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1、 Do you know the U.K? 英国的全称: 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 简称: 联合王国The United Kingdom 或英国Britain/ England第1页/共50页About U.K.英国包括英格兰England、苏格兰Scotland威尔士Wales和北爱尔兰Northern Ireland四个部分 第2页/共50页About U.K.其中,England(英格兰)、Scotland(苏格兰)、Wales(威尔士)同属于Great Britain (

2、大不列颠) 而Northern Ireland(北爱尔兰)在地理上与其它三部分分开,属于爱尔兰,但是在1921年的独立战争后被分割出来,现在归英国、爱尔兰和其本身的代表议会共同管理。England 首府:London (同时也是整个英国的首都)Scotland 首府:EdinburghWales 首府:CardiffNorthern Ireland 首府:Belfast 第3页/共50页taxitaxi driver第4页/共50页搭的士/搭巴士/搭便车take a taxitake a bustake a lift第5页/共50页taxin. 出租车 He called a taxi for

3、 me. 他给我叫了辆出租车。 by taxi 乘出租车 taxi stand (AmE)出租车站 taxi driver 出租车司机 take a taxi to 打车去 他每天早上打车上学。 He takes a taxi to school every morning. He goes to school by taxi every morning.第6页/共50页Fawcett f:sit 弗西特taxi tksin出租汽车 (是真的出租车吗?)Pilatus Porterpiltsp:t 皮勒特斯波特 (飞机机名) land lnd v着陆; n. 陆地plough plau v耕地

4、lonely lunli adj偏僻的,人迹罕至的Birmingham b:mi.hm伯明翰 Welsh wel adj威尔士的roof ru:f n楼顶 (ceiling)block blk n一座大楼, 大厦,街区; v.阻塞flat flt n公寓房desert diz:t v废弃,丢弃; n. 沙漠Words第7页/共50页landv. 着陆,登陆 The plane will land in five minutes. 飞机将在五分钟后降落。 The pilot landed the plane safely. 飞行员将飞机安全着陆。 The plane landed in the

5、ocean. land on the airfield第8页/共50页plough v. 耕地a ploughed field The plane can land_.on a ploughed field 耕过的田地第9页/共50页lonely adj. 孤单的, 人迹罕见的a lonely villageShe felt lonely though she is not alone.alone adj. 单独的,独自的我独自一人,但我并不孤独。I am alone but I am not lonely.第10页/共50页desertdiz:t v 废弃,抛弃n 他抛弃了他的妻子和孩子到深

6、圳打工了。nHe deserted his wife and children and went to work in Shenzhen.deserted adj. 废弃的a deserted house一间废弃工厂a deserted factory第11页/共50页desert dezt n. 沙漠the Sahara 第12页/共50页dessert diz:t n. 甜品第13页/共50页nroof 1、n.房顶、车顶、顶部 pl.roofsHave no roof over ones head=have no place to live没有地方住nroof 2、n.最高处the ro

7、of of the world世界屋脊the roof of the mouth上颚3)ceiling 天花板hit the ceiling 勃然大怒hit the roof 大发雷霆/暴跳如雷raise the roof 闹翻了天第14页/共50页n固定搭配:no roof over ones head无家可归nunder ones roof住在自己家里under sbs roof在某人家做客;寄人篱下;在某人照应下第15页/共50页many blocksflat roofthe roof of a block of flats Can the plane land on the roof

8、of a block of flats?一栋公寓楼的楼顶第16页/共50页Blocknput up a road block设置路障na block in traffic在交通一块na block of marble一块大理石nTurn left after two blocks.nblock是街区,flat是(一套)公寓房间,公寓大楼第17页/共50页n flat 1. n I hope to have a flat of my own.2.adj. The earth is round, not flat.地球是圆的,不是平的。3.adj. flat tyre 瘪了的轮胎第18页/共50页

9、 land land on water plough a ploughed field roof flat the roof of a block of flats block desert a deserted car- park lonely a lonely island Read the new words again第19页/共50页 A Small Quiz (小测验) Match the words or phrases with the right pictures( ) a ploughed field( ) roof( ) flat( ) block( ) land on

10、water( ) a deserted car- park( ) a lonely islanda abcdefgfbdaceg第20页/共50页minibus 3-wheeled bicycleusual taxies第21页/共50页an unusual taxi第22页/共50页Pilatus Porter(飞机机名)captain(机长) Ben Fawcett (人名) a small Swiss aeroplane (瑞士)We call it an unusual taxi because it can land anywherev. 着陆 第23页/共50页Questions:

11、1.Why does the writer say Captain Ben Fawcetts taxi is unusual?2. What is the most surprising thing about this “taxi”?3.Why has Captain Fawcett refused to fly a businessman to Rockall?Because the taxi is a small Swiss aeroplane called a Pilatus Porter .The most surprising thing about it is that it c

12、an land anywhere.Because the trip was too dangerous.第24页/共50页Language Pointsn Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service.nun-: 前缀,不,未,非,反nEg: ableunable, happy-unhappyn luckyunluckynbegin a new service 开始一项新业务na mail service /a postal servicenafter-sale service第25页/共5

13、0页 The taxi is a small Swiss aeroplane called a Pilatus Porter. called 在此句中为过去分词 过去分词做定语时是作为被动状态来翻译的nWe have an lovely dog. It is called Dingding.nWe have a lovely dog called Dingding.na ploughed field 被耕过的田;na deserted car park 被废弃的车场改为定语从句:which is called/named Dingding.; whose name is.第26页/共50页重点

14、整理:1、The taxi is a small Swiss aeroplane called a Pilatus Porter.过去分词短语,作aeroplane的定语。一般过去分词短语作定语时要放在所修饰的名词/代词之后,而一个单独的分词作定语时则往往放在所修饰的名词/代词前He landed in a deserted car park.I have an instrument called a clavichord.第27页/共50页This wonderful plane can carry seven passengers. The most surprising thing ab

15、out it, however, is that it can land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field. 那木桥承得住这样重的卡车吗?Can that wooden bridge carry such heavy trucks?The most surprising / exciting thing is that.最让人兴奋的事是老板同意我的观点The most exciting thing is that Jenny gives me a lot of money.第28页/共50页Captain Fawcett

16、s first passenger was a doctor who flew from Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains. fly sb. to. 开飞机送某人去My friend drove me to Tianjin. (drive sb. to开车送某人去)第29页/共50页Since then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places. Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats a

17、nd on another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park. since then 强调起点so far/up to now 强调终点on several occasionon rare occasionsJenny is a naughty girl, once she broke Annas nose and on another occasion, she broke Tinas teeth.第30页/共50页Captain Fawcett has just refused a strange request from a busin

18、essman. The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous.Refuse and Denyrefuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事I offered to pay him for his help but he refused deny doing sth. / deny that +从句否认(指控、做过某事等)He denies that he

19、 refuses her help.第31页/共50页too 在副词或形容词前表示否定含义,强调程度大到了人们不愿去做too expensive 太贵了(买不起)very 强调程度深You are very kind.very expensive 很贵,但买得起第32页/共50页Captain Ben Fawcett has (1 buy) an unusual taxi (2) has (3 begin) a new service. The taxi is a small Swiss plane (4 call) a Pilatus Porter. This wonderful plane

20、 can carry seven passengers, (5) the most surprising thing about it, (6), is that it can land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field. Captain Fawcetts first passenger was a doctor (7) flew from Birmingham to a lonely village (8) the Welsh mountains. 答案:(1) bought; (2) and; (3) begun;

21、(4) called; (5) but; (6) however; (7) who; (8) in; (9) to; (10) as; (11) and; (12) on; (13) and; (14) deserted; (15) refused; (16) from; (17) who; (18) to; (19) in; (20) but; (21) because综合训练第33页/共50页 Since then, Captain Fawcett has flown passengers (9) many unusual places such (10) lonely islands (

22、11) mountainous areas. Once he landed (12) the roof of a block of flats (13) on another occasion, he landed in a (14 desert) car park. He has just (15 refuse) a strange request (16) a businessman (17) wanted to fly (18) Rockall, a lonely island (19) the Atlantic Ocean, (20) Captain Fawcett did not t

23、ake him (21) the trip was too dangerous.答案:(1) bought; (2) and; (3) begun; (4) called; (5) but; (6) however; (7) who; (8) in; (9) to; (10) as; (11) and; (12) on; (13) and; (14) deserted; (15) refused; (16) from; (17) who; (18) to; (19) in; (20) but; (21) because综合训练第34页/共50页示例1:The taxi is a small S

24、wiss aeroplane called a Pilatus Porter.(called作定语, 修饰aeroplane,它实际上是从这个完整的句子变来的:which is called a Pilatus Porter;可见,它体现的是一种被动关系。在此,也请大家注意定语 从句是怎么简化的,这一点很有用。)语法学习:过去分词作定语过去分词的含义有两种:第一,表示完成;第二,表示被动。第35页/共50页 示例2:It can land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field. (ploughed作定语,修饰field;我们

25、也可以把它还原为一个定语从句:on a field which is ploughed) 示例3:On another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park.(deserted作定语, 修饰car park;如果还原为定语从句,则是:which was deserted或:which had been deserted) boiled water boiling water第36页/共50页nsleeping bag 睡袋动词加ing 变成形容词作定语有二个意思 : 正在. : sleeping dog 用来做. : sleeping bagnl

26、istening materialnwalking sticknpassing plane 词汇 听力资料拐杖 路过的飞机第37页/共50页1.Though he is _ , he doesnt feel _ .A. alone, lonelyB. lonely, aloneC. alone, aloneD. lonely, lonely2.He made a _ decision at the meeting.A. surpriseB. surprisedC. surprisingD. surprisingly3.I will come to _ you if you can not fi

27、nd my house.A. takeB. bringC. carryD. fetch从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。第38页/共50页4.The famous scientist _ high reward offered by his country.A. denyB. refused C. against D. denied5.Hong Zhanhui is the collage student _ has moved Chinese people a lot. (06,河南省)A. whoB. whichC. whatD. whom6.There are l

28、ots of things _ I need to do before I leave tonight. (06,福建省漳州市)A. thatB. whoC. whyD. what从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。第39页/共50页8.Its a long way from my home _ school.A. in B. at C. fromD. to9.The teacher made the students _ the text after school. (07,内蒙古乌兰察布)A. wroteB. to write C. writeD. writing10

29、.Tom has a beautiful daughter _ Alice.A. calledB. callingC. callD. is called 第40页/共50页A. 用所给动词的正确形式填空。 1. I _ him in 1994. I _ (not see) him since 1994. I _ (see) him three years ago. I _ (not see) him for three years. 2. It _ (rain) very hard last night. It _ (not rain) so hard for six month. 3. Mo

30、ther _ (cook) a lovely meal yesterday. Mother _ (not cook) such a lovely meal for ages. 第41页/共50页 4. I _ (sleep) very well last night. I _ (not sleep) so well before. 5. I _ (wake) up in the middle of the night yesterday. I _ (not wake) up in the middle of the night for ages. 6. We _ (eat) a lot last night. We _ (not eat) so much for ag


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