1、论文题目:我国酸奶营养质量价值分析姓 名: 专 业: 论文提交日期: 年 月 日我国酸奶营养质量价值分析摘 要酸奶对人体健康具有重要的意义,不仅提供丰富的蛋白质和钙,而且其中的活性肽和其他营养成分对机体有很好的调节作用。本文简要介绍了酸奶的营养成分、营养价值及其对人体的保健功能。关键词:酸奶;营养价值;保健功能analysis of yogurt nutrition quality value in chinaabstractyogurt has an important significance to human health, not only rich in protein and ca
2、lcium, and the active peptides and other nutrients have a good regulatory role on human body. this paper briefly introduces the nutritional content of yogurt, nutritional value and function of the human bodys health.keywords: yogurt; nutrition; health function目 录analysis of yogurt nutrition quality
3、value in chinaii目 录iii绪 言11酸奶12 酸奶的营养价值分析12.1酸奶的营养价值12.2酸奶的营养分析33 酸奶的保健功能33.1 预防肠道疾病43.2 预防心血管疾病43.3 具有防衰老和延年益寿功效43.4 酸奶具有防癌的效果44 酸奶的购买导向54.1 注意区分酸奶和乳酸饮料54.2 酸奶选购还需注意54.3 避免酸奶越浓稠质量就越好的购买误区5结论6附录一 外文资料原文7yogurt nutritional value and medical care function7milk into yogurt, milk composition in lactobac
4、illus7yogurt dried lactic acid bacterial substances containing 1%8with activity of many enzymes in the formation of lactic acid bacteria fermentation8nutrition and health function of yogurt8the whole intestinal function8to protect the liver and kidney function9to prevent constipation and diarrhea, r
5、educe intestinal gas production9beauty health effects9therapeutic effect of yogurt on disease9effect on the treatment of cancer9effect on the treatment of gastropathy10the role of adjuvant therapy for diabetes mellitus10外文资料译文111酸奶的营养价值111.2牛乳做成酸奶后,乳中成分在乳酸菌所111.3酸奶干物质中含有1%的乳酸菌菌体物121.4乳酸菌发酵中形成许多具有活性的
6、酶类122酸奶的营养保健作用123酸奶对疾病的治疗作用13文献综述酵奶是利用微生物对牛乳的乳酸发酵作用而得到的发酵乳制品, 它以其独特的风味和很高的营养保健功能受到消费者的青睐, 尤其适合作为婴幼儿辅助食品和老年人食品。近年来, 酸奶生产在我国发展很快, 销售量也逐年上升。本文简要介绍酸奶的营养价值和保健功能以供参考。 酸奶是以牛乳为原料经灭菌、冷却、接种而制成的产品。由于乳酸菌的发酵作用, 使其营养成分比牛乳更趋完善, 更易消化吸收。酸奶中的碳水化合物容易消化牛乳中的碳水化合物以乳糖为主, 约占, 制成酸奶后约有变为乳酸及其它有机酸如苯甲酸、柠檬酸、醋酸等。酸奶中的碳水化合物易消化牛奶中的碳
8、的脂肪,其脂肪球小,易于消化;低级脂肪酸含量高而容易代谢;必须脂肪酸含量较多;乳脂中的磷脂能促进脂肪乳化,调节胆固醇浓度。另外, 酸奶中脂类因受乳酸菌脂酶的作用, 不仅产生少量的游离脂肪酸,而且脂肪的构造发生变化, 易于消化吸收。改善矿物质代谢,调节机体微量元素平衡,酸奶中所含的钙、磷、铁、维生素、氨基酸等是机体的重要营养成分,其中磷是骨骼的重要组成成分;钙是牛奶中含量最高的矿物质,可以促进幼儿骨骼发育,防止老年骨质疏松症。另外,酸奶中还含有丰富的脂溶性维生素,如v a 、v e 、v d ,由于乳酸菌的发酵作用,可合成大量的b族维生素,如b1、b2、b3,同时vd可以促进机体对钙的吸收。酸奶
9、还有保健功能:酸奶由于乳酸菌的发酵作用, 在营养成分得到改善的同时, 也产生了一些 生理活性物质如有机酸、芳香物质、抗生物质、细胞壁外多糖、活性酸、乳酸菌增殖因子及乳酸菌等, 对机体功能有显著的调节作用, 达到防病治病的功能。在人的肠道内生存着许多细菌,包括对机体有益和有害的两大类群。,在正常情况下, 肠道内的有益菌占多数, 这称为肠道菌群的平衡状态, 由于某种因素过度疲劳、过食、偏食、服用化学药品等使肠内菌群混乱时, 有害菌占据优势, 从而导致疾病的发展,食用酸奶可增加有益菌群, 保证人体健康, 使肠内菌群的平衡起有益作用。肠道菌群中, 存在有产生氨、吲哚、酚类、硫化氢、二甲胺等腐败产物的细
10、菌, 这些物质对细胞有毒性, 是诱发肠道疾病如便秘、鼓胀、腹痛等的原因, 对此一般采用抗生素治疗, 而抗生素对肠道菌群平衡有破坏作用, 在杀灭有害菌的同时, 有益菌亦遭受破坏。若长期食用酸奶, 调整肠道菌群, 使腐败有毒物质大大减少, 则可达到预防与治疗的目的。酸奶能降低血清中胆固醇含量, 预防心血管疾病,研究还证明, 食用酸奶能使血清中胆固醇含量降低, 这是由于乳酸菌可在肠道内吸附, 繁殖, 从而干扰了小肠壁对胆固醇的吸附, 也有人认为是微生物细胞吸收了胆固醉, 通过微生物代谢将胆固醇转化为胆酸及胆汁酸而排出体外。酸奶具有防衰老和延年益寿之功效,引起机体衰老的原因很多, 一般认为是由于自由基
11、的过量产生及诱导的氧化反应使生物膜受损, 酶反应活性降低, 细胞功能损害。自由基活性越强, 细胞损伤得就越厉害, 机体衰老得就越快,而酸奶中由于有sod及其它类抗氧化物质, 可消除自由基阻止老化的发生,因此, 在高龄化社会即将到来之际, 酸奶制品作为老年人食品更具意义。 肠道中有害菌产生的酚类、吲哚、亚硝酸、亚硝胺等物质具有强致癌性,而通过乳酸菌作用,可调整肠内菌群,抑制有害菌过量生成,同时降低了有害物质(致癌诱变剂)的浓度,减少了癌变发生率。试验还证实,食用酸奶后,酸奶中乳酸菌对体内的巨噬细胞有激活作用,增强了机体的免疫力,所以酸奶有抑制癌变的作用。此外,牛乳中含有的一种反式脂肪酸即共轭亚油
12、酸,有抗氧化、清除氧自由基作用,可有效地抑制乳癌、皮肤癌等疾病的发生发展。综上所述, 酸奶是一种对人体有众多好处的营养食品, 在人们生活水平不断提高的今天, 不妨多饮用一些酸奶。绪 言酸奶是由高品质的纯草原鲜奶糖均匀,发酵乳制品的超高温灭菌后的乳酸菌发酵使后。在发酵过程中,在酸凝固的草原鲜奶酪蛋白,成为有弹性的血块,色白,味道芳香,酸甜。酸牛奶一般分为原味和果香型2。除了添加糖原味酸奶,不添加其他成分,保持原味酸奶;水果酸奶发酵后加入到纸浆或果汁混合而成的,除了具有奶香,也有水果的营养和味道。近年来,酸奶的生产在中国发展十分迅速,销售额也逐年增加,其营养价值和保健功能的酸甜口感顺滑、高倍受消费
13、者青睐,专家说这是“第二十一世纪食品”,是一个独特的功能的食品。1酸奶酸奶是用保加利亚乳杆菌(lactobacillus bulgaricus)和嗜热链球菌(streptococcus thermophilus)等发酵产生的一种凝固奶制品,含有大量活的乳酸菌(lab)。lab是人及动物肠道中极为重要的生理菌群之一,它们对人、畜机体有益无害,与机体的多种生理功能有着密切的关系。首先,酸奶可以增加营养素吸收:酸奶不但保存了原来鲜奶的一切营养素,而且乳酸使蛋白质结成微细的凝乳,能增加消化吸收率。其次酸奶中的维生素c含量也较高,而某些乳酸菌能合成维生素c,所以相比于牛奶,酸奶里的维生素c含量较高。再次
14、,酸奶的乳酸含量高,乳酸菌还能分解奶中的乳糖,形成乳酸,所以对于那些缺乏乳糖酶喝了鲜牛奶容易腹泻的人群,选择酸奶则较为合适。某些缺少胃酸的人,吃了酸奶还能提高食欲,增进消化。同时,酸奶还有一定的保健作用:乳酸菌在酸奶中除产生有机酸之外,还能产生抗菌的物质,在肠道中能抑制腐败细菌的繁殖,减少腐败菌在肠中产生的毒素,起到比较好的保健作用。并有延缓衰老的功效。2 酸奶的营养价值分析2.1酸奶的营养价值酸奶的主要成分为牛奶。牛奶中含有乳糖、蛋白质、ca和p及其它维生素、矿物质等营养成分,牛乳中氨基酸的比例和种类与人体需要接近,易被人体消化,所以营养价值较高。酸奶指以牛乳粉或牛乳为原料,部分脱脂、脱脂或
16、需氨基酸,水溶性维生素含量及ca、zn、fe、se等矿物质含量发酵前后虽相差无几,但发酵的副产物产生了与风味有关的挥发性物质及游离氨基酸,增加了酸奶的香味和鲜味,使其口感浓厚细腻,酸甜适中,清香无异味;其营养指标更适合老年人及青少年,储藏时间相对较长,在市场竞争中处于一定的优势。表1 牛奶与酸奶成分比较(上海产) (%)成分牛奶(消毒)酸奶(全脱脂)水分89.788.7蛋白质2.92.6脂肪3.00.4碳水化合物3.87.7灰分0.60.6表2 牛奶与酸奶中维生素含量比较(上海产) (g/100g)成分牛奶(消毒)酸奶(全脱脂)va18微ve120vc20001000核黄素(b2)160130
17、尼克酸100100硫胺素(b1)2020注:“”未检出,“微”为痕迹量不等于零,“”为未测定。表3 牛奶与酸奶中矿物质含量比较(上海产) (mg/100g)矿物质牛奶(消毒)酸奶(全脱脂)k138141na10.1-ca8579mg93fe0.10.1mn0.030.02zn0.500.40cu0.010.01p7371se1.2510-31.4210-3表4 牛奶与酸奶中氨基酸含量比较(上海产) (g/100g)牛奶(消毒)酸奶(全脱脂)牛奶(消毒)酸奶(全脱脂)异亮氨酸*121103亮氨酸*221184赖氨酸*182167蛋氨酸*-胱氨酸2426苯丙氨酸*11484酪氨酸11984苏氨酸*
21、为,睡眠和睡眠质量差的人的困难,可以考虑发酵乳饮料的饮用,提高睡眠质量的调节。3 酸奶的保健功能最近,医学专家,在西班牙巴塞罗那举行的“峰会上第三酸奶”,酸奶具有多种保健功能,它可以治疗神经性厌食症,可以降低乳腺癌和结肠癌的风险。酸奶,乳酸菌的发酵作用,在改善营养的同时,也产生了一些生理活性物质,如芳香物质,有机酸,抗生素,细胞壁多糖,乳酸菌,活性酸和乳酸菌的增殖因子,在机体功能的调节发挥重要的显着的作用,达到预防和治疗疾病的作用。3.1 预防肠道疾病在人体的肠道内生存着许多细菌,包括对机体有益和有害的两大类群。在正常情况下,肠道内的有益菌占多数,这称为肠道菌群的平衡状态。由于某种因素(过度过
22、食、疲劳、偏食、服用化学药品等)使肠内菌群混乱时,有害菌占据优势,从而导致疾病的发展。食用酸奶可增加有益菌数量,维持肠道菌群平衡。肠道菌群中,存在有产生吲哚、氨、硫化氢、酚类、二甲胺等腐败产物的细菌,这些物质对细胞有毒性,是诱发肠道疾病如鼓胀、便秘、腹痛等的原因,对此一般采用抗生素治疗,而抗生素对肠道菌群平衡有破坏作用,在杀死有害菌的同时,有益菌亦遭受破坏。酸奶中含有大量的乳酸菌,每天坚持喝250500g,可以维持肠道正常菌丛平衡,调节肠道有益菌群达到正常水平,起到预防和治疗作用,保障人体的健康。3.2 预防心血管疾病研究证明,食用酸奶使血清中胆固醇含量降低,这是由于乳酸菌可在肠道内繁殖、吸附
23、,从而干扰了小肠壁对胆固醇的吸收,也有人认为是微生物细胞吸收了胆固醇,通过微生物代谢将胆固醇转化为胆酸及胆汁酸从而排出体外。3.3 具有防衰老和延年益寿功效引起机体衰老的原因很多,一般认为是由于自由基的过量产生及诱导的氧化反应使生物膜受损,酶反应活性降低,细胞功能受到损害。自由基活性越强,细胞损伤得就越厉害,机体衰老得就越快,而酸奶中由于有sod及其它类抗氧化物质,可消除自由基,阻止机体老化的发生,因此,在高龄化社会即将到来之际,酸奶制品作为老年人食品就更具有实际意义。3.4 酸奶具有防癌的效果肠道中有害菌产生的酚类、亚硝酸、吲哚、亚硝胺等物质具有强致癌性,而通过乳酸菌的作用,可调整肠内的菌群
24、,抑制有害菌过量的生成,同时降低了有害物质(致癌诱变剂)浓度,减少了癌变的发生率。试验还证实,食用酸奶过后,酸奶中乳酸菌对体内的巨噬细胞具有激活作用,增强了机体免疫力,所以,酸奶有抑制癌变的作用。此外,牛乳中还有的一种反式脂肪酸即共轭亚油酸,有清除氧自由基、抗氧化作用,可有效地抑制皮肤癌、乳癌等疾病的发生发展。牛奶近乎是一种完美的食品,但从口味上仍有一些人不习惯它。酸奶是一种对人体有许多益处营养保健食品,在人们生活水平不断提高的今天,应适当增加酸奶的食用.饮用,能增强机体健康4 酸奶的购买导向4.1 注意区分酸奶和乳酸饮料酸奶是由经过乳酸菌发酵而成的优质牛奶,本质上属于牛奶的范畴。酸奶需要被存
25、储在2温度低至8,保质期1个月.4.2 酸奶选购还需注意一是选择一个更大的规模,产品质量和服务质量较好的知名企业的产品。由于规模较大的生产企业对原材料的质量控制更严格,生产设备先进,企业管理水平高,产品的质量得到保证。例如风行,光明,燕塘,卡士等。二是消费,消费应该仔细品味的酸奶制品,应纯乳酸发酵剂制成的酸奶异味,没有味道,酒精发酵和其他外来的难闻气味的气味。4.3 避免酸奶越浓稠质量就越好的购买误区酸奶已经成为健康饮品的代名词,但很多人去超市挑选的时候,仍然存在误区,比如,认为酸奶越浓稠,质量就越好。事实上,浓稠的酸奶口感比较爽润,但品质却不见得更好。酸奶的浓稠度与营养没有直接关系,与制作方
26、法密切相关。根据制作方式不同,酸奶分为凝固型和搅拌型。我国传统的玻璃瓶和瓷瓶装的酸奶就属于凝固型酸奶,这种酸奶口感浓稠。而平日人们常喝到的果粒酸奶都属于搅拌型酸奶,相对来说比较稀薄。在购买酸奶时可以根据自己的口味需要选择类型。致 谢毕业之际,回顾求学生涯,我从老师、同学们身上学到了很多终生受益的知识,得到了大量热心的帮助,在此对他们表示衷心的感谢。感谢我的导师xxx老师,在毕业设计说明的写作过程中,我得到了xxx老师的悉心指导,xxx老师认真指导了整个过程,给我提出了许多宝贵建议。xxx老师渊博的专业知识、严谨的治学态度和不断进取的创新精神给我留下了深刻的印象,是我毕生学习的楷模。导师为我指引
27、着学习、研究的方向,谆谆的教诲更使明白了许多做学问以及做人的道理,令我受益匪浅,终生难忘。无论在学习上还是在生活上,xxx老师都给予了我很大的帮助和鼓励。在此,谨向xxx老师及其家人表示最衷心的感谢和深深的祝福! 结论酸奶因其含有丰富乳酸菌。这些乳酸菌在人体的肠道内繁殖时会分泌对人体健康有益的物质,因此酸奶可以调节身体代谢,促进食欲,具有减肥,保健,防癌,降低胆固醇,改善睡眠质量等功能。此外还可以用来做酸奶面膜,可见酸奶对女生的好处尤其多。同学们可以根据自己的饮食习惯和不同口味,有选择地选购酸奶。但是要注意不能空腹喝:最好是饭后两小时喝,我们中午上课时喝就比较适宜;不能过量饮用:它不属于普通食
28、品的范畴,并不是量越大就越好;更不能加热喝:加热会使之丧失功效,冬天我们可以放置一定时间后再饮用。参考文献【1】 胡长玉 牛奶乳酸菌饮料的功能性成分及营养价值分析 宿州学院学报 2005-04-15;【2】酸奶 百度百科【3】易学雄.益生菌食品的开发.中国食品工业,2000,2:40.【4】刁治民,等.发酵乳的营养价值及保健作用.中国乳品工业,1998,5:12-14.【5】李凤林,等.食品营养与卫生学.中国轻工业,2007,1:1.【6】嘎尔迪.内蒙古传统乳制品营养成分分析.中国畜产与食品,1995,(1):1315【7】金世林.乳品工业手册.轻工业出版社,1987【8】marion nes
29、tle. the shocking truth about the food industry .2010. 附录一 外文资料原文yogurt nutritional value and medical care functionauthor: marion nestleyogurt is milk or other milk as the main raw materials, with lactic acid bacteria fermentation of dairy products. yogurt is fermented with lactic acid bacteria, acc
30、ording to the process for acid curd and stirred yogurt, which stirred yoghurt and flavored yogurt and fruit pulp yogurt. ordinary yogurt usually by lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilus or streptococcus lactis as fermentation strain. as the medical use of bifidobacteria acidophilus
31、 milk, milk and so on, are mainly of lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium as main fermentation. the starter yogurt, yogurt and decisive role of nutritional value, health function and flavor, taste, all state. in general, the milk by lactic acid bacteria fermented yogurt, its nutritional val
32、ue are improved, and has certain health care and disease prevention, treatment effect.the nutritional value of yogurtbreast milk is the main raw material of yogurt, which contains about 4.5% of the lactose, 2.8%-3.2% protein (mostly casein), 3.2% fat and 0.7% minerals and rich vitamin, organic acid.
33、 lactose in milk is babys brain and nerve development necessary for the material, milk protein is a complete protein easily absorbed, milk is rich in lecithin and low saturated fatty acid, not only easy digestion and absorption, but also can promote the metabolism of cholesterol, prevent cardiovascu
34、lar disease and hypertension, milk is rich in ca, p is known, so it itself is a nutritious food people accepted. but milk also has its disadvantages: such as lactose is not easy to hydrolysis, only under the action of lactase hydrolysis, and in the human body only after hydrolysis can be absorbed, f
35、or the lack of lactase people, drink milk will be due to lactose can not be hydrolyzed, absorption and problems such as diarrhea, abdominal distension, this kind of phenomenon called lactose intolerance. vc and fe content or in milk is low, the boiling sterilization after the vitamin more damage, es
36、pecially the vc even more inadequate. milk into yogurt, nutritional value of its constituents occur changes are as follows: 1.1 20%-30% lactose into lactic acid by lactic acid bacteria fermentation, yogurt is acidic, about ph4.5, give the yogurt with unique flavor, residual lactose can provide galac
37、tose the developing brain and nervous, and because the yogurt and lactic acid formation, the following characteristics: the milk nutrition rock ca, p, fe were dissolved state, promote the ca, p, fe and vc absorption; promote gastrointestinal motility and secretion of digestive juice, improve digesti
38、on and absorption function, prevent fat deposition; lower cholesterol deposition in the blood; the milk protein was fine clots, easy digestion and absorption; for intestinal bacteria development to provide appropriate environment, promote intestinal beneficial bacteria growth, inhibition of spoilage
39、 and pathogenic bacteria growth and reproduction, the intestines and stomach; prolong the milk storage time.milk into yogurt, milk composition in lactobacillusmoderate decomposition produced enzymes, produce low product a lot of easy digestion and absorption, such as amino acids (increased 4 times),
40、 fatty acid, polypeptide, make the digestion and absorption rate.yogurt dried lactic acid bacterial substances containing 1%matter, lactic acid bacteria protein rich in essential amino acids, to improve nutritional value, milk protein according to the determination, milk protein biological value is
41、81.4%, while the yogurt protein biological value is 87.3%. in addition, lactic acid bacteria also contain lots of vitamins, cell active substance and anticancer substances, thereby improving the milk in the vitamin and the contents of bioactive substance, the nutritional value greatly improve.with a
42、ctivity of many enzymes in the formation of lactic acid bacteria fermentationin the remaining on the yogurt, lactic acid enzyme in the human body can help the body to promote the hydrolysis of lactose, the lactose absorption. so the lactose intolerant can drink yoghurt to obtain milk nutrition.nutri
43、tion and health function of yogurtyogurt containing cell material and fermentation products (such as lactic acid, vitamin and so on) and the functions of nutrition and health care.the whole intestinal functionhumans exist in a full of microorganisms in the environment, therefore, people born after i
44、ntestinal gradually occupied by various microorganisms. these microorganisms can be roughly divided into beneficial bacteria, such as lactobacillus, bifidobacterium; on the human body harmless alsoharmful bacteria, such as escherichia coli group; harmful bacteria, such as pathogens, toxigenic etc. a
45、mong these bacteria antagonistic or mutual symbiosis, together constitute the human intestinal microflora. according to the study, between these bacteria ratio changes with the change of the human physiological condition, the relationship with the peoples health condition is very close. when the bif
46、idobacterium and lactobacillus acidophilus is dominant, the intestinal ph low, other bacteria inhibition, peoples health will be very good; in contrast, resistance to drop, will appear in a variety of diseases, such as diarrhea, diarrhea, abdominal distension, intestinal bloat, poisoning, liver and
47、stomach function decline, tissue and organ carcinogenesis etc. eating yogurt, yogurt and lactic acid bacteria in the intestine and material for lactobacillus and bifidobacterium growth provided a suitable environment, and inhibit the spoilage bacteria and harmful bacteria growth and reproduction, so
48、 that intestinal bacteria tended to be normal, therefore has the intestines function. therefore, regular consumption of yogurt, gastrointestinal function perfect, not get sick easily.to protect the liver and kidney functionyogurt with intestines function, increase the proportion of lactobacillus and
49、 bifidobacterium in the intestinal flora in bacteria, reduce corruption, toxigenic and pathogenic bacteria such as proportion, into the protein metabolism in the intestinal tract normal, corruption is reduced, thereby reducing the amount of ammonia, amines, organic acid, indole, hydrogen sulfide and
50、 other toxic substances, bacterial toxins also reduced, reducing the burden on the liver detoxification and kidney detoxification load, so eating yogurt can protect liver and kidney function.to prevent constipation and diarrhea, reduce intestinal gas productionwith yogurt and lactic acid stimulates
51、intestinal peristalsis, promote the secretion of digestive juice function, therefore, enhance the digestive function, can prevent constipation. in addition, because the whole intestinal function of yogurt, harmful intestinal bacteria and fungi reduced, abnormal fermentation and microbial decompositi
52、on of the food in the intestine weakened, the gas produced to reduce. so the yogurt can prevent bacterial diarrhea and reduce the role of intestinal gas production.beauty health effectsyogurt is rich in nutrition, rich in vitamins, and nutrition is easy to absorb, has the function of health care, lo
53、ng-term drinking is a healthy body, the function is exuberant, skin rosy, delicate, has the characteristics of good nutrition. in addition, the milk as a natural beauty food has been known for hundreds of years, made of yogurt is substantially enhanced its inherent function. in life there are a lot
54、of people often drink yoghurt and youth.therapeutic effect of yogurt on diseaseeffect on the treatment of cancerresearch shows that, bulgarian lactobacillus and lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria contains anti-cancer substances, has the curative effect to many kinds of cancer, yogurt can be used as
55、a cancer patient food supplementary treatment.effect on the treatment of gastropathyyogurt is rich in nutrition and easy to digest, can reduce the burden on the stomach to digest; at the same time, yogurt and lactic acid can increase the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate peristalsis,
56、improve digestive function, reducing gases, and through enhanced gastric activity feedback mechanism, with jianwei; australian leah halden points out, the lack of daily consumption of 500ml acid yogurt, can restore health.the role of adjuvant therapy for diabetes mellituspatients with diabetes due t
57、o glucose metabolism disorders, very strict requirements for food, must be less sugar, moderate heat, nutrient balance and would add salt and vitamins. yogurt easy to digest, nutrient balance is rich in vitamins, due in part to lactose into lactic acid, sugar less, is the ideal food for diabetics, the auxiliary cure for diabetes. but diabetics to drink yogurt can not add sugar. in order to adju
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