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1、甲状腺功能亢进与肝损害甲状腺功能亢进症(甲亢)所引起的肝脏损害在临床上相当常见。据Gurlek A(1)等观察,60.5的甲亢病人在确诊原发病时被发现至少有一项肝功能异常,而在台湾进行的一项前瞻性研究(Huang. MJ等)中,这个比例更是高达75.8(2)。本文就甲亢合并肝脏损害作一综述。甲状腺激素对肝脏的影响甲状腺激素和肝脏之间关系密切。血清甲状腺激素浓度增高,对肝脏功能和胆汁代谢都可产生一定的影响。动物试验证实(3,4),甲状腺激素可使肝脏重量减轻,肝糖原含量下降,氧耗量增加,其增加肝脏氧耗量的作用仅次于对心脏和横膈膜。血清中过多的甲状腺激素可显著降低细胞色素P450、谷胱甘肽水平及谷胱






7、扰素治疗等都可诱发甲亢(13,14,15)。甲亢病人往往存在特异性免疫调节缺陷,其抑制性T细胞功能减弱,B细胞和巨噬细胞数目增多(16,17)。95年,Cathebras PJ等报道了第1例甲亢引起的肉芽肿性肝炎,后者的进展与甲亢的严重程度平行发展,经抗甲状腺药物治疗后好转(18)。从分子水平来看,Graves病等甲状腺疾病和肝炎都存在着细胞因子的异常,它们反应了特定人群对某种疾病的易感性,比如,目前已经证实,HLA-A11和HLA-DR4阳性的病人,甲亢合并肝损的比例可能更高(8,19)。这为将来甲亢肝损易感人群的防治提供了新的思路。甲亢引起肝损及其严重程度与甲亢引起的其它并发症也有密切关系

8、,如心功能不全,休克等。通过病例分析,Fong TL等人(20)发现,甲亢和/或甲亢合并CHF患者都可出现严重的肝功能异常,包括重度黄疸、凝血酶原时间延长等。而合并心衰者,出现肝功能异常的比例远比无并发症的甲亢病人多。国内资料也证实了这一点(21)。此外,甲亢可加剧其它肝损药物的毒性作用,包括酒精、氟烷等。这可能与甲亢引起细胞色素P450、谷胱甘肽水平及谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶活性的显著下降有关(5,6)。诊断甲亢肝损有时与甲亢合并病毒性肝炎、抗甲状腺药物引起的药物性肝炎不易区分。甲亢合并病毒性肝炎主要有以下几种情况:(1)病毒性肝炎和甲亢无关,相互独立存在。这一类情况最为多见;(2)病毒性肝炎引




12、控制症状,待病情控制后再选用其它手段治疗。(5)保肝治疗。可同时服用维生素B族和维生素C族。(6)由于免疫因素在甲亢肝损的发病也起了重要作用,因此,对于较为严重的肝损病人,也可短期应用糖皮质激素治疗(18),至于轻中度肝损患者,是否应用糖皮质激素尚有争论。(6)严格控制心衰、感染等并发症。甲亢肝损患者若诊断及时,治疗积极,预后良好。一般在正规抗甲状腺治疗36个月后,肝功能全部恢复正常。Arch Intern Med. 1984 Sep;144(9):1764-5. PTU致弥漫的间质性肺炎:咳嗽、劳力性呼吸困难、低氧血症发生于一Graves病患者PTU(300 mg/day)治疗6月后和另一G

13、raves病患者PTU(300 mg/day)治疗3周后,胸片和支气管镜下肺活检显示弥漫的间质性肺炎。植物血凝素转化淋巴细胞受PTU高度刺激。停用PTU、予以强的松龙治疗后症状和体征得到改善。Propylthiouracil-induced diffuse interstitial pneumonitis.Miyazono K, Okazaki T, Uchida S, Totsuka Y, Matsumoto T, Ogata E, Terakawa K, Kurihara N, Takeda T.1. 1947年,首次报道PTU的肝毒性副作用。Livingston HJ, Livingst

14、on SF. 1947 Agranulocytosis and hepatocellular jaundice. JAMA. 135:422425. 2 Characteristics of patients with propylthiouracil-associated hepatotoxicity All cases (n = 28)Survivors (n = 21)Fatalities (n = 7)Age, yr (mean SD)27.9 17.124.7 15.537.3 19.2Females/males (no.)25/319/24/1Propylthiouracil do

15、se at presentation with hepatotoxicity, mg/day (mean SD)426 199424 200433 216Months of continuous propylthiouracil therapy before hepatotoxicity (mean SD)3.6 3.53.7 3.23.6 4.5Baseline liver function tests, no. of cases (%)Normal2 (7.1)2 (9.5)0 (0)Abnormal5 (17.9)4 (19.0)1 (14.3)Not reported21 (75.0)

16、15 (71.4)6 (85.7)Table 4. Prevalence of thyroid function test abnormalities and management of hyperthyroidism at presentation with propylthiouracil hepatotoxicity Survivors (n = 22)Fatalities (n = 7)Thyroid function tests, no. of cases (%)Hyperthyroid5 (19)2 (28.6)Normal8 (38.1)1 (14.3)Hypothyroid1

17、(4.8)0 (0)Not reported8 (38.1)4 (57.1)Treatment of hyperthyroidism,1 no. of cases (%)Radioactive iodine12 (54.5)20 (0)Propranolol10 (45.5)4 (57.1)Methimazole3 (13.6)0 (0)Oral iodide4 (18.2)1 (14.3)Thyroidectomy1 (4.5)0 (0)Not reported7 (31.8)3 (42.9)1 Patients may have received more than one form of

18、 therapy. 2 P 0.05 compared to fatalities, by Fishers exact test. No patient who died received 131I. The timing of 131I ranged from 115 weeks (mean, 32 8 days) after presentation with hepatotoxicity. Ten of the 12 patients who received 131I therapy were treated before the hepatic function test abnor

19、malities resolved.据估计ATD相关的肝毒性发生率小于0.5%;PTU相关的肝毒性发生于各个年龄;女性居多;发生肝毒性的PTU剂量与疗程范围甚广;肝活检示非特异的肝细胞坏死;ATD致肝毒性的机制尚不明了,部分是由于机体对PTU产生免疫反应。在暴发性肝功能衰竭中,一些早期预后因素与生存率低(20%)有关,其包括病人年龄(40 yr)、脑病发生前黄疸延续时间(7 days)、血清胆红素浓度(300 mol/L)、凝血酶原时间(50 s)。在对PTU所致肝毒性病人进行严密的临床和实验室观察的基础上(因为停用PTU后肝功能衰竭仍可发展),应考虑肝移植。脑病、低凝血酶原血症、肝肾综合征对

20、肝移植不利。血浆置换、用血流灌注法血透可有效地纠正凝血障碍和脑病,为恢复肝功能或进行肝移植创造时机。因TT4受甲状腺激素结合蛋白、血清胆红素(降低T4与甲状腺激素结合蛋白的亲和)、甲状腺功能正常性病变综合征的影响,所以检测FT4才能真正反映患者甲状腺功能状况。病人接受131I 治疗比未接受治疗者较少发生严重的肝毒性。治疗应在做腹部CT(如果需要碘造影剂)或因甲状腺毒症需碘化物治疗前进行。碘化物可在131I治疗1周后服。心得安可用于控制甲亢症状;肝酶正常后也可使用MMI。肝毒性出现后可单独使用碘化物。在多数病人,114 mg碘化物在 714天内对甲状腺激素的产生最大的抑制,作用持续150天。但通

21、常与ATD合用,碘化物也可加重甲状腺毒症状况。继往肝功能正常的甲亢病人中,高达72%者至少伴有1个肝酶指标的升高。以AKP升高最常见,转氨酶升高是由于甲状腺毒症导致的肝脏的氧耗增加,而肝血流代偿不足。已报道MMI所致肝毒性21例,死亡3例(14%),死亡率与PTU比较无显著差异。MMI所致肝毒性患者的肝活检更多表现为胆汁淤积。Table 5. Summary of recommendations for management of propylthiouracil hepatotoxicity 1. 尽管肝酶研究无法预测哪些病人将发生肝毒性,但肝酶基值的测定可作为治疗过程中发生肝脏疾病的参考。

22、Although liver enzyme studies may not predict which patients will develop hepatotoxicity, baseline studies may serve as a reference value if signs of liver disease develop during the course of therapy.2. 治疗过程中出现明显的肝酶异常时,需停用PTU,并寻找引起肝并的潜在因素。Significant liver enzyme abnormalities detected during the c

23、ourse of therapy require prompt discontinuation of propylthiouracil as well as a search for any other potential sources of liver disease.3. 怀疑有肝毒性的病人需密切随访,因为肝功能障碍在停用PTU后仍有进展。Patients with suspected hepatotoxicity require close clinical follow-up because liver dysfunction can progress despite discont

24、inuation of propylthiouracil.4. 对是否需要肝移植的早期认识可能提高生存。Early recognition of the need for liver transplantation may improve survival.5. 甲状腺状态的判断需结合临床检查和FT4水平,因为高胆红素血症可负向干扰TT4水平。Thyroidal status must be determined by a combination of clinical examination and free T4 levels because hyperbilirubinemia can

25、adversely affect the interpretation of total T4 levels.6. 进一步用放射性碘治疗甲亢,随后配以碘化物可能缓解甲亢的恶化。Prompt treatment of the underlying thyroid disease with radioactive iodine followed by iodide may diminish the chance of clinical deterioration from persistent hyperthyroidism.7. 即使肝酶恢复正常仍不能再次用PTU,因为它的肝毒性存在自身免疫的本

26、性。Propylthiouracil should not be reinstituted even after the resolution of liver enzyme abnormalities due to the possible autoimmune nature of its hepatotoxicity.甲亢相关的肝功能基值的异常没有必要成为运用ATD的禁忌症,现有的资料无法证实肝功能基值异常的病人更易发生PTU所致的肝毒性。由于自身免疫因素参与PTU所致的肝毒性、肝毒性情况在再次用PTU后又出现,所以肝毒性治疗后和肝移植后仍不能用PTU。fFifty Years of Ex

27、perience with Propylthiouracil-Associated Hepatotoxicity: What Have We Learned?1 Katherine V. Williams, Sunil Nayak, Dorothy Becker, Jorge Reyes and Lynn A. BurmeisterThe Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 82, No. 6 1727-173332.Toxic hepatitis (primarily with propylthiouracil) and c

28、holestatic jaundice (primarily with methimazole) are fortunately uncommon.150 Toxic hepatitis can be severe or fatal, but the incidence of serious liver complications is so low that routine monitoring of function tests has not been advised.151,152 Liver transplantation has been used with success in

29、several patients 152.1.IFN-a induces thyroid dysfunction in 3 to 14% of all treated patients with chronic hepatitis C, leading to hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or thyroiditis. In a few patients, thyroid disease will develop in the absence of antithyroid antibodies, a scenario that suggests a noni

30、mmune-mediated mechanism.: Am J Gastroenterol. 2001 Jan;96(1):165-9. Related Articles, Links The incidence and clinical characteristics of symptomatic propylthiouracil-induced hepatic injury in patients with hyperthyroidism: a single-center retrospective study.Kim HJ, Kim BH, Han YS, Yang I, Kim KJ,

31、 Dong SH, Kim HJ, Chang YW, Lee JI, Chang R.Department of Internal Medicine, Kyung Hee University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.OBJECTIVES: Although symptomatic propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced hepatic injury is known to be rare, there have been few reports about its exact incidence in patients wi

32、th hyperthyroidism. We tried to evaluate its incidence in a single center and its clinical course. METHODS: Medical records of 912 hyperthyroid patients who had been diagnosed between March 1990 and December 1998 were reviewed about clinical characteristics, management, and laboratory findings. Symp

33、tomatic PTU-induced hepatic injury was defined as the development of jaundice or hepatitis symptoms with at least a 3-times elevation of liver function tests (LFT) without other causes. RESULTS: Four hundred ninety-seven patients (age 42.6 +/- 10.7 yr, male/female 140/357) were included. Clinically

34、overt hepatitis developed in six patients (1.2%; age, 43.7 +/- 14.8 yr; male:female ratio, 3:3) between 12 and 49 days after PTU administration. Jaundice and itching developed in five patients, fever in two, rash in two, and arthralgia in one. Bilirubin, ALT, and ALP increased in five, four, and six

35、 patients, respectively (293 +/- 288 micromol/L, 143 +/- 111 U/L, and 265 +/- 81 U/L; normal, 117 U/L). The type of hepatic injury was cholestatic in three, hepatocellular in one, and mixed in two patients. None resulted from viral hepatitis. There were no statistical differences in age, sex, PTU do

36、se, or T4 and T3 levels at initial diagnosis between patients with and without hepatic injury. LFT normalized in all patients between 16 and 145 (72.8 +/- 46.4) days after the PTU withdrawal. CONCLUSIONS: Symptomatic hepatic injury develops usually within the first few months of PTU administration w

37、ith rare frequency, but its clinical course is relatively benign once the drug is withdrawn. However, it may be difficult to predict its development, so all patients should be monitored for rise in LFTs at regular intervals, especially during the early period.70: Endocr Pract. 2000 Sep-Oct;6(5):367-

38、9. Related Articles, Links Abnormal results of liver function tests in patients with Graves disease.Biscoveanu M, Hasinski S.Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, Hahnemann University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102, USA.OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of

39、 liver dysfunction in patients with hyperthyroidism. METHODS: We analyzed the clinical records of 30 consecutive patients with Graves disease to identify the spectrum of abnormal results of liver function tests. The values for alkaline phosphatase (AP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine amin

40、otransferase (ALT), gamma -glutamyltransferase (GGT), and total bilirubin were examined. RESULTS: The frequencies of increased levels of AP, AST, ALT, GGT, and bilirubin in the current study group were similar to but somewhat lower than those reported in previous studies. Of the 30 study patients, 1

41、1 (37%) had at least one abnormal result of a liver function test. All 30 patients in the study had determinations of AP (not fractionated), of which 10 values (33%) were above normal (range, 124 to 283 U/L). Of the 30 patients who had determinations of AST, 5 (17%) had increased values that ranged

42、from 36 to 71 U/L. Six of the 23 patients (26%) with determinations of ALT had increased values that ranged from 45 to 157 U/L. Of the 25 patients who had measurements of GGT, 6 had above normal results (range, 69 to 331 U/L). In addition, 2 of the 24 patients (8%) with determinations of total bilir

43、ubin had increased levels. CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that abnormal results of liver function tests are common in patients with hyperthyroidism and make the diagnosis of concomitant, unrelated liver disease difficult until the euthyroid state has been established.: J R Soc Health. 1999 Jun;

44、119(2):117-20. Related Articles, Links Lessons to be learned: a case study approach: severe hyponatraemia induced by primary hypothyroidism and associated with possible increased hepatic sensitivity to thyroxine replacement.Olukoga A, Horsman G, Stewart F.Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Hope Ho

45、spital, Salford, Manchester. AOlukogaThe case is presented of a 74 year-old woman who was admitted with severe hypo-osmolar hyponatraemia associated with inappropriately raised urinary osmolality, and who was subsequently discovered to have primary hypothyroidism. A normal serum sodium concentration

46、 was restored by means of judicious fluid restriction and thyroid hormone replacement. Low dose thyroxine therapy led to rapid but modest increases in the serum activities of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP); both returned to normal over a period of three weeks. These su

47、b-clinical enzyme changes may indicate tissue hyperthyroidism; and in this case, the fact that they occurred acutely at only low doses of thyroxine possibly suggests an increased hepatic sensitivity to the hormone.104: Scand J Gastroenterol. 1999 Jun;34(6):618-22. Related Articles, Links Liver volum

48、e, portal vein flow, and clearance of indocyanine green and antipyrine in hyperthyroidism before and after antithyroid treatment.Andersen V, Sonne J, Court-Payen M, Sletting S, Prip A, Molholm Hansen J.Dept. of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, Herlev Hospital, Denmark.BACKGROUND: The aim of the

49、study was to examine liver volume, portal vein flow, and indocyanine green (ICG) and antipyrine clearance in hyperthyroidism before and after antithyroid drug treatment. METHODS: Liver volume and blood flow in the portal vein were investigated in nine fasting patients with hyperthyroidism by means o

50、f computed tomography scan and Doppler ultrasound, respectively. ICG clearance was estimated by bolus injection of ICG (0.5 mg/kg body weight) and antipyrine clearance with a one-sample technique. All patients were investigated before and after 3 months of antithyroid treatment, when euthyroidism ha

51、d been achieved. The Wilcoxon matched-pairs test was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: The median liver volume increased by 238 (155-289) ml (median, 95% confidence interval), corresponding to 19%, and the weight by 5.0 (0.0-8.0) kg (8%), and the antipyrine clearance decreased by 8 (3.1-34.4)

52、ml/min (16%). These changes were all significant (P 0.05). The relation between liver volume and body weight increased from 19.9 (16.5-23.7) ml/kg to 21.4 (17.1-21.9) ml/kg (P = 0.11). The liver blood flow as estimated by ICG clearance and Doppler ultrasound was not altered significantly after the t

53、reatment period (P = 0.07 and 0.77, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The liver volume increased by 19% in nine hyperthyroid patients during treatment with antithyroids. Antipyrine clearance was reduced by 16%, whereas liver blood flow, as estimated by ICG clearance and Doppler ultrasound examination of p

54、ortal vein flow, was not significantly altered. A differential regulation of liver volume and oxidative metabolic capacity in hyperthyroidism was seen.参考文献:1: Gurlek A, Cobankara V, Bayraktar M. Liver tests in hyperthyroidism: effect of antithyroid therapy. J Clin Gastroenterol 1997 Apr;24(3):180-32

55、: Huang MJ, Li KL, Wei JS, Wu SS, Fan KD, Liaw YF. Sequential liver and bone biochemical changes in hyperthyroidism: prospective controlled follow-up study. Am J Gastroenterol 1994 Jul;89(7):1071-63: Sheridan P . Thyroid hormones and the liver. Clin Gastroenterol 1983 Sep;12(3):797-8184: Babb RR . A

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