头表达能力的目标。在充分利用教材资源的基础上,运用多媒体辅助教学:用PowerPoint将反映友谊的图片和有用的语言结构及任务布置清楚呈现;播放Auld Lang Syne英文歌曲,补充语言材料。3课前准备课件准备上, 用 PowerPoint整理反映友谊的图片,归纳整理有用的词汇和语言结构,作为口语活动的材料。剪辑英文歌曲Auld Lang Syne;教学组织上,将学生分好小组(按照学生的口语水平合理搭配),并确定小组的名称,组长作为发言人,保证小组合作活动顺利开展;教学目标预测上,针对不同层次的学生提出不同的目标。(五)教学过程Step 1 Lead-inPlay a
5、n English song << Auld Lang Syne >> for SS to listen to. After the song, ask SS what the song isabout.Focus:Arouse SS interest in the topic and prepare them for the next step.Step 2 Free talk (individual work)Ask SS one question and generate their ideas with two pictures.When do we start
6、 making friends?Focus:Encourage SS to talk and express their own opinions on friendship.Step 3 Pre-speaking: learn to give reasons (pair work)Ask SS a question:Why do we need friends outside the family?Ask SS to use the sentences given:Firstly / First of allSecondly / In addition / AlsoThirdly / Fin
7、allyFocus:Encourage SS to talk and enable them to learn to give reasons.Step 4 Pre-speaking :brainstorming (group work)Ask SS what they think a good friend should be like and tell them to think of ten words to describe theirstandards of a good friend.Standards of a good friend1. Brainstorm the vocab
8、ulary related to friendship and prepare SS for the next step.2. This exercise can be done by SS with low level.Step 5 While-speaking activity 1(individual work)Ask SS to practise telling their opinions of what a good friend should be like, using the sentence patternsoffered.1.I think a good friend s
9、hould be2.In my opinion, a good friend is someone who Focus:1. Give each member of the eight groups a small piece of paper with a numbered sentence. Then tell SS that in turns each person should read aloud his sentence for other members in his group without showingeach other their sentences. SS shou
10、ld listen carefully and put the sentences into correct order and makethem into a complete story.2.Ask what proverb they think of after reading the story.A friend in need is a friend in deed.3.Ask what this proverb tell us to do.If our friends are in trouble, we should try our best to help them out.F
11、ocus:Provide an opportunity for SS to talk more and introduce the proverb, which prepares SS for thediscussion in Step 7.Inspire SS to value their friendship.Step 7 While-speaking activity 4 (group work)Ask SS if their friends meet with the following problems, how can they help?1. Your friend Xiao L
12、i has recently been addicted to playing computer games. As a result, he stays up at night and sleeps in class. How can you help him?2. You saw your friend Xiao Chen cheating in the final exams. What should you do, pretending not tohave seen it ,telling the teacher or ?3. Your friend Xiao Wang told y
13、ou that he had stolen money from his parents several times. He felt guilty and ashamed now. However, he dared not tell his father because his father is very strict with him. How can you help him?4. Your friend Xiao Huang s parents got divorced and he felt depressed and lonely. How can you helphim ou
14、t? Focus:Provide some authentic situations for SS to practise their speaking. At the same time, it is a good chancefor them to share their feelings and ideas about the common problems facing young people nowadays.Inaddition, SS will learn to value their friendship.Step 8 SummarySummarise what has be
15、en learnt in this period.1. The time when we start making friends.2. The reasons why we need friendships.3. Our standards of a good friend.4. A story.5. Offer helps to our friends.Focus:Consolidate what SS have learnt and let them have a whole impression of the lesson.Step 9 Homework1. Speaking: des
16、cribe one of your best friends. ( Questions on page 36 are helpful.)2. Writing: give an example of your own to support the proverb: A friend in need is a friend indeed. Focus:Consolidate what SS have learnt and integrate speaking and writing practice. Get them to prepare for thenext period.(六 ) 教学反思
17、1成功之处( 1 )因多媒体设备临时出现故障, 没能按照教学设计中的歌曲进行导入教学, 临时改成欣赏课本的诗歌引入,反应出有较强的临场发挥和对课堂控制的能力。( 2 )本教学设计任务目标明确,教学指令清晰,评价语言丰富到位,所以学生能准确理解老师的意图并按要求完成每项教学任务,且积极参与课堂活动。( 3 )本教学设计的活动层次多样,紧扣主题,富有挑战性,能激发学生积极参与,并使每个学生都有兴趣说,有能力说,从而很好地达到了既定的教学目标。( 4 )大胆采用了小组讨论(合作学习)和任务型教学相结合的课堂教学模式,训练和提高学生的独立思考和沟通合作能力。( 5 )准确的评价和及时的总结让学生为成功感到喜悦, 并及时改进不足之处, 最大限度地提高课堂教学效率。
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