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1、Why did you come to university?How has your first semester in university changed you? What are the advantages and disadvantages of formal education?What do you think is the purpose of school education?1 1. a systematic mastery of the knowledge required by the public education. 2. an access to an atm

2、osphere which is full of competition 3. opportunities of being together with those with whom you share the similar experience 4. teachers are professionals in the field of education and can provide with what we expect from them;2 1. formal education pays much attention to similarity rather than indi

3、viduality; 2. those with special talents cannot exert their potentiality at a formal school;34John Ciardi5Do you know anything about the famous historic literary figures below? Match the related information.67NameNationalityMasterpieceWilliam ShakespeareItalianRelativityAlighieri DanteGermanMaximsBa

4、chSwiss-American OdysseyHomerFrenchCanterbury TalesEinsteinEnglish Church CantatasChaucerGreekThe Divine Comedy La RochefoucauldEnglishHamlet8NameNationalityMasterpieceWilliam ShakespeareItalianRelativityDanteGermanMaximsBachSwiss-American OdysseyHomerFrenchCanterbury TalesEinsteinEnglish Church Can

5、tatasChaucerGreekThe Divine Comedy La RochefoucauldEnglishHamlet9The literary reputation of La Rochefoucauld rests on one book:Maximes Maximes 箴言录箴言录We seldom find such sensible men as those who agree with us; Virtues are lost in self-interest as rivers are lost in the sea; The surest way to be dece

6、ived is to think oneself cleverer than the others; We always like those who admire us; we do not always like those whom we admire. 10John Ciardi was primarily a poet, but he also translated Dantes Divine Comedy, wrote several volumes of childrens poetry, pursued etymology, contributed to the Saturda

7、y Review as a columnist and long-time poetry editor, and directed the Bread Loaf Writers Conference in Vermont. In 1959, Ciardi published a book on how to read, write, and teach poetry, How Does a Poem Mean?, which has proven to be among the most-used books of its kind. At the peak of his popularity

8、 in the early 1960s, Ciardi also had a network television program on CBS, Accent. 11For the last decade of his life, he reported on word histories on National Public Radios Morning Edition, as an outgrowth of his series of books of etymologies, A Browsers Dictionary (1980), A Second Browsers Diction

9、ary (1983) and Good Words to You (posthumously published in 1987). Among 20th- century American men, he maintained a notably high profile and level of popularity with the general public, as well as a reputation for considerable craftsmanship in his output.121.What did the writer do after he was fres

10、h from graduate school?2.Why did the student come to see him in the office?3.How did the writer reason with the student ? 1) Did he start with the reasons why universities should provide Ss with both training and education? 132) Why did the writer do some calculation? 3) Do you think the student was

11、 convinced?4. What is the writers view on the purpose of a university?14speechspeecha basically colloquial and a basically colloquial and familiar style familiar style E.g. use the direct speech to recreate the scene of his encounter with the tall boy in his officegenerally not very complicated sent

12、ence generally not very complicated sentence structure structure But there is a few long and involved sentences in the second part of text, e.g. sentences in Para.12 &14 humorous and mildly sarcastic tonehumorous and mildly sarcastic toneE.g. “a beanpole with hair on top”, “this specimen” and “t

13、his particular pest”. 15Part IPart I (Para 1 ) The writer encountered with his student, tried but failed to convince the student that a pharmacy major needs to read great writes.Part II (para ) The writer restates, 14 years later, what he still believes to be the purpose of a university putting its

14、students in touch with the best civilizations the human race has created.891416Let me tell you one of the earliest in my career as a teacher.disaster: often means “an unexpected event such as a very bad accident, a flood or a fire that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of damage”17 I graduate sc

15、hool starting my first semester at the University of Kansas City.be fresh out of / from sth.: be fresh out of / from sth.: to have just come from a particular place; to have just had a particular experience面包刚出炉。The bread is fresh out of is fresh out of the oven.我刚从学校毕业,我对处理人际关系一点也不懂。Im fresh out of

16、 m fresh out of school. I know nothing about dealing with people.Attention: different from “fresh out of” as an idiom (inf), meaning “having just used all ones supplies of sth” (刚刚用完) e.g. Were fresh out offresh out of eggs. 18n.FreshnessFreshnessV.freshen:freshen: to make sth. cleaner and more plea

17、santeg: The air freshened his lungs.freshen up :freshen up :沐浴更衣沐浴更衣, , 使精神饱满使精神饱满 fresher/ freshmanfresher/ freshman: a student who has just started university or collegesophomore/ junior / senior/ graduate/ postgraduate19Part of the studentwas a 1). a group of people who work or act togetherThe st

18、udent body: all the students of the universitya legislative body / a law-making body立法机构The governing body of the University(大学管理机构)is very concerned about students safety on the new campus.20 2). whole physical structure of a human being or an animal; main part of a human bodydead bodya strong body

19、 3). the main part of sth. eg: The body of the writing is not well-developed. the body of a vehicle (a plane, a ship ) the body of a building 4). a body/ bodies of sth. : large amount of sth. eg: a body of rumour/ evidence/ information21Explain the word “beanpole”, does it tell us something about th

20、e authors impressions of the student? How does the writer like the students manner?22as I was the , I could have told this things.1. one of the inherent cognitive or perceptual powers of the mind官能;能力就我所知,她很善于理家。 So far as I know, she has a facultyfaculty of housekeeping.2. department or group of re

21、lated departments in a university (大学的)院系;(大学院系的)教职工the Faculty of Law(Law School) the Faculty of Medicine3. the whole teaching staff in one of the departments or in the whole university (大学、学院或院系的)全体教员 所有教职员工将会出席此次会议。The entire faculty of the university will attend the meeting.23a single plant or a

22、nimal which is an example of a particular species or type.(here) Humorous way of referring -students who came to a university just to get trained for a career.A good number of + 可数名词A great amount of/ deal of + 不可数A large quantity of/ quantities of +可/不可24Quantities of food _on the table. P.s. quant

23、ities of无论修饰可数还是不可数名词、谓语动词都用。a quantity of+可数名词复数、谓语动词用复数;+不可数名词、谓语动词用单数。即修饰可数或不可数名词均可,作主语时采取就近一致的原则,其谓语动词通常与短语中of后面的名词的数保持一致。 are25I could have pointed out that he had 1. (Vi)to arrange for yourself or somebody else to officially join a course , school , etc., eg: To better communicate with his cli

24、ents, he enrolled in a business English course at a night school. 2. (Vt.) make sb. a member of , eg: Universities will enroll new students this spring.26It would he had pharmacy, but it would further certify that he had certify that:to state officially, esp. in writing that.证明,证实我证明他已经收到了你的钱.I cert

25、ify that he has received your money.27testifytestifydeclare as a witness, esp in court; give evidence (提供证据,作证)他作证说他没有看见那次事故。 He testifiedtestified that he had not seen the accident.justifyjustifyshow that sth / sb is right, reasonable or just(表明或证明某人或某事是正当的,有理的 或公正的)不要为自己的缺点辩护。 Dont try to justifyj

26、ustify your mistakes.28verifyverifyto check; to make sure sth is true or accurate(核实,证明)他想一切办法来验证这个理论。 He tried in every way to verify verify this theory.certifycertifyto declare formally, esp. in writing or on a printed document(尤指书面证明)29I could have told him all this, but was fairly obvious he was

27、nt going to long enough for to What do the two “it”s refer to here?be around: to be present in a place/ be active and prominent in a particular fieldmatter: to be important 30“For the rest of your life,” I said, “your days are going to to about twenty-four hours.”averageaverage: n./ adj./ v.n. on an

28、 average/ on the average/ on average: used for talking about what is usually true, although it may not be true in every individual situation 通常,一般说来 通常我们每天工作12个小时。On (the, an) average we work 12 hours a day.31v. average : be equal to a particular amount as an average ;to calculate the average of sth

29、 eg: Her life expenses average 700 RMB a month.average out (to) : to come to an average or ordinary level or standard, esp. after being higher and lower. 一年中炎热的日子和寒冷的日子往往相当。Hot and cold days often average out average out during the year.亨利交付的税款平均达到他收入的四分之一左右。Henrys taxes averaged out to averaged out

30、 to about a fourth of his income.32, but the average will tend to .to be true or valid, to apply邀请仍然有效.The invitation still holdsholds.我以前说的仍然没错.What I said before still holdsholds.33 usefully .be employed in doing sth.: (written) to spend your time doing sth. 他忙于给花园里的花木浇水。He was employedemployed in

31、 watering the garden.34 you have gone through pharmacy school1 ) to believe sth. to be true without actually having proof that it is; suppose 认为,揣想,假定科学家们假定火星上没有生命存在。Scientists assumeassume there is no animal life on Mars.2)to pretend to have, to begin to have装出(样子),显出他用尽全力在脸上装出一副坦然的表情来。He tried har

32、d to assumeassume a natural expression.353) to take or claim for oneself (sometimes without the right to do so); begin to have or use 开始执行(任务),开始做她要求他承担责任。She demands that he assumeassume the responsibility.36assume, presume, supposeassume, presume, suppose 这组词都近于汉语的“假定”或“猜想”。其区别是:assume含有比较强烈的武断成分,

33、往往意味着把一件尚未证实或尚存在意见分歧的事作为自己论断的基础。presume表示以过去经验作根据或者是合乎逻辑地推测,一般是有充分的理由,虽然结论仍可能是错误的。suppose意义比较广泛不定,有时仅用于陈述自己的意见,等于“想”,有时表示有一定的根据的“猜想”,没有上面两个词所强调的意味。37You will the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesnt jump the fence, or that your client doesnt as a result of your incompetence.see to

34、it thatsee to it that: to make sure that我会保证任何事情都会及时准备就绪。I will see to it thatsee to it that everything is ready in time.当心孩子别感冒了。See to it thatSee to it that children dont catch cold.go to the electric chairgo to the electric chair (= electrocute): to be punished by being killed on the electric cha

35、ir, that is, by passing electricity through body38Euphemism Euphemism 委婉语委婉语jump the fencego to the electric chairEuphemismEuphemism, or “language pollution”, or “double speak,” as some call it, is often intended to obscure or hide the real situation. 39What do these euphemisms refer to?weight-catch

36、erdomestic helpersenior citizenunder-privilegedlandscape technologistshoe rebuildersanitation engineerclothing re-fresherin ones birthday suitfat guyhouse maidold peoplePoorGardenershoe makergarbage manWashwomannaked40everything else, they will probably be what puts food on your table, supports your

37、 wife, and rears your children. along withalong with: : in addition to sb./sth.; in the same way as sb./sth.; together with sb./sth.What sort of family are you ?raise, rear, bring up, grow up1.raise是非正式用语,英式英语中指“养动植物”,美式英语中指“抚养人”。2.rear在英式英语中指“抚养人”,在美式英语中指“养动植物”,既指“从小养到大”,也指“教养”,是正式用语。41她喜欢养鸟。She li

38、kes rearing birds.3.bring up是动词短语,作“抚养”解时无语体之分,侧重于童年时期的“精心教养”。他所受的教养使他相信,金钱是生活中最重要的东西。He was brought up to believe that money is the most important thing in life.4.grow up的意思是“成长”,侧重于“达到成熟阶段”。别耍小孩子脾气了!快成熟点吧。Stop acting like a child with your bad temper! Do grow up.42Will the children ever be exposed

39、 to a at home?reasonably: to a degree that is fairly high but not very highpenetrating idea: an idea that requires the ability of understanding clearly and deeply43penetrate vi/vt : (into) through pierce into or through 渗透,穿透,深入 Rain water has (through) the roof of my house. understand or discover看穿

40、,洞察It was impossible to the mystery. be d with. (fill or spread through sth/sb) 充满(某种情绪,遍布)The whole country is with fear.44Will you be a family that maintains some contact with the ?preside (over):preside (over): if you preside over a formal meeting or event, you are in charge of or act as a chairp

41、erson, here used humorously.史密斯先生将主持下一次会议。Mr. Smith will preside over the next meeting.the great democratic intellect: the level of ideas possible in a society based on the belief that all people are equal politically or socially.45“ I hope you make a lot of it,” I told him, “because youre going to

42、badly something to do when youre not .be stuck for:be stuck for: not to know what to do in a particular situation.我们不知道说什么,回答不下来。 We didnt know what to say. We were stuck for were stuck for an answer.46then you have no business being in college.你没权做那事。You have no business to do/doing that.你无权待在这里。 Y

43、ou have no business being/to be here. to have no right to do sth/ shouldnt be doing sth.47one of the worlds leading research universities, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1865 the school was opened in Boston by geologist William Barton Rogers, who became its first president.Throughout its history MI

44、T has held a worldwide reputation for teaching and research. It was among the first schools to use the laboratory method of instruction, develop the modern profession of chemical engineering, and offer courses in aeronautical 航空学and electrical engineering电气工程 and applied physics应用物理学. 48Mens et Manu

45、s (Latin)Mind and Hand49Hinc lucem et pocula sacra (Latin). (Latin). Literal:Literal: From here, light and sacred draughtsNon-literal:Non-literal:From this place, we gain enlightenment and precious knowledge 此乃启蒙之所此乃启蒙之所, ,智识之源智识之源50Education at Harvard should The support the College provides to stu

46、dents is a foundation upon which self-reliance and habits of lifelong learning are built: Harvard expects that the scholarship and collegiality klidlt共同掌权共同掌权 it fosters in its students will lead them in their later lives to advance knowledge, to promote understanding, and to serve society. 51In lum

47、ine tuo videbimus lumen (latin). In thy light we shall see light 借汝之光,得见光明来源于旧约诗篇Psalms “For with thee is the fountain of life; and in thy light we shall see light.” 在上帝的神灵中我们寻求知识52自强不息,厚德载物自强不息,厚德载物 自强不息,要求清华学生具有奋发图强、勇往直前、争创一流的品格。如梁启超所言:“君子自励犹天之运行不息,不得有一暴十寒之弊。学者立志尤须坚忍刚毅。见义勇为,不避艰险。” 厚德载物,要求清华学生具有团结协

48、作、严以律己、无私奉献的胸怀。如梁启超所言:“君子接物,度量宽厚,尤大地之博,无所不载。责己甚严,责人甚轻。名高任重,气度雍容,望之俨然,即之温然。” 53few ifIt is likely thatIt is likely that 客队有可能会获胜。The chances are thatThe chances are that the guest team will win.你可能会获奖。The chances are thatThe chances are that you will win the prize.54And this the techniques of mankind

49、, it mankinds spiritual resources.(just) as so(just) as so: used to compare two people or things, when they are the same正如,也一样正如法国人喜欢喝葡萄酒一样,英国人爱喝啤酒。particularly true oftrue of newborns.55 1.adj. belonging only to a particular person, place, or situation中秋节是中国所独有的。The Mid-Autumn Festival is peculiarp

50、eculiar to China.2. strange or unusual, especially in a troubling or displeasing way 这食物有种怪味道。The food has a peculiar taste.56peculiar, odd, queer, strangepeculiar, odd, queer, strange这四个词都有“奇怪”的意思。peculiar着重“独特性”; odd强调违反正常情况,有时兼有“稀奇”的含义; queer也强调违反常规,但有更强的“可疑”和“可虑”的含义; strange为普通用词,应用范围最广,强调“生疏”和“

51、不常见”。57When you have read a book, you have your human experience.add toadd to: to increase形容词的作用是描述或增加名词的意思。The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun.恶劣的天气增加了我们的困难。The bad weather added to our difficulties58add sth. to sth. add sth. to sth. 把.加到.请在威士忌中加些苏打水。Please a

52、dd add some soda toto the whisky.add up to add up to 加起来总共是累计得他的学校教育加起来不过一年。All his school education added up to added up to no more than one year.59 have not the time to travel .in literal timein literal time: in realityliteral literal adjadj.1).if you say that sth. is a literal fact or literal tru

53、th, you are emphasizing that it is true.2). literal translation means word-for word translation rather than paraphrase603). if you use a word or expression in its literal sense, you use it with its most basic meaning or with its main meaning . The literalliteral meaning of television is seeing from

54、a distance.Literally不夸张的;逐字的Literacy 识字;读写能力Literate (illiterate) 识字的; 博学的Literary 文学的;书面的61in essence: fundamentally, essentially这实质上也就是现实主义的原则。It is, in essencein essence, the principle of realism.实质上,这不是一本关于宗教的书。This is not in essencein essence a book about religion.of the essence: of the greates

55、t importance, crucial在处理紧急事件时,速度是非常重要的。Speed is of the essenceof the essence in dealing with an emergency.62HumanityHumanity1) human being generally 人类 (U)Such a man is a stain to humanityhumanity.这种人是人类的耻辱。2) the quality of being humane , human nature人性 (U)人性是善与恶的混合体. HumanityHumanity is a mixture

56、of good and bad qualities.3) humanities: subjects of study concerned with human culture, esp literature,language, history and philosophy 人文学科63humanehumane: showing human kindness and qualities of a civilized person人道的, 仁慈的, 慈悲的humanismhumanism: 人道主义, 人文主义humanitarianhumanitarian: 人道主义者, 慈善家, 博爱主义者6

57、4How does the writer present his argument? He introduces the topic with his encounter with a student and with two Qs: Why should we go to university? Why should we learn literature, arts, philosophy, politics, etc.?Then he proceeds to give to support his view: distinction between technical training

58、and university How to spend the 8 hours of leisure time will decide whether you are capable of penetrating insight, whether you can be democratic, tasteful and above all, whether you can raise a civilized family. Answer/topic sentence: the business of the college is to put you in touch with what the

59、 best human minds have thought. 65Nobody gets to be a human being unaided, and books can aid us in becoming a civilized human, both in terms of techniques of mankind, and in terms of spiritual resources.Conclusion Reiteration ritren重说重说 and summary: the function of university and its faculty.66What

60、is the purpose of university What is the purpose of university education?education? u University education has a two-fold purposeTo provide students with technical & professional trainingTo educate students to become civilized human beings67Affirmative: Education is for living.(v.to have a particular li


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