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1、Inven tory: the origi n of the Internet acti on(Free Paper Downl oad Cen ter News) These days, Liubusy, not only in the Lege nd Hold ings micro space micro-cha nnel public han dwritte n nu mber on the author, but also in Beiji ng at the foot of the Wester n Hills, about a dozen entrepreneurs,media p

2、eople talk behind closeddoors Internet thinking. So, about their secret talks a lot of articles on the circle of friends crazy pass.Liu discuss ing with various people eve n argue whatis the n ature of the Internet thinking, great spectacle.In fact, this year, there are three people on the Internet

3、have a relatively large touch Liu.Some of themhave eve n bee n in vited to the Lege nd Hold ings Liu made in ternal com muni cati on.The first one is Ma. He once said, power to subvertthe traditi onal bus in ess chambers, Ma rely.The sec ond is Liu Qiang East. By cha nnel to make a market capitaliza

4、tionhigher than the association of thecompa ny, what Jingdong.The third is the LEI.Some oneonce wrote thearticle said the associati on millet with a final battle, Lei Junwhy.What is the orig in of the In ter net acti on?This maybe most concerned about is the critic.In my opinion, Liu is believed tha

5、t the origin of a person.Lenovo Departmentof Chinese enterprisesinthe past campaig n, is now a global campaig n, is to rely on a strategy of origi n - take the team, set strategy, lead the teams. Lenovo internalsupport this origin are the twoDNA: an execution;one is the ability to learn andreflecti

6、on.Lei Jun, Lenovo s style can be considered past his disciples, but now oftensay a word: dimensionalityreductionattack. Core meaning is the most powerfulthing in the past, has becomeso fragile in the newdime nsion.How dime nsio nality reducti on attack others,how l dime nsion.Many traditional chief

7、s are l-dimensional.This isLiu s rise dime nsion, but also a bus in ess godfather of l-dime nsional war.What is the orig in of the eyes of Liu Internet acti on?He does not believe U-orie nted, do not believe the hype marketi ng, but at the same time, he was also regarded as amodel for the associatio

8、ninto the mold, the guidaneesystem to make people reflect on.He believed that people, wishes that justice, who isthe first engine.This is the origi n of Liu in the eyes of the In ternet,but also traditionalcompaniesto embrace the Internetthree key poin ts:Origin 1: whether traditi onal en terprises,

9、 or Internetcompa ni es, who is the first engineIn fact, millet in side say ing: team first, product second , only crazy people have the spirit of self, in order to make the ultimate product. Liu ofte nsay letemployees become corporate masters in the Internet company, is a l-dimensional as a partner

10、.Liu: In the In ter net era, if you are still able to makeyourself a number of subsidiaries, such as financial services, medical services, etc., all the way to use the Intern et, coexist, they may also be in corporated into the future together, should be bred very goodbus in essThat was my guid ingp

11、rin ciple.Lege nd Hold ings is theparent-subsidiary structure adopted, so I pay special atte ntio n to structural problems of property rights, how tomake the managementof the subsidiarycompaniesbelieve that he is the master, so that he can really put this matter as their own things to do.What is cul

12、ture? Is notthat the engine is culture?In fact in itself is nothing more than a corporate culture core values, how we n eed through the fame and wealth of these things, so that we can talk to your bus in ess in terests coin cide.I think this is the success ofyour culture. A compa ny can not have cor

13、porate culture? Large compa nies have to have that small bus in esses have to have, like Internet compa nies have to have.As for howheritage, let others say. I think that the positive factors to mobilize people, so that he is con siste nt with the in terests of bus in ess, whether it is theIn ter ne

14、tbus in ess,ortraditi onal compa nies are the same.Origin 2: To dare to overall self-de ni al, ten der feet should dare to bare feetZhang also said in side the senten ce: rebirthsuicide, homicide elimi nated. Prior to founding millet LeiJun, specially wrote an article about zero.Self-denialis easier

15、 said than done is difficult, and sometimes even n eed to be kicked.Liu: the tran sformatio n of the orga ni zati on system,a fun dame ntal point is that you can not, dare to deny themselves, including negated. People are experieneed, ofte n a lot of things based on their experie nee, to express som

16、ethingof the judge, this time it is possible to say ifone-sided,there may not be objective. But people areaccustomed to this. But if you are a little smarter, or a little more wisdom, read history, but the history of mastery, you will find that you know someth ing is very on e-sided, so you have to

17、put yourself out of deni al, to get a new life.After the spin-off of Lenovo Group in 2000, un der the Yuanqing orga ni zati on had give n a strategy of related diversificati on in the country do, i n additi on to PC, go to the software, systems in tegratio nbus in ess, and eve nwaited to en ter the

18、Internet bus in ess But for three years without success. But by the end of 2003, they had a nearly two-month recoverydisk, I, as chairman of theboard has been participatingin, but I did not say morewords. The results of their own way to completely n egate the previous,sin gle-m in deddeterm in ati o

19、nthe path ofinternationalization,such as mergers and acquisitionsI thi nk thisoverseas, the results out of the way so today.may be with all aspects of the huma n pers on ality, etc. are related, but as long as there is to completely n egate their guts, and the n en ter a new place to lear n new thin

20、 gs, and I think there is a way out.In 2000, the biggest Sina, followed by Sohu,Netease and the n, not what Ma, Tencent did someth ing, but the n the boat people up.Overall, I think the betterboat barefoot walkingshoes if you dare to masterthrowing shoes, I also barefoot, even thoughmy feettender po

21、int, walk in the sand sore point, but I put the shoes sold come up with the mon ey, step by step, to get hold of the first to wear san dals, and fin ally barefoot is also possible. Money or somethinguseful, but thereshould be a dare deny their attitude, especially in the big waves come before. I thi

22、nk this is a foundationoflearning.Origin 3: tur n the ship disaster, but can in vest in aboat outLiu admits: now face some new thinking, maybe we do not understandyoung people so quickly, sometimeseven not understand, but now there are many young people in the bus in ess, I can in vest in him. In fa

23、ct, theInternet there are more new dry.For example, eve n after90 CEO Yujia Wen has a wonderful entrepreneurial approach: Let employees set their own salaries.Liu: I think it is difficult to tur n around the big boat, but after the big boat, you can in vest birth boat out, you can put into a boat su

24、pport ship, the ship itself own and the n graduallycha nge.I th ink people just reallyun dersta nd, you n eed to have the ability to lear n, and the n you have to be able to organize more capable people, develop a strategy by the people, and let people come to perform, this does not work? So you re saying I die, I really do not convin ced.Now, after 90 people with the idea that we did not like, they grew up in con tact with the keyboard, access to computers, in some respects particularly prominent. Th


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