1、周业安 中国人民大学经济学院 advanced corporate finance高级公司金融周业安fall 2009syllabuscourse overview the content of the course combines of several strings of research in corporate finance. first, the course provides a theoretical and empirical introduction of the core topics in corporate finance, including: corporate
2、 investment; capital structure and financial contracting; corporate governance ; mergers & acquisitions, and so on. second, the course puts a major emphasis on empirical methodology , especially on some papers based on the chinese financial market data. third, the course emphasizes research in under
3、standing of financial decision-making in firms by traditional model and behavioral corporate finance.course assignments and grading there will be a few longer theoretical & empirical assignments. i will count class participation (including evidence of intelligently reading the required papers and di
4、scussing them), and you may write a working paper according to theoretical & empirical assignments before this term ending. this paper must model or give some empirical evidences on listed companies in china. the grade composition will be as follows:30% for a working paper;20% for class participatio
5、n;50% for the final exam;required background as a general rule, you should have any training in corporate finance, econometrics, contract theory and game theory(all are undergraduate courses). schedule of classesclass topic1overview: topics and tool2efficient market hypothesis , behavioral corporate
6、 finance, and corporate financial decision3corporate investment (i): empirics; financial constraints4corporate investment (ii): asymmetric information and agency; diversification and internal capital markets5corporate investment (iii): behavioral corporate finance6capital structure (i): modigliani-m
7、iller theorem, trade-off7capital structure (ii): financial contracting8capital structure (iii): asymmetric information and pecking order9capital structure (iv):market timing10investment bank and securities issue-ipo and seos11corporate governance(i): institutional arrangement and voting rule12corpor
8、ate governance (ii): boards13corporate governance (iii): executive compensation14corporate governance(iv): investor protection15m&a 16dividends and repurchases17final examreadings(阅读材料): 一、国外教材:科普兰,温斯顿和萨斯特里,2007,金融理论与公司政策,上海财经大学出版社,中译本。让梯若尔,2007,公司金融理论,中国人民大学出版社,中译本。威斯通,米切尔和马尔赫林,2006,接管、重组与公司治理,北京大学
9、出版社,中译本。哈特,1998,企业、合同与财务结构,上海三联书店,上海人民出版社,中译本蒙蒂尔,2003,行为金融:洞察非理性心理和市场,中国人民大学出版社,中译本。赫什舍夫林,2007,行为公司金融创造价值的决策,中国人民大学出版社,中译本。de matos, joao amaro ,2001,“theoretical foundations of corporate finance”, princeton university press .二、国内教材:张春,2008,公司金融学,中国人民大学出版社。朱武详等,2006,中国公司金融学,上海三联书店。汪昌云,2006,公司财务政策与公司
10、治理:中国的实践,中国人民大学出版社。刘力等,2007,信念、偏好与行为金融学,北京大学出版社。三、论文集:马斯科西莫维,津巴,2007,金融经济学手册,世纪出版集团,上海人民出版社,中译本。卢俊(编译),2003,资本结构理论研究译文集,上海三联书店,上海人民出版社,isbn 7-208-04705-7。丘和思腾斯特公司(主编),新公司金融:理论与实践,中信出版社,中译本。michael j. brennan, 1996, the theory of corporate finance, vol.1,2,and 3, an elgar reference collection.constan
11、tinides ,g.m. , m. harris, r.m. stulz (eds.),2003,handbook of the economics of finance: corporate finance volume 1a,north holland.eckbo, b. espen (ed.),2007,handbook of corporate finance, volume 1: empirical corporate finance,north holland; 1 edition.eckbo, b. espen (ed.),2008,handbook of corporate
12、finance, volume 2: empirical corporate finance,north holland; 1 edition.richard h. thaler(ed.), 1993, advances in behavioral finance, russell sage foundation.richard h. thaler(ed.), 2005, advances in behavioral finance,vol.ii, russell sage foundation.shefrin, hersh (ed.), 2001, behavioral finance, v
13、ol.1-3, an elgar reference collection. 四、研究方法:坎贝尔,2003,金融市场计量经济学,上海财经大学出版社,中译本。迈克尔.j.塞勒,2004,金融研究方法论大全必备,清华大学出版社,2005年中译本。伍德里奇,横截面与面板数据的经济计量分析,中国人民大学出版社, 2007年。(美)卡梅隆,特里维迪,微观计量经济学方法与应用(英文版),机械工业出版社,2008年。kothari, s.p. and jerold b.warner, 2007, “the econometrics of event studies”, in b. espen eckbo
14、(ed.), handbook of corporate finance: empirical corporate finance, volume 1 (handbooks in finance series, elsevier/north-holland), ch. 1, 2007.stata的使用。比如a. colin cameron ,pravin k trivedi ,2009,microeconometrics using stata,stata press,1 edition .五、相关综述:(一)公司金融的契约观基本讨论:1、朱民,刘俐俐,1989,“企业金融结构之谜现代企业金融
15、资本结构理论简介”,载于汤敏、茅于轼(主编),现代经济学前沿专题 第一集,商务印书馆2、哈里斯和拉维,1991,“资本结构理论”,载于卢俊(编译),2003,资本结构理论研究译文集,上海三联书店,上海人民出版社,isbn 7-208-04705-7。3、哈特,2000,“金融合同”,载于比较,第16辑,中信出版社,2005年1月。(二)公司金融的契约观资本结构1.murray z. frank and vidhan k. goyal,2008, “trade-off and pecking order theories of debt”, i in the handbook of corpor
16、ate finance, volume 2:empirical corporate finance, chp.12, edited by espen eckbo. new york: elsevier/north holland, 2008.2.linda schmid klein,thoas j. obrien,stephen r peters,2002, “debt vs. equity and asymmetric information:a review”, the financial review37(3):317-349.3.john r. graham,2008, “taxes
17、and corporate finance”, in the handbook of corporate finance, volume 2:empirical corporate finance, chp.11, edited by espen eckbo. new york: elsevier/north holland, 2008.4.parsons, chris and sheridan titman, “capital structure and corporate strategy”, in b. espen eckbo (ed.), handbook of corporate f
18、inance: empirical corporate finance, volume 2 (handbooks in finance series, elsevier/north-holland), ch. 13, 2008.5. parsons ,christopher and sheridan titman, 2008, “empirical capital structure: a review”, foundations and trends in finance,vol. 3, no. 1 (2008) 193.(三)证券发行(投资银行)1、ritter, jay r. ,2003
19、, “investment banking and secrities”, in constantinides ,g.m. , m. harris, r.m. stulz (eds.),2003,handbook of the economics of finance: corporate finance volume 1a,chapter 5,north holland.2、alexander ljungqvist,2007, “ipo underpricing”, in the handbook of corporate finance: empirical corporate finan
20、ce, volume 1, chp.7, edited by espen eckbo. new york: elsevier/north holland, 2007. 3. eckbo, b. espen, ronald w.masulis and oyvind norli, 2007, “security offerings” ,in the handbook of corporate finance: empirical corporate finance, volume 1,chp.6, edited by espen eckbo. new york: elsevier/north ho
21、lland, 2007.(四)股利政策allen, franklin,roni michaely,2003, “payout policy”,in constantinides ,g.m. , m. harris, r.m. stulz (eds.),2003,handbook of the economics of finance: corporate finance volume 1a,chp.7,north holland.kalay, avner and michael lemmon,2008, “payout policy”, in b. espen eckbo (ed.), han
22、dbook of corporate finance: empirical corporate finance, volume 2 (handbooks in finance series, elsevier/north-holland), ch. 10, 2008.(五)公司投资:1.stein, jeremy c., 2003, “agency, information and corporate investment”, in constantinides , g.m. , m. harris, r.m. stulz (eds.),2003,handbook of the economi
23、cs of finance: corporate finance volume 1a, chapter 2,north holland.2.maksimovic, vojislav and phillips, gordon m.,2007, “conglomerate firms and internal capital markets”, in the handbook of corporate finance: empirical corporate finance, volume 1, chp.8, edited by espen eckbo. new york: elsevier/no
24、rth holland, 2007.(六)公司治理1.shleifer, andrei, and robert w. vishny, 1997, “ a survey of corporate governance”, journal of finance 52, 737-83.2. becht, marco,patrick bolton and alisa rell,2003, “corporate governance and control”, in constantinides ,g.m. , m. harris, r.m. stulz (eds.),2003,handbook of
25、the economics of finance: corporate finance volume 1a,chp.1,north holland.3. tirole, jean, 2001, “ corporate governance”, econometrica, 69, 1-35.4. zingales luigi,1997, “corporate governance”, the new palgrave dictionary of economics and the law。(七)行为公司金融baker, malcolm, richard ruback and jeffrey wu
26、rgler,2007, behavioral corporate finance: a survey. in the handbook of corporate finance: empirical corporate finance, volume 1,chp.4, edited by espen eckbo. new york: elsevier/north holland, 2007.(八)并购betton, sandra, b. espen eckbo, and karin s.thorburn, 2008, “corporate takeovers”, in b. espen eck
27、bo (ed.), handbook of corporate finance: empirical corporate finance, volume 2 (handbooks in finance series, elsevier/north-holland), ch. 15, 2008.六、阅读文献:1、 overview: topics and toola. backgound巴金斯和小米兰蒂,2002,公司财政史,中国经济出版社。2、efficient market hypothesis , behavioral corporate finance, and corporate fi
28、nancial decisiona. backgound 科普兰,温斯顿和萨斯特里,2007,金融理论与公司政策,第1、10、11章。蒙蒂尔,2003,行为金融:洞察非理性心理和市场,第1、2、7章。b. efficient market hypothesis vs behavioral corporate financefama, eugene f. 1970. “efficient capital markets: a review of empirical work,” journal of finance. 25, pp. 383-417.fama, eugene f. 1991. “
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