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1、课 程 名 称商务英语视听说(一)早节 名称Unit 1Job in terviews课程讲 授时间90分钟课 堂 教 学 目 的1. 知识目标:了解求职面试前的准备工作,面试程序及如何自我介绍等;掌握有关“求职面试”的重点交际语言。2. 技能目标:能听懂以“求职面试”为主题的录音, 并能正确回答求职面试过程中可能出 现的问题;3. 情感目标:初步学习并体验职业素养,培养学生商务英语专业的学习热情;通过小组讨论和任务分析,提高团队协作能力和处理问题的能力, 形成团队 合作意识和责任感。课 刖 准 备1. 思考问题Have you ever bee n to a job in terview?W

2、hat factors do you con sider importa nt?What preparati ons should a can didate make before the in terview?2. 听力练习Liste ning and speak ing task 1Liste ning and speak ing task 2 语言点 Follow-up practice3. 语言点学习1) Gen eral process of a job in terview2) 实践手册情景模拟之商务面试关于面试的最常用语句礼仪规范4. 小组汇报服饰礼仪面试时回答问题的技巧5. 情

3、景模拟表演设计一场英文面试,外贸业务员职位,练习作为面试者和应试者在面试活 动中基本用语。课外补充材料:当幸福来敲门电影英文剧本片段-Chris: I was waiting for Witter Resource head Jay Twistl.whose name sounded so delightful, like he'd give me a job and a hug?delightful:令人愉悦的我在等Witter公司人事部主管Jay Twistle,他的名字听起来很可爱就好像他会给 我份工作,外加一个拥抱。I just had to show him I was go

4、od with nu mbers and good with people. Morning, Mr. Twistle.而我所要做的,就是让他知道,我精通数字,而且懂得待人之道,早上好,Twistle 先生。-Twistle: Good morni ng.早上好。-Chris: Mr. Twistle, Chris Gard ner.Twistle 先生,我是 Chris Gardner。-Twistle: Hi.你好。-Chris: I wan ted to drop this off pers on ally and make your acqua intan ce.drop:放下 acq

5、uaintance:相识课 外 推 荐 资 源我得在你进去之前亲自把这个交给您和您认识一下。I thought I'd catch you on the way in. I'd love the opport unity to discuss.what may seem like weak nesses on my applicati on.weakness:软弱 application:申请希望有机会能和您坐下聊聊我申请表上看起来比较薄弱的几点。-Twistle: We'll start with this, and we'll call you if we

6、wanna sit down.好的,我们要先看下你的申请表,Chris需要面试的话会通知你的。-Chris: Yes, sir. You have a great day.好的,先生,祝您愉快。-Twistle: You too.你也是。-Chris: Hi. Chris Gard ner.你好,我是 Chris Gardner。-Twistle: Yeah, hi. Liste n. What can I do for you?你好,有什么事吗?-Chris: I submitted an application for the intern program about a month ag

7、o.and I would just love to sit with you briefly.submit:递交in tern:实习生briefly:简短的我一个月前交了份实习申请表,我想找机会和您坐下来简单谈谈-Twistle: Listen, I'm going to Noe Valley, Chris. Take care of yourself.听着,我要赶去诺亚谷,Chris你保重。-Chris: Mr. Twistle. Actually, I'm on my way to Noe Valley also. How about we share a ride?Tw

8、istle先生,我正好也要去诺亚谷,我搭个车怎么样?-Twistle: All right, get in.好吧,上车吧。-Chris: All right. So when I was in the Navy, I worked for a doctor.who loved to play golf, hours every day.好的,我在海军服役时为一个医生工作,他很喜欢高尔夫,每天都要花很多时间 在那上面。And I would actually perform medical procedures.when he'd leave me in the office. actu

9、ally:实际上 perform:执行 procedure:手续我还得替他处理医疗事务,当他不在的时候。So I'm used to being in a position where I have to make decisions and. Mr. Twistle, listen. This is a very important.positi on:立场我习惯于做出抉择,而且 Twistle先生,听我说,这很重要。-Twistle: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This thing's impossible.对不起,对不起,这东西不可能拼出

10、来的。-Chris: I can do it.我可以。-Twistle: No, you can't. No one can. That's bullshitbullshit:胡说你不行,没人可以的。不可能的。-Chris: No, I'm pretty sure I can do it.我确定我能行的。-Twistle: No, you can't.你不行。-Chris: Let me see it. Give it here. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow, you really messed it up.mess up:混舌 L让我看看,给我。哦,你

11、真是拼的一团糟啊。-Twistle: Sorry.不好意思。-Chris: It looks like it works around a swivel, so the center pieces never move. So if it's yellow in the cen ter, that's the yellow side.swivel:(使)旋转看起来这些是围绕一个轴心转动,中间的这部分保持不动,所以说如果中间那片是黄色这面就应该是黄色的。If it's red in the cen ter, that's the red side.如果中间那片是红

12、色,那么这面就应该是红色的。-Twistle: Okay.好的。-Chris: So. you can slow dow n.slow dow n:放慢速度开慢点吧。-Twistle: Listen, we can drive around all day. I don't believe you can do this.我们可以就这么一直开下去,我就不信你能拼出来。-Chris: Yeah, I can.我可以的。-Twistle: No, you can't.不,你不成。-Chris: Yes, I can.我可以的。-Twistle: No, you can't.

13、 I'm telling you, no one can.不,你不成。不,你不行,没人可以的。-Chris: See? That's all I ever do.看到没?我就只能到这步了。-Twistle: You almost have this side. Holy cow. You almost had that one. holy:圣人那面快拼出来了。哦,你拼出来了。哦,那面也快拼出来了。-Chris: rm gonna get it.我能全部拼出来的。-Twistle: Look at that. You're almost there.真厉害啊,快好了。-D

14、river: 17.10.17块1毛。-Twistle: This is me. Good job. Goodbye.我到了,拼得不错,再见。-Chris: Yeah. I'll see you soon.回头见。-Chris: Chris Gard ner. How are you? Good morning. Chris Gard ner. Chris Gard ner. Good to see you aga in.我是 Chris Gardner,你好,早上好 Chris Gardner,Chris Gardner 又见面了。Chris Gardner. Pleasure. I

15、've been sitting there for the last half-hour.trying to come u with a story,Chris Gard ner,见到您很荣幸,我在外面坐了半个多小时一直想编出个理由,that would expla in my being here dressed like this.dress:打扮,衣着向你们解释我这身打扮出现的原因。And I wan ted to come up with a story that would dem on strate qualities. that I'm sure you all

16、 admire here,dem on strate:证明 quality:品质 admire:赞赏想编出个故事说明我身上,拥有你们所欣赏的优点like earn est ness or dilige nee. Team-play ing, someth ing.earnestness:坚定 diligenee:勤奋比如诚实,勤奋,团队精神等等。And I could n't thi nk of any thi ng. So the truth is. .I was arrested for failure to pay park ing tickets.arrest:逮扌甫failu

17、re: 失败结果我却什么都想不出来。事实是,因为没能付清停车罚单我被拘留了。-Twistle: Parking tickets?罚单?什么?-Chris: And I ran all the way here from the Polk Station, the police station.我是从警差局警察局一路跑来的。-Ma n: What were you doing before you were arrested?被拘留前你在干什么?-Chris: I was painting my apartme nt. apartme nt: 套公寓房间我在粉刷我的家。-Man: Is it d

18、ry now?现在干了吗?-Chris: I hope so.希望如此。-Ma n: Jay says you're pretty determ in ed.determ in ed:坚决的Jay说你一心想进我们公司。-Twistle: He's been waiting outside the front of the building.with some 40-pound gizmo for over a mon th.gizmo:小玩意儿没错,他拎着个40磅重的玩意儿,在公司门口等了一个多月了。-Ma n: He said you're smart.他说你很聪明。

19、-Chris: Well, I like to thi nk so.我自认是有些。-Ma n: And you want to lear n this bus in ess?你想学这行?-Chris: Yes, Sir, I wanna lear n.是的,先生,我想学。-Ma n: Have you already started lear ning on your own?已经开始自学了吗?-Chris: Absolutely.当然。-Man: Jay?Jay?-Twistle: Yes, sir.是的,先生。-Ma n: How many times have you see n Chr

20、is?你见过Chris多少回?-Twistle: I don't know. One too many, apparently.appare ntly:显然我不清楚,好多次了吧,应该。-Ma n: Was he ever dressed like this?他有穿戴成这样吗?-Twistle: No. No. Jacket and tie.jacket:夹克衫不,没有,都是西装领带。-Ma n: First in your class in school? High school?Chris,你在班上是第一名?高中?-Chris: Yes, sir.是的,先生。-Ma n: How m

21、any in the class?班上一共多少人?-Chris: Twelve. It was a small tow n.12人,那是个小镇。-Man: I'll say.我就说嘛。-Chris: But I was also first in my radar class.i n the Navy, and that was a class of 20. Can I say somethi ng?radar:雷达我在海军服役时是雷达班的第一名,那个班里有20人。我能说几句吗?rm the type of pers on .if you ask me a questi on, and

22、 I don't know the an swer.I 'm gonna tell you that I don't know.type:类型呃我是这样的人,如果你问的问题我不知道答案,我会直接告诉你我不知道”But I bet you what. I know how to find the answer, and I will find the answer. Is that fair eno ugh?但我向你保证,我知道如何寻找答案,而且我一定会找出答案的。这样可以吗?-Ma n: Chris. What would you say if a guy walked

23、 in for an interviewwithout a shirton .a nd I hired him? What would you say?hire:雇佣Chris,如果有个人连衬衫都没穿,就跑来参加面试,你会怎么想?如果我最后还 雇了这个人,你会怎么想?-Chris: He must've had on some really n ice pan ts.pants:短裤,裤子,长裤那他穿的裤子一定十分考究。-Twistle: Chris, I don't know how you did it dressed as a garbage man .but you p

24、ulled it off.garbage:垃圾Chris,我难以理解你穿成这样来面试,但是你刚才的表现很不错。-Chris: Tha nk you, Mr. Twistle.谢谢,Twistle先生。-Twistle: Hey, now you can call me Jay. We'll talk to you soon.现在开始叫我Jay,回来聊。-Chris: All right, so I'll let you know, Jay.好的,我会给你答复的,Jay。-Twistle: You'll let me know, Jay? What do you mean

25、?给我答复?什么意思?-Chris: Yeah, I'll give you a call tomorrow sometime.我明天会给你电话的。-Twistle: What are you talk in g.? You houn ded me for this. You stood here. hound:逼迫你说什么?是你找我的,你当时就站在那里-Chris: Liste n, there's no salary.salary:薪水实习期没有工资。-Twistle: No.没有。-Chris: I was not aware of that. My circumsta nces have cha nged some.a nd I n eed to be certa in that ril be.aware:意识到的 circumstances:情形我并不知道没有工资,现在我的处境变了。我需要确定我能-Twistle: All right. Okay. Toni ght. I swear I will fill your spot. I promise. If you backout, you know what I'll look like t


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