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1、book 6重点句子module 11. have you ever crossed the road to avoid talking to someone (you recognize)?(p2)(avoid doing/being done, someone you recognise定语从句,修饰someone)2. social skills are easy to learn. (p2)(sb / sth +be + adj + to do)3. people with good social skills communicate well and know how to have

2、 a conversation. (p2) (疑问词+to do)4. talk to a man about himself, and he will speak to you for hours!(p3)祈使句 + and/or + 陈述句5. every time i open my mouth, i put my foot in it. (p8)(连词each time/ next time/the moment等)6. it was no coincidence either that she wasnt a very good saleswoman. (p8)(that 引导主语从

3、句)7. everyone is expected to listen, no matter how dull the persons speaking may be. (p11) (= however)8. the trouble with esther was that she said what she thought, and didnt think about what she said. (p9) (名词性从句: that引导表语从句, what引导宾语从句)9. it is estimated that 80% of all conversation in english is

4、small talk. (p13)(据说类句型it is said that you do sth. you are said to do sth10. imagine a situation where two strangers are talking to each other after someone they both know has left the room. (p13)11. in the usa, conversation is less lively than in many other cultures, where everyone talks at the sam

5、e time.(抽象地点situation/culture/stage/point/case + where引导的定语从句)翻译:1. 你是否做过这样的事情,看见认识的人以后,故意过马路以避免与其说话?2. 这些技能是很容易学习的。3. 具备良好社交技能的人能很好的和别人交流并且知道怎样聊天。4. 和一个人谈论他自己,他会和你说上几个小时。5. 我每次开口,都说错话。6. 她不是一个好的推销员也绝非偶然。7. 当一个人发表见解时,不管他说的多么无聊,都期待所有人听。8. esther的问题是,她想什么就说什么,不会去思考她所说的话。9. 据估计,所有英语会话中有80是闲聊。10. 设想一种情景

6、,两个陌生人在他们俩都认识的某个人离开房间,咖啡屋或聚会等之后进行交谈。11. 在美国,对话不像在许多其他文化中那样活跃,在这些文化中,大家都在说。module 21. when it had gone past, he crossed the road, keeping his eyes on the spot where the cat had been investigating. (p16)卡车开过后, 他穿过马路, 眼睛盯着那只猫一只打量的地方。考查: 现在分词作状语可表伴随、原因、结果、方式、 时间等, 可转换成对应的状语从句。现在分词作状语时, 现在分词与逻辑主语的关系是主动关系

7、; 过去分词作状语与逻辑主语的关系被动关系。2. will felt such a longing to turn for home that tears scalded his eyes. (p16)威尔还是如此渴望回家, 以至于热泪盈眶。3. then he leapt backwards, back arched, fur on end, and tail held out stiffly.(p16)然后它向后一跃, 脊背拱起, 毛发竖立, 尾巴僵直地伸着。(独立主格结构)4. it looked as if someone had cut a patch out of the air

8、about two meters from the edge of the road. (p16) (虚拟语气;后置定语;数量词修饰介词短语)那儿看上去就像有人在距离路边大约两米高的地方从空中划了一个缺口。5. he found himself standing under a row of trees. (p17)他发现他自己站在一排树下。考查: 感官动词(五看、两听、一感觉、一发现) + 宾语 +宾补6. just beside him was that bare patch in the air. (p17)就在他旁边的空中就是那个空洞。正常语序: that bare patch in

9、the air was just beside him.方位介词、地点副词位于句首时且主语是名词时, 句子要全倒装。当主语是代词时, 句子不倒装。再如: here comes the bus. here you are.7. what he saw made his head swim and his heart thump harder. (p1)他看到的一切使他头晕目眩, 心跳加速。考查: (1)what 引导的主语从句 (2)make sb. do sth.8. on seeing her, the king immediately falls in love with her. (p2

10、0)一看到她, 国王就马上爱上了她。 (on doing sth:一就)9. what makes the books so important is that, because they appeal to readers of all ages, they create a special literary bond between parents and children.使这些书如此重要的是,因为它们能吸引各种年龄层读者,所以它们在父母子女间创建了一条特殊的文学纽带。what引导主语从句;that引导表语从句;because引导表语从句内的状语从句10. lyras scientist

11、 father makes it possible to enter other world.莉娜的科学家父亲使得进入另一个世界成为可能。形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式。11. all you could see through it was the same kind of thing that lay in front of it on this side. 你通过它所见到的一切,与它前面这边世界的东西一样。主语和表语各有一个定语从句,就是两个划线部分12. whatever this new world was, it had to be better than what he had

12、 just left.不管这个新世界是什么样子,它应该比他离开的那个世界好。whatever引导状语从句(= no matter what),what引导名词从句module 31. a good friend is someone you can discuss personal matters with, knowing that you can trust her/ him. (p29) 好朋友就是你可以信赖的人,你可以谈论隐私的人.定语从句,从句还带一个ing形式作状语。2. it takes time to really get to know someone and find ou

13、t what they are like. (p29)真正认识、了解一个人是需要时间的。it做形式主语,不定式是真正的主语。take花费(时间)。本句型很重要。3. to make friends easily, you need to be able to chat about unimportant things. (p29)要想交朋友比较容易,你需要具备闲聊的能力。不定式表目的。4. i remember the first time i met roy. (p30)我还记得第一次见到roy的情景。the first time是名词短语,做remember的宾语。i met roy 是它

14、的定语从句。5. the first time i lost my best friend, i thought it was the end of the world. (p36)第一次失去最好的朋友,觉得是到了世界末日。这儿的the first time起连词的作用,引导时间状语从句。6. having left something in the cloakroom, i went inside to it. (p30)有东西忘在衣帽间,我就进去拿。ing形式完成时做状语,表示时间,先于谓语动词(went)发生7. i was so surprised that i just stood

15、there, holding the notes in my hands. (p31)我吃惊地呆在原地,手中握着钞票。so that 句型,holding表伴随。8. i was blessed with a happy childhood, one that most people would want to have. (p36) 我享有幸福的童年,大多数人都希望有的童年。one是childhood的同位语,带有一that引导的定语从句9. it was here that i discovered that i was allergic to the tiny flies which b

16、it me and made my face swell. (p36)就是在这儿,我发现我对那种小蚊子过敏。被它一叮,脸上就肿起来。it was that(第一个)是强调句,第二个that引导discover的宾语从句,which引导flies的定语从句。10. it is a privilege to call him my friend. (p37)有他这样的朋友,我真幸运。it形式主语,不定式是真正的主语。11. say where you met and what you did, and how old you both were. (p38)说说你们在哪儿相识,干了些什么,双方当时

17、年纪多大,三个并列的宾语从句,都由疑问词引导。12. one of the few people who were kind to me was roy.对我好的少数几个人中有roy.定语从句谓语和主句谓语的主谓一致。13. i wondered whether the thief was roy.我在想,这个小偷是不是roy.wonder:心想,纳闷,想弄明白,一般跟疑问从句。14. we spent long summer evenings in the forests, digging up worms for fishing, and collecting feathers left

18、by the birds in the cage where they had been kept .我们在森林里度过长长的夏夜。在那儿挖钓鱼的虫子,搜集养在笼子里的鸟掉下的羽毛。spend time doing sth的句型,两个并列的ing形式短语,主动意义。left引导的过去分词短语修饰feathers,被动意义。module 41. liu fang is an international music star, famous for her work with traditional chinese instrument. (p44)刘芳是一位国际知名音乐家,以弹奏中国传统乐器见长。

19、形容词短语作后置定语。2. she was born in 1974 and has played the pipa since the age of six. (p44)她出生于1974年,从6岁起就开始弹奏琵琶。and并列句前后的动词时态并不一定是一样的,本句前面说的是过去(1974年),用的是过去时;后面说的是到现在为止,用的是完成时。3. she has given concerts since she was eleven, including a performance for the queen of england. (p44)11岁起就开始举办演奏会,包括为英国女王做的一场演

20、出。典型的现在完成时态。另外,注意everyone, including me 和everyone, me included里面include的用法。4. in 1990, when i was 15 years old, i went to the shanghai conservatory of music, where i studied the pipa and the guzheng. (p44)1990年,我15岁的时候去了上海音乐学院,在那里,我学习了琵琶河古筝。where引导的定语从句,先行词是the shanghai conservatory of music.5. if y

21、our technique is not good enough, it is impossible to play classical chinese pipa music. (p44)如果你的技术不够纯熟,就不可能弹好中国古典琵琶曲。典型的形容词句型。it是形式主语,后面的不定式是真正的主语。6. it isnt surprising that most classical pieces have very poetic titles. (p45)大多数中国古典音乐作品都有着很诗意的标题一点也不奇怪。典型的形容词句型。it是形式主语,后面的从句是真正的主语。7. i enjoy the t

22、ime to share the feelings and ideas with friends and music lovers, listening to their impressions and understanding about the music.我喜欢和朋友及音乐爱好者分享感受、交流看法的时刻,听他们谈对我的音乐的感觉和理解。to share(包括它后面的宾语)不定式短语作the time的定语,意思是“什么样的时刻”,listening这个ing形式补充说明在这样的时刻做什么。8. i enjoy sitting in a plane dreaming, or stayin

23、g in a hotel.我喜欢坐在飞机上幻想,或者待在旅馆里。sitting和staying并列,都是enjoy的宾语。dreaming是sitting的伴随状语。9. it is the same with / the same is true of / the same is true for classical chinese music.中国古典音乐也一样。根据语境也有可能是so is/does classical chinese music.注意这几个意思一样的表达法。10. the biggest challenge is to respect the traditions bu

24、t to add my own style.最大的挑战是尊重传统并融入自己的风格。两个不定式并列,由but连接,作表语。11. i have had opportunities to make contact with other musical traditions and play with master musicians.我有机会接触到了其它音乐传统并跟一些音乐大师同台演出。两个不定式并列,由and连接,作opportunities的定语,说明什么样的机会。12. a music man takes a place made vacant by an earlier musician.

25、一位音乐人来到了先前一位音乐人走后留下的位置。made开始的过去分词短语做place的后置定语,说明什么位置。过去分词短语相当于(which was) made vacant by an earlier musician. 这儿的句型为make a place vacant(使一个位置空出来),即make+n.+adj.13. the moment they start to play, it is clear that members of twelve girls band are among the most gifted musicians in the world.她们一开始演奏,就

26、立刻证明了“女子十二乐坊”的成员都是世界上最具有天赋的音乐家。the moment起连词作用,引导时间状语,“一就”。it is clear that形容词句型,it是形式主语,that引导的从句是真正的主语。14. the groups appeal is broad, with children, teens, adults and grandparents filling arenas to see it perform这个组合吸引的观众面很广,老中青都涌入音乐厅看她们表演。十分重要的with结构,with+宾语+其它,这儿是with sb doing sth.15. the gramm

27、ys are not as important as they used to be.格莱美奖不像过去那样重要了。注意时态表示时间。再如i am not what i was. (我不是过去的我了)16. i push my way through the crowd and find a quartet of musicians playing a violin suite of classical music. (p49).我从人群中挤过,看见一个四重奏乐队在演奏一组古典音乐。make/push/feel ones way to (以某种方式)向走去; find sb doing sth1

28、7. one dozen of beautiful young women, all in their twenties, take the stage and stand before a variety of ancient musical instruments. (p53)十二位美丽的青年女子,全部二十多岁,登上舞台,站在各种各样的古典乐器前面。module 51. it is generally agreed that it is one of the best science fiction stories ever written. (p57) 据说类句型。one of跟复数。最

29、高级与ever搭配。2. while studying at university, he discovers the secret of how to create life. (p58)连词+非谓语。疑问词加不定式作介词of的宾语。3. i wish i had not created this creature. i wish i was on the other side of the world.i wish i could disappear. (p59) wish跟虚拟语气。4. its now certain that no clone is an exact copy bec

30、ause of the differences in experiences and upbringing. (p64)it is certain that. 本句型不能用sure. it是形式主语,that引导真正主语从句。5. it was in 1866 that mendel first recorded the results of growing pea plants.6. it was on a cold november night that i saw my creation for the first time.强调句型。强调时间状语in 1866和on a cold ni

31、ght. for the first time做状语。7. what is clear is that some voluntary code of practice among scientists has to be agreed. (p65)what 引导主语从句,that引导表语从句,is主句谓语。8. a fourth reason for cloning is that some scientists and farmers think it would be handy to clone. (p65)9. the reason why brave new world is sti

32、ll so famous is that it describes a terrifying future world that is becoming more and more possible. (p69)the reason for / why is that .。a fourth = another,并不强调顺序,所以不用the fourth。第二个that引导的是world的定语从句。10. for the film, he is made to look very ugly, with yellow eyes and black lips.主动形式不要to: make sb do

33、 sth. 被动形式需要to: be made to do sth.11. i had wanted it more than anything in the world. (十分,非常)12. by cloning dna taken from prehistoric mosquitoes, he has created living dinosaurs.cloning的逻辑主语是he,主动关系。taken逻辑主语是dna,被动关系。1. 它被一致认为是写得最好的科幻小说之一。2. 在他上大学时, 他发现了如何创造生命的秘密。3. 但愿我没有制造出那个家伙, 但愿我身处在世界的另一边, 但愿

34、我可以消失。4. 现在确定的是由于在经历和培育方面的差异, 没有任何一个克隆体是完全的复制物(与母本完全一样)。5. 早在1866年,孟德尔就第一次记录了种植豌豆的结果。6. 在一个寒冷的冬夜,我第一次见到了我的作品。7. 非常明确的是必须通过一些科学家们自愿进行试验的法规。8. 克隆的第四个原因是, 有些科学家和农场主认为克隆很方便实惠。9. 勇敢新世界仍然如此出名是因为它描述了一个越来越可能出现的恐怖的未来世界。10. 为了拍这部电影,他被弄得看起来非常丑,黄眼睛黑嘴唇。11. 这是我非常想做的一件事。12. 通过克隆从史前蚊子体内取出的dna,他制造出了活的恐龙。module 61. t

35、he war, which lasted until 1945, is known as the second world war.持续到1945年的这场战争就是第二次世界大战。which引导定语从句,先行词是the war. be known as:“称为,叫做”2. many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats.许多士兵还没来得及下船就牺牲了。(before:“没来得及”)。3. operation overlord started as a story of danger and confusion and en

36、ded as a story of bravery and acts of heroism.霸王行动以惊险混乱的场面开始,以勇敢和英雄行为而结束。of +抽象名词=形容词:a story of bravery = a brave story acts of heroism =heroic action再如:a subject of great importance = a very important subject(重要的学科)4. if they had reached the bank, they would probably have been killed.要是他们抵达了海滩,就很有

37、可能没命了。(非常典型的虚拟语气的例子)5. half an hour after the first attack, two thirds of the company were dead.第一轮进攻开始之后半小时,该连三分之二的将士都阵亡了。数量词修饰介词短语。分数词的用法。company复数意义名词。6. to our astonishment, two days after we fought desperately and saw many of my friends killed by the enemy, we found ourselves outside a peaceful

38、 village in french. 在经历了殊死搏杀和无数战友的阵亡两天以后,我们发现自己身处一处法国平静的小村庄,这让我们感到目瞪口呆。数量词修饰状语从句。see sb/sth done 过去分词做宾补,表被动。7. the survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked.死里逃生的战士躺在海滩上,疲惫不堪,心有余悸。形容词作状语,表示主语的状态。8. the memorial is situated on a cliff overlooking the english channel, from where the boats attempted their landings. 纪念碑坐落在一处悬崖之上,俯瞰英吉利海峡。当时一艘艘船只就试图从那里登陆。在定语从句中,which一般不用来表示在某个时间或地点,即使前面有介词也用where/when,常用的有from where/since when,而不用from which/since which. be situated / located on/in/at 位于,坐落于。overlooking做状语。9. a young woman on a tractor drove out of the garage, saw us and


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