Unit2 English around the world高三一轮复习_第1页
Unit2 English around the world高三一轮复习_第2页
Unit2 English around the world高三一轮复习_第3页
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Unit2 English around the world高三一轮复习_第5页
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1、Unit 2 English around the world 地下人行道地下人行道; 地铁地铁 n 航行航行; 航海航海 n. 3. 本国的本国的 adj. 本地人本地人n. 4.使富裕使富裕;充实充实;改善改善 vt. 5. 词汇词汇;词汇量词汇量 n. 6. 较后的;后者的较后的;后者的adj. 7. 使用,用法使用,用法 n 8. 命令命令, 指令指令, 掌握掌握 vt东部的东部的adj. 3. _ 逐渐的逐渐的 adj. _ 逐渐地,逐渐地, 逐步地逐步地 adv. 4. _频繁的频繁的 adj. _频繁地频繁地,常常常常 adv. 5. _ 以以为根据为根据v. 基础基础,基地基地

2、n. _ 依据依据; ;基础基础 n. _ n. _ 基础的基础的, ,基本的基本的 adj. adj. 6. 6. identity n n. .身份身份_ _ vtvt. .鉴别鉴别; ;证明证明 _adj _adj 同样的同样的 _ _ n n. .鉴定鉴定 7.7.fluent adjadj. _ . _ advadv. .流利地;流利地; 通畅地通畅地 _ _ n n流利;流畅流利;流畅 actual actually east eastern gradualgradually frequent frequently base basis basic 我爱记单词我爱记单词 (B):词

3、形变换:词形变换 面对面面对面 identify identical identification fluently fluency 主题串记主题串记 写出除写出除official以外其他以以外其他以ial为后缀的为后缀的形容词形容词 (1) adj.有益的有益的 (2) adj.工业的工业的 (3) adj. 表面的表面的, 面部的面部的 (4) adj. 最初的最初的 (5) adj. 社会的社会的 (6) adj. 特别的特别的 (7) adj.基本的,必要的 (8) adj.有潜力的 beneficial be beneficial to industrial agricultural

4、 facial facial expression initial initially 最初最初, 首先首先adv. social society n. special special offer 特别优惠特别优惠 essential essentially adv potential n. 潜力潜力, 可能性可能性 语境串记语境串记: 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空 (1) I can hardly_ how grateful I feel. I will give him a present as an _ of gratitude. (express) (2)He had

5、changed so much that you didnt _ him. As a matter of fact, illness and age changed him beyond . (recognize) expression recognize express recognition 1. base vt. 以以为根据为根据 n. 基础基础, 基地基地, 基部基部 Actually, a countrys development is based on its economy. 事实上,一个国家的发展以它的经济为基础。事实上,一个国家的发展以它的经济为基础。 be based on

6、/upon / base sth. on/upon sth. 以以为根据为根据 / 基础基础 on the basis of 在在的基础上的基础上 Statements should be made on the basis of facts. 说话要有根据。说话要有根据。 译:理论应该建立在实践的基础上。译:理论应该建立在实践的基础上。 Theories should be based on practice. base n. basis n. 基础基础, ,基地基地( (具体具体) ) 基础(基础(抽象抽象) the base of a building the economic basi

7、s Youd better choose a career _(根据根据) your own personal interest. based on / on the basis of 2、present n. 现在现在, 礼物礼物 vt. 赠送赠送, 提出提出, 展现展现 adj. 目前的目前的(前置定语前置定语); 在场的在场的(后置定语后置定语) (1) He has presented a sum of money to the students who are too poor to go to college. (2) Youve got to forget the past an

8、d start living in the present. (3) They are discussing how to deal with the present difficulties. (4) There were 200 people present at the meeting. adj 到场的,出席的到场的,出席的 presence n 在场在场 n 目前目前,现在现在 v v捐赠捐赠 at present 目前,现在目前,现在=at the present time adj 目前的,现在的目前的,现在的 present sth. to sb. / present sb. wi

9、th sth. 赠送某人某物;向某人展现某物赠送某人某物;向某人展现某物 be present at出席出席,参加参加 be absent from缺席缺席 3command nC命令;指令命令;指令 U掌握掌握 vt.命令;指挥;支配命令;指挥;支配 Applicants will be expected to have a good command of English. 申请人必须精通英语。申请人必须精通英语。 (1)掌握;精通掌握;精通 have a good command/knowledge of be in/ take command of 掌握;控制掌握;控制 at ones

10、command听某人支配听某人支配 (2) command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事命令某人做某事 =command that sb should do sth The police arrived and took command of the situation. 警察到达后就控制了局势。警察到达后就控制了局势。 Im at your command what would you like me to do? 我听从你的吩咐我听从你的吩咐你要我做什么?你要我做什么? With both Chinese and English, she had an advantage

11、over others. 由于精通汉语和英语,她比其他人更有优势。由于精通汉语和英语,她比其他人更有优势。 译:译:老师要求学生下课后交作业。老师要求学生下课后交作业。. The teacher commanded that the students (should) hand in their homework after class. a good command of 补充:补充: 后跟虚拟语气的动词:后跟虚拟语气的动词: 一坚持:一坚持: 二命令:二命令: 三建议:三建议: 四要求:四要求: 再加一个敦促:再加一个敦促: insist; order, command; suggest,

12、 advise, recommend; demand, request, require, desire; urge 适用于适用于. that sb (should) do sth 4request n the_ , years. later late lately latest latter the former.the latter. 前者前者后者后者 单词对点集训单词对点集训 1. He _(被公认为被公认为) the best teacher because of his broad knowledge. (recognize) 2. _ (精通英语语法精通英语语法) makes it

13、 easier for him to understand long sentences. (command) 3_ (以一个真实的以一个真实的 爱情故事为基础爱情故事为基础), the film we watched yesterday is highly thought of. (base) 4The school requested that _ _ (所有学生都要穿戴整齐所有学生都要穿戴整齐). is (universally) recognized as Having a good command of English grammar Based on a true love sto

14、ry all the students (should) dress neatly 1. 由于;因为由于;因为 2. 走近;上来;提出走近;上来;提出 3. 现在;目前现在;目前 4. (充分充分)利用;使用利用;使用 5. 例如例如;像这种的;像这种的 6 扮演一个角色;参与扮演一个角色;参与 7. 的数量的数量 8 标准英语标准英语 9 信不信由你信不信由你 10. 与与不同不同 11. _ 对对 熟练掌握熟练掌握 12. _ 以以 为基础为基础 because of come up vi at present make (good) use of such as play a part

15、(in) base . on . the number of standard English believe it or not 我爱记短语我爱记短语 (A):重点短语必背:重点短语必背 have a good command of be different from be based on . 1. 当今在中国学英语的当今在中国学英语的人数人数正在迅速增长正在迅速增长. Today _ _ _ _ learning English in China _ increasing rapidly. 2. 我们必须我们必须好好利用好好利用我们的闲暇时间。我们的闲暇时间。 We must _ _ _

16、 _our free time. 3. 联合国在国际关系中联合国在国际关系中扮演着重要的作用扮演着重要的作用。 The UN _ _ _ _ _ international relations. 4. 由于不经常锻炼由于不经常锻炼,越来越多的人变胖了。越来越多的人变胖了。 Nowadays more and more people become fat _ _ a lack of regular exercise. 5.后来发生的事情和我们在后来发生的事情和我们在1970年的预期年的预期有有 所不同所不同。 The future turned out to _ _ _ the one we e

17、xpected in 1970. . the number of people is 我爱记短语我爱记短语 (B):完成句子:完成句子 make good use of plays an important part in because of be different from 用用because/because of填空填空 (1) The light went out,_ the oil was out. (2)Weve made such great progress _ your help. because because of 1. because of 因为因为 (后接名词后接名

18、词,代词代词,动名词等动名词等) It is so difficult to talk to him because of his hot temper. because of 因为。因为。后面跟后面跟n./vin-g/pron. 作状作状 语。语。because 后面跟句子,作原因状语从句。后面跟句子,作原因状语从句。 他脾气暴躁,很难跟他沟通他脾气暴躁,很难跟他沟通。 类似类似 表原因表原因 且且 接名词,动名词和代词接名词,动名词和代词 due to / owing to / thanks to / as a result of / on account of result from v

19、t. 因为因为 -result in 结果结果 2come up走近;上来;发芽;发生;被提出;走近;上来;发芽;发生;被提出; (太阳、月亮等太阳、月亮等)升起升起 Im afraid something urgent has come up. 恐怕有紧急事情发生了。恐怕有紧急事情发生了。 come up with = put forward (人人)想出,想出, 提出提出(答案答案,建议建议,计划计划,想法等想法等) come about 发生发生 (常与特殊疑问词(常与特殊疑问词how连用)连用) come across (偶然偶然)碰到碰到,遇见遇见 ; 穿过穿过(路桥等路桥等) co

20、me out 出现;出现; (书等书等)出版;出版;结果是结果是 come to 苏醒;苏醒;共计;共计; 来到(来到(to sp. ) come true (梦想,愿望等)(梦想,愿望等)实现实现 vi His dream has come true. He has realized his dream. 1) If you come across faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price. 如果你发现你想要买的这辆自行车有瑕疵,但是如果你发现你想要买的这辆自行车有瑕疵,

21、但是 你仍想买这辆,就让售货员降价。你仍想买这辆,就让售货员降价。 2)I can use the computer. However,_ _ it, I know nothing. 我能使用电脑,但谈到修电脑,我一无所知。我能使用电脑,但谈到修电脑,我一无所知。 3)She (想出想出)a new idea for increasing sales. (5) Can you tell me _ (事故是怎么发生的事故是怎么发生的)? (6) His wish to be an actor _ (已经实现了已经实现了) lately . when it comes to repairing c

22、ame up with how the accident came about has come true / has been realized 3make use of 利用;使用利用;使用 You cannot choose what you are given, but you can choose how you make use of it. 你不能选择你所被给予的东西,但是你可以选你不能选择你所被给予的东西,但是你可以选 择如何利用它。择如何利用它。 (1)make full/good use of充分利用充分利用 make the best/most of 充分利用充分利用 t

23、ake (full) advantage of (充分充分)利用利用 (2) come into use 开始被使用开始被使用 be in use 在使用中在使用中 be of great use 很有用很有用= be very useful of no use 没用,无益没用,无益= useless It is no use doing sth. 做做是没用的是没用的 It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。覆水难收。 In my opinion, every minute should be made full use of to learn w

24、ell. 依我看来,我们应充分利用分分秒秒把学依我看来,我们应充分利用分分秒秒把学 习搞好。习搞好。 最后,充分利用水资源是每个人的责任。最后,充分利用水资源是每个人的责任。 Last but not least, its everyones responsibility to make the most of water. 短语对点集训短语对点集训 We should _ (充分利用充分利用) this beautiful and precious time of youth_ _ (实现梦想实现梦想) 。 2. He was very angry (因为因为) what you said.

25、 3. David is getting on well with his boss he can always (想想 出一个好办法出一个好办法) to please the boss. 1.4. (学生的数量学生的数量) _ (出席会议的出席会议的) was smaller than I expected. make good use of because of come up with a good idea The number of students to make our dreams come true present at the meeting 1Native English

26、 speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English. 以英语作为母语的人,尽管他们所讲的英语以英语作为母语的人,尽管他们所讲的英语 不尽相同,也可以相互理解。不尽相同,也可以相互理解。 解读解读even if = even though 意为意为“即使;即使; 尽管尽管”,引导让步状语从句。,引导让步状语从句。 仿写仿写允许孩子有发表观点的空间,即使允许孩子有发表观点的空间,即使 不同于你自己的观点。不同于你自己的观点。 Allow children the space to

27、voice their opinions _ your own. even if they are different from 2It was based more on German than the English we speak at present. 当时的英语更多是以德语为基础,而我们今当时的英语更多是以德语为基础,而我们今 天所说的英语不是。天所说的英语不是。 more . than . “与其说与其说倒不如说倒不如说” 他们没回家他们没回家, 与其说我担心倒不如说我生气。与其说我担心倒不如说我生气。 when they didnt come home. I was more

28、angry than worried 补充:补充:(1)more than数词数词 超过超过 more than形容词形容词 非常非常 more than名词名词 不只是;不仅是不只是;不仅是 (2)no more than 只不过;仅仅只不过;仅仅 not more than 不超过;至多不超过;至多 rather than 而不是而不是 other than 除了;不同于除了;不同于 3Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English. 信不信由你,没有什么标准英语。信不信由你,没有什么标准英语。 解读解读no su

29、ch . “没有这样的没有这样的”。 仿写仿写事实上,这儿没有你说的那样的人。事实上,这儿没有你说的那样的人。 As a matter of fact, there is _ you describe here. no such person as Nowadays English becomes more and more important and nearly every student in our country learns English. However, why should we learn English? English is important to a succes

30、sful education; _ (几乎是不几乎是不 可能可能) be admitted to a key university without a high standard in English. _(此外此外), English is now the language of the business world, _(所以所以) an ability to speak and write English fluently is important to ones career. _ (还有一个原因是还有一个原因是) there are many beautiful works of l

31、iterature written in English, which can give the reader a great deal of pleasure. _ (毫无疑问毫无疑问)learning English is important and we should try our best to master it. it is almost impossible to In addition A third reason is that There is no doubt that so No matter how difficult English is, I will keep

32、 on learning! No matter how terrible my memory is, I will keep on repeating! No matter how many people give up, I will keep on working hard! No matter how many mistakes I make, I will keep on speaking! No matter how defeated I feel, I will keep on trying! Do remember: 由句连篇由句连篇背佳句、学衔接,让作文流畅起来背佳句、学衔接,

33、让作文流畅起来 一、话题写作佳句必背一、话题写作佳句必背 1According to the rules and regulations of our school, it is compulsory for us students to live in the dormitories of our school. 根据学校的规章制度,我们学生必须住在根据学校的规章制度,我们学生必须住在 学校的公寓里。学校的公寓里。 2For the sake of convenience, there are a large percentage of students boarding with local f


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