1、全国各大名校资料集合动词非谓语练习240例1. is not easy(A)For cook (B)To cooking (C)Cooking (D) Cook2. China is acountry (Adevelop in g(B)develop(C)developed (D)being developed3. The window is. (A)reak (B) to break(C) breaking (C)broken4. Things keep. (A) changB)Gbha nging (C)be ing cha nge(D)cha nge5. The classroom ne
2、eds.(A) cl&Bi clea nec(C) to cleaRD) clea ning6. Tellback tomorrc(W) Pam to come (B) Pam come (C)to Pam tocome (D)to Pam come7. Beforeto the radio, he read n ewspapers.(A) liste ning (B) liste ned (C) he listenDgho liste ns8. Do you lovein bed? (Aying (B) laying (C)lieing(D) lain9. I find this book.
3、(A)teresting (B) interested (C) interest(D) morein terest10. It is time_wheat. (A) for sow(B) of sowing (C) to sow (D) to sowing11. My brother is here study English. (A)for (B)agC) to (D) by12. When was the house ? (A) build (B) has built (C) built (D)hasbee n built13. He made meit againtQAD (B) do
4、(C) that I d(D) doing14. I heard him. (A)ay so (B) says so(C) say ing so (D) said so15. The penbel ongs to me.(A) which it is on the tabJB) lying on the table (C) os the table (D) which on the table16. Im hungryGet me somethinge 0A(B) to eat (C) eating (D) foreati ng17. He is too tiredany Ion ger. (
5、A)ca nnot walk (B) walkir(C) to walk(D) walks18. Who taught youa car? (A)riving (B) to drive(C) riding (D) to ride19. They want the jobby the end of the week.c(A) (B) do ne (C) did(D) to be doing20. She enjoysto light music. (A)on liste n (B) to liste nin(C) liste nin g(D) liste ned21. Sheread her a
6、 story(A) wan ts that (B) wants me for (C) is wanting thjaX) Iwa nts me to22. Ive got somethingyou. (A)ll (B) to tell (C) telling (D) for telling23. Poor Bill could nt helpa(Ag hing(B) to cough (C) that he coughed(D) cough24. I heard themin the room. (A) ta(B)dalki ng (C) to talk (D) havetalked25. H
7、e was made. (Ab (B) gone (C) going (D)to go26. He kept mefor many hours. (A)wait (B) wait (C) waitec(D) wait ing27. Master W teaches usthe machi ne. what to do (B) how run (C)how to run (D) run28. I saw the boyout a mome nt agou(AB) runs (C) to run(D) ran29. She let the childrejto play(A) goi ng out
8、 (B) that they went out (C)to go out(D) go out30. well have a new hospitafer there. (A)build (B) to build(C) built (D) buildi ng31. Have you any other question_. (A()i)sllor ask (C) to ask (D) asking _?32. My father wants me to study.(A)e ngin eer (B) for engin eejC) engin eeri nD) to engin eeri ng3
9、3. These young trees require carefully(A) looking after (B) to look af|C) look after (D) looking for34. Y5u must make thejtheir homework. (Ao (B) to do (C) doing (D)that they do35. Please tell himtoo hard(A) dont work (B) to n ot work(C) n ot to work(D) not work36. My brother keepsmy work. (A) toBph
10、elp (C)elp ing (D) helped37. I hope him as soon as possible. (A) (Besee ing (C) to see (D) to have see n38. He is always thinking_ofhers. (A) helping(B) helps (C) help (D) helped39. I am sorrythe news. (A) hear (B) to hear (C)hearin(D) heard40. Joe wants us.(A) to go along with hi(B)going along with
11、 him. (C)go along with him (D) will go along with him41. That movie is worth.(A) see (B) to look aC) see ing (D) to be see n42. Please askand see me.(A) to Bill to come (B) Bill to comC) to Bill come (D) Bill come43. Her father did nt let herout with him.(A) to go (B) go (C) going (D) that sheeWt44.
12、 Dont you seetowards us? (A) he run)ihe run (C) him runningD)him ran45. I heard some veryn ews this mornin ex(Aed (B) excit ing (C) beingexcited(D) have excited46. The teacher told them make so much n oise.doA)t(B) no (C) will not(D) not to47. The room n eedsbefore we move in. (A) cleanclea ned (D)
13、to clea n48. My little brother is too young dress himself.thA) he can(B) he can(C) un able to (D) t49. The policeour car.(A) make the moving of (B) make us to move (Q)nade usmove (D) made moving of50. I wrote to himhis help. (A)sking for (B) ask for (C) asked for (D)aski ng51. Do you knowthe repairs
14、? (A) to(ffi) how to do (C) to make (D)how to make52 a foreig n Ian guage n eeds hard worMaAr (B) Master$C)Mastered (D) Masteri ng53. George helpedtile exam in atio n.(A) my passing(B) me to pass (Cfor me to pass (D) that I passed54. Ive heard him about you often. (Apoke (B) speaks (C) speak(D) to s
15、peak55. He ordered the room.(Ato sweep (B) sweep in g(C) to be swept(D) swept56. I hope you dontmind this eve ning.(A) going on foot (B) go on foot(C) will go on foot (D) to go on foot57. This room is quite comfortable.(Ai)ng in (B) lived in(C) to live i(D)to live58. The coffee was too hotto drink.
16、(A) t(EBj)irfor (C) for him (D) for tohim59. He did nt knowor stay at home.(A) to go (B) if that he should gC) if to go (D) whether to go60. He is always the first oneto school. (A) to go (B) went (C) going (D) gone61. It is a pleasure to watch the face of a(n). (Alablafay) (B) sleep (C)sleep ing (D
17、) slept62. Who is the girlthe teachers questi on? (A) (Bstoean swejC)an sweri ng (D) an swered63. They keep onus letters. (A) to $en(ie nd(C) sen di ng (D)sent64. I made himwhat I had told him.(A) repeati ng (B) that he repeated repeat (D) to repeat65. A secretarys job isnt always easy of .t(Ado(B)
18、for doin(C) or doingD) to do66. He had a curious way ofhis classes lively and in terest ing.(A) make (B) made (C) making(D) having made67. I arm going to have my radio.fi(A)d (B) to fix (C) fix (D) fixing68. The girlthe bicycle is Jane.(A) riding on(B) driving in (C) driving on (D) riding in69. This
19、 dish-cloth isfor me to- dry the dishes. (A) so wet (B) wet eno ugh (C)as wet(D) too wet70. Its dark without the lights. Lets.(A) to turn on then(B) turn them on (C) to turn them(D) turn on them71. She needs the wobefore tomorro (A) done (B) do (C) be done (D)be doi ng72. Many thi ngsimpossible in t
20、he past are comm on today(A) con sidered(B) to con sider(C) con sideri ngD) being con sidered73. He has a strongesire a member of the Com mun isParty(A) become (B) becan(C) to become(D) beco ming74. Before we knowrain, we must know why itrains.(A) how to makB ) what to ma(C) how maki ng (D) that to
21、make75. My husba nd n ever lets mea lone. (A) to travel (B) to travelin(C) traveli ng (D) travel76. I have nt got a chair.(A) to sit (B) for to sit on(C) to sit on (D) for sitting77. Ask him to go to the post officesome stamps.(A) to get(B) for gett ing (C) in order he gets (D) that he gets78. He wa
22、stired to go any furtheto(A)(B) too much (C)$D) so much79. Thats really kind.(A) of you to say so (B) for you to say so (C) of you say ing so (D) for you say ing so80. The paddyfield machi nes by this factory are small in size.(A) produced (B) produc ing (C) to produD) are produced81. He came.(A) dr
23、unk home last ni ght (B)home last ni ght drihraiime)dr unk last ni ght(D) last ni ght home drunk82. My watch is brokerl.must have it.(A) repairi ng(B) to be repairec(C) to be repairi ng(D) repaired83. You must pay atte ntio n tothe works of l(A)Xead(B) readi ng (C)reader (D) be read84. I wantedyour
24、frie nd, but my car broke dowrway t(Ameet (B)meeti ng (C) to meet ingD) to meet85. Is it n ecessarythe book immediately?(A) for him to returnB) that he retur ns (C) his returni ng (D) to him return86. Tim sat near the firewarm. (A) to get (B) for get (C) to get (D)for gett ing87. En glish is n ot to
25、o difficult.(A) for lear ning(B) learn (C) to learn(D) lear ning88. Edison scie ntific experime nts(A) in terested t(B) was in terested(C) is in teresti ng (D) was in terest ing in89. He washelp me at the mome nt.(A) too busy to (B) eno ugh busy t(C) very busy t(D) busy eno ugh to90. The bookby the
26、famous writer is being prin ted at.the factory(A) wrote (B) write (C) writte n (D) writ ing91. She desires no tfor an hour.(A) disturb (B) to be distur(C) to be disturbec(D) to have disturbed92. Dont make himit if he does nt want do (A) to do (C) doi ng (D)that he do93. Although he does nt like most
27、 sports, he.(A) enjoys swimming and golfing (B)s a swimmer and golfs(C) likes swimmi ng and he golfs (D) likes to swim and a golfer94. In a shop customers.(A) it is important pleasir(B) it is important to please(C) there is importa nt pleas ing (D)ere is importa nt to please95. Many pare nts allow t
28、heir childre nown decisi ons.(A) making their (B) making the (C )make theD) to make the96. I dont want.(A) that an ybody saw n(B)an ybody to see me (C)that an ybody sees me(D)a nybody sees me97. There is no usehim at this hourto(Aa ll (B) called (C) call (D)calli ng98. Tom is waitingthe doctoto (A)e
29、 (B) for to seC) for seeing (D) forsee99. I dont likeat me.(A) them shouti ng (B) them shout (C) their sho(D) that they shout100. The two menover there heard every word we said.(A) who sta ndin g(B) sta nding (C) they were sta nding (D) stood101. I dontthe letter but perhaps I read it.(A) remember t
30、o see (B) remember see ing (C) remi nd (D)see remi nd see ing102. Our aim is to make the electricitythe people better.(A) serve f(B) serve (C) to servD) served103. He will not beto vote In this years election.(A) old eno ugh(B) as old eno ugh (C) eno ugh olc(D) eno ugh old as104. It is no usetheory
31、without practice. (A(B) learningC) learn (D)learned105. There will be a lot of difficulties for us.(A) overcome (B) to overcom(C) overcame (D) overco ming106 rd n ever allow my childre nlike that.(A) that they behavSdbehave(C) to behave (D) behav ing107. Ive just fin ished my shopp ing. (A) to make
32、(B) doing (c) to do(D) maki ng108. We are in terested in heari ng himus the netostG(A) (B) tell (C)told (D) be told109. Theres time enough.(A) to think over it (B) thinking over it (C) to think it over (D) thinking it over110. He wantsas soon as possible.(A) that this harvester is repaired (B) this.
33、 harvester repaired(C) that this harvester repairs(D) this harvester repair111. Jack was abse nt this morning because he had his bike.(A) repairing (B) to repai(C) repaired (D) repair112. Im not sure which restaura nt.(A) to eat on (B)eati ng(Cs to eat a(D) for eat ing113. The peasants have finished
34、the rice seedlings.(A) to tran spla nt (B) tran spla nti ng (C) tran sp(an ttran spla nted114. I saw herup your book.tApick (B) pick (C) is picking(D) picked115. Yu will find him in the fields.ees(A) worked (B) to work(C) workinD) works116. Theres somethi ng wrong with th(A) feel it that its moving(
35、B) touch its moves(C) touch it movi ng (D) feel it moving117. He has a strong desirea uni versity stude nt.(A) becomes (B) became (C) to become (D) to beco ming118. Why do you sta nd and watch the milkover?(A) boiling(B) boiled (C) from boiling (D) being boiled119. This is one of the experimentsin o
36、ur .laboratory(A) being madB) making (C) hav ing ma(D) will make120. W have nt got a record player. Lets.(A) to borrow the Mary(B) borrow Marys(C)tdend one of Mary (D) lend Marys one121A new factory isvery soon.(A) to built (B) to be built (C) buildi ng (D) built122. Send him to the bakers the bread
37、.(A) to buy (B) in order he buyC) for to buy (D)for buying123. Revoluti on meansthe productive forces.(A) to liberate (B) liberate(C) liberate(D) liberati ng124. to the left, you will see the buildi ng.(A) Turni ng (B) TurnedC) Bei ng turneD) Havi ng turned125. They saw their son by the wi ndow(A) t
38、o sta nc(B) sta nding (C) stand(D) stood126. Electricity makes trai nson the railways.(A) to run (B) run (C) running (D) ran127. Tday we use machinesus do most of our work.(A) to help (B) help (C) helpi ng (D) helped128. They found their new bikes.(A) to steal (B) stealing (C) stolen (D) stole129. T
39、he teacher asked him .(A) to repeat the sentence aga in toBJepeat the sentence(C) to repeat the sentence once (Dgatioi repeat the sentence once more130. Look around when the street.(A) cross (B)cross ing (C) crossed(D) to cross131. I dont likelate.(A) you arrive (B) you arriving (C) your arrive (D)
40、that you arrive132. Were goi ng to help the trees.(A) watered (B) wateri ng (C) to wate(Dgwater133. She told me that she had decidedaga in.(A) be not (B) not be late (C) not to be late (D) to n ot be late134. He could nt helpthat his wife was worried.(A) except no ti(B) no tice (C) to no tic(D) no t
41、ic ing135. He likes heari ng his own vbieeiever stop.(A) telling (B) talking (C)to tell (D) to talk_136. Yud better .(A) to have your televisi on set repairech(B) your televisi on set repaired(C) have your televisi on set repaD)dhave your televisi on set repairi ng137. Mother warnedthe electric lamp
42、.(A) not to touchB) him not to touch (C) him not touc(D)chim not touch138. I spoke to him kin dlyhim.(A) not to frighter(B) so as not to frighten(C) in order to not frightD) for not frightening139. Wuld you beto show me the way to the City Hall?(A) good enougB) good eno ugh a(C) so good (D) as good
43、as140. Ellen was absent this morning because she had her tooth.(A) filli ng (B) to fill (C) filled (D) fill141. T an swer correctly is more importa nt tha n.(A) a quick finish (B) to finish quickly (C) finishing quickD you finish quickly142. I know it isnt important but I cant helpabout it.(A) but t
44、o thi nk (B) thi nking (C) thi nk (D) to th ink143. The six bli nd men stoodby the side of the road.(A) beg (B) to beg(C) begging (D) begged144. What did the teacher wantto the no isy childre n?(A) doing (B) to do (C) done (D) did145. The book is saidinto many foreig n Ian guages.(A) to have tran sl
45、ated (B)to have bee n tran slated(C) to be tran slati ngD)hay ing bee n tran slated146. I said that he would nt mind.(A) to wait for UB ) wait for us (C) waiting for us (D) for waiting us147. I wantimmediately(A) that this work is madB) this work made (C) that this work is done(D) this work done148.
46、 Never stopthe laws which con trol facts.(A) to look for (B) to look at (C)looking for(D) looking after149. W have heard ofsomething for our class.(A) your hay ing do(B) your have done (Cyou hav ing done (D) your doing150. Did you notice the little boyaway?(A) took the candy and rOB) taking the cand
47、y and run(C) take the candy and ri(D) who tak ing the candy running151. I heard some onea revolutio nary song whe n the school was over yesterdayafter noon.(A) sing (B) sang (C) is singing (D) sung152. Peters father will not let his little boyTV every evening.(A) watchi ng (B) watch (C) watches (D)
48、to watch153. That buildi ng_is our library(A) being repaired (B) repairing (C) having repaire(D) repairs154. you_help you, you only have to ask me.(A) want me to(B) want that (C) want I should (D) are wanting me to155. Snow was falling when they went along a mountain pathto the front.(A) to lead (B)
49、 led (C) leading(D) being led156. The driver has bee n try ingthe car for n early an hour.(A) start (B) started (C) to start (D) for start157. The boy was seenon the sportsgro und.(A) to play (B) play (C) played (D) to be playi ng158. Shes g6ing to the photographers.(A) to take her photograph (B hav
50、e take n her photograph(C) to have her photograph take n (D) that he takes her photograph159. Good-byMr. Jon esJm pleased.(A) to meet you (Em eeti ng you(C) to have bee n meeti ng you (D) to have met you160. Wfe are both look ing forward tonext week.(A) going on vacati on (B) go on vacati on(C) be g
51、oing on vacati on (D) have gone on vacatio n161. I foundto answer all the questions within the time given.(A) no possibility(B) there was impossibility(C) impossible(D) it impossible162. My shoes are worn out. I must _.(A) have it mended(B) have it to men h(aCv)e them mended(D) have them mend163. We
52、 are glad to _ good progress in our Engli.sh study(A) be mad(eB) made (C) have made(D) have been made164. I am proud of_in New China.(A) to be a student(B) be a studen(Ct ) being a studen(tD) am a student165. If you ask nic,emlyother will probably _ a piece of cake.(A) let you to have (B) allow you
53、have (C) allow that you have (D) let you have166. In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar to _.(A) the driving of a ca(Br ) when you drive a car(C) driving a car(D) when driving a car167. you wave your hands in front of your face, you can feel the air _against your face.(A) moved (B) moves (C) mov
54、ing (D) to move168. He wants_as soon as possible.(A) that this job is done (Bth)is job done (C) that this job is made(D) this job made169. We cant understand why he avoided_to us.(A) to speak (B) spee(cCh) having spoken (D) speaking170. _ four modernizations we must study law of nature.(A) To realiz
55、e (B) Realizing (C) Realize(dD) Having realized171. The questions now _at the meeting are of great importance.(A) being discusse(dB) were discussing (Cto) discuss (D) are discussing172. You should work tonight instead of_television.(A) to watch(B) you watch(C) you watching(D) watching173. I ve just
56、seen Mary _ the village.(A) to walk towards(B) to walk against (Cw)alking towards (D) walking against174. There isnt any difference between tIhreetawlloy.dont know_ .(A) where to choos(e3) which to choose(C) to choose wha(tD) to choose which175. _ the letter, I went out to post it.(A) Writing (B) Having written(C) To write (D) Having been written176. The result of the experiment was not _to publish.(A) interestingenough(B) too interesting(C) enoughinteresting (D) so interesting177. The teacher reminded the students_all the words the.y didnt know(A) look up(B) to look
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