已阅读5页,还剩78页未读 继续免费阅读




1、OFM User Operation ManualOFM用户操作手册Create OFM project 建立 OFM项目Lear ning objectives学习目标(一)The data conn ection数据的连接数据的属性定义(二)Data attribute Defin iti on(三)The data conn ection数据的连接Create an empty project建立空项目1. Start the OFM program, expand the File menu, click New Workspace, display as shownin the fo

2、llowing illustration shown.启动 OFM程序,展开 File 菜单,点击 New Workspace,显示如下图所示所示。2. Click on the butt on as show n in the graph, and the n select the save path, file n ame(such as Demo_L ink).点击图中所示按钮,然后选择保存路径,给岀文件名(如Demo_L ink)。其他选项保留为默认。点击 OK3. The other option is reserved for the default. Click OK.Wijik

3、s-tiocr: Fk. |TDa.ataw HeI Jai Piaget I illet llmil rubber 已durina 3 £§4总凸hlD<irriliriie Verricn 厂 Accef? 97 W2000D Wtai Scur ce:Caned4. Right click on the OFM Representation frame in HeaderId. Select Delete in theshortcut menu, delete the Headerld table.右键点击 OFM Representation 框中的 Head

4、erld。在快捷菜单中选择 Delete,删除Headerld表。RflridflvaRlScuncsei I卜I屛s l»J=rld abiH R 比®F ttel|lJniiiH*dfzI勺3I畑D-simceiaFfltf t |* : dr? *Fiat3Loadi ng data加载数据1. Double click ” OFh软件学习.acc ” .双击 ” OFM软件学习.acc323Wi2/4 a:5S MicjipmjH Office Aczm 3QC7 Hg耳 2 B16 KBMieacisFl OfficA Aceee. RiHzard-L1 K32;

5、 OFMK釜申:MitrpsQft Office2QO7 曲专2.75 MS号fit 3 瞩.2M4/12/4 丽FIW Worttpacr F;2. Find ”外部数据”EXCEL找到”外部数据”EXCEL也氓3 3/ -H 诞挣折据的韻和冃忻"E'lfilTTiSS!輯鬲矶曲和帕C -箱Ikti陌人耳口沖辎麋盂申山“ 礎篮犁甘琳辱干脈P" UJMiSEME杓 7" 可I墮用詩佰齡需If 产&科酌榔亍向1fesajl-鬥但册8睥'13 口必:心鼎韻申甘常严 3皿4昭啊IIMlb $Wm*K. tell* 曲 W雷冷脸帰牡用砂集耳3瀧磁腔

6、證常紬誰版卜到'Z 轴潮帕*血曲和比“呦加财州吁肛魚在晰盘中3. Find file EXCEL.找到文件选择主键加载数据。4. Select a primary key loading data.Add the main table添加主表1. Click on the lower right corner of the Add Link Tables butt on.点击右下角Add LinkTables 按钮。2. Find the main table path, the file type Files type is .XlsFiles of type 改为.xls。.找到主

7、表路径,文件类型3. Select the HEADERID table, click Open.选择H EADERID表格,点击 Open,zlbc4 se_ec 二 he HEADERUS- c=ck OK 早 HEADER-D®luraOKIX5 c-ick on fhe figure bock- fhe acfivafion offhe HEADERUform c-ick OK斎s HEADER_D姿。luraOKluran国u11 "1M | ST6. Well coordinate loading in fig.井位坐标加载入图Map display sett

8、ings底图显示设置在属性菜单栏中,1. Find GridType in the Properties menu bar, and select Grid and Frame找到 GridType,并选择 Grid and Frame.在属性菜单栏中,找到2. Find WellName in the Properties menu bar, and select Alias NameWellName,并选择 Alias Name3. Find Legned in the menu bar, attributes, and select Yes.在属性菜单栏中,找到Legned.ncrizo

9、ncaiFontS Mil %wn严 Pl ni| . r 1 xK|WII Name|站辭Nwne二5mVertical Posttacwell Name”一一一_” _'一 _密旳-E Map Legend Propefties.底图显示如图所示并选择Yes。4. Map display as shown in fig.Load ing other data table添加其他数据表1. Click on the Setup> Schema>Schema . 点击 Setup> Schema>Schema选择 SortCategory 表2. Select

10、the Sortcategory table, select Static in the Table Type.格,在 Table Type 处选择 Static。tttal Hi!俺tih*m Ili上J >-«Jhk (SNMitt hfch*!U2dHcdi'l i jJLjnBhKTJIt M nJaicdMW rtLTWH.M7WHI rffilD hces asxpanpSandnlEElDEntso日E100O一目 Em _ T T + T 1 h±THT工一二y *iii-alsjf noi il.'xjtm nn wt oizl l&

11、gt;: FCfre.odFW :辱如smririlOI ftEsjmoi 冋1-1O p 3E= m LILStatic-Static data静态数据Mo nthly-Mmo nthly production data月频率数据Daily-Daily production data日频率数据Sporadic-Sporadic data离散数据Sporadic Dualkey- Sporadic Dualkey data离散双键Look Up-Look Up 查询信息Xref-Cross correlati on in formatio n data交叉相关信息数据点击OK。按照这个方法,添

12、加4. Click OK. According to this method, add other data table.其他数据表。Auto-a«sociate FieldsOFM has guessed at the following OFM hey associations. Do you wish to use tlm?UNIQUEID to UNIQU EIDNoSelect well category 井别的选择Setuo>Association.点击 Setuo>AssociationXCoordin ate and Y Coordin ate opti

13、on)2. Select in the Well Type. Click OK. (Note: the choice of coordi nate system in在Well Type 处选择。点击 OK (注意:在 XCoordinate 和Y Coordinate 选项中选择坐标系统)|M,jp 阳泌H就lOixi::|OK |Cencei3. Select use default symbol, in the well file,click OK. You can see in the end in thefigure lege nd becomes as show n in figu

14、re. (Note: if set up their own project shouldchoose Create from data)在井号文件处选择使用默认符号,点击OK可以看到底图中图例变为如图所示。(注意:如果建立自己的项目应选择Create from data)即柞3 Fita力UM r广 I'c-ai lrar 土in广 Mtrgj X j Carrai5. Taking RES_PROD table as an example, it records the reservoir monthly oil producti on data. So choose Mon th

15、ly in Table Type,I n the Key Type should be set toCategory.以RES_PRO表格为例,它记录了油藏的月产量。所以在 Table Type处应选择Monthly。在Key Type处应选择Category在 Category 处选择 RESERVOIR6. Select RESERVOIR in the Category.Yes.点击 YesData attribute defi niti on数据的属性定义1. Click Setup>Schema> Schema. In the table, list manager le

16、ft the find and expandthe Mon thlyprod, select Oil. Right click on the Un its page, set the Oil field of thedata in the Mon thlyprod table of the un it, and the provisi ons of the in put and output units (metric or imperial). Set as shown in figure.点击Database>SchemaTables,在表格管理器左侧的列表中找到并展开Monthly

17、prod,选择Oil。在右侧点击Un its页面,设置Mon thlyprod表格中Oil字段数据的单位,并对输入和输岀单位进行规定(公 制还是英制)。设置如图。2. Click on the Plot page, fill in the mon thly producti on in CurveName, and the cha ngecurve of the attributes (such as color, li ne width etc.). This completes theproperties defined in this field. Please field accord

18、ing to the above methoddefinition needs to be defined.点击Plot页面,在CurveName中填写月产油,并更改曲线的属性(如颜色、线宽等)。这就完成了这一字段的属性定义。请按照以上方法定义需要定义的字段。二、Map man ageme nt底图的管理Lear ning objectives学习目标_ well category symbol 底图井类别符号_ Set the headers设置标题_ Add a comment file添加注释文件_ Create annotated documents创建注释文件Well categor

19、y symbol井类别符号Format>Symbols 点击 Format>Symbols。2. In the dialog box in Name options, select the Oil Producer, in the Color options, select the Red. Click OK. The same method will be changed to yellow brown GasProducer.在对话框中Name选项中,选择 Oil Producer ,在Color选项中,选择 Rec。点击OK同样的方法将GasProducer改为棕黄色。Wel

20、l Symbcil*C ?ninlNana;Lol&.|RrdplL厂 Llie Fail Symbol-when cll court厂 Cd *idi 弓hw.gr弊i gltcuv岐me宁耶 rhn3. Base map change as shown in figure.底图改变如图中所示。d托odd20-t >CT7:Z畔XIgkli*gofn严晶R 營Zn會芷警 Ck +申沖2 tlfrj - - -114«1W *ci 04 M 丹 *ofleTB*S <744 Drr W邛Prwlucr C4i FroduCAf+百>|1鼎鼻b 口札區7Set

21、 the headers 设置标题Setup>Headers.点击 Setuo>Headers2. Click the Add butto n. The n click the Assist butt on.点击Add按钮。然后点击Assist按钮。and color. Click OK.在文本框中输入3. En ter headers in the text box, click OK. The n click on the Font, modify the fontDemo点击OK然后点击Font,修改子体和颜色。点击 OK上IMCh加加丄4 (tv炖口皿Ehoki 士 <

22、;c(he* 0(4. The headline figure.WPWLai“申a涯Mr iTiXicrunsiapJI2JJ1 卫JJ2J JJ创dJJJJ标题显示如图Hoaoe.mn>toot;卩右r-y4 6 zSKK-tKK三、The calculated variable 计算变量1. Click Setuo>CalculatedVariables. 点击 Setuo>CalculatedVariablesAdd Calculated Variables 点击 Add Calculated Variables编辑计算变量的内容,如写入+3. Edit calcula

23、ted contents of variables, such as writing +attribute is given to calculate the variable name. He finished writing the calculated variables给岀计算变量名称的属性。就完成了计算变量的编写(计算变量是独立的)。二 亠;"> 在Units界面下设置变量单位。5. Set variable unit un der Un its in terface.I OK ill *7在Plot界面下设置曲线属性6. Set curve properties u

24、n der Plot in terface四、Report报表Lear ning objecti on学习目标_ sin gle well report单井报表_ Multi well report 多井报表_ Report output 报表的外输si ngle well report单井报表1、Click Home>Report. 点击 Home>Repor。2、 In the report editor in terface as show n in figurein put co nten t,click OK can complete a simple report ed

25、itor.在报表编辑界面中如图输入内容点击0K便可完成简单报表的编辑。3、I n the column in the Properties menu ,The selected report row can change the name,decimal places of data etc.选中报表单列就可在属性菜单中更改该列的名称、数据小数位数等等。B Column AttributeDefaultWidth10Decil Places2JustificationRightUntscF=> scmDisplayMetricMJtlplier1Heading First RowHead

26、rig Sacorid Row月产苓Heading Thiird Raw4. In the column in the Properties menu , select date format in Data Format.在属性菜单中,在Data Format中选择日期格式。a巴匕哑rVYlTMM-DD月立IS月FShew null as asteriaNo|r«MDatebblcFJegaTKA -*al ipshd11595-1201440 GO:DbDlay categoiy narVesT-22000-01 06CC1 OC1DlscMay eniivnsmevesT320

27、00-020filSZQO1£All Ro展42000*0305347 OC13 C&liiww5?000-M0464? OC11口Cunrent ColumnIDat*a2000-05-0保OCS-fniiiimn Anrirmtp:CJJSlDrTJ7200C-05-05247 OCWittth6Scanal fuckQ933153 QC5jJjjtflcaNon10Os nlmcumrrt5. Check monthly production of a column, find Subtotal in the Properties menu can be asimple

28、 statistical calculati on. (contains the sum, average). But statistics can befreque ncy in the Break opti on choice. (accord ing to the mon th, quarter, year).选中月产油一列,在属性菜单中找到 Subtotal可以进行简单的统计计算。(包含求和、平均)。而在 Break选项中可以进行统计频率的选择。(按照月、季度、年等)Heading First RoHeading Secord Row月产袖H&adSing Third Roiw

29、Hide DuplicatesNoSubtotalIIMoncTSreak when this cokimc chanqNoGrtakNont6. Select AtCondition is in the Break option, if you choose will be a condition foredit ing opti ons used to edit the statistical con diti ons.在Break选项中有 AtCondition 个选项,如果选择就会出现一个条件编辑选项,用来编辑统计的条件。Break.M ConditionEdit Condition.

30、7. Such as the statistics at the year Apri. Click OK, report will be statistics inaccordanee with the conditions .如编写每年四月进行统计。点击OK报表就会按照条件进行统计。丄凶loa曲 famC »Jk >1 -4*Lri、n,l,11 KgneiG蜒f肿 Cm址:闪JJ JJ 0J- - E 一 - * - 卫2J2JIJJ112J -ndQK Lsricd8. Reports can be complex screening. As shown in the g

31、raph, can be a screening out June and December data.报表可进行复杂的筛选。如图中所示,可以一次筛选岀来六月和十二月的数据EdlCpuHF :出 s cst 'tj and tunc mi匸屮4町5< h DaeFitHypiodm MEothc zd.'3$, fiintlV-prndl. ateij d-ta-«th(. oatej miERC om佃(o -re. -61 a呦门.hi 萌比卜 12SELECTDHHEREJJJJdOF I CanedMulti well report 多井报表点击Form

32、at>ByItem可以查看多井报表。1. Click Format>Byltem, can view multiple well report.IMMMM h -1-0DauD*SWl bMir.CYLO btedda巧 |i 1临低>n114 MriNrr1EJ W1114#(!»沖恫也诚简fWi|74rtZDHU»«iilWW?wEif 112gMMw-W!-2XtnRHEWl啊VIITJ3DE341XD.K:UU X1111 ZBIIDE*sxa晔皿摯匸*-rw-nnw血4齐THD-iil4n&JU苗M JEliiT-HSUULiw

33、0帥j%iWmi«0块応TwOK必!聋W皿nmu*JW1ViH同«Hi¥>a:wii-n£>»Ulf *4 Eft-Win»i0J>知询4K>131Wi 11*1HD»*3H*»awi*»n>5H4审5和3僦w-11*1DHMEWtKWr:nn ' CJ 1,块1+tfl* 一TH1 IS4!D K-E-1U 3£j71U Uin u:>sunFReport output 报表的外输1. The report output to the Excel t

34、able, right-click on the report, select Excel theshortcut menu .报表的输岀至Excel表格中,右键点击报表,选择快捷菜单中的Excel。2. Click Close and Update 点击 Close and Update自动启动并且将结果与入。然后3. Excel auto start and writes the results. Then the form to将表格保存。_JELEJew £_£IXLE_JFLEJe bBU_EHFLrEP-hE_p-10师悄莊1 000.003(® 00

35、TrtnJJD9.1jin*63102032*1571111 Ht"ain.rn.'Tgse27S2-* m1WJJ氏 4ITOO0<121 诃1网SsflMiK30( 01口砂 Ltum21 别 CD1mi卿IDOTOOSlEffiOO:w?cn1-H J QMH 打网?!3lfliii4J2HJDH0晰讪册Dfit1n=G7凹咖莎IIW1S1ITO00 NEB 22皿® 1&1LiL£llHB10CCX arnox13J6CO i3iica 1ER 紳叩 909 OJ B73EU mOQ TEE. CD ?narrir<rr:nrn

36、3ni1«00a22O2SIM 兀MCKOO3139301 -lAMJuUrrABc0IjDatifrImrhlrarad G;a-: McnIH rpnad Od WtMhi pied 'eValnriPTToi.tiinace:fircmioci16191 nablue i 丹 a02)yimOWPCD停co'昨叩wBLUE, J he JD3.dl.n9Fe7331(1 X使BCD吨36IU1&UJGa04.D1irrmanm4I&O巴俪JUIHLlF 1賂帅呵1DTflTOO03K3DCO!05?)oaBUjl>e_aDE.CI.-154

37、OTDJOOtuit.i -h.c nrifimti iiu n:ME CD4. Ope n aga in and tra nsferred to the Excel in terface, to activate the automatic updatesand use the in terface of the existi ng file. And select the saved file. Click on the Closeand Update. The n after each update stateme nts will automatically start the sel

38、ected files,and will fill contents to table .再次打开外输到Excel的界面,激活界面中的自动更新和使用已存在的文件。并选择已保存的文件。点击 Close and Update。然后每次更新报表之后便会自动启动选择 的文件,并将内容填写到选择好的表单中去。将报5. The report output to the Access database, right click on the report, select Access.表外输到Access数据库中,右键点击报表,选择 Access。Report PdramEters.Report Displ

39、ay”“Report Font.Excel,.Text Find.Header and Maater.,. Coluirin Header Font6. Write dow n the in put to the database table n ame. Click Close an dUpdate, data is writte nto the database.写下输入到数据库中的表格名称。点击Close andUpdate,数据就写入数据库中了。7. Right click the report also can choose Send To Plot will report the

40、data directly inthe map. (in the draw ing has the same sett ings can be sent directly said draw ing report)报表的右键中还可以通过选择Send To Plot将报表中的数据直接成图。(在绘图中也有同样设置可以将绘图直接发送称报表)Report Parameters.Report DisplayReport Font1.1A0CC5S-.Excel.Tejct.Find,.Header enT Footer. >.Column H&a der Font -.Send To Pk

41、t五、Drawing绘图Lear ning objecti on学习目标在步进栏中选择目标井EE4. The results showed as figure. 结果显示如图5. In the Properties menu click Headers>Setup. Can add the title.在属性菜单中点击Headers>Setup。可以添加标题。_ Simple drawing简单绘图_ Multi curve drawing多曲线绘图_ Drawing Multi pictures 绘制多图_ Multi axis diagram drawing 绘制多轴图_ Th

42、e curve markup 曲线的标注Simple drawi ng简单绘图1. Click Home>Plot.点击 Home>Plot在这一界面中,选择绘图中的变量2. In this in terface, select the draw ing variables.3. In the step column select target well.6. In the title edit in terface can add text capti ons ., "draw in g", pay atte nti on to double quotati

43、on marks can not be less), can also add pictures, add pictures first click Assist.在标题编辑界面中可以添加文本标题(如,”绘图”,注意双引号不可少),也可添加图片,添加图片 先要点击 Assist。在标题编辑界面7. In the title editor in terface using the Image fun cti on (as show n in pare ntheses), the content is double quotation marks and pictures the full pat

44、h and file name.中使用Image函数。(如图所示),括号中内容是双弓I号加图片全路径和文件名称。图片大小通过字体来控制8. The image size is con trolled by the font.9. Results figure.结果如图tS NJ丄Hi 於*7 单图单轴I . 4 沪*点击图中的纵10. The vertical axis in the click graph, then to find ScaleType in the Properties menu, you can cha nge the category in the axis type

45、opti ons ., li near or logarithmic)轴,然后在属性菜单中找到 ScaleType,在坐标轴类型选项中可以更改类别(如,线性或对数坐标)ScaleScale NinDef auk匸 glu NaxDeFault# Log 匚ydesUeFdult7Scale TypeLogarithmicMulti curve drawi ng绘制多曲线图1. Double click the draw ing, the draw ing appears edit ing in terface, click on the Add Curve,can add a curve. 双

46、击绘图,岀现绘图编辑界面,点击Add Curve,能够添加曲线。址d Gj皿jXJdl F/hLfcip曲|2. In the Properties menu, various attributes can edit curve (shape, filling and so on).属性菜单中,可以编辑曲线的各种属性(形状、填充等等)。Cuvfi AttributesDeFdultLine ColorBlackLine T ype血lidPaint TypeNoneFill Interior函 FillPoirit习胡2mt&卩 line between valuer向Line Wid

47、th ear Width3. In the graphics edit ing in terface category opti ons, can be a differe nt category choice.在绘图And the different categories of data can be displayed on the same piece of drawing.编辑界面中的类别选项中,可以进行不同类别的选择。并且不同类别的数据可以在同一张绘图中显示。4. As shown in figure, the single well and the lease area level

48、 data shown on the same graph.如图,单井与租赁区级别的数据显示在同一张图中。5. In creat ing the draw in g, if you click on the add a n umber of curves, it can also draw anumber of curves. The choice of different level can be the Category option, and Variablecan choose to draw what variables.在创建绘图时,如果点击添加多条曲线,则可同时绘制多条曲线Cat

49、egory选项中可以选择不同级别,而Variable 可以选择绘制什么变量Draw ing Multi pictures绘制多图1. In the graphics edit ing in terface can choose draw ing n umber. I n the graph below then umber of opti ons is the curre nt editor opti ons.选项下面是当前编辑选项。可以在绘图编辑界面选择绘图个数。在图形数量2. Using the category selection and select the name, can dis

50、play different target in thethree picture content.利用类别选择和名称选择,可以在三幅图中显示不同目标的内容3. Right click on the graphic on the shortcut menu, select Same X Scale can be thestarting point of unified pattern.右键点击图形,在快捷菜单中选择Same X Scale可以将图形的起点统一。UhdoEdit.Trace PlotCcmputs LineMcve/ResiaeLegerdShow All Curves5-me

51、X ScaleDone4. Click on the coord in ate axis, to find the content show n in figure in the Propertiesmenu, Yes is cha nged to No, the Tic Positi on in stead of No. You can remove the coord in ateaxis data display and calibration.点击坐标轴,在属性菜单中找到图中所示内容,将Yes都改为No,将Tic Position 改为No。可以去除坐标轴的数据显示和刻度irr耶,LabelAx忖 LjbdDateFor* 罗紊*lYesShow Minor Tic?YesTic PtKstionOdTsideGridLrie Crlrr11內YLneType5obdLine WidthscatYYViMMODrnDefftjltWWNMOOMax(WajISeale InaerniHit.叶皿Scab TypeDate0Pe.?er&*NoOriarx(%)15¥<


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