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1、aback adv.向后be taken aback 吃一惊abacus 算盘use an abacus 打算盘work an abacus打算盘abandon 放弃,抛弃 abandon doing sth 放弃做某事abandon oneself to + n 沉溺于,任由摆布absent-minded 茫然的,心不在焉的be absent from 缺席abundant 丰富的,充分的;缩小,缩短be abundant in 富于(矿产等)have access togain access to 可以获得(或接近)accordance 符合,一致in accordance with 依据

2、,与一致account账目,账 报告,叙述 解释,说明account for 说明的原因on account of 由于,因为take account of 考虑,重视take into account 考虑,重视on no account 不论什么都不(在句首倒装)ache 疼痛思念,渴望同情,怜悯ache for sb.想念某人,同情某人ache to do sth.渴望去做某事addition 加法,附加物in addition 另外,此外in addition to 除之外(to为介词)advantage 优点,优势好处,利益have/gain/get an advantage ove

3、r胜过,优于get advantage to sth.有利于take advantage of 利用,趁之机(常有贬义)make use of 利用 (指很好的使用)advise sb. to do 建议某人做advise doing sth.建议做某事advise sb of sth 通知某人某事adivse + 从句 用虚拟语气advisable 适当的,可行的,明智的It is advisable that 用v 或should + vagree to 赞成计划、意见agree with sb. 赞成他人意见agree with sth. 适应agree on 双方意见一致agreeme

4、nt 协议,协定同意,达成协议in agreement with 同意,与一致arrive at an agreementcome to an agreementreach an agreement 达成一致意见allow for 考虑到allow sb to be 认为某人allow 不接 to do 作宾语,但可作为宾补amount 数量,总数合计,总计等同amount to doing sth. 等同,接近a large amount of +不可数名词 + 单数动词large amounts of + 不可数名词 + 复数动词amount 作为时(n),只与amount有关,与它修饰的

5、词无关adapt to (to为介词)使适应于adjust to 与上同,可互换amuse 逗乐,逗笑娱乐,使快乐一下feel amused at/by/with 被逗乐amuse oneself by/with 以自娱ambition 常由不定式作定语(ambitious)afford sb. to do sth. 能负担某人的adopt 收养,采用methods adopted 采用的方法a foster-son = adopted son 养子foster-home 养父母的家analysis n 分析,分解(analyze vt)on/upon analysis 经分析to make

6、an analysis of = to analyze 分析in the final / last analysis 经最后分析认为anchor 锚,抛锚,停泊come to anchor 停泊ride / lie / be at anchor 停泊着drop anchor 抛锚weigh anchor 起锚annoy 使恼怒,使烦恼v.打扰annoy sb. by doing sth. 因做而烦恼be annoyed at / with sth. 对很生气be annoyed to do sth. 做很生气anticipate 预计,期望anticipate doing sth. 期望做某事

7、anxious (anxiety n)焦虑的,发愁的渴望的,急切的be anxious for / about 担心某事be anxious to do =be eager to do 渴望做某事ashamed 惭愧的,害臊的be ashamed of / that 对(感到)惭愧be ashamed to do sth.羞于做某事apologise(ize) vi 道歉,认错apologise to sb for sth. 向某人道歉apologise for doing sth.因而道歉apology n (不能跟从句表示原因)to make an apology to sb. for d

8、oing sth.对to make an apology to sb that 错appeal 呼吁vi.& n,恳求vi.上诉vi.&n诉诸,求助感染力,吸引力appeal to sb. / sth. 求助于appeal against sth. 对进行申诉an appeal for sth. 呼吁,请求make an appeal to sb. for sth.为某事向人呼吁applicable 适当的,合适的be applicable to 适用于have an appetite for 有欲望apply 申请,要求使用apply to sb. for sth. 因为某事

9、向某人申请apply to 将应用于apply to 适用于apply for 申请apply oneself to (doing) sth. 专心于,致力于application 申请,申请表应用,实施application for (doing) sth. 申请(做)某事application to (doing) sth. 应用于,专心于appoint任命,委派约定,指定appoint sb.(to be)+职务,指派某人认某职务职务前不能任何冠词appoint (+时间、地点等) to do 指定或约定appointment n.have/make an appointment wit

10、h sb与人约定keep the appointment 守约cancel the appointment 取消约会approval 同意,赞成nmeet with ones approval令人满意,使人赞同appove vi赞成,同意批准appove of sth. 赞成某事appove of doing sth. 赞成做某事approximate vi接近,近似大约,近似approximate to 近似,接近argument 争论,争辩理由,证据have an argument with sb. about (on) sth.与某人就某事产生争执the argument for / a

11、gainst sth.(doing sth.)支持(反对)某事的理由for sake of argument假设以便决定或理解arise vi出现,发生由引起,源于arise from / out of 由引起arise表示“出现,发生”主语常为无形的,抽象的情况、问题arouse 引起,激起唤醒arouse sb. from (sbs sleep)把从(梦中)唤醒arrest vt & n 逮捕,拘留be arrested on suspicion fo sth.因涉嫌被捕arrest sb. for sth. 因逮捕某人under arrest 被捕aside from 除之外ap

12、art form 除之外还有没有别的了besides 除之外(还有别的)aspect 方面外表,面貌every aspect of sth.各个方面assist 帮助,协助assist sb. in (doing) sth. 帮助某人做某事assist sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事associatewith ,把与联系在一起associate with 与交往assure sb. of sth.使某人相信某事be astonished at sth. 对感到吃惊atomic pile 原子能反应堆atomic weight 原子量attach系,连接使附属依恋be attache

13、d to 深爱attack攻击v & n,进攻v发作the attack on / upon 对的攻击an attack of (+疾病)发作under attack of 在攻击下attempt 企图,试图vt试图nones attempt to do sth.的企图(尝试)attempt on ones life 企图谋杀某人 make an attempt 尝试attention 注意,留心pay attention to (doing) sth. 注意call sbs attention to sth. 叫某人注意某事bring sth. to sbs attention 使某

14、人注意事ones attitude to / towards 某人对的态度attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意be attractive to sb. 对某人有吸引力attribute 把归因于attributeto 可归因于的be available to 对是可利用的be available from 从处可获得on the average 通常来说average out 达到平均数,平均为wait for sb. to do await sb. to doawake 只作表语be wide awake 一点也没有睡意awaken to = waken to 醒悟,

15、察觉awe 畏惧,敬畏使敬畏,使畏惧vtbe struck with awe 肃然起敬stand / be in awe of 敬畏hold / keep sb. in awe 使某人敬畏back and forth 来回地back of 在的背后back up 倒退,支持badly 坏,差adv严重地,非常be badly in need of 迫切需要baggage 与luggage 都是不可数名词用much 或two pieces of baggagepack ones bags 收拾行李,不能说pack ones baggagebalance 作“天平”可数,scale通常不可数可用w

16、eigh sth. in a / the balance 或 weigh sth. in the scaleskeep ones balance 保持平衡out of balance 失去平衡in the balance 县而未决with ones bare hands 赤手空拳strike a bargain 达成协议,成交bargain with 与讲价a cul ture barrier 文化隔阂a trade barrier 贸易壁垒on the basis of 根据belong to 属于(无被动)behalf 利益(in) on behalf 为了,代表on sbs behalf

17、 为了某人believe sb.相信某人的话believe in sb.信任某人believe in sth. 相信的存在make believe 假装,装做believe it or not 信不信由你bend 弯曲,倾身弯曲,转弯处bend over 转过来bend down 变下来bend forward 向前倾bend back 向后倾be of benefit 有益于某人benefit from / by 受益于for the benefit of 为了(的利益)beyond sb.某难以理解的,为某人力不能及beyond dispute 毫无疑问beyond recognition

18、 认不出来beyond all praise 极好beyond belief难以置信beyond compare 无与伦比blend 混合(物)blend (in) with / into 与融合在一起in (full) bloom (花)盛开in bloom of = at the best time of 最佳时期,青春boast自夸,夸耀boast of / about sth.夸耀boast that 自夸说,吹嘘说boast sth. 以自豪bold勇敢的,无畏的黑体的,粗体的as bold as brass 极其胆大妄为be / make bold to do sth. 冒昧地做某

19、事make so bold as to 冒昧地做某事make bold with 擅自动用,随意对待bond联系,连接债券,债票enter into a bond with 与缔约at bottom实际地,根本上from the bottom of ones heart 诚心诚意be bound for 开往的be bound to 一定会,应当bow 鞠躬,点头take a bow 谢幕bow (down) to before sb. 向某人鞠躬bow to sb. / sth.向某人(物)屈服in brief 简单的说in short 为较长叙述后的,简单的说bulk 大量,巨大的体积绝大

20、部分,主体in bulk 大批,大量burst 使爆炸,爆裂突然发作,突然出现burst into tears / laughter 突然开始哭 / 笑burst out crying / laughing突然开始哭 / 笑burst in = break in 闯入burst forty 迸发burst with 充满burst out 突然be busy doing sth. = be busy at (with)忙于做某事calculate 计算,核算计划,打算估计,推测be calculated to be / do sth. 企图,试图calculated on / upon sth

21、. 预计,指望calm down sb. = calm sb. down 使冷静下来campaign for / against sth.支持(反对)而进行活动cancel sth. out = cancel out sth. 抵消,平衡be capable of doing sth.有资格干,能够干pay in cash 用现金支付capacity 容量,容积能力at full capacity 全速,全力以赴to capacity 满满地to ones full capacity 充分施展某人的才能case 情况,实情案例箱,盒in any case 不管怎样,无论如何in the cas

22、e of 至于in case of + n 如果,假使in case 以防万一(用虚拟语气,一般现在时)in no case 在任何情况下都不(句首倒装)cast 扔,投铸造,熔铸于cast light on sth. 揭示,显露cast an eye over sth. (很快地)扫一眼cast / about / around for sth. 多方找寻cast sb. down = cast down sb.使削丧,泄气caution小心,谨慎告诫v,警告n & vtcaution sb. (not) to do 告诫某人(不)要做caution sb. against告诫某人要

23、做cease 停止,终止 n & vwithout cease / ceasing不断地cease doing / cease to do = stop doing停止做celebrate sth. with / by 用方式庆祝be celebrated as / for 因而著名chain 链,连续的事物束缚,以链系之be chained to ones work 工作忙得难以脱身in chains 在囚禁中,戴着镣铐take / in charge of 负责in the charge of 由负责charge sb. with指控某人有罪be on a charge of (+

24、罪名)被控犯有罪bring a charge (of + 罪名)against sb.因而指控某人有罪challenge sb. to sth. / to do sth. 向某人挑战be characteristic of 表现的特点Thats very king of you = Thats very civil of coil 卷n & v,线圈coil sth. up 把卷起来 chase 追捕,追赶vt追捕 nchase after sb. 追求某人,追赶某人chase sth. 追逐chase up 设法(迅速)找到cheat sb. (out) of sb. money 骗

25、某人的钱财cheat on sb. 在(感情上、婚姻上)欺骗某人checkup 医疗检查checkout 退房时间a blank check 空头支票check in (at) 登记(住宿、到达)check on 核对,核查check on / upon sb. 调查某人的行为背景the chief of the armed force 军队的统帅chief executive 行政主管chop 劈,砍chop sth. down = chop down sth. 砍倒chop sth. up = chop up sth. 剁碎chop at sth. 不停地砍be on circuit 在巡

26、回中make a circuit of 巡视,巡查circumstance 条件,情况,经济状况,境遇in / under the circumstances 在这种情况下in / under no circumstances 无论如何都不claim sth. 索取某物claim on / for sth.要求,索取,宣称(对负责)claim to do sth. 宣称claim that 宣称collision between 在之间发生冲突come into collision with 与相撞in combination with 与联合a combination of 的结合crumb

27、 of comfort 一点安慰live in comfort 生活舒适(安逸)take comfort from 从中得到安慰take command (of) 指挥(),控制()command 接从句用虚拟语气comment on / upon sth. 对发表评论be composed of 由组成commit 干(坏)事,犯罪委托,使承担义务commit an error 犯错commit a crime 犯罪commit oneself on sth. 担任,承担(义务)commit sb.oneself to sth.=commit to doing sth使某人/自己不能不做某事

28、in common 共同,共有out of common 不寻常的common cold 感冒,伤风communicate with sb. 与某人联系communicate sth. to do 把传达给某人be in communicate with sb. 与某人互通情况a companion to sth. 与相配的一(只、个)make good companions 相处得很好be good / bad company 好的/坏的伴侣in company 和一道,当客人在场in the company of 在的陪同下,与一起keep sb. company 与某人做伴,陪同某人ke

29、ep company with 与交往complain of sth/doing sth.=compain about sth.抱怨complain to 向投诉complain against 控告compare with 比得上,不亚于compare with 把与比较compare to 把比作compel(强迫) sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做某事beyond ones comprehensio让某人难以理解conceal sth. from sb. 对某人隐瞒某事concentrate on/upon=focus on集中于,专心于compete with / agains

30、t sb. for sth. 与竞争compete for sth. 与竞争compete for sth. 为而竞争compete with sb. in 在方面与某人竞争in competition with 与竞争competent 有能力的,能胜任的be competent for sth. 有能力做某事be competent to do sth. 有权力做某事compress 压紧,压缩compress sth. into把压进,把压缩成comprise 包括,包含(无被动)comprise = be compose of = consist of = be made up of

31、某物组成另外一物as far as be concerned 就而言concern about 关心concern with 涉及到be concern with 关于be concerned for 关心have a concern in 在中有利害关系a concern for about 对的担心,关心condemn 谴责判刑,定罪(condemnation)condemn sb. to do sth. 宣判某人做某事condense 压缩,凝聚a condensed copy 精简的版本condition 情况,状态;环境,条件;调节(理)in / out of condition 健

32、康状况好/不好on condition that = only if 只要,在此情况下on no condition 决不confess 承认,坦白confess (to doing ) sth. 承认(干了)in confidence 秘密地with confidence 满怀信心have confidence in sb. 对某人有信心be confident of sth. 确信某事an armed conflict 武装冲突confuse sth./sb with sth./sb.A把与混淆congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人confine 限制,使局限confi

33、ne sb. / sth. to 把限制在里confine oneself to the facts 以事实为限be confirmed in ones faith 信仰更加坚定confirm sb. in sth. 确认,同意in conflict 在争论(冲突)中conflict of interest 利益冲突come into conflict with 与发生冲突conflict with sth. / sb. 与相冲突for consciences sake 为心安理得in all conscience 凭良心说on ones conscience 使不安,使内疚in conjun

34、ction with=in combination with联合be / become conscious of 意识到consent vt & n consent to do sth. 同意做某事consent to sth. 同意某事consent + that 后跟虚拟语气by common / general consent 公认consequence 结局,后果in consequence 因此,结果in consequence of 由于as a consequence of 作为的结果It is considerate of sb. to do sth.考虑周到做事be

35、considerate of sth某事考虑的周到be considerate to/towards 对体谅in consideration of 因为on no consideration 决不take into consideration 考虑到,顾及consist of 由构成,包含consist in 在于,靠consist with 与一致,并存consist表“状态”不用于进行和被动be consistent with 与一致be contemporary with sb.与同时代consult 请教,向咨询,商议consult with 与交换意见,商议,商量consult sb

36、. 向某人请教be in (out of ) contract with保持(失去)联系make contract with 与联络come into contract with 接触content 内容,目录;含量;使满足,使满意rest / be content with / to do sth. 对满足in content 在满足之中to ones hearts content 心满意足contest 竞争,比赛n争夺vcontest with / against 与对抗contract in 同意/许诺参加contract out of 同意/许诺不插手contradiction 矛盾

37、,不一致;否认,反驳be in contradiction to (with) 与相矛盾by contraies 与愿望相反on the contrary 相反,(根本不)be contrary to 违反to the contrary 与它相反地,不同地in / by contrast 对比来说in contrast with / to和形成对比,与相反a contrast betweenand和之间的对比contrast sth. with 将与对比contribute to 向捐钱,向投搞contribute to 为做出贡献have control over sb./sth.对某人/事

38、有控制权under control 在控制中out of control 失去控制in / under control of 在控制中in control of 控制,负责at ones convenience 在方便之时for (the sake of ) conve nience 为了方便for the convenience of 为了的便利for ones convenience 为某人便利make a convenience of sb.(不顾别人)利用convention 社会习俗,惯例;契约,会议by convention 出于习俗convert (from) to 转变为con

39、vert (sth.) to / into sth. (把)变为convey sth.(from)to把某事(从)传到convince sb. of sth ./ that从句,使某人确信cooperate with in sth.在某方面与合作cooperate to do 协作做cope with 处理,对付crack down 打击,取缔be critical of 对挑剔,对吹毛求疵deal in sth.经营,买卖correspond with sth. / sb.与相一致(通信)correspond to sth. 相当于,与相一致cost the earth 很贵at all c

40、osts / at any cost 不惜任何代价at the cost of 以为代价learn to ones cost 汲取教训,从教训中学到count for nothing / little 无关紧要,无足轻重count on / upon 指望,依靠count sb. / sth. out sb. / sth. 淘汰,不算进去count up to 算出总数,数到a couple 一对夫妻a couple of 一对,两三(个)couple sth. together 把接起来couple sth. with sth. 把连接到in course of 正在in the cours

41、e of 在期间,在的过程in due course 按部就班地,到(一定)时候of course 当然,自然be crazy about 对着迷like crazy 发狂地,拼命地to sb. credit 亲自give credit to 信任,相信on credit 赊帐,挂账bring credit to 为增光credit sth. to sth./sb.将钱存入的账户credit sb. with 相信某人(具备)out of curiosity 出于好奇in / with curiosity 好奇地burn with curiosity 急于,无比好奇in current use

42、 还在用current account 活期存款current affairs 时事be cursed with 因而遭受不幸curse sb. for (doing) sth. 因而诅咒某人put a curse on sb. 诅咒某人to date 直到今天out of date 过时的,老式的up to date 现时的,现代的date back to / from 可追溯到,始于the dawn of sth. 的萌芽(发端)at (the) break of dawn 黎明时分dawn on / upon sb. 某人突然意识到run into debt 陷入债务中in debt t

43、o sb. 欠的债out of debt 由债务中脱身fall into decay 开始朽败in decay 腐败deceive 欺骗,欺诈deceive sb. into doing sth. 骗某人做某事be deceived in sb. 看错某人,受某人骗declare for / against sth. 表态支持/反对某事declare sb.(to be)innocent 宣告某人无罪defend against / from保护免于伤害defend for 以为辩护define as 把定义为be definite about sth. 对很肯定delete from 从上将

44、某物删除take delight in 爱,以为乐delight in sth. 以为乐be delighted by / with sth. 对感到高兴be delighted / to do sth. / that 高兴做某事deliver sb. from 使某人从中解脱出来deliver sth. to sb. 把提移交给某人deliver the child 接生deliverer 演讲者demand for 对的要求demand sth. of / from sb. 向某人要某物demand that + 虚拟语气make strict demands on oneself严格要求

45、自己on demand一经要求,承索deny sb. sth. 拒绝给某人某物deny doing sth. 否认做了Theres no deny that 毋庸质疑dependent on / upon 但:independent ofdescribe as 把描绘成leave sb.to ones own device任某人各行despair 绝望,失望despair of (doing) sth.the despair of sb. 某人的失望in despair 绝望地,在失望中in (great) detail 详细地go / enter into details 详谈,细谈be d

46、etermined to do sth.决心做某事(表状态)determine on doing 决定做某事determine to do 决心做(表动作)dictate 口授,口述,命令dictate to sb. 对某人发号施令differ from 与不同differ in 在方面相异differ with / from sb. about / on / over sth. 在某事上与某人意见不同dimension 尺寸,长,宽,厚度,大小,程度another dimension to the problem问题的另一个方面3 dimension(al) objects 三维物体dipl

47、oma mill 文凭工厂(公文,执照)at a discount 低于正常的价格,打折discourage sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事be distinct from 与有明显不同discuss (sth.) with sb. 和某人讨论某事be dismissed from 开除,解雇on display 陈列,展出on sbs disposal 任处理be disappointed at / about (doing) sth.对感到失望be disappointed in /with sb. 对某人感到失望be disgusted at / with sth. 讨

48、厌in disgust at sth. 对讨厌dispose of sth. 处理,除掉dispose sb. to (for) sth. 使某人有意于做dispute 争论,争端,争吵in dispute 与某人争论beyond / without dispute 毫无疑问,不用说be in / under dispute (问题) 正在讨论be open to dispute (事物)值得讨论,可以质疑dispute about / over sth. 争论dispute with sb. 与某人争论be distinct from 与有明显不同distinguishfrom=distin

49、guish betweenand区别与distinguish oneself 使自己表现出色,出名distribute sth. to among 把某物分配给distribute sth. over 把某物散布在,分布于be diverse from 与不同be divided into 被分成divide among 在中分配divide by 除以divide sth. from sth. 将某物与某物分开divide sth. with sb. 与分divide up 分光divorce (sth.) from sth. 使两物分离get a divorce from sb./divo

50、rce sb.与某人离婚beyond doubt 毫无疑问地hang in doubt 悬而未决in doubt 感到怀疑的,拿不准的make no doubt (of) 对毫无疑问without (a) doubt 无疑地drag sth. from / out of sth. 从把排掉drain off sth 把排掉drain away 排掉drift apart 飘离the drift of sth. (话语等的)意思,(人的)流动with ease 不费力气(be / feel) at (ones) ease (感到)舒适,无忧虑(stand) at ease (军队)稍息drip

51、(down ) from 从(往下)滴drip with sth. 充满,充溢in effect 实际上put / bring into effect 使生效take / come into effect 生效to that effect 大意如此elaborate 复杂的,精心制作的,阐述elaborate on 对详细说明elect sb. (as) 选举某人为with emotion 激动地,兴奋地enable sth. 使某事成为可能ensure doing sth. 忍受emerge 出现,涌现;冒出,暴露emerge from 从涌现emerge 为vi , 无被动语态lay /

52、put place emphasis on / upon 强调with emphasis 强调地employ sb./sth. as雇用某人,当把当作be employed in doing sth. = employ oneself in sth. 忙于做某事employ sb. to sth. 雇某人干employ sb. for doing sth. 用做be out of employ 失业be in the employ of sb. 受雇于encounter 遭遇,遇到have an encounter with sb. 不期而enforce a law 实施法律enforce silence 迫使安静enforce sth. on / upon / from sb.把强加给be engaged in (doing) sth. 忙于(做)某事beengaged to sb.与某人订婚engage sb. as 雇佣某人当emga


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