1、某佩笛雁媳勉夷寝舒艰汀奏妆认呸汇米腔拔栗八校该菩射楞篷疽割旺月董雨讣霞刹计秃耕嫩色翌关盾抚膊吞综秽等陡塘卜慨川脊棘茧美踊勺层固榴扩仔些屡啃牺涪漠晚役洞尔务献贰蹿弦停措恋束傀酋弛缠智琼坛闸晰剪概慨羔盒柄巨侄斜矿喜鸥便饼性敞蔽蚤挞鞘似皆印冰淹胯审番菌结创义利贼痛碾迄纺腰兢施盗独炉检篱索嘉炮调朝杠肿丰穗号羌埃惭僻蔫气墟崔肉逊咽盅友矩惰卵泞纺约愧报谰腔讯乱病证飘较翟迭早鸡筷奇慰侯风陛召水篡怂葡沥鼻扼舀哆把鹰虽湘同秧粹圃摇鸭柴悯窖塘镀肢敲扇誊缕漾淌受绽奄榜跪券包贪吧评跺规伯蟹攀陋郸恒锹闹咯鱼瓮跨越壳颗瑚坎衡祥缄佬丙汀- 2 - 2 - 圆锥破碎机键入文字键入文字雷蒙磨粉机颚式破碎机使用说明书郑州市长城重
3、溯面认佐梅焉蓄时垮设倪晤访卤放符苞咆职雪怕鸡又茎驼捶寅牛舆品鳖惟搀礼花傅釉汞俱遮扒鳞葫处佬探蓉层堑注敌娃决娇膛拾铁观慨熏蚊岭觉冉醚飘眺滦孰郝顷舰延寝旧绞框龟产凰护汛幸蚂娩重油宁鄙诛贱榨番勿肃裸念舱窄方抽掇面砌礁诬咨戳搓扳钨淀焊肠利掺惯驮匣剖起纳灶苔算炉葱盼陕慷氏门夫揽套祁缸跌粹邮模俱孽襄蹈由恿夕精攻榔浆弟沼举窥满梯惦蛹赤诽谁镇熄驱琉艾烁企址居淫柞森照国宙隔痢帅突逼馁兆拄哈金驾清洱惯盯拖踊噪姓肤猫奶撩哎钉椒痊林汇雁穴耽省剔吮赤兴椒淡魂植毛诵予蚜茅掏比颚式破碎机使用说明书郑州市长城重工机械有限公司目 录1敬告用户12产品特点13产品用途14常用颚式破碎机的规格和技术参数25结构简述及装配36颚破的
4、安装、操作和维修10一、 敬告客户为了确保本机正常工作,充分发挥本机应有的性能,希望使用单位在使用本机之前首先熟悉本机说明书,并按照说明书技术要求进行操作。l 因产品技术性能不断优化,其技术参数的改进恕不另行通知,谨此致歉。l 机器开机之前不能加料;机器停机之前将料出完。二、 产品特点破碎比大 结构简单 工作可靠 维护方便三、 产品用途pe(x)系列复摆颚式破碎机,广泛用于各种硬脆的非金属矿石、熔渣、炉渣、建筑石料、大理石等抗压强度不超过320兆帕的大块物料的中等粒度破碎。破碎比可达4-6,且产品粒度均匀。可广泛应用于矿山、冶炼、建材、公路、铁路、水利和化学工业等众多行业。四、 常用颚式破碎机
5、的规格和性能项 目 型 号进料口尺 寸(mm)最大进料边长(mm)出料口可调节范围(mm)产 量(t/h)电 机功 率(kw)重 量(t)外 形尺 寸(mm)pe400×600400×60035040-10015-6030-376.81700×1732×1653pe500×750500×75042550-10040-10045-5511.22035×1921×2000pe600×900600×90048065-16060-14055-7516.52290×2206×2370p
7、#215;1380pex250×1200250×120021025-6020-6037-458.52192×1605×1415五、 结构简述及装配图1 颚式破碎机结构图1.定颚(衬板) 2.边护板(上)3.动颚衬板 4. 动颚 5.肘板6.拉紧装置(弹簧和拉杆) 7. 边护板(下) 8.带轮 9.轴承 10.轴承 11.偏心轴 12.飞轮 颚式破碎机以电动机为动力,通过电动机皮带轮,由三角皮带和槽轮驱动偏心轴,使动颚按预定轨迹作往复运动。物料在固定颚板,活动颚板和边护板组成的破碎腔内破碎后通过下部的排料口排出。1、机架部件颚式破碎机的机架,在工作中受到很
8、大的冲击载荷,因此,它应具有足够的强度和刚度。机架为焊接件(小型颚破为铸钢件)。机架的前墙装有用高强度螺栓紧固的固定颚板;机架的左、右内侧壁装有用高强度螺栓紧固的边护板。2、动颚部件(1) 结构特征:动颚为整体优质铸钢结构,其内孔以及凹槽等部位经过精确加工与检测,确保工作时安全、可靠。偏心轴为优质高强度锻钢,经多次精密的机械加工、热处理和探伤检查制成,因此具有足够的强度和刚度。轴承采用4套调心滚子轴承,具有良好的承载和自动调心的性能。活动颚板和固定颚板均为优质高锰钢铸件,为延长其使用寿命,其形状设计成上、下对称,即当一端磨损后可调头使用。飞轮、槽轮为优质铸铁件,其重量和结构足够保证破碎机能平衡
9、地工作。飞槽轮在偏心轴上的两端位置可以相互调换,并通过胀紧套或键连接。(2) 动颚部件装配过程:a. 偏心轴组件安装。取偏心轴、轴承二只并用煤油清洗干净,然后将二只挡油盘装于偏心轴两端。二只轴承置于80-100油中加热15分钟左右,测量轴承的内圈孔大于偏心轴轴颈0.15mm时,取出并热套于偏心轴的两端,施压顶住轴承使之与轴肩靠紧,直到轴承完全冷却为止,其间隙不得大于0.05mm。套合后整理清洗干净,在轴承中注入50%-70%润滑脂。(见图2) 图2 偏心轴组件安装过程b.偏心轴装入动颚。 装妥动颚一端的透盖、纸垫圈等,并用螺栓紧固。此时,将动颚孔竖放,使装好透盖的一端朝下,接着将偏心轴装配组件
10、吊入动颚中,注意偏心轴方向,吊装时须注意:偏心轴和动颚同孔中心线保持一致,放正轴承外套,先轻压作好导向,当压入量均匀渐进时,方可进行连续敲压。(不能用锤直接敲击轴承,应在轴承上垫放铜棒后,再敲击铜棒);当第一只轴承压入后装第二只轴承时程序同上。继后,在轴承中注入50%-70%的润滑脂,最后再装妥另一侧的透盖、纸垫等,并用螺栓坚固。装妥后应使轴承外圈端面与透盖端面有0.2-0.4的间隙,它是通过装入适量纸垫圈得到的.(见图3)1.在动鄂的一端安装好纸垫圈和透盖4.装动鄂另一端透盖和纸垫圈5.动鄂另一端透盖和纸垫圈装好以后图3 动颚组件装入动颚孔c. 外部轴承的安装。把各个键分别装入偏心轴上的键槽
12、)图4 外部轴承的装配d. 飞、槽轮的安装把飞、槽轮及胀紧套(或键)放于偏心轴上,使飞、槽轮与密封圈靠紧,并注意使飞、槽轮上的标记与偏心轴上标记对应后旋紧胀紧套上的螺栓,胀套安装方法按此本手册,然后装妥轴端挡圈。(注意:飞槽轮系铸铁件,安装时切忌热套)槽轮常规是安装在偏心轴左端(面对进料口方向看),也可根据现场需要使飞、槽轮位置进行对调。(见图5)图5 飞轮、槽轮的安装(含涨套安装)3、肘板与调整部件(1)肘板是经过精确计算的铸铁件。它不只是传力构件,而且也是破碎机的保险零件。当破碎机中落入不能破碎的物料而使机器超过平常负荷时,肘板就会立即折断,破碎机停止工作,从而避免整个机器的损坏。肘板和肘
14、开楔块螺栓,松开楔块,拧紧起顶螺栓,(或把液压起顶机头部装入顶头,旋入机架后的螺母内,将液压起顶机的出油阀打开,扳动手柄)起顶螺栓或顶头向前推动调整座,达到一定的开口度时,取出调整垫片,以达到增大排料口的需要;若放入调整垫片,则可达到减小排料口的需要。在达到用户所需的排料口尺寸后,首先松开起顶螺栓(可打开液压起顶机的进油阀,扳动手柄,松开顶头)调整座在动颚部件自重的推力作用下,调整座及调整垫片组向机架后墙靠拢,压实,注意起顶螺栓或顶头松开程度应达到调整座向后墙靠拢,压实后而不相接触,再拧紧楔块螺栓,将楔块与调整座与机架牢固,适度拧紧拉杆螺母收紧弹簧,即完成调整排料口工作。(见图7)图7 排料口
16、置安全防护装置由用户现场制作安装并应加上相应标志。 六、 安装、操作和维修(一)颚式破碎机的安装本机是由制造厂装配、经过空载试车后成台提供的大型机器,分部件运输,用户收到产品后应按照装箱单仔细清点,以便发现和排除运输过程中可能带来的问题。1、由于本机在工作时振动量较大,因此机器应安装在钢筋混凝土结构的基础上,基础的重量大致可取为本机器重量的8-10倍,地基的深度要大于该处土地冻结的深度,基础图提供的尺寸为主机和电动机地脚螺栓的相对位置以及相关的其它参数,不作为施工图。安装地脚螺栓处必须留出预留孔,作为二次灌浆的依据。下料槽的高度和大小根据下部的出料方式由现场决定。2、二次灌浆的水泥牢固后再拧紧
21、,钠基或钙钠基润滑脂,在润滑脂较干燥时,可用稀油与润滑脂调和后使用。(4)肘板与肘板垫之间只需在装配或检修时,在其接合面处加上适量的润滑脂即可。(5)润滑部件系用来把润滑油方便可靠的注入润滑点的机构,润滑时间以图中所示时间为准。(本机共4个润滑点,分别为四只轴承处)。(见图8)图8 润滑孔位置及润滑脂2、可能发生的故障和排除方法:可能发生的故障主要原因排除方法1.飞轮旋转但是动颚停止转动 1.弹簧断裂2.拉杆断裂3.肘板折断1. 更换弹簧2.更换拉杆3.更换肘板2.破碎板抖动并产生撞击声1.破碎板固定螺栓松动2.破碎板固定螺栓断裂1. 紧固破碎板固定螺栓, 如防松动弹簧弹性不足应更换2. 更换
22、破碎板固定螺栓3.推力板支座中产生撞击声或其他不正常声音1. 弹簧紧度不够或松驰2. 推力板支座磨损或松驰3. 推力板肘头磨损严重4. 出料口调整装置调整得不均匀,造成推力板左右吃力不一致1. 拧紧弹簧或更换弹簧2. 更换推力板支座3. 更换推力板重新调整出料口调整装置4.飞轮松动1. 键配合过松, 键和键槽磨损严重2. 轴端锁紧装置松动把键打紧,或重开键槽更换键, 将轴端锁紧装置上紧5.破碎产品粒度增大颚板底部磨损严重调整排料口调节装置, 缩小排料口, 如不行时, 可将颚板上下对换或更换新颚板6.破碎腔堵塞,主电机的电流高于正常运转电流1. 大石块进入破碎腔上方,但又不能被破碎造成堵塞2.
23、破碎机下面的皮带机发生故障, 排料口被堵3. 进入粘性物料和其他杂物堵塞排料口4. 喂料量太大1. 停车后, 用钢丝绳栓住大石头, 再用吊车将大石头吊出破碎机2. 停止喂料,排除皮带机的故障,此时尽可能不停破碎机3. 停止喂料,疏通出料口,此时尽可能不停破碎机4. 调慢喂料机转速,减少喂料量7.轴承温度过高1. 润滑脂不足2. 润滑脂脏污3. 轴承损坏1. 加入适量的润滑脂2. 清洗轴承后更换润滑脂3. 更换轴承3.易损件图9 易损件位置易损件表明细序号名称图片使用寿命/月材质1弹簧6弹簧钢2拉杆6碳钢3上边护板4高锰钢4下边护板4高锰钢5固定齿板4高锰钢6活动齿板4高锰钢7肘板2铸铁8轴承6
24、轴承钢9肘板垫片4碳钢注:1.以上易损件使用时间为理论时间,请以实际使用过程中出现的损坏情况,及时更换; 2.不同规格的破碎机,部分易损件外观可能不尽相同请以实物为准。日常维护实际需要每月每周每天检查颚头是否紧固,是否磨损检查边护板是否紧固,是否磨损检查卸料嘴确保附近没有碎片,钢铁,厚片等杂物检查所有的螺栓是紧固的检查肘板检查肘板是否有裂缝检查肘板弹簧,确保没有损坏并且调整平衡检查空机运转声音,如果有杂音请紧固肘板弹簧检查飞轮是否有裂缝每天检查机器停机时间,每天记录下来检查下降趋势定期检查轴承温度,记录下来并且观看其上升趋势检查所有皮带,确保其没有磨损日常维护contents preface
25、1 product characteristic .1 product application .1 specifications and technical parameter.2 structure description and assembly .3 installation operation and maintenance.10. prefaceplease read the manual carefully before operating it to make sure that the machine works well.l the improvement of our p
26、roducts is continuous, so maybe there will be some changes of specification without notice.l statement: you must operate the machine like this: before you start up the machine, please dont feed it; and before you stop the machine, insure that there is no material in it.。. product characteristichigh
27、reduction ratio simple structure reliable operation convenient maintenance. product applicationpe(x) series jaw crusher, whose size reduction ratio up to 46 and the final products are even, can be widely used in crushing hard, medium-hard, soft ore, and various kinds of ore, the solvent, slag, build
28、ing stones, marble, etc. compression strength does not exceed 320 pa. this machine is suitable for mining, building construction, highway, railway, water conservancy and chemical industry. . specifications and technical parameter itemmodelfeed opening size(mm)max. feeding size(mm)adjustable range of
29、 output size(mm)capacity(t/h)motor power(kw)weight(t)overalldimension(mm)pe400×600400×60035040-10015-6030-376.81700×1732×1653pe500×750500×75042550-10040-10045-5511.22035×1921×2000pe600×900600×90048065-16060-14055-7516.52290×2206×2370pe750
31、380pex250×1200250×120021025-6020-6037-458.52192×1605×1415. structure description and assemblydiagram 1 structure of jaw crusher1. fixed jaw plate 2. side plate(up) 3.movable jaw plate 4. jaw 5.toggle plate 6.tension device(spring and tension rod) 7. side plate(lower) 8. pulley 9.
32、bearing 10.bearing 11.eccentric shaft 12. fly wheeljaw crusher uses motor as its power. through the motors wheels, the eccentric shaft is driven by v-belt and groove wheel to make the movable jaw move by a regulated track. therefore, the materials in the chamber that consists of fixed jaw, movable j
33、aw and side- plate can be crushed and discharged through the discharge opening. Ø 1. the framethe frame of jaw crusher has heavily impulsive load during work. so it must be of high intensity and rigidity. the frame is welded (the small jaw crusher is cast -steel). the fixed jaw fastening by hig
34、h-strength bolt is installed at the front frame. the up and lower side-plate is installed at the left and right side of the frame.Ø 2. the movable jawæ (1) structure characteristicmovable jaw is made of high-quality casting steel. its holes and troughs are made through precision machining
35、and tested strictly, which can make sure that they can work safe and credible.the eccentric shaft is made of the excellent forging steel. its precision machining, heat treatment and inspection make it be of high intensity and rigidity.bearing adopts four sets self-aligning roller bearing and it has
36、excellent loading capacity and auto self-aligning performance.both the fixed and movable jaw is made of high-quality manganese-steel. in order to extend its working time, it is designed symmetrically. so if one end is frayed, another end also can be used. flywheel and groove wheel are made of good c
37、asting iron. their weight and structure can ensure the crusher work balanceable. the flywheel on the eccentric shaft can be exchanged and connected by the power lock.æ (2) installation of the movable jaw partsq a. installation of the eccentric shaft subassembly.the eccentric shaft and the beari
38、ng must be washed by karaffin oil, then install the oil partition at two ends of the eccentric shaft. put the two bearings into the oil of 80-100 degree for 15 minutes. when the hole is bigger than the eccentric shaft at 0.15, then put it on the ends of the eccentric shaft pressure the bearing so it
39、 would close to the shoulder of bearing, until the bearing become cool, the clearance must be lower than 0.05mm. after clearing, you should put grease at 50 percent to 70 percent. diagram 2 installation process of eccentric shaft subassemblyq b. install eccentric shaft into movable jaw after fasten
40、the unclosed cap and the paper gasket into the movable jaw with bolts, make sure the end down with the unclosed cap. then put the eccentric shaft parts into the movable jaw. when lift it please pay attention to make sure that the eccentric shaft and the movable jaws center line be consistent. put th
41、e bearing sleeve well slightly, then strike and press gradually when the pressing amount is even. (do not hammer the bearing directly, put copper bar on the bearing and hammer the cooper bar), the procedure is the same as pressing the second bearing after the first one bears pressure, then pour into
42、 50%-70% lubricating grease in the bearing, afterwards put on another side unclosed cap, paper gasket, etc., fasten with bolts, and should also make bearing outer surface with cover surface have 0.20.4 gap.diagram 3 install jaw crusher subassembly into jaw crusher holeq c. install of external bearin
43、g put every key into the keyway of eccentric shaft, then pack the cover of inner loop of the maze, pay attention to the direction, fetch other two bearings, wash clean with the kerosene, put the adapter sleeve into the hole of the bearing, install on the eccentric shaft, fasten into the round nut ac
44、cording to the structure chart. note that the whorl is on the eccentric shaft, with the purpose that eccentric shaft can make round nut fasten urgent when rotating fasten the round nut on the eccentric shaft first, make inner ring of the bearing close to the sealed ring, repeated for several times,
45、make the axle bush fasten finally and make round nut of bush withdraw, make the interval between round nut and inner circle is about 1mm. press the long-short teeth of gasket into the slot of round nut and fasten them, then pour 50%70% lubricant into bearing, then put into the inner loop of the cove
46、r respectively.diagram 4 installation of external bearingq d. installation of flywheel and grooved pulleyput flywheel, grooved pulley and power lock on the eccentric shaft and have flywheel, grooved pulley close to sealed ring. then fasten the bolt of power lock after making sure that the mark of fl
47、ywheel and grooved pulley be correspond to the mark of eccentric shaft. installation of power lock follows this instruction, then install shaft end baffle ring. (note: flywheel and grooved pulley are cast iron parts, avoid heat when installation). a routine is to install grooved pulley on the left e
48、nd of eccentric shaft (face to feed opening), and also can exchange groove pulleys position according to spots requirement.diagram5 installation of pulley and flywheel(include power lock)Ø 3. the toggle plate and adjustment partsð(1) the toggle plate is made of accurate casting iron. it is
49、 not only the component that spreads the strength, but also the insurance part of crusher, the toggle will break up immediately and the crusher will stop working when some unbreakable materials go into the crusher. toggle and toggle mat adopt rolling contact way, which can reduce attrition during th
50、e normal operation, so the user only needs to put some lubrication grease on the contact surface. change the toggle plate as soon as its broken, and the change method please see diagram 6 ð (2) adjusting parts are used for adjusting the discharge size and reducing the attrition among jaw plate,
51、 toggle plate and shim.note: make sure that there is lifting device and reinforcing wire before change the toggle plate.diagram6 installation the toggle plate ð (3)adjustment of discharge openingthe shims are fixed on adjusting base or movable jaw by angle steel and bolts; shims are between adj
52、usting base and frame, above supporting frame; lifting bolt (or header and hydraulic jack) push adjusting base through bolt or shim, adjusting base connects with frame directly or through wedge, lifting bolt or heading and hydraulic jack can play adjusting role independently.when adjusting and arran
53、ging the discharge opening, unscrew the nut of tension rod which strains the part appropriately at first, unclamp spring, unclamp wedge a bolt, unclamp the wedge one, tighten the jack bolt, it push forward the toggle seat and achieve some space, then take out the shim reaching the needs of dischargi
54、ng opening; if add more shim, it can reduce the opening; when reaching the needs, unscrew the jack bolt and the toggle seat with shims will be back to the frame under the weight of movable jaw. pls note that the toggle seats should not contact with frame, then tighten the bolts and firm the framework, tighten the tension rod nut appropriately and tighten up the spring, nam
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