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1、1、 Which role is responsible for carrying out the activities of a process?下列哪个角色负责执行进程活动?A. Process owner 过程所有者B. Change manager 变更经理C. Service manager 服务经理D. Process practitioner 过程执行者D2、 Which process or function is responsible for monitoring activities and events in the IT infrastructure? 在IT基础架构

2、中 下列哪个进程或职能是负责监控活动和事件的?A. Service level management 服务级别管理B. IT operations management IT运营管理C. Capacity management 能力管理D. Incident management 事故管理B3、 Which of the following options is a hierarchy that is used in knowledge management? 下列哪个选项是用于知识管理的一个层级? A. Wisdom - Information - Data Knowledge 智慧 - 信

3、息 - 数据 - 知识 B. Data - Information - Knowledge Wisdom 数据 - 信息 - 知识 - 智慧 C. Knowledge - Wisdom - Information Data 知识 - 智慧 - 信息 - 数据 D. Information - Data - Knowledge Wisdom 信息 - 数据 - 知识 - 智慧B4、At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operate a new service be defined? 在

4、服务生命周期中的哪个阶段来定义执行新服务的必要流程?A. Service design: Design the processes 服务设计:设计流程B. Service strategy: Develop the offerings 服务策略:开发产品C. Service transition: Plan and prepare for deployment 服务转型:计划和准备部署D. Service operation: IT operations management 服务执行: IT运维管理答案:A5 Why are public frameworks, such as ITIL,

5、attractive when compared to proprietary knowledge? 与专有知识相比,为什么公共框架较有吸引力,如ITIL?A. Proprietary knowledge may be difficult to adopt, replicate or transfer since it is often undocumented专有知识可能很难采用,复制或转移,因为它往往是无证B. Public frameworks are always cheaper to adopt 采用公共框架总是更便宜C. Public frameworks are prescrip

6、tive and tell you exactly what to do公共框架是指令性的,并准确地告诉你该怎么做D. Proprietary knowledge has been tested in a wide range of environments专有知识已在各种环境中进行了测试 答案:A6、Which of the following is an objective of business relationship management?下列哪项是企业关系管理的目的?A.To identify patterns of business activity 确定业务活动的模式B. To

7、 ensure high levels of customer satisfaction 为保证高水平的客户满意度C. To secure funding to manage the provision of services保障服务管理资金D. To ensure strategic plans for IT services exist 为现有IT服务确保战略规划 答案:B7、The design of IT services requires the effective and efficient use of the four Ps. What are these four Ps? I

8、T服务的设计要求有效地利用“四个P”。什么是“四个P”?A. People, process, partners, performance 人,流程,合作伙伴,表现B. Performance, process, products, plans 表现,流程,产品,计划C. People, process, products, partners 人,流程,产品,合作伙伴D. People, products, plans, partners 人,产品,计划,合作伙伴答案:C 8、Which of the following BEST describes service strategies va

9、lue to the business?以下哪项最能形容的业务服务战略价值?A. Allows higher volumes of successful change 允许更多的成功变革B. Reduction in unplanned costs through optimized handling of service outages通过服务中断的优化处理减少意外成本C. Reduction in the duration and frequency of service outages 减少服务中断的持续时间和频率D. Enabling the service provider to h

10、ave a clear understanding of what levels of service will make their customers successful 促进服务供应商充分理解什么级别的服务水平能使客户满意。答案:D9 Which two processes will contribute MOST to enabling effective problem detection? 哪两个流程最有助于实现有效地检测问题?A. Incident and financial management事故和财务管理B. Change and release and deployme

11、nt management 变更、发布和部署管理C. Incident and event management 事故和事件管理D. Knowledge and service level management 知识和服务级别管理答案:C10Which of the following would be used to communicate a high level description of a major change that involved significant cost and risk to the organization?对于一个机构,重大变更涉及巨额成本和高风险,下列

12、哪一项被用来传达高级别变更的说明?A. Change proposal 变更提案B. Change policy 变更政策C. Service request 服务要求D. Risk register 风险登记答案:A11、Which of the following should be documented in an incident model?以下哪一项应记录在一个事件模型中?1. Details of the service level agreement (SLA) pertaining to the incident 与服务水平协议细节( SLA)有关的事件2. Chronolo

13、gical order of steps to resolve the incident解决的事件的先后步骤A. 1 only 仅1B. 2 only仅2C. Both of the above 1和2D. Neither of the above 都不对答案:B12 Why is it important for service providers to understand patterns of business activity (PBA)? 为什么服务提供商了解业务活动( PBA )的模式很重要?A.PBA are based on organizational roles and

14、responsibilities PBA是基于组织角色和职责的B. IT service providers CANNOT schedule changes until they understand PBA IT服务供应商明白PBA才能安排的变更C. Demand for the services delivered by service providers are directly influenced by PBA服务有供应商提供, PBA直接影响服务需求D. Understanding PBA is the only way to enable accurate service lev

15、el reporting 了解PBA是以实现服务水平报告精确化的唯一的途径答案:C13 、Which one of the following would NOT be defined as part of every process?下列哪一个不会被定义为进程的共有部分?A. Roles 角色B. Inputs and outputs输入和输出C. Functions 职能D. Metrics 指标答案:C14、Which process is responsible for recording the current details, status, interfaces and depe

16、ndencies of all services that are being run or being prepared to run in the live environment?对于正在运行或正准备在现场环境中运行的服务,下列哪个进程负责记录当前服务的详细信息,状态,接口和所有的依存关系?A. Service level management 服务级别管理B. Service catalogue management 服务目录管理C. Demand management 需求管理D. Service transition 服务转型答案:B15 A process owner has b

17、een identified with an “I” in a RACI matrix. Which one of the following would be expected of them?在RACI中, 进程所有者被定义为 “I”, 下列哪一个是“I”?A. Be accountable for the outcome of an activity 为活动的结果承担责任B. Perform an activity 执行活动C. Be kept up-to-date on the progress of an activity了最活动的最新进展D. Manage an activity

18、管理活动答案:C16 Which of the following are objectives of service level management?服务级别管理的目标是?1 :Defining, documenting and agreeing the level of FT services to be provided 定义,记录和商定所提供服务的FT水平2 :Monitoring, measuring and reporting the actual level of services provided监控,测量和报告所提供服务的实际水平3 :Monitoring and impr

19、oving customer satisfaction监测和提高客户满意度4 :Identifying possible future markets that the service provider could operate in确定可能出现的服务提供商可以运营的未来市场; A. 1, 2 and 3 only 1 ,2和3 B. 1 and 2 only 仅1和2C. 1, 2 and 4 only 1,2和4D. All of the above 以上皆是答案:A17 Which one of the following do technology metrics measure?下

20、列哪项是技术测量指标?A. Components 组件B. Processes 进程C. The end-to-end service 终端-到-终端 服务D. Customer satisfaction 客户满意度答案:A18 Which process includes business, service and component sub-processes?哪个进程包括业务,服务和组件子进程?A. Capacity management 能力管理B. Incident management 事件管理C. Service level management 服务级别管理D. Financi

21、al management 财务管理答案:A19 Which one of the following is NOT part of the service design stage of the service lifecycle? 下列哪一项不是服务生命周期的服务设计阶段的一部分?A. Designing and maintaining all necessary service transition packages 设计和维护所有必要的服务转换套件B. Producing quality, secure and resilient designs for new or improved

22、 services 生产优质,安全,有弹性设计的新的或改进的服务C. Taking service strategies and ensuring they are reflected in the service design processes and theservice designs that are produced以服务战略,并确保它们反映在服务的设计过程和生产服务的设计中D. Measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of service design and the supporting processes 测量的服务设计和支持过程

23、的有效性和效率答案:A20 What is the result of carrying out an activity, following a process or delivering an IT service known as?开展一项活动进程或IT服务,结果是什么,?A. Outcome 成果B. Incident 事件C. Change 变更D. Problem 问题答案:A21 Which process is responsible for managing relationships with vendors?下列哪项进程负责管理供应商关系?A. Change manage

24、ment 变更管理B. Service portfolio management 服务组合管理C. Supplier management 供应商管理D. Continual service improvement 持续服务改进答案:C22 Which of the following service desk organizational structures are described in service operation? 以下哪项服务台的组织结构在运营服务中?1 。 Local service desk 本地服务台2 。 Virtual service desk 虚拟服务台3 。

25、IT help desk IT帮助台4 。 Follow the sun 跟随太阳?A. 1, 2 and 4 only 仅1,2和4B. 2 ,3 and 4 only 仅 2 ,3和4C. 1, 3 and 4 only 仅 1 ,3和4D. 1, 2 and 3 only 仅1 , 2和3答案:A23 What are the categories of event described in the UIL service operation book?在UIL服务操作手册中描述了什么类别的事件?A. Informational, scheduled, normal 信息性事件,计划事件

26、,正常事件B. Scheduled, unscheduled, emergency 计划事件,非计划事件,紧急事件C. Informational, warning, exception 信息性事件,警告,异常D. Warning, reactive, proactive 警告,被动事件,主动事件答案:C24 What would you call the groups of people who have an interest in the activities, targets, resources and deliverables from service management?对服务

27、管理的活动,目标,资源和交付有兴趣的人称为什么?A. Employers 用人单位B. Stakeholders 利益相关者C. Regulators 监管部门D. Accreditors 认证机构?答案:B25 Which of the following are the MAIN objectives of incident management?下列哪项是事件管理的主要目标?1 。To automatically detect service-affecting events 自动检测影响服务的事件2 。To restore normal service operation as qui

28、ckly as possible为了尽快恢复正常服务运作3 。To minimize adverse impacts on business operations为了尽量减少对业务经营的不利影响A. 1 and 2 only 仅1和2B,2 and 3 only 仅2和3 C. 1 and 3 only 仅1和3D. All of the above 以上皆是答案:B26 What is the name of the group that should review changes that must be implemented faster than the normal change

29、process?需比正常进程更快速地执行的变更由什么组织来审查?A. Technical management 技术管理B. Emergency change advisory board 紧急变更咨询委员会C. Urgent change board 紧急变委员会D. Urgent change authority 迫切改变权限答案:B27 Which of the following is NOT an objective of service transition?下列哪一项不是服务转型的目标?A. To ensure that a service can be operated, ma

30、naged and supported为确保服务可以执行,管理和支持B. To provide training and certification in project management 为项目管理提供培训和认证C. To provide quality knowledge and information about services and service assets为客户提供优质的知识和有关服务和服务资产的信息D. plan and manage the capacity and resource requirements to manage a release管控管理一个版本所需

31、的能力和资源答案:B28 Which of the following types of service should be included in the scope of service portfolio management? 下列哪些项包含在服务组合管理范围内?1. Those planned to be delivered 计划交付的2. Those being delivered 正在交付的3. Those that have been withdrawn from service 已经退出服务的A. 1 and 3 only 1和3B. All of the above 全部C

32、. 1 and 2 only 1和2 D. 2 and 3 only 2和3 答案:B29:The BEST description of an incident is: 事故的最佳描述是:A. An unplanned disruption of service unless there is a backup to that service 除有候补服务外的意外服务中断 B. An unplanned interruption to service or a reduction in the quality of service服务的意外中断或服务质量下降C. Any disruption

33、 to service whether planned or unplanned任何服务中断,包含计划内或计划外的D. Any disruption to service that is reported to the service desk, regardless of whether the service is impacted or not 任何报告给服务台的中断服务,无论该服务是否是受影响答案:B30Which one of the following is the CORRECT set of steps for the continual service improvement

34、 approach?下列哪一组是持续改善服务的正确步骤?A. Devise a strategy; Design the solution; Transition into production; Operate the solution; Continually Improve 制定战略;设计解决方案;过渡到生产;执行解决方案;不断改善;B. Where do we want to be?; How do we get there?; How do we check we arrived?; How do we keep the momentum going? 我们想要在哪里?,如何到达?怎

35、样检查我们到达与否?如何保持势头?C. Identify the required business outcomes; Plan how to achieve the outcomes; Implement the plan;Check the plan has been properly implemented; Improve the solution 确定所需的业务成果,计划如何实现的成果;实施计划;检查计划已正确实施,完善解决方案D. What is the vision?; Where are we now?; Where do we want to be?; How do we

36、get there?; Did we get there?; How do we keep the momentum going?愿景是什么?;我们现在在哪里; ?我们想去哪里?我们如何到达那里; ?我们如何保持这种势头?答案:D31 When can a known error record be raised?何时可以提出已知错误的记录? 1 。At any time it would be useful to do so 任何这样做是有益的时候2 。After a workaround has been found 后一种解决方法已被发现的时候A: 2B. 1C. Neither of

37、the above 都不是D. Both of the above都是答案:D32 What body exists to support the authorization of changes and to assist change management in the assessment and prioritization of changes?现有的什么机构可支持:变更授权及协助评估和修改优先级方面的变更管理?A. The change authorization board 变更授权委员会B. The change advisory board 变更顾问委员会C. The cha

38、nge implementer 变更实施者D. The change manager 变更经理答案:B33 Which process is responsible for discussing reports with customers showing whether services have mettheir targets?哪个进程是负责与客户讨论和报告,服务是否已达到目标?A. Continual service improvement 持续服务改进B. Service level management 变更管理C. service level management 服务级别管理D

39、. Availability management 可用性管理答案:C34 What do customer perceptions and business outcomes help to define?客户感知和业务成果有助于确定什么?A. The value of a service 服务的价值B. Governance 管理C. total cost of ownership (TCO) 持有总成本(TCO)D. Key performance indicators (KPIs) 关键绩效指标(KPI )答案:A35 Which of the following are basic

40、concepts used in access management?下列哪项是访问管理使用的基本概念? A. Personnel, electronic, network, emergency, identity 人员,电子,网络,紧急事件,身份B. Rights, access, identity, directory services, service/service components权利,访问,身份,服务目录,服务/服务组件C. Physical, personnel, network, emergency, service 物理,人员,网络,紧急事件,服务D. Normal, t

41、emporary, emergency, personal, group正常事件,临时事件,紧急事件,个人,团体答案:B36 Which of these statements about resources and capabilities is CORRECT?关于资源和能力的陈述那些是正确的?A. Resources are types of service asset and capabilities are not资源是服务资产,能力不是B. Resources and capabilities are both types of service asset资源和能力都是服务资产C.

42、 Capabilities are types of service asset and resources are not能力是服务资产,资源不是D. Neither capabilities nor resources are types of service asset能力和资源都不是服务资产答案:B37 Within service design, what is the key output handed over to service transition?对于服务设计,什么是移交给服务转型的关键输出?A. Measurement, methods and metrics 测量,方

43、法和指标B. Service design package 服务设计包C. Service portfolio design 服务组合设计 D. Process definitions 流程定义答案:B38 What should a service always deliver to customers?服务者应始终提供给客户的是什么?A. Applications 用途B. Infrastructure 基础设施C. Value 价值D. Resources 资源答案:C39 Which process is responsible for the availability, confid

44、entiality and integrity of data?哪项进程对数据的可用性,机密性和完整性负责?A. Service catalogue management 服务目录管理B. Service asset and configuration management 服务资产和配置管理C. Change management 变更管理D. Information security management 信息安全管理答案:D 40 Availability management is directly responsible for the availability of which o

45、f the following?可用性管理是直接负责下列哪一项的可用性?A. IT services and components IT服务和部件B. IT services and business processes IT服务和业务流程C. Components and business processes 组件和业务流程D. IT services, components and business processes IT服务,组件和业务流程答案:A 41 What type of baseline captures the structure, contents and details

46、 of the infrastructure and represents a set of items that are related to each other?哪种基线概括了基础设施的结构,内容和细节,并代表有关系的一组项目?A. Configuration baseline 配置基线B. Project baseline 项目基线C. Change baseline 变更基线D. Asset baseline 资产基线答案:A 42 Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of access management?以下哪项是

47、访问管理目的的最佳描述?A. To provide a channel for users to request and receive standard services为了用户请求和接收标准服务提供渠道B. Provides the rights for users to be able to use a service or group of services提供用户能使用一项或一组服务的权利C. To prevent problems and resulting Incidents from happening为了防止发生问题和造成事故D. To detect security eve

48、nts and make sense of them为了检测安全事件,使其有意义答案:B 43 Which of the following are reasons why ITIL is successful?下列哪项是ITIL成功的原因?1 。ITIL is vendor neutral ITIL是厂商中立的2 。It does not prescribe actions ITIL没有规定动作3 。ITIL represents best practice ITIL代表最佳实践A. 上述所有都是B. 只有1和3C. 只有1和2D. 只有2和3答案:A 44 Which one of the

49、 following includes four stages called Plan, Do, Check and Act?下列哪一个包括四个阶段:计划,执行,检查和行动?A. The Deming Cycle 戴明循环B The continual service improvement approach 持续服务改进方法C. The seven-step improvement process 七步完善进程D. The service lifecycle 服务生命周期答案:A 45 The consideration of value creation is a principle of

50、 which stage of the service lifecycle?考虑创造价值因素是服务生命周期哪个阶段的原则?A. Continual service improvement 持续服务改进B. Service strategy 服务策略C. Service design 服务设计D. Service transition 服务转型答案:B 46 Which process is responsible for dealing with complaints, comments, and general enquiries from users? 哪个进程是负责处理投诉,意见和用户的

51、常见咨询?A. Service level management 服务级别管理B. Service portfolio management 服务组合管理C. Request fulfillment 履行请求D. Demand management 需求管理答案:C 47 Which of the following BEST describes partners in the phrase people, processes, products and partners? 在“人员,进程,产品和伙伴”这组词中,以下哪项是伙伴的最佳描述?A. Suppliers, manufacturers

52、and vendors 供应商,制造商和供应商B. Customers 客户C. nternal departments 内部部门D. The facilities management function 设施管理功能答案:A 48 Which process will perform risk analysis and review of all suppliers and contracts on a regular basis? 哪项进程会进行风险分析,并定期审查所有供应商和合同?A. The service level management 服务级别管理B The IT service

53、 continuity management IT服务连续性管理C. The service catalogue management 服务目录管理D. The supplier management 供应商管理答案:D 49 The experiences, ideas, insights and values of individuals are examples of which level of understanding within knowledge management?个人的经验,想法,见解和价值观是知识管理中哪个层面的例子?A. Data 数据B. Information

54、信息C. Knowledge 知识D. Governance 管理答案:C 50 Which one of the following contains information that is passed to service transition to enable the implementation of a new service?以下哪一项包含了为实施新服务传递给服务转换的信息?A. A service option 服务选项B. A service transition package (STP) 一个服务转换包( STP )C. A service design package

55、 (SDP) 一个服务设计包( SDP )D. A service charter 一个服务特许答案:C 51 Which of the following would commonly be found in a contract underpinning an IT service? 下列哪一项通常会在支撑IT服务的合同中找到?1 。Financial arrangements related to the contract 有关合同的财务安排2 。Description of the goods or service provided 所提供的商品或服务的说明3 。Responsibilities and dependencies for both parties 双方的责任和依赖关系A. 1 and 2 only 只有1和2B. 1 and 3 only 只有1和3C. 3 and 2 on


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