中考=四会单词用法归纳 (2)_第1页
中考=四会单词用法归纳 (2)_第2页
中考=四会单词用法归纳 (2)_第3页
中考=四会单词用法归纳 (2)_第4页




1、中考四会单词用法归纳 AE1. answer v. n. (可数) v. answer my question = reply to my questionn. the answers to my questions the key to the door2. ageat the age of =at +年龄At the age of ten, he invented a great invention.Since the age of 6, he has learned two English songs.many teenagers of my age the people of all

2、ages3. 秋天autumn 英式 fall 美式 4. appear disappear 无被动 5. active inactive actor actress actively inactively activities action acting skills acting years 6. angry 名词 anger adv. angrily more angrily angrier angrier and angrier 越来越生气 He became angrier and angrier and shouted at me. 7. almost, mostly, nearl

3、y, most, hardly The members are mostly from China. 8. afford 负担得起 afford to do afford sth. He is too poor to afford to buy the tickets to the concerts. He is too poor to afford the tickets to the concerts. 9. against 介词,不做动词 do sth. against the law 做违法的事 He sat against the tree. 他靠着树坐。10. brave- bra

4、vely 副词 -bravery 名词11. break broke broken break into break down (be broken)12. busy business (可数 工厂,企业, 不可数 生意,商务) busily 13. behaviour Im worried about his strange behaviour.14. catch catch a cold / a virus catch a bus catch up with He _a cold for a whole week. 15. close closed closely be close to

5、sit close to come close to keep your eyes closed work closely with close friends16. cross 动词 crossing 名词 across 介词 He is the first man to cross the channel. 17. climb climber climbing The death of the _made the whole country sad. 18. marry marriage marry sb. be/get married to sb. 19. carry on with s

6、th carry on doing 20. come out 无被动 21.crowded more crowded be crowded with 22. danger in danger out of danger dangerous endangered 23.drive - drove - driven 驾驶 dive 潜水 drive me mad 使我发疯 drive a car to school24.dishonest honest25.develop developed developing development26.decide decision make a decis

7、ion to do sth27dry dried drier -driest28.doubt no doubt that Do you doubt that he is honest? doubt if / whether29.discuss discussion have a lively discussion30.discover find find out31. deal -dealt -dealt how to deal with what to do with 32. die dead death dying 33. devote devote to sth./ to doing p

8、ut ones effort into sth. / doing34. encourage encouragement encourage sb. to do / be encouraged to do 35. education educational international medical natural36. effort 努力 effect 影响 名词 affect 影响, 动词37. cruel crueller 38. cause What do you think causes traffic accidents? the cause of the reason for 39

9、. consider as see as treat sb. as 40. century centuries in the eighties of the last century F-G1. face (名)脸 faces, (动)面临,面对 face the danger2. fashion(名) 时装,时尚,风尚 in fashion(时髦)/ out of fashion(过时) fashionable-more-most do a fashion show 进行时装表3. fish (不可名) 鱼肉, (可数名)鱼 :复数:同种鱼 fish , 异种鱼, fishes 动:钓鱼 g

10、o fishing fishes, fished4. fit (形) 健康的 fitterfittest fitness(名) keep/ stay fit in the fitting room (动)适合 This coat fits me well. 容纳 My legs dont fit under the desk. fits(三单)5. fun How funny! What great fun! have(great) fun doing sth just for fun6. fail fail the exams fail in sth fail to do sth7. fig

11、ht 打架、打仗 fightfought-fought8. frighten-frightening-frightened be frightened of sth/ to do sth be afraid of / to do sth9. fall (名) 秋天, (动)掉落 fall - fell-fallen feel-felt-feltfall down from / fall off , fall behind , fall asleep10. fat-fatter fattest thin-thinner-thinnest11. fear 恐惧 in fear 12. final

12、决赛,期中考试 go to the final 最后的 finally = at last= in the end13. fog-foggyfoggier (雾) frost-frostyfrostier(霜)14. fantastic极好的 have a fantastic time= have a good time15. fresh 新鲜的 fresherfreshest The air is not as fresh as before.16. French (形)法国的, 法语的 (名)法语 France (名) 法国 Frenchman/ Frenchwoman 法国人 法国人在法

13、国说法语。 Frenchmen speak French in France.17. fix (动)使固定, 安装,修理 fixed-fixingfixes fix to18. float (动)漂浮,漂移 float away19. goal (名) 得分(score), 目标20. grade 年级,成绩 great 极好的 grandpa 祖父 ghost 鬼 guide 向导21. grateful (形)感激的 be grateful/ thankful to sb for sth 因某事而感激某人22. general 大体的 generally geography 地理(课)23

14、. guilty (形)有罪的 guiltierguiltiest be guilty of 犯了罪 be charged with 被指控犯了罪H-J1. 藏,隐藏 hide hid hidden, play hide-and-seek 2. 历史,历史课 be in history 3. 寻找,搜寻 hunt hunted hunted / waited猎人 hunter ( let /set/ put/ hurt/ hit/ cost/ broadcast 过去式和过去分词 同原形) 4. hurt hurt hurt 伤害某人: hurt sb 形:be hurt 受伤 疼:身体部位+

15、 hurt Shes badly hurt, _? Shes hurt her mother deeply, _?It _ when I bend my knee.( 膝盖) isnt she/ hasnt she/ hurts 5. 击中,打,撞 hithit hit ( hitting) A snowstorm _ Beijing last night. hit 袭击The bus _ the bridge. hit = crash into 撞6. hurry匆忙,急忙 (动/ 名)hurry to do sth = be in a hurry to do sth = do sth hu

16、rriedly 7. hang hung hung悬挂/ hanghanged hanged上吊8. do harm to = be harmful to 对有伤害(区分:be bad for )反 harmless The water in the river is _, you cant drink it. (harmful)9. health care 保健 Government should pay attention to the cost of _ care for the elderly. 10. honour honour sb with sth - 被动 sb be hono

17、ured with sth Hes honoured with a Youth Award, _? (isnt he) 11. hopefully 但愿 / hopelessly, hopeful/ hopeless _, we can start again on Mars. 12. introduction 介绍 - 动 introduce 13. ideal / idea my _ school 14. irregular形,不规则的 improve动,提高 / prove you wrong 证明 in all 总共 international 国际的 15. 副词indeed A f

18、riend in need is a friend indeed.副词作定语时后置16. invention 名, 发明 / invent 动 / inventor 发明家 Its said that light is the second most useful _.The house belongs to one of the greatest _. 17. 立即immediately 副词, He became famous _ after entering the film industry. 18. industry 工业 19. influence sb= have an infl

19、uence on sth 20. 坚持insist insist on sth 坚持某事/ insist on doing sth 坚持做某事The writer _ that Audrey Hepburn was the perfect girl to play the lead role of the young princess. ( insisted) 21. 想象 动:imagine -Its difficult _ . ( to imagine) imagine doing sth 形: imaginative 名:imagination 22. 旅程journey(注意拼写) T

20、he journey to Mars will be uncomfortable. 23. 快乐,名joy to ones joy/ happiness share ones joy 反 sadness ( sad saddersaddest ) 副:sadly madmadder maddest (madly), redredder reddest 注意:bad / badly / ill - worse - worst K-O1. keep keptkept (sleep sleptslept sweep(打扫) sweptswept)keep the room clean keep me

21、 waiting for a long time I keep asking him questions. Hes kept from smoking, isnt he? We must keep the air from being polluted.2. kind all kinds of/many different kinds of be knid to sb Its kind of sb to do sth. He should be treated with kindness. He should be treated kindly.3. knifeknives (wife, ha

22、lf, wolf, loaf, leaf,thief,scarf)with a knife knife and fork is a kind of tool for eating.4. knock knock on/at the door knock sth over/knock over sth knock it over(撞翻) I heard a loud knock at/on the door. 5. knowknewknown-knowledge(不) be well known as sb(作为。而出名) be well known for.(因为。而出名) be well kn

23、own to sb(为某人所知) Know sth/much/little/nothing about. Know .well(非常了解。)6. luckluckyluckily -unluckyunluckily Good luck to sb with sth Unluckily, he didnt pass the English exam again.7. last lastedlasted(持续) last (for) two years last from .to last year/last term during/in the last/past three years(用现在

24、完成时) In a few years, there will be great changes in my hometown.In the last few years, there have been great changes in the hometown.8. lie(躺)laylainlying(tying, dying) lie(说谎)liedlied lay(下蛋)laidlaid paypaid-paid/saysaid-said Under her body lay her baby.9. latelaterlatest latest=up- to- date 最近的, 最

25、新的 later in the day later=later on be late to do be late for 10. learnlearned/leartlearned/learnt(dreamdreamed/dreamt,meanmeantmeant) learn to do learn from each others advantages. learnby oneself learn sth from sb11.leaveleftleft leave for .(前往某处) leave sb alone/by oneself/on ones own He left the r

26、oom angrily. 12. like like sth like doing sth/to do dislike(不喜欢) be like look like unlike(不象) be likely to do sth ( 有可能做某事) alike(相象的) _13. littlelessleast less than/more than at least/at most less interesting14. life( 生命 )-lives living make a living do sth for a living Keep/stay/be alive people ali

27、ve be covered live Make our class interesting and lively what a lovely day!15 loselostlost the loss oflose ones way=get lost, lose oneself in=be/get lost in sth/doing sth16. ladyladies the ladies room ladies and gentlemen 17. longlength heavyweightweigh bigsize highheight In length/weight/height/siz

28、e18. leafleaves loafloaves (half, wife, wolf)19. mango, tomato, potato,hero+es 20. matchmatches go well with=match match well with sb=match sb very well21 注意拼写:metal, medal , model , modern(children) 22. meanmeantmeant-meaningmeaningfulmeaningless mean to do sth What do you mean by.? What is the mea

29、ning of ? 23. medicinemedical , machine Chinese medicine medical treatment 24. marrymarriedmarriage Their marriage is a happy one. Be/get married to sb marry sb marry A to B She has been married to the poor young man for three years.25. madmaddermaddest (big, fat, red, hot, wet, thin, slim,sad, fit需

30、要双写) drive/make sb mad His words almost drove me mad.26. make such a mess What a mess!27. Thank you !Thats all right./Thats OK./ Youre welcome./ Dont mention it. Its a/my pleasure./ My pleasure. Im sorry ! Thats all right./ Never mind./ It doesnt matter.28. nineninth-nineteenthninetieth in his ninet

31、ies seven ninths29. natural disasters natural beauty nature researves30. neat-neatly She is dressed neatly today.31. noisenoisynoisily make a/some/much noise What a big noise they are making now! He was talking (the) most noisily among them when the teacher came in. 32. notice/see/find/feel/hear/wat

32、ch sb do/doing sth, make/let/ have sb do sth, be made to do sth33. oneself myself yourselves himself enjoy oneself teach oneself sth=learn sth by oneself do sth by oneself devote oneself to sth /doing sth help oneself to sth lose oneself in say sth for oneself keep secrets to oneself The book itself

33、 is very interesting.34. operate on sb=do/perform an operation on sb need operating on need an operation need to be operated on35. 形容词性吾主代词 my/his+own/favourite+ 名词her own school things our favourite teacherown sth on ones own ownowner36. offeroffered preferpreferredpreferring offer sb sth = offer s

34、th to sb provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb37. How many/much? None. Whats in it? Nothing. Whos there? Nobody.38. How many people came to the theatre? A. Millions of B. million C. millions D. two millionsP- Z1. pair 双, 对,副 -This pair of shoes is expensive. Id like a cheaper _. -Here you are. -Can

35、 I try _on?2. pay paid paid Can you tell _?A. How much you spent the book on? B. how much you cost the bookC. How much you bought for the book? D. how much you paid for the book3. pretty -prettier-prettiest 4. at the price of 以的价格 sell at low price 以低价销售 the prixe of each student5. pour .into / dump

36、into 把倒进 pour water over his jacket 把水倒到他的夹克衫上6. be in prison for theft / robbery 因偷窃/抢劫而坐牢7. prefer - preferred - prefers prefer to do sth, prefer doing sth to doing sth 8. promise to do sth 答应做 某事9. My purpose is to do sth 我的目的是做某事job / duty / wish / aim/ hobby10. keep quiet 保持安静 quite a few 相当多11

37、. recommend sb as +身份(a monitor / a chairperson) recommend sb for + 奖项12.as a result 结果 / as a result of =because of get good results 取得好成绩13. ride -rode-ridden rise-rose-risen hide-hid-hidden writewrotewritten /writing14. take another route 走另一条路线 15. rude-ruder-ruder粗鲁的 rude= impolite 16. receive

38、a letter from him =hear from him (收到,客观) accept = take sth willingly 主观接受) He received a present, but he didnt accept it. 17. realize 意识到, 实现 realize his dream实现他的梦想 18. reduce减少 reduce the pollution 19. relax The relaxing music makes me relaxed.20. require 需要 require doing sth The government requir

39、es the public to protect the environment.21. risk 危险, 风险 There is a risk of being killed 有被杀的危险22. send sth to sb =send sb sth send-sent -sent send out programmes 发送节目 send up 发射 send for a doctor 派人去请医生23. spend-spentspent spend- doing sth Which do you enjoy_(spend) the weekends, fishing or shoppin

40、g?24. slim -slimmerslimmest 苗条的25. sometime next month 下个月某一时候 spend some time doing sth have been there some times 26. stay stay healthy(形容词) stay at home during his stay in our country(名词) 27. science scientist 28. sell v. sell-sold-sold n sale be on sale salesman saleswoman29. simple 简单的 =easy simply 简直 What other_(simple)ways do you think of_(solve) the problem? cant simply wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事30. sense 观念, 意识, 感官 have a good sense of smell 有好的嗅觉 scene 现场, 场面, 情景, 景色, 发生地点, 戏剧一场, 布景, 道具布置 check the scene for fingerpri


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