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1、文档 反义疑问句1. linda ate nothing this morning, _?a. didnt she b. was she c. did shed. wasnt she2. theres hardly_ milk in the bottle, _there?a. no, isntb. some, isc. little, isntd. any, is3. he has never ridden a horse before, _?a. does he b. has hec. hasnt he d. doesnt he4. he seldom came here, _? yes s

2、ir.a. didnt heb. does hec. doesnt hed. did he5. everything seems all right, _ ?a. does itb. dont they c. wont it d. doesnt it7. one cant be too modest, can _ ? a. one b. he c. it d. we7. no one failed in the exam, _ ? a. was he b. did one c. did they 10. neither you nor i am a artist, _ ?d. didnt he

3、a. am ib. arent wec. are we d. amnt i11. he cant be her father, _ he?a. isb. isntc. cand. cant12. they have no time to visit the museum, _?a. do theyb. havent they c. dont theyd. will they14. youd better go at once, _ you?a. hadntb. didc. didnt d. dont15. youd rather work than play, _ you?a. hadnt b

4、. wouldnt c. didnt d. mustnt 16. you dare not do that, _ you?a. dontb. do c. dared. darent18. he dislikes the two subjects, _ he?a. does b. doesntc. isd. isnt19. these tools are useless now, _ ?文档a. are theyb. arent theyc. is itd. isnt it20. he used to get up at 6:30, _ he?a. didnt heb. did he c. us

5、ed hed. wouldnt he22. he ought to win the first prize, _ he?a. mustnt b. oughtnt c. shouldnt 23. lets go there by bus, _?d. both b and c.a. will you b. shall wec. dont youd. will you24. let us go to play football, _?a. will you b. shall we c. do we d. are we25. dont forget to give polly some food an

6、d change her water, _?a. will you b. shall wec. wont youd. do you26. lets go shopping this afternoon, _? all right.a. will we b. shall wec. dont wed. are we27. pass me the dictionary, _? yes, with pleasure.a. would you b. will youc. wont you d. wouldnt you30. there is little water in the glass, _?a.

7、 isnt there b. isnt itc. is it d. is there32. there wont be any concert this saturday even ing, _ ?a. will there not b. will there c. is thered. wont33. i guess she taught herself japanese, _? yes.a. dont ib. did she c. do id. didnt she34. i dont believe you are right, _ ?a. are you b. do youc. wont

8、 youd. do35. she doesnt think that tom sings best in the class, _ ?a. does sheb. doesnt shec. does hed. doesnt he37. i know you didnt want to hurt me, _ ?a. did youb. didnt youc. do id. dont i38. if my father were here he would be very happy, _ ?a. werent heb. were hec. wouldnt hed. would he文档key: 1

9、5 cdbdd 610 bacdc 11 15 aabab 1620 ccbba2125cdbaa 2630 bbbad 3135 bbdaa 3638 aac标签:教育一、单选: (每题 1 分,共 30 分)1、 few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night,_ a. dont they b. didnt they c. did they d. do they1、 -youve never seen dinosaur eggs, have you ?-_. how i wish to visit the dinosaur wo

10、rld.a. yes, i have b. no, i havent c. certainly, i have d. of course, i havent3、his sister had a bad cough, _she?a. wasnt b. doesnt c. hadnt d. didnt4、mr. green went to shenzhen on business last week,_?a. isnt he b. doesnt he c. didnt he d. hasnt he5、 ohn can hardly understand any chinese, _he?a. ca

11、nt b. doesnt c. can d. does6、dont smoke in the meeting -room,_?a. do you b. will you c. can you d. could you7、lucy, you clean the blackboard today,_a. do you b. did you c. will you d. can you8、 miss cheng will never forget her first visit to canada ,_? a. will she b. wont she c. isnt she d. wasnt sh

12、e8、 the lady couldnt say a word when she saw the snake,_? a. could the lady b. couldnt the lady c. could she d. couldnt she 10、-_sweater is this?-i think its peters.a. who b. what c. which d. whose11、-_i go and meet you at the airport?-no ,thanks, dear . i can take a taxi home.a. will b. do c. shall

13、 d. should12、-_is the confucian temple( 孔庙) from here?-its about 10 minuters walk.a. how many b. how long c. how much d. how far13、-_may i keep these book?-two weeks.a. how often b. how far c. how long d. how soon14、tina is unhappy now,_?a. isnt she b. is she c. is he d.did she15、-_you _tv at the mo

14、ment?文档-no ,you can turn it off.a. did, watch b. are ,watching c. do ,watch d. have , watched16、-_do you go to hong kong?-sorry , ive never been there.a. how long b. how often c. how far d. how soon17、a: _you ever _ the great wall?b: only once.a. did ,go b. have , been to c. have ,gone to d. have ,b

15、een in18、-you lent me some money a few months ago.-_? i don t remember lending you any money .a. did i b. did you c. do i d. do you19、-_is it from here to yancheng railway station? -about two kilometers.a. how often b. how far c. how soon d. how long20、-are you going to borrow a dictionary or a maga

16、zine? -_.a. yes, a dictionary b. no, a magazine c. a dictionary d. yes both 21、my uncle has never been to a foreign country,_?a. has he b. does he c. hasnt he d. doesnt he22、there is some water in that bottle, isnt _a. there b. it c. that d.those23、-_will the foreign students be back from nanjing. -

17、in two days, i think .a. how soon b. how often c. how far d. how fast24、-have you seen the film return of the king ?-_. i going to see it tonight.a. no , i didnt b. yes ,i do c. yes ,i have d. not yet25、-john, will you please paint the door yellow? -_?a. why b. what is it c. how is it d. how about26

18、、-lets go and play football,_?-thats wonderful.a. will you b. do you c. wont you d. shall we27 、-the boy has to stay at home to look after his little sister,_? -yes, because his mother has gone shopping.a. does he b. is he c. doesnt he d. hasnt he28、-you wont follow his example, will you ? -_,i dont

19、 think he is right.a. no, i wont b. yes, i will c. no, i will d. yes, i wont29、-_?-the one behind the tree.文档a. whose girl b. whos that girl c. which girl d. wheres the girl 30、_the population of china?a. how many b. how much c. hows d. whats二、 句型转换,根据要求改写句子。(每题 2 分,共 30 分)1、 acy asked him to turn d

20、own the radio.( 对划线部分提问 ) _ _ lucy ask him to do?2、 hey will finish building the house in two weeks. .(对划线部分提问 ) _ _ _they finish building the house.1、 mary does her homework at home in sunday. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) _ mary _ her homework at home on sunday ?2、 the old man can hardly dress himself.( 改为反意疑问句 )th

21、e old man can hardly dress himself,_ _?5、its ten minutes walk from my home to the school.(对划线部分提 问)_ _is it from your home to the school?6、 she is going to be a nurse in the future.( 对划线部分提问) _is she going to _in the future?6、 llan will go back to england by plane next month. .( 对划线部分提 问)_ _ allan g

22、o back to england next month.8、 well have a class meeting this afternoon.( 改为一般疑问句 ). _you _ a class meeting this afternoon ?9、 john went to see his grandmother once a week. .( 对划线部分提问) _ _ _ john go to see his grandmother?9、 im is ill. lets go and see him after school. (改为反意疑问句 ) jim is ill. lets g

23、o and see him after school,_ _? 11、i dont think his father knows english. (改为反意疑问句 )his father hardly knows english,_ _12、 she did very well in her english exam. ( 改为一般疑问句 ). _ she _ very well in her english exam?13、 i have been to beijing twice. .( 对划线部分提问 )_ _ _ have you been to beijing.14、he thinks his aunt is right. ( 改为反意疑问句)he thinks his aunt is right,_ _?15、lindas just come back from america . (改为反意疑问句 )lindas just come back from america, _ _?三、 正确的特殊疑问词填空。(每题 1 分,共 10 分)1


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