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1、大连市 2015 年中考英语考前冲刺模拟测试(一)| .单项填空(本题共12小题;每小题1分,共12分) 从备题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Don-t taiK to Simo:ct like that. He is just_ eieven- vear- old boyA: a B: an C: the D:i2. This is your seat._ is over there.A: My B: Their C: Her D: His3. -1 saw Kevin in the supermarket this morning.- No, it_ him. He

2、 moved to Canada iast week.A: can be B: must be C: can t be D: mustnt be4. China is a count:y with a lorzg history so it has lots ofA. decorations B.presents C. .traditions D.paper cuts5. | am looking after little Tom today He has been in my house _ 8:00 this momingA.at B.since C.for D.till6. Be car

3、eful with yoru bag. Dont _ it on the bus when you get off.A. forget B. collect C. carry D. leave7. There is nothing to worry about the exam_ we study hard all the timeA_.as soon as B.as long as C.as f& as D.as well as8. - Can yoi terl me_it feels like to live in China?- Great.A: how B: why C: what D

4、: ,vhen9. More and more people are |OoUlg themselxes in the |nt.ernet. Thev showinterest in outdoor activities.A.mOre B. greaterIO.To my surprise, Amy hasA. expected .B. impr oved II. Zhang Lian_gyings new CD willA: come aiong B: come upC. less D. deepera lot. She is much taller than me nowC. change

5、d D. increasednext month.C: come over D: come out12. _127S hot today. Why dont w-e go swimming?A. Thats a good idea .B.It doesnt matterC.I dont either D.You are weleomeII.宪形填空(一)(本题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分)阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填空白处的最佳选项。20 1 5年中考英语考前冲刺模拟测试(一)第 1 页共 10页 大连市 2015 年中考英语考前冲刺模拟测试(二) 注意

6、事项:1 请在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上作答无效。、2本试卷共七大题, 73 小题,满分 140分,考试时间 100分势: 第 1 卷选择题(共 68 分)I。单项填空(本题共12小题;每小题1分,共12分)从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项:1. English is really _A: a B: an2. -Where is my pen?-Oh, sorry. I have takenuseful language.C: the D: :;by mistakeA: yours B: his C:mine D: hers3. -WouLi you like to go s

7、wimming with me this aftemoop?-Id love to, but Im afraid I - ; I 珏 ave too much work to do.A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. may not4. Its not _for you to give up yourjob right now.A. pretty B. pleased C. xise D. natural5. The match will be held tomorrow and we xill pla: .o.l Middle School.A. against B

8、. to C. with D. between6. The, dress is mado of silk and itsoft and smooth.A. feels B. sounds C. uses7. Linda practised playing the piano every davthe piano competition.D,looksshe got the frrst prize inA: So that B: As a result C: Because of D: Although8. - Just tell me- I had eggs. breaci and milk.

9、A: what you had for breakfastC: when you came back9.Shanghaiis one ofB: who he wasD: why you bought presentscities in our countryA.Iarger B.large C.the largest D.largest .10. The three m 豳_ of Emily Dickinsons poetiy are love, death. and natureA. themes B. works C. heroes D. characters II. we all lc

10、aown that the global economic crisis仝球金融危机)A: makes a mistake B:makes a difference C:make UD12.- Im really sorry to have broken your ooffee cup.to ourlifieD: make friendsA: Good idea B: Thats all r:ight C: I dont thi nk so D: You are welcome 291年 中 考英语考前冲束 0 模拟测试(二)第 i 页共 10 页大连市 2015 年中考英语考前冲刺模拟测试(

11、三)注意事项:1请在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上作答无效。2本试卷共七大题, 73 小题,满分 140分,考试时间 100分钵:第 1 卷选择题(共 68 分)| .单项填空(本题共12小题;每小题1分,共12分)从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最往选项。|.Reading can make you becomeexpert and change your life.A. a B. anC.H D. the2. - VVhatsover there?- |ts a machine for cutting grassA: it B: its C: this D: that3. -Who

12、is tbat man?.- Thatbe Mr. Greeni he always walks this way. Hi! Mr. Green A: can B: may C: need D: must4. - Have you ever had a fantastic?- Yes. 19ve been to San Francisco in the U.S.A.A.debate B.explanation C.experjience D.dialogue5. The story which moved us a |ot happenedA: in B: on C: at6. In soza

13、e westem parts of China some people eouldntA. afford,. B. offerC. pay7. People here are veryMay 12ffi, 2008Theyre always happyt.help you.A: careful B:Ione 王 v C: successful D: friendly8. -_ do you go to Bei:ing Happy Valky?- Once a year.A: Hovi- long B: How often C: How far D: How soon9. There is -w

14、ater in the glass. Lets go and get some.A: few.B: much C: many D:little10. - How long cioes it take to go to the h#ospital?-ltswalk.D: byto go to vii 如A. nve minutes B. five-minutes C. five minutesD. five mi珏 u 奄 tes .11. Its not necessary to every new word while reading. You can guess its

15、 :aneaning.A: look for B: look after C: look at D: look up12. -Do you mind if I open the window?. Its windy outsideA:Yes,please B:0=fcourse not C:Youd better not D:Its a pleasure瑾完形填空(一)(本题共 12 小题,每小题 1分,共 12 分)阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填 入2015年中考英语考前冲刺模拟测试(三)第 1页共Io页大连市 2015 年中考英语考前冲刺模拟测试(四)注意

16、事项;1 请在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上作答无效。2本试卷共七大题, 73小题,满分 140分,考试时间 100分钟。第 1 卷选择题(共 68分)j .单项填空(本题共12小题;每小题1分,共12分)从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Mr.s 毯施 has一 8-0 疆 old daughterWho has aon nvo -zaiio蹦磷如培 pr ze_A. a B. C.妇D.the2. I lef-t my dictionary at home. Luckily. Frank lent_ to me. A:he B: her C: him Dl: u .3.

17、 - Do we have to frnish our hom.ework this r/fter.-CCr?.-VW. rr.-J,w 咒-A: must B: can C: may D: need4. The customers are pleased with tize _ of ti-re resiauraM.A: balapce B: expenence ; .C: surface D: service5. - Vould yoa like Some coffee?- Yes, and please get me some milk. I prefcr cofi-ee _milk A

18、: with B:to C: of D:on6. I likea lot, and my mother usuali) cooks it in dOerent ways A: fish B po-: tatoes C: noodles D: tom atoes7. There are two new builclings near the sea and _ of them are very tall.A.either B. all C. both D. each ;3. - David, lock at the man in white over there. Can you telli:n

19、e- He is a doctor.A: Who is he B: who he is9. I was so tired that I coufd.A:nearlv .B: hardly .10. - Steven. could yori help meC: whatis he D: v;hat he isvvalk anv farther.C: reallv D: suddenlywhen the. plane vill take off on the In ternet?-I:m sony my computer doesnt work.A: gef on B: find out C:loOk fcr D: look afterll.- the raciio-_ that there vill be another hea,y rain in:Guangdong- Too bad. It has rained for the whole week.A: tells B: r:alks C: sav s p sp eaks12. - Oh


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