1、amende d Decree No. 3442011.12.1 the State Council promulgatedby Decree No. 591, 9 People' s Republicof Chi na regulationson road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.1310 safety production license Ordi nance, promulgatedby Decr ee No. 406of the State Council promulgatedby Decree of the State Council, N
2、o. 39711 2007.06.01 production safety accident reporting, investigation and handling of Ordinance promulgatedby Decre e No. 493, 12 of the State Council regulationson spe cial equipment safety supervision 2009.05.01 amende d Decree No. 373 State Council Decree No. 549, 13 insurance regulations regar
3、ding industrial injuries 2011.01.01 amendment,promulgate d by Decree No. 586 of the State Councilpromulgated by De cree No. 375, 14 administration of precursor chemicalsOrdinance 2005.11.01 State CouncilDecreeNo. 445, 15 workplaces where toxic substance s are used to labourprotecti on 2002.05.12 the
4、 State Council promulgatedby Decree No. 352,16 wome n workers . 4.6 review and revision 4.6.1production te chnol ogy section Office organized relevarules be revised toensure suitability and effectiveness. 4.6.3 revision of the file change appr oval form should be filled in, indicating thecauses and
5、changes, approvedby the De puty i n charge of security,GeneralManagerof revision. 4.6.4 a new revised safety regulations and safety rules shouldbe released to the post in a timely manner to ensure rules a nd safety regulations of each post is the latest file, recover t he original document unified v
6、oid. 5. related records 5.1 list of applicable law s, regulations a nd standar ds of the inventory listing numbercarbon i ndustry laws and regulati ons legalregulations and other requirements came into force date enactedsect or update record 1/standard number People's Republic of China 2, Chairm
7、a n of the national people'sCongress made the 70th production safety law 2002.11.1People's Republic of ChinaLaw of occupational disease prevention2002.05.01NPC 3, order of the President of the 60th People's Republic of China fire control law of 2009.05.01 4, Chairmanof the national peopl
8、e'sCongre ss StandingCommittee 6th Peopl e's Republi c of Chi na labor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of the national people's Congress Standing Committee, 65th 5 People's Republic of Chinaon roaChairmanof the nationalpeople'sCongre ss made the 62nd Peopl e's Republic of China emerge
9、ncy response law 2007.11.1, Chairmanof the national people's Congress, the69th 8 Ha zardouschemical safety management regulation amended Decree No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Councilpromulgated by DecreeNo. 591, 9 People's Republic of Chi na regulations on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 1
10、0 safety production licenseOrdinance,四年级上学期第一单元词语盘点姓名:正确个数:错误个数:kun kuòbó wùl ng zhàofèi téngbn téngy j ìu()()()() ()()huf ùcàn lànzhúgngul f èng xìzhào yào()()()()()()shù shojìng jìchàn dòngsh
11、224;shíf n chhuhuì()()()()()()zhng cháoróng shùzhèn jìnglíhuángztán sè bi hésè()()()()()()pútáo hubái máng máng qiézi zj n càn cànxiào yíng yíng()()() ()()ruòyn ruòxi
12、4;náng shu dng wàngf ng píng làng jìngshutin xi ng ji()()()()shén láizhbqítóu bìng jìnmàn tin jun dìrén shng dng fèi()()()()shn bng dìli èbùróng zhìyíshén mì mòcèhéng gu&
13、#224;n ji ng miàn()()()()qin zbi tàirén jìhn zhìyìng ji bùxiájun jun xìli ú()()()()li án li án fi pùto to ji ng shuyùyùcng cnghung hung hh()()()()promulgatedby De cree No. 406 of the State Councilpromulgated by De creeof the
14、State Council,No.397 11 2007.06.01production safety accident reporting, investigation and handlingof Ordi nance pr omulgated byDecree No. 493,12 of the StateCouncil regulations on spe cial equi pment safety supervision 2009.05.01 amended DecreeNo. 373State Council DecreeNo. 549, 13 insurance regulat
15、ions regarding industrial injuries 2011.01.01 amendment,promulgated by De creeNo. 586 of the StateCouncil promulgated byDecree No. 375,14 administration of precursorchemi cals Ordi nance 2005.11.01 State CouncilDecree No. 445,15 work places where toxicsubstances areused to labourprotection 2002.05.1
16、2 the State Councilpromulgatedby Decree No. 352, 16 women w orkers .4.6. review and revise 4.6.1producti on technology section Office once every year andorganize relevant departments to review unit on the issuing of system files,not suitable documents be revised in a timely manner. 4.6.2General Mana
17、ger of revision. 4.6.4 a new revised safety regulations and safety rules shoul d be released to the post in a timely manner to ensure rules a nd safety regulations of each post is the latest file, recover theoriginaldocument unified void. 5. related records 5.1 list of applicable laws, regul ations
18、and standar ds of the inventory listing number carbon industry lawsand regulations legal regulations and other requirements came into force date enacted sectorupdate record 1/standard number People's Republic of China 2, Chairman of thenational people's Congress made t he 70thproducti on saf
19、ety law 2002.11.1 People's Republic of China Law of occupational disea se prevention 2002.05.01 NPC 3,order of the President of the 60th People's Republic of China fire control lawof 2009.05.014, Chairman of the nationalpeople'sCongress StandingCommittee 6th People's Republiof China
20、labor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of thenational people's Congress StandingCommittee, 65th5 Pe ople' s Republicof Chi na on road traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairmanof the nationalpeople'sCongress made the 47th, 6 Pesafety management regulation amendedDecreeNo. 344 2011.12.1 the State Counci
21、l promulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 People's Republicof China regulations on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production license Ordinance, promulgated by DecreeNo. 406 of the State Councilpromulgated by Decree of the State Council,No. 39711 2007.06.01production safety accident repo
22、rting, investigation and handli ng of Ordinancepromulgatedby Decreamende d Decree No. 3442011.12.1 the State Council promulgatedby Decree No. 591, 9 People' s Republicof Chi na regulationson road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.1310 safety production license Ordi nance, promulgatedby Decr ee No. 40
23、6of the State Council promulgatedby Decree of the State Council, No. 39711 2007.06.01 production safety accident reporting, investigation and handling of Ordinance promulgatedby Decree No. 493, 12 of the State Council regulationson spe cial equipment safety supervision 2009.05.01 amende d Decree No.
24、 373 State Council Decree No. 549, 13 insurance regulations regarding industrial injuries 2011.01.01 amendment,promulgate d by Decree No. 586 of the State Councilpromulgated by De cree No. 375, 14 administration of precursor chemicalsOrdinance 2005.11.01 State CouncilDecreeNo. 445, 15 workplaces whe
25、re toxic substance s are used to labourprotecti on 2002.05.12 the State Council promulgatedby Decre e No. 352,16 wome n workers . 4.6 review and revision 4.6.1production te chnol ogy section Office organized relevarules be revised toensure suitability and effectiveness. 4.6.3 revision of the file ch
26、ange appr oval form should be filled i n, indicating thecauses and changes, approvedby the De puty i n charge of security,GeneralManagerof revision. 4.6.4 a new revised safety regulations and safety rules shouldbe released to the post in a timely manner to ensure rules a nd safety regulations of eac
27、h post is the latest file, recover t he original document unified void. 5. related records 5.1 list of applicable law s, regulations a nd standar ds of the inventory listing numbercarbon i ndustry laws and regulati ons legalregulations and other requirements came into force date enactedsect or updat
28、e record 1/standard number People's Republic of China 2, Chairma n of the national people'sCongress made the 70th production safety law 2002.11.1People's Republic of ChinaLaw of occupational disease prevention 2002.05.01NPC 3, order of the President of the 60th People's Republic of C
29、hina fire control law of 2009.05.01 4, Chairmanof the national people'sCongre ss StandingCommittee 6th People's Republi c of Chi na labor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of the national people's Congress Standing Committee, 65th 5 People's Republic of Chinaon road traffic safety law 2011.5.1,
30、 Chairmanof the national people's Congress made tChairmanof the nationalpeople'sCongre ss made the 62nd Peopl e's Republic of China emergency response law 2007.11.1, Chairmanofthe national people's Congress, the69th 8 Ha zardouschemical safety management regulation amended Decree No.
31、 344 2011.12.1 the State Councilpromulgated by DecreeNo. 591, 9 People's Republic of Chi na regulations on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production license Ordinance,四年级上学期第二单元词语盘点姓名:正确个数:错误个数:j n yúnchóng diékòng xìyèbngchùji o()()()()()hé
32、;n jìzhúji ànxu xingzhùzháiyn bì()()()()()yn cángxun zézhùzhdòng xuèróu ruò()()()()()su suqng xiépíng tnbtkun chng()()()()()ji o lóngshèn zhòngníng jìngjìng mìháo fàng()()()()()w
33、250;li áou ránzhn xnpio yíqng yì()()()()()zliàozhèng jùgwko zhèngqyuán()()()()()zhào kiji shuzhèn dòngyn rénzhùyì()()()()()háo bùkxsuíyùér nzuòwòbùn()()()()xi o móshígungb
34、9;ksyìj ng shén dà zhènpromulgatedby De cree No. 406 of the State Councilpromulgated by De cree of the State Council,No. 397 11 2007.06.01production safety acci dent reporti ng, investigation and handlingof Ordi nance pr omulgated byDecre e No. 493,12 of the StateCouncil regulati
35、ons on spe cial equi pment safety supervision2009.05.01 amended DecreeNo. 373 State Council DecreeNo. 549, 13 insurance regulations regarding industrial injuries 2011.01.01 amendment,promulgated by De creeNo. 586 of the StateCouncil prom ulgated byDecree No. 375, 14 administration of precursorchemi
36、cals Ordi nance 2005.11.01 State CouncilDecree No. 445,15 work places w here toxicsubstances areused to labourprotection 2002.05.12 the State Councilpromulgatedby De cree No. 352, 16 women w orkers .4.6. review and revise 4.6.1producti on te chnol ogy secti on Office once every year andorganize rele
37、vant departments to review unit on the issuing of system files,not suitabl e documents be revised in a timely manner. 4.6.2processe s, technology, material changes onor after an acci dent, a nd biote ch branch and that the workshop shouldbe timely to various regulations and safety rules be revised t
38、o ensure suitability and effectiveness. 4.6.3 revision of the file change appr oval form shouldbe fille d in, i ndi cating the causes and changes, a ppr oved by the De puty i n charge of security,General Manager of revision. 4.6.4 a new revised safety regulations and safety rules shoul d be released
39、 to the post in a timely manner to ensure rules and safety regulations of each post is the latest file, recover theoriginal docume nt unified voi d. 5. related records 5.1 list of appli cable la ws, regul ations and standar ds of the inventory listing number carbon industry lawsand reg ulations lega
40、l regulations and other requirements came into force date ena cted sectorupdate record 1/standard number People's Republic of China 2, Chairman of thenational people's Congress made t he 70thproducti on safety law 2002.11.1 People's Republic of China Law of occupational disea se preventi
41、on 2002.05.01 NPC 3,order of the President of the 60th People' s Republic of China fire control lawof 2009.05.014, Chairman of the nationalpeople'sCongre ss StandingCom mittee 6th People's Republiof China labor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of thenational people's Congress StandingCommittee
42、, 65th5 Pe ople' s Republicof Chi na on road traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairmanof the national people's Congress made the 47th, 6 Pe opl e's Republi c of Chi na Trade Union law 2001.10.27 7,Chairma n ofthe national people'sCongre ss made t he 62nd People's Republic of China em
43、ergency response l aw 2007.11.1, Chairman of the national people's Congress, the 69th8 Hazardous chemicalsafety management regulation amendedDecree No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 People' s Republicof China regulations on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01
44、.13 10 safety production license Or dinance, prom ulgated by DecreeNo. 406 of the State Councilpromulgated by Decree of the State Council,No. 397 11 2007.06.01production safety accident reporting, investigation and handli ng of Ordinancepromulgatedby Decreamende d Decree No. 3442011.12.1 the State C
45、ouncil promulgatedby Decree No. 591, 9 People' s Republicof Chi na regulationson road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.1310 safety production license Ordi nance, promulgatedby Decr ee No. 406of the State Council promulgatedby Decree of the State Council, No. 39711 2007.06.01 production safety accide
46、nt reporting, investigation and handling of Ordinance promulgatedby Decre e No. 493, 12 of the State Council regulationson spe cial equipment safety supervision 2009.05.01 amende d Decree No. 373 State Council Decree No. 549, 13 insurance regulations regarding industrial injuries 2011.01.01 amendmen
47、t,promulgate d by Decree No. 586 of the State Councilpromulgated by De cree No. 375, 14 administration of precursor chemicalsOrdinance 2005.11.01 State CouncilDecreeNo. 445, 15 workplaces where toxic substance s are used to labourprotecti on 2002.05.12 the State Council promulgatedby Decree No. 352,
48、16 women workers . 4.6 review and revision 4.6.1production te chnol ogy sectirules be revised toensure suitability and effectiveness. 4.6.3 revision of the file change appr oval form should be filled in, indicating thecauses and changes, approvedby the De puty i n charge of security,GeneralManagerof
49、 revision. 4.6.4 a new revised safety regulations and safety rules shouldbe released to the post in a timely manner to ensure rules a nd safety regulations of each post is the latest file, recover t he original document unified void. 5. related records 5.1 list of applicable law s, regulations a nd
50、standar ds of the inventory listing numbercarbon i ndustry laws and regulati ons legalregulations and other requirements came into force date enactedsect or update record 1/standard number People's Republic of China 2, Chairma n of the national people'sCongress made the 70th production safet
51、y law 2002.11.1People's Republic of ChinaLaw of occupational disease prevention2002.05.01NPC 3, order of the President of the 60th People's Republic of China fire control law of 2009.05.01 4, Chairmanof the national people'sCongr ss StandingCommittee 6th People's Republi c of Chi na
52、labor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of the national people's Congress Standing Committee, 65th 5 People's Republic of Chinaon roaChairmanof the nationalpeople'sCongre ss made the 62nd Peopl e's Republic of China emergency response law 2007.11.1, Chairmanof the national people's Congress, the69th 8 Ha zardouschemical safety management regulation amen
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